Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 84

by Stephan James

  Marcus was showing all the signs that a woman would when they were about five months pregnant.

  “Shit,” Sam whispered, running his fingers through his hair and closing his eyes, “I think you’re right,” he mumbled, wrapping his arms around the man’s waist and pressing his lips shakily to his lover’s lips. Letting out a relieved noise, Marcus slumped against his chest and whimpered.

  “Sammy…” He choked, his hands resting on his swollen stomach with an amazed, but terrified look on his face. “I have no idea how to be a parent.” He whispered, trailing his fingers gently over his stomach. Sam let out a soft snort at this, pressing a kiss to Marcus’ neck.

  “And I do?” he asked, resting his hand over Marcus’ and feeling a smile form on his lips at the thought of Marcus being a mother. “I do know that no matter what, we’re going to be ok. You’re goin’ to be a great parent, and I’ll do my best not to drop the kid.” Laughing when Marcus smacked his arm, he let out a loving sound.

  “You won’t dare drop him,” Marcus smiled, seeming to relax at the gentle words from his lover. Pressing back into Sam’s hold, he giggled as he was lifted up into the air, the larger man cradling him to his chest.

  ‘Him’ turned out to be a ‘her’.

  Sam wasn’t sure how they managed, but when Marcus hit the ninth month of his pregnancy they managed to gather up enough supplies to take care of a child. At least they thought they did, if the advice they discreetly got from the women at the store he was shopping at was telling the truth.

  Delivering a baby by themselves in their apartment was terrifying, but by the end of the night, both of them were curled up on the bathroom floor with a softly fussing baby girl cradled between them.

  “Charlotte,” Was all that Marcus had mustered the energy to say, his eyes soft as he trailed his fingers through their daughter’s hair. “Her name’s Charlotte.”

  Now that they had Charlotte to tend to, Sam was working extra hours at the dock. The last thing that he wanted was for their little girl to ever be wanting for anything. He had been apprehensive about having children before, but now that he had her? He wouldn’t give her up for anything.

  Three months after Charlotte was born, Sam found himself trudging home after a particularly grueling shift. Holding a bag of groceries in his hands, he grunted as he pushed open the door and stepped inside.

  “I’m home!” he yawned, smiling when immediately he heard an excited squeal from the kitchen. Moving into the living room. Grinning when he spotted Charlotte sitting on the floor with Marcus, he immediately felt the stress of the day melt off his body. Setting the groceries into the kitchen, he moved into the living room with a beaming smile before sitting down beside his lover and daughter.

  “How are my favorite gals?” He asked, earning a glare from Marcus who smacked his arm lightly and quietly dubbed him an asshole. Chuckling, he kissed Marcus on the lips apologetically before scooping Charlotte into his arms. Beaming as the girl grabbed onto one of the strands of hair hanging into his face he kissed her nose lightly. “Hey, princess.” He mumbled lovingly.

  “She’s already trying to crawl, I’m starting to think she’s taking after you,” Marcus pointed out wrapping his arms around Sam’s shoulders with a tired noise. “How was work?” He asked, rubbing lightly at his lover’s shoulders.

  “Exhausting, I’m thinking that I’ll try out for the police department soon. I’d rather do that than stick on the docks for the rest of my life,” Sam pointed out, playing with his daughter’s hand while she played with his shaggy hair. Marcus had been getting on his case about cutting the now shoulder length strands, but Sam was determined to keep it long.

  “I think that you’d be a great cop,” Marcus pointed out with a smile, “But you would have to cut that mop.” He smirked, earning a grimace from Sam.

  “Guess I would,” He shook his head, smiling when Charlotte giggled and grabbed onto the strands eagerly. “Charlotte at least likes my hair.”

  “She just likes having a hold on your head,” Marcus insisted, kissing his lover before moving to his feet. “What do you want for dinner?” He asked, looking over his shoulder as he moved into the kitchen.

  “I can cook, doll, you’ve been with the baby all day,” Marcus sighed, moving to follow after the man only to hesitate when he heard a sharp knock on the door. Instantly, Marcus felt his mind flutter back to the night they had to leave town and thrust Charlotte into her mother’s hands.

