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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 83

by Stephan James

  Moving up to the door, he pulled open the door with a frown only to feel his heart stop when he came face to face with Dr. Smith. The man was not alone either, there were two rather large looking men standing alongside him. Instantly wary of the men’s presence, Sam felt himself square his shoulders a bit in an attempt to appear more threatening.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Abrams,” The man grinned as he eyed the startled looking man in front of him. “I was concerned when you didn’t return for our appointment today.” He smiled, glancing past Sam into the room and raising an eyebrow as he saw the young man on the bed in the corner. “And who is this?”

  “None of your business who he is,” Sam snapped, blocking the man’s view with a glare. “I decided I didn’t want to continue with the study anymore, so please, leave.” He ordered, not sure why he was feeling so hostile, but knowing that the inner urge to protect Marcus overriding all other thoughts in that moment.

  “Now, now, why so hostile, Mr. Abrams? Did something happen last night?” The man smiled, looking back at the man with a curious look on his face, his eyes never seeming to wander away from the form spot just behind Sam where Marcus was shifting nervously on the bed.

  “Nothing happened, I just felt sick and decided I didn’t want to do it again,” Sam rumbled, his eyes flickering from face to face as he fought the urge to slam the door on their face. “Didn’t think that I gave you permission to come to my home. I’m done with your study; I did my part, now go.” He ordered, hoping the man would just back down and leave him alone. Instead, the man smiled and stepped forward into the room, his eyes locked onto Marcus.

  Sam asked heatedly, “What was in that drug anyway?”

  “It was Akovas, a drug that we give patients that have night terrors, sometimes, but only sometimes, it discontinues the nightmares. And, then sometimes a shift changer enhancer is evident, but that’s a very small-scale.

  “None of your business Doctor.” Sam said furiously.

  “I didn’t realize you were a homosexual, Mr. Abrams,” Dr. Smith grinned, a glint in his eye as he regarded Marcus. “This is very interesting, we didn’t take into account what would happen with partners of the same gender. I suppose it will have a very similar effect.” He hummed, moving towards Marcus curiously only to freeze when Sam’s hand snaked out and grabbed onto his wrist.

  ‘However, since you’re are homosexual, there would be a bigger chance that the drug would make some kind of a shifter out of you. Are you feeling anything Sam, do you feel out of sorts?”

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, but I’m telling you right now I am not happy with you entering my home like this,” He spat furiously, his eyes flashing murderously as he placed himself once again between Marcus and Dr. Smith. “Now I’m going to tell you once, and once only, please leave.”

  “Now that’s not very nice is it?” Dr. Abrams frowned, his eyes sparkling as he looked back at the man. “I just want to see what my shots were able to do! They were a very interesting concoction, and I was hoping that you’d be the perfect specimen to try them out on.” He growled, glancing at his men and snapping his fingers. “If you don’t want to play along, I suppose we’ll just have to take you with us by force then.”

  Sam didn’t have much time to react before one of the massive forms was slamming into his side. In the place of the beast of the man who he had seen before, a wolf was attempting to sink his teeth down into Sam’s shoulder. Crying out in distress, he allowed the beast inside him to take over, his massive paws slamming the wolf to the side with a snarl.

  Before he could lurch at the wolf, another roar filled the air, and the second man slammed into him in the shape of a bull. Slamming against the wall, Sam heard a roar fall from his lips. Kicking out with his hind legs, he managed to get the bull off of him by gouging at his eyes. Landing on his feet, he snarled, rushing over to Marcus and changing back into his human form.

  “Let’s go!” he cried, grabbing onto his lover’s hand and slamming past the furious looking doctor.

  “Get back here!” The man roared, attempting to chase after them, and swearing when his men struggled to get back to their feet.

  Marcus let out a distressed noise as Sam dragged him down the stairs, his eyes huge as they slid out onto the street. Sam had no idea where they were going, but what he did know was that he needed to get Marcus as far away from the men inside as possible. He didn’t know what they wanted, or what they planned to do with them, but he knew he didn’t want to find out.

