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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 80

by Stephan James

  “I’ve got him, rest ok?” Miles mumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of Kole’s head and earning a raised eyebrow from the Omega.

  “Thanks, sugar, but I’m still pretty sure it’s you who is supposed to be resting!” he called after his mate, letting out a noise of irritation when the man returned a few moments later with Michael in his arms. “No one else is here, but me you know? I won’t sue you if you rest.”

  “I told you already, I’m fine,” Miles chuckled, sitting down on the couch with Kole and leaning against his omega while Michael cooed in his arms. Pressing a gentle kiss to his son’s forehead, he let out a soft sigh of adoration.

  Kole couldn’t help, but smile at the look of adoration on his mate’s face. Wrapping his arms around his mate, he pressed his lips to his shoulder gently. He never thought he’d be happy raising a family, but holding his lover in his arms, he realized that raising a family wasn’t going to slow them down at all. He could still be a free spirit, even with a child.

  “I love you,” he mumbled in Miles’ ear, smiling when the man pressed a kiss to his forehead lightly. “Do you think Janice will watch the baby next week so you can take me out dancing?” he grinned up at his Alpha, earning a laugh from the other.

  “With that leg? Maybe not dancing, but I will take you out to a bar,” Miles winked, pulling Kole closer gently. “I love you too, sweetheart.” He mumbled in Kole’s ear, earning a tired hum from his mate.

  Curling up against his lover’s side, Kole allowed himself to drift off to sleep already excited to see what crazy adventure Miles had in store for him next.

  **********The End**********

  Protecting His Cub


  Sam Abrams, a solider in WWII, returns home and attempts to fit back into society after years of looking over his shoulder. Transitioning back into society is easier than fitting in. Always feeling different, Sam doesn’t really know how different until he meets Marcus. This beautiful man leaves Sam feeling something that he’s never felt before, but this type of love no matter how special is forbidden. Soon Sam will find that falling for a man is the least of his worries.

  Suffering from debilitating night terrors, Sam finally seeks treatment. This treatment isn’t what it appears to be, and quickly Sam realizes that what was meant to help him escape his nightmares, might be the start of some real life horrors.

  Discovering the tests have given him some interesting side effects, Sam not only has to protect his lover, but his unborn child from a world seemingly bent on destroying him. Hiding from the scientists, and keeping their relationship a secret from a world that doesn’t approve of their love, Sam is determined to keep his growing family alive and safe.


  The boys in the USAAF made it sound like returning from war was going to be some sort of dream. They would be heroes. There would be an abundance of jobs. Women desperate after so long without their men would be throwing themselves in their direction. Things would be so much better if they were fighting Nazis over France, they wouldn’t have to worry about anything ever again. Their world would be white picket fences, bright-faced children, and a dog to play fetch with in the yard. Needless to say, returning home to Chicago; he was hoping to at least have a taste of the success he was promised.

  So far Sam Abrams had been horribly disappointed.

  He sure didn’t feel like a hero when he woke up each night screaming from his night terrors. Dreams of watching his fellow pilots that he hadn’t been able to save, spiral out of the sky haunting his nights and left him trembling when he woke alone in the darkness of his apartment.

  He couldn’t find a job. The surplus of returning vets seeking employment had overwhelmed the job market. He was left working a few part time gigs here and there to make ends meet. The only reason he hadn’t lost his crummy apartment yet, was because of the money he had saved up during his four-year deployment.

  At least the last part of the hype was true. Women threw themselves at the returning vets eagerly, all of them hoping to snag themselves a hero husband to show off to their friends. He thought he’d be able to at least find a gal, and that things would settle down from there, but the longer that he interacted with the women, the more that he realized something was wrong was him.

  He wasn’t a bad looking man. In fact, most women found him incredibly attractive. He had strong features, chestnut hair, and caramel colored eyes that he was told were enchanting. Still, it wasn’t the women who drooled over him that resided in his dreams at night. It was men. He wasn’t a queer, he tried to tell himself, but the more he tried to interact with women the more he found he couldn’t stand them.