  “Go, into the bedroom,” Sam whispered, pulling out his gun from the drawer beside the door and putting it in the holster at the base of his spine.

  Marcus didn’t have to be told twice, retreating into the bedroom; he quickly closed and locked the door. Turning his full attention to the door, Sam felt his heart pound as he peered through the peephole.

  “Why don’t you open the door, Mr. Abram? Make things easier on yourself,” Dr. Smith snarled on the other side of the door, leaving Sam’s stomach dropping.

  Of course, the bastard had found him. How? How had he tracked them down? They had been so careful! He had even given George a fake address to mail things to, far away from their apartment.

  Swearing softly as he closed his eyes, Sam reached behind himself to touch the gun at the small of his back before slowly opening the door.

  “Get the hell out,” He spat, his eyes flashing as he glared down at the shorter man. “I played your game once, I let you chase me out of my home, but I swear I’m not going to let you do it again. Not now.”

  “As aggressive as I remember, Mr. Abrams,” Dr. Smith snarled, looking up at the man with a sneer on his face. “And it took me so long to track you down too!” he pointed out, glancing inside the apartment and humming. “Where is your beautiful mate?” he asked, “And…child?” he grinned, gesturing to the baby toys scattered across the floor.

  “That ain’t any of your business now is it?” Sam growled, pulling out his gun and leveling it at Dr. Smith’s chest. “Now, last chance. Get the hell away from my family.” He spat, murderous intentions clear on his face. Dr. Smith laughed at this, his eyes flashing as he shook his head.

  “You’ll need a bit more than that to stop me this time, I’m afraid, I don’t need you anymore, Sam. What I need is that daughter of yours; she is exactly what my research needs! A child who proves what I can do!” Dr. Smith smirked, lurching forward and knocking the gun aside, his body shifting as he did so. Before Sam could so much as right himself, a grizzly bear loomed over him with a roar.

  Letting out a cry of surprise, Sam barely managed to roll out of the way in time to escape the swipe that could have knocked his head off his shoulders. Lifting up his gun, he fired a few shots into the bear, swearing when it barely seemed to faze him. Rolling backward, he let his body shift into the beast resting inside of him.

  Roaring as their bodies collided, Sam immediately realized the differences between their sizes. Slashing at the man’s chest, he dove under him and slashed at his hip, biting down on his back before Dr. Smith could move his heavy body around.

  Roaring in pain, Dr. Smith lurched forward, slamming him against the wall and dazing him. Letting out a roar of pain, Sam felt something pop in his shoulder, but refused to let himself hesitate. Instead, he whirled on the man and bit down on his throat furiously.

  Blood and fur flying into the air, Sam could feel the man’s powerful claws dig into his side as he bit down on his throat as harshly as he could. He would not let the man near his child. He wouldn’t let him hurt his family again.

  Roaring in pain, Dr. Smith grabbed onto Sam between his paws and threw him off of him, tossing Sam into the wall with a snarl. Blood oozing down his body, Dr. Smith let out a growl and lifted up a powerful paw. Closing his eyes as he braced for the pain he was about to endure, Sam felt a gasp fall from his lips when he heard a familiar cry.

  “Get away from him!” Marcus’ voice filled the air in a desperate sob, leveling off the rifle that Sam kept under the bed. Trembling violently, Marcus
didn’t hesitate when Dr. Smith reeled on him, leveling the gun off with Dr. Smith’s head, he fired.

  Dr. Smith’s massive body seemed to falter at this, his eyes slowly glazing over as blood rolled from his massive head. As quickly as the bear had appeared, it faded away, leaving Dr. Smith standing in front of Marcus. Letting out a choked noise, Dr. Smith stumbled, falling to the ground with a lifeless look on his face.

  “Sammy!” Marcus gasped as he dropped his gun, rushing up to Sam’s side as the man slowly shifted back into his human form. “Oh Sammy, oh baby you’re hurt!” he rasped, pressing kisses over his lover’s face.