  “Sam, what do we do?” Marcus demanded, his bare feet padding against the rough ground while he attempted to keep himself covered with Sam’s shirt. Swearing, Sam scooped Marcus up over his shoulders and continued to sprint down the nearly deserted streets.

  “I don’t know, doll, but I swear I ain’t gonna let them touch you,” He insisted, stumbling to a stop just outside someone’s house snagging onto a pair of pants that he found hanging from a clothesline, “Here, they’re big, but they’ll cover you up.” He sighed, snagging onto a shirt as well and pulling it over his shoulders. Grimacing at the tight squeeze in his shoulders, he moved up to the door and grabbed a pair of boots before gesturing for Marcus to pull them on.

  “What about you?” Marcus asked, stuffing his feet into the worn boots and biting his lip as Sam took his hand.

  “I think I can toughen up the pads of my feet a bit, and even if I can’t? I’ll be alright, I’ve done far worse than walk barefoot before,” Sam laughed, kissing the man on the nose and starting once again down the street. He didn’t know who this doctor really was, but he knew that they had to stay as far away from him as possible.

  “Are we going to be able to go back? All of our things are in that apartment,” Marcus pointed out, biting his lip as he clung onto Sam’s arm, letting out a shiver when a cool gust of air blasted down the street they were on.

  “I’ll try to figure out if they’re still hangin’ out ok? At least I can get the cash and a few important things if I can,” Sam sighed, an exhausted look on his face as he pulled Marcus down the street. “I have an idea of where we can stay the night. At least get us out of the cold.” He explained, glancing down at Marcus who let out a relieved noise.

  “Good, I’m freezing,” He mumbled, pressing against Sam’s side and allowing himself to be lead down the street.

  Sam wasn’t sure how well that his plan was going to work. In fact, he was positive that this plan was not going to work, but feeling Marcus shiver against his side was enough to convince him that he at least needed to try.

  Pounding his fist up against the front door of his one hope for sanctuary, Sam grimaced as he heard cursing and swearing from behind the heavy wood a few moments later. A shaking grin forming on his lips as the door swung open, he lifted up a hand in greeting as a half awake George Merchant leaned against the doorframe.

  “What the hell are you doing here this late, Abrams?” George demanded, rubbing at his eyes and eyeing Marcus’ shuddering form next to Sam. “And who’s the twink?” he asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. Sighing a bit at the choice of words to describe his lover, Sam rubbed at his forehead.

  “George, we’re in trouble,” Sam pointed out, looking up at the man with tired jade eyes, his hand resting on the small of Marcus’ back as the man pressed closer to him with a tired noise. “Look, I don’t care what your opinion is on queers, we need a place to hide for the night, and then we’ll be out of your hair. I hope that our time serving together has earned me at least that much.”

  George stared back at him with a confused look on his face, realization filling his eyes as his gaze flickered from Sam to Marcus and back again. Opening his mouth to say something, he seemed to decide against it, and instead, moved aside to let them into his apartment. Closing the door behind them, he tossed Marcus a blanket when he saw the other was shaking violently.

  “You know when you said you were going to see a gal, I thought you actually meant a gal, but I have to admit
, I’m pretty sure that I always knew that you were a queer, Sam,” George explained, moving into the kitchen and pulling out a few beers from the pantry. “You never had any interest in the gals that we saw while we were in the military, and you definitely never took an interest in dames when we got home.” He laughed, handing both of them a beer as Sam slumped onto the couch with an arm around Marcus.

  “Thanks for not, you know, freaking out,” Sam smiled, looking up at the man with a sigh and smiling when Marcus looked ready to doze off sitting up.

  “No problem, we served together, I think of us as brothers, and besides if you aren’t datin’ gals I’ll have options for myself,” George grinned wickedly, sitting down in a chair across from them with a sigh. “You never told me what sort of trouble you were in, is there anything I can do to help?”

  “You’re already helping, George,” Sam pointed out, wrapping the blanket around Marcus’ shoulder and pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “I signed up for an experiment to make a little extra cash. Turns out the drugs had some side effects that are a bit bizarre.” He shrugged, rubbing at Marcus’ back while the man started to doze in his hold.