  He had no desire to be anything to them. He didn’t want to be their husbands, their boyfriends; he didn’t even want to be their lovers. Women held no great intrigue for him, and he had no idea why. They were pretty he supposed, but the moment that they offered to let him get a little more intimate he found his interest dwindling. There was something wrong with him, and he wasn’t sure what it was.

  All of his fellow soldiers were ready to start a perfectly happy domestic life with some random dame, and he couldn’t even find it in him to do much more than humor the women.

  “There we were, a squadron of Nazi fighters heading right towards us!” His best friend and gunner, George Merchant grinned as he set the scene for the ladies they were entertaining that night.

  George and a group of the man’s old high school friends had insisted that he join them for drinks when they figured out that he lived in town. He figured that getting drunk in public was probably a better spent night than drinking alone, so he had reluctantly agreed. He hadn’t realized that it was going to be a night revolving around hooking up Sam with one of the girls that they had managed to coax into joining them.

  “I figure we’re dead, yeah? There’s five of them and only one of us!” George grinned; his arm draped around one of the girl’s shoulders as he spoke. Taking a drag out of his cigarette, Sam watched as George waited to gain the women’s full attention.

  Taking a sip out of his beer, Sam couldn’t help but chuckle at the story. He remembered that night. They were separated from their formation by a freak storm and wound up flying straight into enemy territory. It had been a rough night, but they managed to pull it off. Thin lips smiling over the rim of his beer, Sam chuckled when George glanced his way.

  “That is till I remember I’m riding with one of the best damn aviators this side of the Atlantic! Pardon my French, ladies” he boasted, reaching out to place his hand on Sam’s shoulder a broad grin on his face. “My pal Samuel here goes diving in between these two Krauts before they can so much as fire a shot! I take a couple shots into their sides and BOOM! One of ‘em goes up in flames!” He laughed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “We hold ‘em off until reinforcements arrive and I tell yah, the Krauts that made it out of are probably to this day soilin’ their pants thinkin’ about running into Sam here again.”

  Sam chuckled at the praise shrugging his shoulders, as the women beamed and studied over him as though he had suddenly grown far more attractive before their very eyes.

  “I ain’t anything special,” He mumbled, putting out his dwindling cigarette and glancing up at George with a soft smile. He knew the man was just trying to help, but none of the women there that night had anything that he wanted.

  “Nonsense! Ladies, you are looking at a bonafide hero right here! He’s the genuine article, so make sure to snap him up before some other lucky gal gets her hooks in him!” George continued ignoring Sam’s attitude in favor of continuing to try to shove the women his direction.

  “You musta been so afraid! Facin’ off against that many of the enemy alone!” The girl who had been hanging on his arm all night crooned as she let her slender fingertip slide over the fabric of his bomber jacket eagerly. He was supposed to be her date, and yet he couldn’t even remember her name now that he thought about it. Diane? Daisy?

sp; “I wasn’t alone, I had my gunner with me the whole time,” he coughed, shutting down her flirtations as he pulled his arms away, “Excuse me, Diana, I’m going to go get another drink.” He mumbled, moving to his feet before she could protest.

  “It’s Donna!” She protested, looking flustered by his departure.

  “Be right back, Dana!” he called over his shoulder, knowing that nothing sent a girl home packing faster than calling her by the wrong name. If he was lucky, maybe she’d even leave him alone. Settling at the bar a moment later, he ran his fingers through his hair with a soft sigh lifting up his bottle to signify to the bartender that he wanted another.

  “You know normally a guy like you’d be thrilled to have a gal like that hangin’ on their arm,” A soft male voice sounded beside him, earning a snort from the bitter airman. “What’s got you down, soldier?”

  “Take a powder, pal, I’m not in the mood to chat,” he mumbled, accepting his drink from the bartender and frowning when the man beside him just laughed. Turning towards the other with a glare, he hesitated when he saw the dazzling smile looking back at him and the breathtaking sky blue eyes that were settled onto his form.

  “Figured I’d try anyway, you look like you’re having a rough night,” his companion laughed, leaning against his palm with an obviously flirtatious grin on his face.

