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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 86

by Stephan James

  “It’s okay, I will be gentle,” Derek said to me with a soft smile.

  I nodded my head; I knew this was what I wanted, more than anything else in the world. I dropped down to my knees before turning around so my back was facing him. He moaned softly, seeing my exposed body. I leaned forward onto my hands to brace myself for what was to come. His shaft was hard, I felt it pressing at my entrance, and it sent another shudder of desire through my body. My shaft was already solid again in anticipation. When he started to press into me, pain shot through my body. I gasped and jerked myself forward.

  He grabbed my hips, holding me in place. I strained against his hands, but didn’t speak. I wanted to push away from him, but I didn’t ask him to stop. I wanted him to fill me also. Once again, his shaft pushed into my virgin entrance, and I couldn’t stop a cry from slipping through my lips. As he began to fill me up, the pain subsided, and it was replaced with pure pleasure. His grip stayed firm though around my waist as he started to pump into me, my shaft was dripping once again. As Derek moved inside of me, I felt my body changing; I felt the animal being set free.

  I looked around the wilderness, and my sight was becoming clearer. The sounds were coming to life. Derek’s scent behind me was delicious and intoxicating. I whispered his name and felt his shaft growing rigid inside of me. Just as his manhood exploded, he thrust into me one final time, making my own cock throb with desire. As he pumped into me, Derek let go of my hips and reached around to grasp my rod, I started to thrust into his hand right away and found myself rocking to another climax at the same time that I felt his seed fill up my body.

  Exhausted, we fell down onto the soft grass together, panting and gasping for breath. I never wanted to leave that place. I wanted to spend hours with Derek, wrapped in his strong arms. My body had other plans though. As if we had started the transformation by making love, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I gasped, and Derek looked at me.

  “What’s wrong with me?” I asked him, terrified.

  He smiled, “You are becoming a shifter. I will be with you the whole time.”

  Something about his voice though made me suspicious. “Derek, did you know this was going to happen?”

  He looked away from me but nodded his head. I sucked in a sharp breath.

  “You used me,” I whispered.

  “No!” He said adamantly. “I wanted you, Collin. You have to know that.”

  His pleas fell on deaf ears though as the bones in my body started to transform. I had never before known pain until that moment. Neither physical or emotional from Derek’s betrayal.

  Never before had I know such a searing pain. With each passing minute, my bones were breaking and taking new shapes. Derek did all he could to help me, but his words of comfort fell on deaf ears. All I could think about was the pain. What felt like days was mere minutes. When I opened my eyes again, I saw the world through those of my leopard self. I felt the alpha power coursing through me. I didn’t want to be a leopard, though; I think that knowing I wanted to return to my human form helped to lessen the pain of shifting back.

  When I returned, the pain was already gone.

  “I am sorry Collin; the first time always hurts the most.” Said Derek, reaching out to touch me.

  I jerked away from him. “How dare you!”

  “I’m sorry, please. Collin, you needed to learn to change, and that was the only way to bring out your inner alpha.” He said, his eyes filled with hurt, but not regret.

  I glared at him. I didn’t want anything to do with him. Not now, not after he had used me. I just wanted to be left alone. I knew that he would never respect that though. I had to try anyways.

  “Derek, get away from me. Leave me alone.” I said, my voice rippling through my body with an odd sensation.

  He gasped and backed away from me. Like he had no choice, but to follow my command. Suddenly, I wanted him to stay. I had more questions about what had just happened. Derek couldn’t stay, as he turned away from me and shifted back into his animal form and ran from where I was at. I knew the way back to the camp, but still, I didn’t turn to follow him. Instead, I slowly started to walk in the other direction. I needed time to clear my head.

  It didn’t take long before footsteps approached me. In my new shifter state, I knew that it wasn’t Derek. It was Dante, I wanted to tell him to leave also, but I had questions. If my control had worked on Derek, it would work on him too when the time was right.

  “I see you are all alone again, your guardian isn’t very smart.” Said Dante with a dark laugh.

  I spun around and glared at him. “I suggest you back off Dante.”

  He stumbled backward, obviously shocked at my command. It didn’t last long, and I saw the smile creep across his face once again.

  “Isn’t this a fun new development? I guess Derek got what he wanted after all.” Said Dante.

  I glared at him, “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Dante smiled, “You mean your pet didn’t tell you? He activated your alpha. Now it’s just a question of what you are going to do with it.”

  “I knew it,” I muttered. I knew that Derek had done this intentionally. Now, with confirmation, it made the betrayal even worse.

  “My brother is crafty like that. Don’t worry; I am sure you are not the first shifter he has forced into changing that way. I know you won’t be the last.” Said Dante.

  His words stung. One word in particular though caught me off guard. “Did you say, brother?”

  He chuckled softly, “You mean he kept another secret from you? I can’t say I’m surprised. He’s full of stories, anything to get you to join his side. Let me guess, I am the bad brother. The one who has done nothing, but create trouble?”

  I glared at him, but he was right. Derek had painted Dante as an evil man. Now, with the lies that Derek told me stacking up against him, I wasn’t so sure.

