Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 85

by Stephan James

  My head swam. As the world started to fade, the last thing I saw were emerald green eyes peering into mine. Eyes so penetrating that my heart felt like it was going to flutter from my chest. As strong arms wrapped around my waist and an intoxicating masculine scent filled the air, I lost my battle and drifted into unconsciousness.

  “Shh, I think he’s waking up,” said a voice from the darkness.

  I felt like my brain was going to explode from my head. The smells around me were intoxicating. The food was simmering, and wine was being poured. I knew right away that I wasn’t back in the village. As the events from before came rushing back to me, I moaned.

  “Maria, Maria what did you do to me?” I asked, my eyes still closed.

  I didn’t want to open them. I knew that if I did, the light that was already peeking through my eyelids would make the pain in my head even worse. Someone tossed a piece of wood onto the flickering fire and it danced. The brightness made me squeeze my eyes shut even more, trying in vain to block out the light.

  “Can’t you do anything for him? She gave him a strong brew,” said a familiar voice.

  I heard rustling and a smell that brought back memories touched my nose. It was the same man that had been at Marias, he was lifting my head up. A bitter tasting concoction was poured down my throat. At first, I tried in weak vain to protest, but it did no good. Within minutes, I felt the pain in my head starting to subside, and I was able to open my eyes.

  Looking around, I saw that my mind’s eye had been accurate. We were deep in the woods in a clearing that had been mashed down by people walking over it for some time. It was like I had stepped back in time. Small huts filled the circle around me, each as rustic as the last. Men moved around me, but just as it had been in the monastery, I saw no woman. I wondered what Maria had to do with all of this.

  “Where am I?” I asked weakly.

  The man with the stunning eyes looked down at me; my head was resting in his lap. “You are in the woods.”

  I chuckled, for some reason, I didn’t feel uneasy. I felt rather safe with the man. “Yes, thank you, I figured that part out on my own.”

  “I meant,” I started as I rose to a sitting position. “What is this place, this village?”

  He smiled at me; it was a breathtaking site to see. He was larger than I had expected, with muscles rippling throughout his tanned body. Locks of golden hair fell down to his cheeks. My hand twitched, I felt the urge to brush away one of the strands, to touch his cheek gently in the process.

  “This is my village, and yours really too. It’s known by outsiders and other packs as Pardo’s.” He replied.

  I searched my brain, but came up empty, “Why have I never heard of it?”

  “There are many things that you have not heard about Collin. This pack village and many others like it.” He replied vaguely.

  I sighed; I had always hated riddles, “Let’s start with something simple. What is your name?”

  The man held out his hand, “My name is Derek; I am the para-alpha for this pack.”

  I looked at him with suspicion, wondering if he had escaped from a mental hospital, “You keep saying pack and not the village, is this a cult? What is a para-alpha?”

  I needed some answers, and I was starting to get angry, “And for that matter, why did you drug me in the first place!”

  Derek rose up from where he was sitting; I hadn’t realized that I too was standing. I must have moved while I was ranting. The more I thought about it, though, the more I realized that was a good thing. At least I could run if he tried to turn me into dinner or asked me to join their cult.

  “Please, Collin. I mean you no harm. If you would sit back down, I will tell you everything. Starting with your parents.” Said Derek as he held out a hand in a gesture of peace.

  At the mention of my parents, I couldn’t resist the bait, and I resumed my spot on the ground. It felt strangely natural to me, to be sitting on the ground. I had never before tried it. Everything about the outdoors was starting to feel like second nature to me.

  “What do you know about my parents?” I asked him quietly.

  “More than you know, I think we need to start from the beginning. Your father was one of us. He was an alpha. Unlike me, he was born to lead our pack. However, he didn’t think that it was possible for him ever to father an heir. For that reason, he split the duties of the alpha into two pieces. Both men would become alphas after he passed. He wanted everyone to live in peace. Then, he fell in love. It wasn’t long before you were born.” Derek paused for a moment.