  Despite the beer in his hand, the man couldn’t be older than eighteen, his slender form and gentle features were still boyish and sweet but not without a masculine touch to them. His ebony hair was tucked under a newsboy cap, and his slender body was turned to face Sam curiously.

  “Aren’t you a bit young to be in here?” Sam asked curiously, taking a sip from his beer as the man let out a breathy laugh.

  “Might look like an underage twink, but I’m 18, pal, I can drink if I damn well please,” he grinned, leaning against his palm with a wicked smirk and sparkling eyes. Laughing, Sam nodded and held up his hands, his eyes wandering over the man’s slight form.

  His companion was beautiful, and Sam was beginning to worry that he might have been wrong about not being queer.

  “Names Marcus,” The black haired beauty smiled, picking at the label on his beer and glancing up at Sam. “Marcus Byrne, not that you’ll have much luck with rememberin’ that if your track record with the poor gal over there is anything to go by.” He teased, managing to coax a genuine laugh from Sam.

  “Can’t say I had much interest in learnin’ her name, but I sure want to remember yours,” Sam grinned, the words leaving his mouth before he realized how much they sounded like a flirtation. “Names Samuel Abrams, friends call me Sam, a pleasure to meet you, Marcus,” he grinned, shaking the other’s extended hand and feeling a jolt shoot up his arm and settle in his chest. He had never felt this level of comfort around a stranger before, and for a moment, Sam allowed himself to bask the beauty of it.

  “I’m flattered,” Marcus grinned, his knee brushing against Sam’s leg when he turned to face Sam his hand slowly retracting from Sam’s, but not without brushing over his thigh lightly. Sam knew he should smack the man’s hand away, but he couldn’t force himself to do it. In fact, he wanted the other to touch him again.

  “Whatcha doin’ in a place like this? Pretty fella like you must have the dames hanging off him,” He mused, glancing over at Marcus with a curious look in his eyes. The man actually laughed at this, his eyes sparkling as he swallowed down the dregs of his beer and set his empty bottle down before accepting another from the bartender.

  “Gals aren’t really my cup of tea, if you catch my meaning,” Marcus pointed out, glancing at Sam out of the corner of his eye and letting his full lips quirk into a knowing smile. “I got a feeling you’re no skirt chaser yourself.” Sam let his tongue flick over his lip nervously, knowing exactly what the other was hinting at. Swallowing heavily, he felt his heart thunder in his chest as he glanced over at his companions to make sure they had forgotten his presence.

  “Suppose you could say that,” He mumbled, lowering his gaze down towards his beer again when he wasn’t being spied on. This seemed to please Marcus, who leaned back a bit and downed the rest of his beer with a hum before letting his hand rest on Sam’s arm lightly.

  “Yah know, this place ain’t really my kind of scene, you wanna maybe find a place where the two of us could talk proper?” he asked, his sky blue eyes captivating Sam with a flirtatious little wink.

  The way his heart stopped made Sam realize he might not be as straight laced as he thought he was.

  If he was, Marcus sliding the tip of his tongue over the rim of his beer bottle shouldn’t leave a wave of heat straight towards his groin, and the man’s gorgeous eyes shouldn’t send his mind straight towards thoughts of the bedroom. Now that he thought about it, he shouldn’t even be thinking that the man had any seductive features at all.

  His body reacted before his mind did, moving to his feet and gesturing for the shorter man to lead the way. He had no idea what he was signing himself up for, but he honestly didn’t care where this was leading.

  Glancing over to make sure that George and the others weren’t paying attention to where he was heading, Sam let the man grab onto his arm and pull him out into the crisp fall air.

  Sam knew that he shouldn’t be there. He shouldn’t be letting Marcus slide his slender hand in his own, and he shouldn’t be feeling a surge of adoration when the other grinned back at him. He couldn’t force himself to pull away, though. He couldn’t find it in himself to care about what others might think when he saw the heated look that Marcus sent him over his shoulder.