  “I’m fine,” Sam rasped, grimacing as his hand moved down to press against his bleeding side. “Though, a hospital might be in order,” He groaned, sitting up slowly and hissing as Marcus nodded. Pressing his face to his lover’s shoulder, he shuddered, pressing his lips to the man’s neck slowly.

  They were ok, they were finally safe.

  “You know I still don’t believe a word of that story,” George grinned as he held Charlotte on his lap, his eyes sparkling as the little girl babbled to herself, “But, I got to admit, you make a cute kid.” He laughed, grinning over at Sam who let out a laugh and squeezed Marcus’ hand.

  They had to move again after the attack. After Sam had disposed of Dr. Smith’s body, they had decided it would be safer for them to find somewhere else to live instead of waiting around for the police to find him.

  They had decided to move to Northern California. Enjoying the seclusion of the Northern state while remaining close enough to large cities for them to visit. Keeping their relationship was easier now that they were further away from prying neighbors, and it made it far easier for George to be able to visit.

  “Did you ever get the job working for the police department?” George asked, grinning back at Sam as the man nodded.

  “Yeah I did, it’s nice being able to help people,” Sam smiled, trailing his hand over Marcus’ back. “Marcus got some work for a local paper too.” He grinned, looking over at his lover with a proud look on his face.

  “Figured he would, he’s got some pretty impressive work,” George chuckled, bouncing Charlotte on his knee and glancing over at Marcus. “You’re pregnant again then?” he asked, earning a snort from Marcus who nodded.

  “We didn’t exactly learn after the last time, and besides, Charlotte needs someone to play with. I’ve always wanted kids, it’s Sam who’s a bit apprehensive,” he grinned, glancing over at his lover who rolled his eyes.

  “I told you already, I’m fine with having another kid, but we’re done! Two is more than enough for me!” Sam insisted, earning a snort from George.

  “Good luck with that one,” George grinned wickedly, noting the smug look on Marcus’ face. “He’s got you wrapped around his pinky brother, if he wants more kids, he’ll get them.”

  “Please don’t tell me that,” Sam mumbled, rubbing at his forehead with a grumble. Marcus giggled wickedly, pressing a kiss to his shoulder and lightly trailing his hand over Sam’s back.

  “You’re such a good, pa, I don’t get why you’re so nervous about havin’ more!” He winked, kissing Sam on the cheek and chuckling when Sam rolled his eyes and kissed him back softly. Laughing when Charlotte let out a squeak of protest at the affection, Sam glanced over at his daughter with an amused look on his face.

  “That’s right, gal, your parents are disgustin’, lovin’ all up on each other like that,” George grinned, laughing when Marcus puffed out his cheeks and moved to his feet to get something from the kitchen. Smiling, Sam watched his lover go with an adoring look on his face. “Yah really love him, don’t ya?” George smiled.

  “More than anythin’,” Sam whispered, watching his lover move around the kitchen with soft eyes. He had never thought he would be this happy with anyone, but every time that he looked at Marcus, he was reminded of just how lucky he was.

  Marcus was his everything, and he was never going to let him go.

  **********The End**********

  Alpha’s Pride


  Orphaned as a child, Collin’s past remained a mystery for many years. That is until the world he once knew comes crashing down on his eighteen birthday. A truth that could have destroyed him is bringing him greater power than he has ever know.

  With two brother competing for his attention, how will Collin know which one is worthy of mating for life and not just one night? One thing is for sure, Collin will lose more than just his innocence along the way.


  I knew the day was coming, but I still felt the fear rising inside of me as I opened my eyes. Each day was a last for me. Today was the last time I would help the brothers at the monastery prepare for Sunday Mass. It had been my home my entire life. Now though, on the eve of my eighteenth birthday, I was about to leave for the first time.

  Sure, I had traveled away from the brothers and their cloth before, but never for any length of time. Father Daemon had insisted I go overseas to attend college. The argument was still fresh in my mind. I thought back to it as I dressed and headed for the village to gather supplies.