  “How so?” George frowned, sipping at his beer with a raised eyebrow.

  “I think it’s better that you don’t know,” Sam explained, looking up at the man with a grimace, “what you should know is that when I didn’t show up for day two of the examinations, the bastards showed up at my door and were planning on taking not only me, but Marcus for some reason. We got out before they could, but now we have no money, no supplies, and I’m not sure what the hell we can do.” Letting out a long breath from his nose, George groaned and rubbed at his forehead.

  “You’re not good at staying out of trouble, are you Samuel?” He smirked, sitting up straighter and grinning back at the man. “Tomorrow I’ll head back to your apartment and get your shit together. That way you’ll at least have some supplies, and chances are? They ain’t goin’ to follow me.” He insisted, with a wicked grin.

  “I can’t ask you to do that, pal,” Sam frowned, a worried look on his face. What if the men went after George or attempted to hurt him.

  “You don’t have to, I want to help,” George insisted, “I’ll pretend to be a maintenance man, the bastards don’t know me, and that’ll give me a shot to grab your shit and get back to you, so you guys can duck town or whatever it is you’re planning on doing.” Sam let out a soft relieved noise at this, pulling Marcus a bit closer and kissing the top of his head when he realized that things might actually be ok.

  “Are you sure about this, George?” he asked, looking up at the man quizzically. The last thing that he wanted was for his friend to get in trouble. He didn’t have very many friends in his poor excuse for a life, and the last thing he wanted was for George to wind up hurt or worse because of him.

  “Positive,” George grinned, reaching out and squeezing Sam’s knee, “Look, man, I haven’t done shit since I stopped flying. You’re my best friend, I said I’d die for you fightin’ the Krauts, and that still stands. I’m willing to risk my neck for you against some weird doctor.” Sam couldn’t help but smile at this, his eyes sparkling as he shook the other’s hand.

  “Thanks, pal,” he smiled, earning a wicked grin from his friend.

  “Don’t mention it, brother. We’ll get outta this mess just like we got out of Germany,” George grinned, moving to his feet with a hum. “I’m goin’ to get some sleep, the couch good for you?” he asked, earning a nod from Sam.

  “Couch is perfect,” Sam grinned, pulling Marcus’ snoring form closer to him and pulling the blankets over them both. “G’night, brother,” he waved after the man.

  “G’night Samuel,” George waved over his shoulder before disappearing into the bedroom.

  “You were right, your pals were hanging around the apartment,” George grunted as he settled the work bag he had smuggled into the apartment onto the table pulling it open to reveal his haul. “They didn’t pay too much attention to me, so I managed to get quite a bit of your shit back, pardon my French,” he grinned at Marcus who rolled his eyes.

  “I’m not a lady, you can swear,” Marcus pointed out firmly for what had to be the third time since he had woken up that morning.

  “Sorry, still getting’ used to all this,” George shrugged, grinning when Sam lifted his pistol out of the bag and let out a relieved noise, “Thought you’d want that. No man should go unarmed.”

  “I wish I woulda thought to grab it before I opened the door,” Sam muttered, lifting up the holster and attaching it to his hip. “Woulda saved me a lot of trouble if I could have just killed the fuckers before they got in.” George let out a chuckle at this, grinning when Marcus let out an ecstatic noise when he found his camera inside the bag.

  “You grabbed it!” Marcus beamed, looking thrilled as he lifted it up and quickly snapped a picture of the two men standing in front of him. Humming, he lowered the camera before grinning contentedly back at Sam. “We can go now, as long as I have this thing I’m happy.” He smiled.

  “Any thoughts on where you’re headed?” George asked, watching as Sam pulled on his coat and his boots with a grimace.

  “Not sure, we’ll just head west I suppose. Heard that there’s lots of work in Oregon. Thought maybe we’d hit up Portland,” Sam shrugged, lifting up the wad of bills that George had recovered for them. “I’ve got enough cash to get us there and established while I look for work. I’m hoping that there’s still as many jobs as they were advertising.” He mumbled, glancing over at George with a tired smile.