  “Listen, I know we got off on the wrong foot but why don’t you come back to my camp with me? Of your own free will, of course? Then I can tell you anything you would like to know, including setting the story straight about your parents.” Said Dante.

  My brain was telling me that he was lying, but my heart was broken. I knew that I could control him or any other just by using the command in my voice. I did want answers too. With more confidence than I had before, I nodded my head.

  “Great!” said Dante. His smile lighting up his face and reminding me of how attractive he was.

  I started to follow him. As we walked, I turned around and looked behind me, waiting for Derek to stop me. No one was there, he had gone back to the came as I had told him too. The power coursing through me was thrilling, but the pain was almost enough to make it not worth it. As we walked, I wanted my questions answered.

  “So you and Derek are brothers. What drove you apart?” I asked Dante.

  “You did, of course!” said Dante.

  I shook my head, “I don’t understand, how could I drive you apart?”

  “I knew that you would want to return to a pack that was powerful and strong, a pack that was everything your parents had wanted it to be. Instead, Derek wanted you to come back to a weak and divided pack. He wanted the power for himself.” said Dante.

  I laughed, “That’s funny, Derek said the same thing about you.”

  “Did he tell you that whoever you chose as your mate will become a permanent para-beta? If you chose him, he would keep his power, and you won’t be able to control him, but you will consume all the other power, making you the strongest alpha known to leopards?” asked Dante.

  I shook my head, “I had no idea. I wish I were surprised, but I’m not. That’s why he came to me, isn’t it? He thought if we mated, I would choose him?”

  Dante smiled. “Very good. I wanted you to choose, but he was insistent on keeping you away from me, from us.”

  He pushed back a branch, and I saw in the clearing a village, much like Derek’s, but full of laughter and animals chasing each other ar

  “Welcome to paradise, my alpha.” said Dante.

  I couldn’t stop myself from looking around and smiling. All around me, men were laughing and drinking. They were kissing and mating with each other wherever they wanted. It was like Eden had opened up in front of me, and I had only just started to see it through a blind man’s eyes.

  “Derek has always been a bit of a prude. I believe that we were made to enjoy life.” said Dante.

  A younger man walked over to me and smiled. He was handsome, about my age. I couldn’t help but blush at his attention as he handed me a cup. I took a taste and gagged. It was a very strong brew.

  Dante laughed, “We brew our own! You will get used to it, I promise. Drink up!”

  Something in his voice made my skin crawl, but still, the ale was strong and already coursing through my body. I took another drink, and the burn was less. It encouraged me to continue drinking. I knew that Dante couldn’t be trusted, but each time I thought about leaving, I thought about Derek and his lies. It made my heart ache to know that he was capable of such deception.

  “So.” I started, my words slurred. “How do I bring the packs together? How do I decide what happens?”

  Dante smiled, “You have a few options actually. You can always choose Derek or me as your mate, and then the packs are united underneath you. Or, you can relinquish your claim to the alpha title and leave it to a successor. However, if you do that, the new alpha can be challenged, and killed.”

  I thought for several minutes, but my brain was so clouded by wine, I didn’t know what was right and what was wrong. Dante had been the only honest one among the group so far. I decided it was time to seek out his opinion; maybe it would give me some insight. The world was starting to spin, and the sun was setting in the sky. It was a breathtaking sight. All around me, men who had been playful earlier were starting to get drunk and loud.

  “What would you do?” I asked Dante.

  “Well, I know that leaving your pack could be devastating. You may not know us, but we would be torn apart again if you left. No matter who you picked, there would be a war started.” He said to me, appearing to consider the options. “I believe, in your position, the best choice would be to take a mate, unite the packs with someone at your side who knows the world we live in. Someone who knows our ways, someone you can trust.”

  I snorted. I didn’t know who I could trust. I thought that person would be Derek, but he had done nothing but lie to me. How could I seek him out at my partner, when all he wanted was to be at my side. So far the only person who hadn’t tried to bed me was Dante. More and more, with each drink, he was looking like my best option. It would infuriate Derek! Maybe if I only pretended to choose Dante, Derek would stop lying to me. I didn’t know if I would ever be able to trust him again. He had broken my heart, something that no one had ever before done.

  A commotion at the gate pulled me away from my thoughts and for the first time, I saw that Dante wasn’t as intoxicated as I was. Rising to my feet, the world began to spin. I saw several leopards coming to the first entrance of the village. They were obviously not well received by the men standing around drunk. Right away, tension rose. I recognized a few of the men as those from the other camp and my heart started to skip. Dante looked back at me.

  “Stay here,” he said protectively.

  I nodded my head, a little upset that he was able to command me without my approval. I sat back down on the ground and watched the outsiders become surrounded and slowly pushed back out of the camp. It wasn’t a very well thought out plan, I said to myself. Just then, a giant arm grabbed me around the waist while another covered my mouth. I tried to scream, but it was no use against the massive arms. I knew that it was Derek, and it infuriated me even more. I struggled against him, but it did no good.