  Again, he started, “to many, you were a blessing! We all wanted you to lead us; it was only natural for a pack to have one leader. However, not everyone thought this way. There were those who have wanted the pack to stay as it was, divided between two leaders instead of one having all the power. Your father was a wise man, though. He heard them talking of poisoning you. With no heir, when he died, his power would go to the men he had appointed as alphas. Their plan was to kill me off and take all the power for themselves.”

  “Wait, what power?” I interjected.

  Derek smiled, “Shh, let me finish, then you can ask your questions. Your father, unsure if he would be able to protect you, sent you to the monastery in the dead of night. He had a spell put on you, binding your transformation until your eighteenth birthday. Then, you would be able to fully understand your powers and make the decision on how to lead the pack.”

  “Unfortunately, he was cut down in his prime, and the pack was split between

  me and the other para-alpha. Neither of us is the true leaders of our packs, we are only the placeholders. It wasn’t until your eighteenth birthday that you would find your powers and be able to bring the now divide packs together. I believe you met the other para-beta earlier today?”

  I thought back to the stranger I had met and nodded my head, too stunned for words. Once I was sure that he was done with his story, I knew that I had to ask my questions. Most of them though, I didn’t need his answers for. Somehow, I already knew what he was saying was true. Deep inside of my heart, I had always felt a little bit different, and now I knew why.

  Still, when you find out that your parents were murdered and that you’re the heir to a title engrossed with mystery, magic and the supernatural; it’s enough to give a seen man pause. I knew that he would be expecting me to react, so I did.

  “Why wait? Why not hunt me down and kill me?” I asked him. “I doubt that other man wanted me to live a long life ruling over him.”

  “Your father had a spell cast on you before he died; you were hidden until the week of your birthday.” Said Derek.

  I shook my head. “You said that other man wanted to kill me? Why didn’t he do it when he had the chance?”

  Derek glared out into the woods, the hate showing through his eyes. “Your father had many friends in the area. Most of the villagers were watching him, and he knew it. If he had tried to harm or take you, he would have died. Even Dante can’t fight off so many angry people.”

  “Is that his name? Dante?” I asked, my curiosity about the dark man was peaked.

  Derek nodded his head, “I wish you didn’t need to know all of this. You should still be celebrating your birthday. I couldn’t risk waiting any longer though. I knew that Dante wouldn’t give you another chance to flee.”

  “HE would take me, just to kill me?” I asked again.

  I didn’t think that Derek was telling me everything that he knew. I felt the secret growing between us.

  His gaze wouldn’t meet mine as he spoke. “I don’t know that he would only want to kill you. There are other things that you could be used for. The heir of an alpha is valuable in more ways than one. Especially one who is unchanged. He would keep you prisoner I believe for some time.”

  “Is that what you are doing?” I asked him softly.

  Derek fell silent, his gaze wandering around the parameter of the village. For the first time, I noticed men stationed around us.
Each one either watching the woods or watching the conversation that I was having with Derek.

  “Collin, you are not a prisoner, you are our alpha. I can’t let you leave though; the danger is too great.” Derek said to me.

  I scoffed. For the first time in my life, I felt my temper starting to rise and the urge to rebel against being told what to do boiling to the surface. If I was the alpha, what right did he have to tell me if I could leave or not? I glared at him and rose from where we were sitting.

  “SO I am being held prisoner then,” I said, my voice filled with anger. “Why don’t you show me to my quarters then, guard?”

  He shook his head, “Please Collin.” He said softly. “Don’t do this, don’t be like this. I only want to protect you.”

  I didn’t have anything else to say to him. I held my tongue and followed him silently to a small hut on the edge of town. He pushed the door, and I saw two beds inside. He had once again presented me with more questions than I had answers, but I was still too enraged to speak to him. He stepped towards me, his hand outstretched. His mouth fell open, but his words didn’t escape. I could see his temper starting to rise at my stubbornness, and it fueled my desire to stand my ground.