  “Sounds like as good of a plan as any,” George nodded, smiling as he ran his fingers through his hair. “You’d better write me so that I can come visit,” He grinned, earning a smile from Sam.

  “I will, don’t you worry about that, this ain’t the last you’ve seen of me,” Sam insisted, hugging the man tightly before turning to Marcus. “Are you ready to head out?” He asked, earning a smile from Marcus.

  “More ready than you know,” Marcus laughed, taking Sam’s hand as his boyfriend slung their bag onto his broad shoulders. “I want to get away from those men as soon as possible.” He mumbled, squeezing his hand and blushing as Sam put a cap on his head to cover up his hair.

  “There, now we’re ready to go,” Sam winked, kissing the man on the nose before turning towards George with one last smile. “Thanks for this, pal, I’ll never forgive it.” He grinned.

  “You owe me one pal!” George laughed, leading the two to the doorway and smiling as he waved. “Send me a letter once you’re settled, I want to know you two made it safe and sound.” He ordered, watching the couple disappear down the stairs with a grin on his face.

  Managing to make their way out of the city without issues, Sam was happy when they finally got to Portland and were able to start setting up their new lives. By the time that Sam was able to get them set up in an apartment, and had found a job working on the docks, they had been on the run for nearly five months. Their money was long gone, but at least they were finally settled.

  Things were finally going right, and he was excited to get to start his new life with his lover. Coming home from work with a bright grin on his face, Sam pushed open the door to their apartment and hummed as he closed the door behind him.

  “I’m home, doll!” he called into the room, looking up as Marcus made his way out of the kitchen, he frowned when he saw the look on his lover’s face. “What’s wrong?” he asked, peeling off his coat and moving forward to cup his lover’s cheeks in his palms.

  “I think something’s wrong with me,” Marcus whispered, looking up at his lover with a shudder, his hand resting over his stomach shakily.

  Sam had noticed over the past few weeks that his lover had started to get a small bulge in his stomach area, but he hadn’t said anything. He didn’t care. The man was perfect no matter what he weighed or looked like. In fact, the man’s swollen stomach had left his chest swelling with pride every time that he touched it.
He had assumed it had just been because he knew that the man would only be getting a bit plumper because he was taking good care of him.

  “Doll, you’re fine,” He smiled, leaning down and kissing him sweetly. “The worst illness you’ve had over the past few weeks has been that stomach bug that you had off and on for a few weeks.” He mumbled, nuzzling against the other’s cheek.

  “No! You don’t understand!” Marcus whined, as he grabbed onto Sam’s hands and pressed them against his stomach. “It’s movin’!” he rasped, looking mortified as Sam’s palms rested flat against his stomach and instantly a lump moved up against his palm.

  “Holy shit!” Sam yelped, jerking his hand back and looking back at the man with huge eyes. “What in the world?” he demanded, looking down at the man’s stomach with huge eyes.

  “Do you remember how the doctor seemed really interested in me that night he showed up at our apartment?” Marcus demanded trembling as his hand rested on his stomach, “Sammy, I think I’m pregnant.” He whispered, earning a stunned look from his lover.

  “Pregnant? Doll you’re a man! You can’t be pregnant!” He whispered softly, touching his lover’s shoulders with huge eyes.

  “And you shouldn’t be able to turn into a lion, but you can!” Marcus pointed out firmly, grabbing onto Sam’s hands with a glare up at his lover, “Sam the morning after you changed you acted differently. You were dominant and just…it was amazing, but you were acting strange! Don’t you think it’s possible that maybe you got me pregnant? Look at me! This is not a beer belly!” He snapped, trembling as he looked up at Sam, silently begging his lover not to call him crazy.

  Sam looked back at his lover with huge eyes, trying to think of a reason why his lover wouldn’t be pregnant. The man was right. The night he changed, a lot of things had changed about him. He started feeling more protective; he was more aggressive towards people who got too close to Marcus. Something did change between them, and though he wasn’t sure what it was, all he knew was that it made sense.


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