  He quickly bound my legs and hands and gagged me, tossing me over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. I kicked and thrashed, but I was so drunk that the movement of him running quickly made me so dizzy that I struggled to stay conscious. When I had calmed down, I realized that he wasn’t taking me back to his camp. Instead, he was taking me in the opposite direction.

  Before long, a clearing and cabin came into view, and Derek set me down on the ground. I stumbled; struggling to catch my stance in the tight ropes.

  “Do not even think about muttering a command, young alpha,” He said to me as he removed the gag.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing? Have you taken me to lie some more?” I shot at him.

  He glared back at me, “You are drunk. You can sleep it off here. Tomorrow, Dante will arrive, and you can choose him once again.”

  His words shocked me, but in my drunken state, my pride was more important, “Fine! I will, at least he will treat me with respect.”

  Derek laughed, it was deep and sad. “Whatever you think little one. The lies we tell ourselves will only go so far.”

  “What does that mean?” I asked him, but he ignored me.

  The night was in full bloom, and the sky was dark as I lay on the ground. My arms and legs were still bound. I watched Derek as he kept guard over us. The questions that were going unanswered were becoming more infuriating with each passing moment. As I drifted off to sleep, my mind was filled with thoughts of Derek and Dante and the choice I was going to need to make.

  I woke several hours later, the moon lighting up the sky. My head felt like it was going to explode once again. Struggling, I sat up and rubbed my neck, realizing that the bounds were gone, and Derek was nowhere to be seen. I looked around and saw the fire was still going strong so he couldn’t have gone far.

  “I was wondering if you were going to wake up,” Said Derek from the darkness.

  I rose to my feet, “You had no right to take me.”

  He smiled, “I know. I needed to talk to you.”

  “It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?” I asked him.

  He looked at me, and my heart started to melt. “I hope not. Please, Collin, let me speak.”

  I sighed, I couldn’t tell him no. I wanted to know what he was going to say. He brought me comfort that no one else could. Something about him told me that he would never harm me. It didn’t matter that I was angry with him for not being honest. In my heart, I knew he meant well.

  “Fine,” I muttered.

  “I never meant to hurt you, Collin. Your father would be ashamed of me. I couldn’t help myself. When I saw you in the clearing with Dante, the rage just started to build inside of me. Thinking about him, claiming you, I wanted to kill him. Your father was a wonderful man, and he would have wanted you to know everything. I should have told you that if we made love, you would change for the first time. I was so scared. I was scared that you would tell me no, I was scared that you wouldn’t want me as I wanted you. I was scared that I was too late.”

  His words made my heart skip. For the first time, I was getting the answers that I needed, not just what he wanted to tell me. He looked at me, and I smiled softly, encouraging him to continue to speak.

  “When your father passed, I knew that he wanted me and Dante to join forces, but then Dante turned away from us. He wanted a world of games and controlling others. He wanted to be a ruler, not a leader. I should have told you that he was my brother, but I couldn’t bring myself to be associated with him like that. Our parents, yours and mine, were closer than any others. They protected each other. You know that we do not age like others, not even like other shifter packs like the bears or cougar clans; we will see generations pass before aging. I couldn’t…” His voice trailed off.

  “What? You couldn’t what?” I encouraged him.

  He blushed and softly whispered, “I could think of a lifetime without you. I knew the moment I saw you that I wanted to be with you forever. You took my breath away.”

  I gasped; I wanted to tell him that I felt the same. That he made my heart sing and my body quake with desire and love. His actions from before thought stopped me.

“How can I trust you, though?” I asked him quietly. “How do I know you are telling the truth when you have already lied and betrayed me?”

  He shook his head, “I don’t know. I did it to protect you, but it was wrong. I see that now. All I can do is hope that you give me the time to show you how I feel and know that I will never again give you a reason to question my faith to you.”

  I smiled my heart filling again with love. I stood and walked over to where Derek was standing. He watched me come to him. Throwing my arms around him, his hands found my waist. Our eyes locked and I smiled.

  “That’s good enough for me. I don’t want to ever be apart from you again Derek,” I said to him softly.

  The smile that lit up his face told me that I had made the right decision. I stood on my toes, and our lips met, once again rocking my body with fireworks. When I broke away, I could see he was smiling just as foolishly as I was. There was one last thing that I needed to know. It was something that meant a lot to me. I didn’t want him just to be the first of many. I wanted him to be the only one, forever.

  “Derek, will you be my mate?” I asked him.

  He continued to smile before swinging me around in a circle and laughing, “Yes!”

  We both laughed now, in love and full of joy, but it was cut short by the sound of sticks breaking behind us. I had forgotten about the other man who was also trying to get to my heart. Although I didn’t think he could ever love someone as much as he loved himself. Dante was a terrible man, and I kicked myself mentally forever falling for his dark tricks. I had almost lost Derek because of it.

  “Well,” said Dante. “Isn’t this just a lovely little reunion? It’s too bad I’m going to have to cut it short.”

  Derek set me down, his eyes filling with hate. “You have lost, Dante, go back to your pack and tell them you no longer lead them.”

  Dante laughed, “I don’t think so. You will be dead before the night is over!”


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