  “We will eat and meet with the council in two hours. You will stay here, in my quarters for now. I would encourage you not to try and leave, you will be stopped.” He said before spinning on his heels and storming from the hut.

  I let out a deep sigh, I hadn’t realized just how exhausted the past few hours had made me until that moment, but I still had enough fire left inside of me to push the boundaries. Something inside of me had been stirred, and I had no intention of burying that back down into my subconscious again.

  Looking around the hut, I sat the only other entrance was a window, free from glass or a screen. It was rustic, like all the other parts of the village. I looked around, half expecting for Derek to appear from nowhere again. When I saw no one, I peeked out the window and saw no guard stationed outside. He must not have alerted the others to my whereabouts yet. I would need to move quickly.

  Without further hesitation, I grasped the window and pulled myself out, falling without grace out onto the other side. I crumpled to the ground, a sharp pain shooting through my arm. I didn’t pause to nurse my wound. As soon as I was standing, I started to run into the woods. I didn’t look to see where I was going or if I was being chased. All I knew was that I needed to escape. No man would hold me captive. Not now or ever.

  When I finally skidded to a halt after what felt like miles, I struggled to catch my breath. I was deep in the woods; I knew I was lost. I heard footsteps slowly approaching from behind. I didn’t turn around to see who it was. Still struggling to catch my breath, I laughed.

  “I told you, I won’t be your prisoner,” I said to him without turning around.

  “I never asked you to be Collin, I just want to be your second in command, unlike Derek.” Said the dark man.

  I spun around and caught his gaze. Derek hadn’t been following me, it was the other para-alpha. He had me alone in the woods.

  I stepped away from him, my eyes following his sly, but seductive smile. He made the hair on my neck stand at attention. My instinct told me not to trust him, and it was one that I had honed over several years of travelers passing through the monastery walls.

  “What’s your name?” I asked, the curiosity overpowering me.

  He smiled again. “Didn’t your pet Derek tell you? I am Dante.”

  I glared at him. “Derek is no pet of mine, and I am no man’s master. He is free to do what he wants.”

  Dante laughed, “That’s more than he gave you, isn’t it? Why else would you be running from him?”

  I had no words for him, it was true. Derek was treating me like a prisoner, but I was already regretting fleeing from the safety of his arms. Dante didn’t seem like the type of man who I wanted to be left alone with. I quickly changed my way of thinking.

  “No,” I said to him defiantly. “Derek is not holding me captive. I just needed to go for a break, clear my head. I think I will head back now.”

  Dante smiled at me and stepped close. “Oh Collin, you and I both know that I can’t let that happen. You are just too important for me to let go.”

  I backed away from him until I felt a large boulder at my back. I was trapped. The fear was rising up inside of me. His eyes glistened as he approached. He licked his lips, and his eyes started to change colors. His body started to elongate and change its shape. I knew he was shifting. The part of me that had long been dormant was coming to life. The hair on my neck stood straight again and this time, I let it flow through my body, hardening my pecks as it went. Before I could let the change consume me though, noise in the distance pulled me back.

  I looked around just as Dante did the same, his transformation halted too. It was obvious though that he had so much more control over it than I did. I wish I had the nerve to flee while he was distracted, but I was just as captivated by the sound as he was. It was coming fast. Four feet instead of two. Before I could process another thought, a giant leopard jumped into the clearing, making me gasp. I knew who it was in an instant, my savior and my captor, Derek.

  He shifted back to his human form, and I couldn’t suppress a gasp. It was like watching a dancer, he moved with such fluidity. With his body exposed, I saw for the first time his chiseled frame and manhood, unguarded by clothing. Even in its dormant state, his shaft was large. His body, as I had felt earlier, was rock hard. I licked my lips and felt my own body reacting to the site of his. I wanted to go to him and touch him, to kiss his nipples and trail my fingers down his body.

  “What are you doing in our territory, Dante?” Asked Derek, in a terrifying voice.