  “Father, please,” I’d begged, “Let me attend the colleges in Spain or Rome. Why must I cross the sea?”

  He sighed, growing weary of the argument, “It’s not safe for you here Collin, that’s all I can share.”

  “Not safe from what?” I pressed, “The leopards?”

  His eyes darted to mine, “What do you know of such things?”

  His harsh tone made me shrink away, “Only that my parents were killed by them. Some of the villagers say I’m cursed, that all the people in my family are. The wild cats seem to want us all dead.”

  “That’s foolish,” he whispered.

  The conversation had ended there. I knew he was right to snap at me. The attack on my parents was a freak accident, nothing more. Still, leaving my home was frightening, to say the least. Knowing that I knew so little of the modern world was even worse. As I strolled through the slowly awakening city, I felt the hair on my neck rise. Someone was watching me.

  Quickly spinning around, I saw the culprit. He was well dressed and handsome, leaning against a building just a few feet behind me. His golden hair and blue eyes were captivating, but it was his crooked smile that made my heart skip. Catching my breath, I cleared my throat.

  “Can I help you?” I stammered.

  He smiled, “I think you can, Collin.”

  I gasped, “How do you know my name? Do I know you?”

  The handsome stranger laughed softly, “not yet, but I hope you will soon.”

  He took a step towards me, and I backed away from him. Something inside of me was stirring. I couldn’t tell if it was arousal or fear though; maybe both.

  “What do you want?” I asked sharply, looking around for an escape.

  “I want you to come with me,” he said coolly.

  My eyes narrowed, now I was creeped out, “No thanks.”

  I spun around, no longer concerned with how the handsome stranger knew my name. My only concern was putting as much space between him and me as possible.

  “I knew your parents Collin,” he said to my retreating back.

  I froze at his words; I felt my blood starting to rise. I knew it was a trick, but my temper was peaking, “excuse me?” I hissed, “You’re barely older than me, and they died when I was an infant, get your facts straight you pervert.”

  He wasn’t fazed; his eyes glistened with amusement, “A leopard attack, right? You were eighteen months when it happened, a happy baby. You have a scar on your left knee from a glass breaking.”

  I could feel the blood draining from my face as I whispered. “How do you know that?”

  Smiling, he pulled out a card with a name and number, “I am a great deal older than I look. You turn eighteen tomorrow Collin if you want to know more the meet me here at midnight. I’ll tell you things you never imagined.”

  I took the card a
nd ran my fingers over the gold lettering, “how…” but my voice trailed off, the stranger was already gone.

  I looked for him up and down both streets, but as the merchants began to open their shops for the day, I knew that my questions would have to wait. I was already running behind schedule when I stepped into the first shop.

  “Good morning Maria,” I said politely to the herbalist’s young daughter.

  She was a shy creature with a heart of gold; one of the few villagers who knew my affections didn’t run swords the feminine gender.

  “Happy birthday Collin,” she replied with a smile as she handed me a decorated pastry.

  I laughed with joy, “Ah Maria! My birthday isn’t until tomorrow, you shouldn’t have!”

  “I wanted to make sure you got it before you disappeared,” she replied.

  My smile faded, “What do you mean?”

  Maria raised an eyebrow, “You are going abroad to college, right?”

  I let out a sigh of relief, “Of course.”

  “Then eat! It’s your favorite.” She said with a playful wink.

  I knew if I turned it down, I would offend my dear friend. Glancing at the church, sitting high outside the shop window, I had no desire to rush back. I took a seat just outside the back door and bit into the berry filled tart. It wasn’t her best cooking; it tasted almost bitter in my mouth. Within seconds, the world began to spin, and the pastry fell to the ground. I tried to stand, but my legs gave way underneath me. As I collapsed onto the ground, I heard Maria’s soft steps.

  “Maria,” I muttered, fighting off the darkness, “Something's wrong.”

  She knelt down beside me, and I heard footsteps approaching from behind, “I’m sorry Collin, it was the only way. I promise it’s for your own good.”

  “Don’t worry, we will take care of him,” Said my captor.


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