  “You look tense, baby, relax,” Sam’s attention focused back on Marcus’ voice when the other spoke, a flush forming on his face at the pet name the other chose to use. “You act like you’ve never hooked up with a fella before.” Marcus mused, leading Sam up to a seedy looking apartment complex and fishing his keys out of his pocket.

  “I ain’t actin, punk,” Sam huffed defensively, rolling his eyes when Marcus glanced back at him with a startled look on his face.

  “You musta at least slept with a man before, right? I mean you were pretty quick to agree to come with me,” Marcus pointed out, pushing the heavy door open and pulling Sam inside with a smile on his face.

  “You act like I’m as open about all this as you are, only people I’ve ever slept with have been women,” Sam explained, closing the door behind him and watching as Marcus moved into the room in front of him and started to tidy up the small apartment. The entire area was littered with pictures, cameras, and stacks of paper. Normally he’d be curious as to what he used it all for, but in that moment he just wanted to figure out where this was all leading.

  “At least you ain’t a virgin,” Marcus laughed, moving up to Sam and lightly resting his hand on the other’s chest. “It ain’t anything to be ashamed of you know. Lovin’ a man isn’t any different than lovin’ a woman.” He mumbled softly. Sam eyed the slip of a man in front of him, his hand reaching out to brush some of the ebony hair from his face.

  “We ain’t talkin’ about love yet, doll,” He smiled feeling a strange flutter in his chest when the man nodded and pressed against his palm. “Never done anything like this before,” he mumbled, his cheeks coloring crimson when the man’s fingers tightened around his wrist and he felt himself being pulled over towards the mattress in the corner.

  “We’ll take it slow, Sammy, I promise,” Marcus winked, having to stretch up onto his tip-toes in order to press his lips to Sam’s. “Try not to freak out on me alright?” He mumbled softly against the other’s lips before leaning in to kiss him again.

  Sam had kissed his fair share of women in the past. Their lips were always soft, and warm. It was probably his favorite part of sleeping with them when it was all said and done.

  None of them had anything on the kiss that Marcus pressed to his lips. Soft, sweet, and leaving a feeling of longing that Sam had never felt before, coursing through his body like a wave of electricity. The kiss was f
leeting and soft, but quickly dissolved into something more desperate not a moment later.

  Lips parting in a gasp, Sam let his tongue delve into Marcus’ mouth while his hands slid up to cradle the man’s cheeks. Sliding his thumbs over his jaw line, he felt a shiver roll through his body at the slight hint of stubble that he could feel under the pad of his thumb. Their tongues sliding together slowly, Sam felt a soft moan fall from his lips when Marcus pulled back and lightly nipped at his lip.

  “You’re kissin’ me like I’m some gal, c’mon baby lemme see what you’re holding back,” Marcus breathed against his mouth, his artist fingers sliding up to pull down the zipper on Sam’s bomber-jacket. “You won’t break me, I promise.” He grinned promised a wicked grin on his angelic face.

  “You sure about that?” Sam laughed, feeling the tension rolling off his shoulders when the other man let out an excited noise. Snagging onto Marcus by the waist, he hauled him over his shoulder, despite the squeak of protest that the man let out when his hat fell off his head. Carrying him the rest of the way to the mattress, he grinned wickedly as he lightly pat the other’s rear.

  Letting the man land on the mattress with a thump, he laughed as he lurched forward and slid their lips together. Slipping his warm hands under Marcus’ shirt and mapping out every inch of his appealingly pale skin.

  “Kinda wanna keep the sweater vest on ya, I like it,” He rumbled in the man’s ear, playfully biting at his earlobe and smiling when the other gasped softly when his fingers ghosted over the buds on his chest.

  “Could say the same thing about your jacket, soldier,” Marcus breathed softly, his hands wandering over Sam’s back.

  His pale eyes watched Sam intently as the brunette mapped out every inch of his chest with his finger, before slowly sliding the sweater off and setting to work on the buttons of his shirt. Tossing aside the clothing, Sam let himself marvel at the beautiful man laid out below him. He was gorgeous. Far more beautiful than any woman he had ever been with.


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