  My heart skipped a beat at his dominance. I looked to Dante, who was obviously amused, but only because he was covering his fear.

  “I was just paying our new leader a little visit.” Replied Dante.

  Derek looked at him, and my breathing froze. He was angry; more so than I had ever before seen and I knew that anger was directed at me for leaving the camp. I couldn’t blame him. If he hadn’t come along then I would have been dead, or worse at the hands of Dante. It didn’t seem like he had just wanted to kill me. The word ‘torture’ flashed through my mind.

  “Leave now, or I will end your life.” Said Derek, not willing to play games with Dante.

  Dante chuckled, “Now Derek, you of all people, with your rules and whatnot should know that you can’t threaten me anymore. The Alpha has returned; we are a united pack once again. There are no territories.”

  Derek glared at him and took a step towards him. Dante moved backward, his hands rose up in a sign of surrender.

  “Okay, okay.” Said Dante, glaring at Derek. “I will go, for now. Sooner or later though brother, we will see each other again. Next time, I won’t be alone, and your prized alpha won’t get away from me again.”

  Derek growled at him and jumped, starting to shift. I could tell that Dante knew he had run out of time, and he retreated back into the forest, hissing at the para-beta as he went. When there was no more sound coming from the wood line, I looked at Derek. I struggled to raise my eyes to him. I was embarrassed and scared, knowing that he was angry.

  When I looked up, the anger was gone from his face. He stepped over to me, his body was still exposed. My heart began to race, and my mouth fell open as his strong hand wrapped around the back of my head, his other arm around my waist. Pulling me to him, he gazed down into my eyes, and I looked up at him.

  “Do you know how scared I was when you had gone missing?” He whispered softly to me.

  “I’m sorry; I will never do that again.” I managed to stammer through my fluttering heart and catching breath.

  His lips fell down onto mine. I had never before known a kiss, and it was like nothing I had ever felt in my life. My body reacted instantly, and I could feel my shaft growing, pressing up against Derek’s body, I felt him crushing my bo
dy against his own. His bulge was also growing. With each passing minute, I felt it becoming larger. His hand left the back of my neck and slid down my body, sending shivers wherever it touched. I was barely dressed, having discarded my tunic in the cabin. I had run in nothing but my pants, which he quickly unsnapped and they fell to the ground. When he reached my hip, and he squeezed, I gasped out in pleasure and pain.

  His hand moved lower as he playfully bit my lip, making me moan out in joy. The butterflies in my stomach were going insane, not knowing what would happen next, but longing to feel him grasp my rod. Derek didn’t disappoint, his hand gripped my manhood and squeezed, sending chills through my body as I had never before known. I whispered his name as his hand moved up and down my cock. I couldn’t help but reach down between us and feel his own manhood. It was huge!

  The fear and joy that mingled inside of me knowing what he was going to do to me and almost more than I could take. I felt his hand leave my shaft to cup my globes, and a drop of clear precum escaped the tip of my sword. He saw it and fell to his knees, laughing softly. When his tongue, so skilled and gentle, licked the tip of my shaft, I shuddered in undiluted pleasure. He took my rod into his mouth and pulled gently on me, and the sensations that rocked through my body were unmatched by any I had ever before felt. I knew I wouldn’t last long, not with his skill. I put my hands on the back of his head and tugged gently at his hair.

  “I’m going to explode,” I whispered to him.

  When he started to suck harder instead of moving away, it made something inside of me rise up. Some animal instinct that I had never before know. My hands tangled through his hair and I pushed him down harder onto my cock. He responded willingly and grasped my butt; his fingers wrapped around my cheeks and started to probe deep inside of my body. That was all I could take. I gasped out in joy and felt my climax building up to a crescendo.

  When my juice started to spill into his mouth and I felt his throat contracting to swallow, I shoved myself further into his mouth and began to shudder all over. My skin felt like it was on fire. When I could take no more, he pulled away, but I could tell by the glow in his eyes that he wasn’t done with me. Suddenly, I was afraid for what was to come.


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