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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 92

by Stephan James

  The blue eyed man was sitting with his arms crossed, leaning back with his legs crossed over the other and his gaze also looking out the window. His expression was serious, no hint of amusement in his face. Despite this however, there was an air of importance around him. Alexin stared at him, slightly in awe and confused that such a person would want to have someone like him by his side. He didn't even feel worthy. The car stopped and the door was opened for them. Alexin climbed out first, and his jaw dropped again.

  I had a hunch he probably lived very lavishly but...he lives here?!

  The complex that was before him was at least 10 stories high or more. The entrance had a red carpet, two large ferns on either side of the revolving doors, and two men in black hotel stewards outfits, and above it were golden letters that read, Skyline Cliff. Never, even in Alexin's wildest fantasies, did he think that he would be moving into the Skyline Cliff complex, especially since only very wealthy people stayed in those expensive condos. Lushian walked up beside him, one hand in his pocket as he glanced down at the awestruck Alexin.

  “Close your mouth, Penrose.” was all he said before walking toward the building.

  Alexin quickly did so and hurried after his boss, entering the lobby of the complex. It was large, the upholstery, furniture and tapestry were a deep purple, an appropriate color since everything felt very majestic and regal. Lushian checked in with a neat and tidy looking woman behind the counter, and with Alexin on his tail, went into the elevator, pressing the button to go up to the 9th floor. The walls of the hall on the 9th floor were a light gold and deep golden color while the floors had black carpeting. Not as majestic as the lobby was, but there was still the feeling of something great. To say that Alexin was awe struck was a huge understatement at this point now.

  The two strolled down the hall until Lushian stopped at a door marked 'I5'. He pulled out a key and unlocked the door, stepping inside with Alexin following close behind him. They left their shoes at the entrance hallway and walked from the hall into the living room. Alexin noticed two things upon first glance. One, his items and everything were already there, sitting against one of the two couches. Two: just the area of the living room was huge! Two couches, a reclining chair, a low table in the middle and a television. The dining room was a table close to the wall of windows and the long island that was connected to the kitchen. The staircase led up to the hallway that stretched two different ways, with three doors on each side. Expensive, lavish, luxurious, these words simply paled in comparison to the amount of indulgence that went into the space Alexin was standing in.

  “Oh my gosh...” he murmured.

  Lushian chuckled, taking off his suit jacket and loosening his tie then pulling it off. “Your reactions are very amusing.”

  Alexin turned red. “What is that supposed to mean?!”

  Before Lushian could respond, a long growl coming from Alexin's stomach interrupted them. “You're hungry?”

  “Of course I'm not!” Another growl told Lushian otherwise. “Ugh...”

  “Well, if you're hungry, we can order something or go out to eat.”

  “We don't need to do that.” Alexin walked over to the kitchen area, opening the refrigerator and peering inside. “There's a lot in here that can be cooked into a decent meal.”

  Lushian raised an eyebrow as he took a seat on the couch facing the kitchen area. “You can cook?”

  “Well, I've lived alone since I was 17, and when I was younger my mother used to let me help her when she cooked. I wrote down a lot of her recipes and taught myself to make them once I got my apartment.” Alexin stopped and smiled awkwardly at Lushian. “Sorry, I'm rambling.”

  Lushian frowned, but shrugged it off, pulling out a carton of cigarettes and taking out one. He placed it between his lips and lit it up with his lighter, inhaling then exhaling rings of smoke. He then picked up the newspaper that had been sitting on the couch, opened it and starting to read while he smoked. Alexin took out various ingredients with the planned meal in his mind: tuna casserole with a side of fruit salad. He went over to his luggage and pulled an apron from a large black bag, tied it around him and started cooking, humming softly to himself while he did so.

  About 15 minutes later, Lushian looked up from his newspaper, looking over at Alexin as he cooked, watching his actions carefully. He felt something stirring inside of him. It was a similar feeling to when he was hunting prey, but at the same time it was completely different. Satisfaction and something else that he couldn't quite put a word to. But it felt right. He chuckled to himself, taking his cigarette from his mouth and blowing out smoke.

  Alexin glanced over at Lushian, looking confused at the sound of the man chuckling, but it seemed to have been nothing. “Mr. Solidus, the food is ready.”

  “Good.” Lushian put down his paper and snuffed out the remainder of his cigarette, leaving its butt in the ashtray. “Also, when we're home, you can call me Lushian.”

  “Yes sir...” Alexin frowned to himself. This is going to take some getting used to…

  For the next week, Alexin wasn't worrying about work, but rather he was busying himself with doing chores around his new home. He moved his belongings into the room two doors down from Lushian's bedroom. But during that week, he surprisingly found himself becoming accustomed to his new living area. Lushian was a heavy sleeper and a-not-so-happy person when he woke up. He ate breakfast and read the paper before leaving around 8 in the morning, and then returning around 6 or 7 in the evening. He smoked cigarettes three times a week, sometimes more when he wanted to, and lounged around when he wasn't working. Lushian wasn't a good cook, and it was easy to surprise him each day with different dishes and foods. And each dish would get him a “This is really good” or “Mmm, you should make this again.” Alexin actually felt delighted when he was praised, and was starting to like living with Lushian, but then remembering how he was being forced to do this because he was a screw up, and he'd let his excitement die away.

  Finally, the week passed and Lushian allowed him to come back to work that Monday morning. They drove to work together, Alexin was still not used to the fact that now he was basically the slave of his boss. When they entered the building, Alexin lowered his face to avoid making eye contact with anyone because almost everyone was staring at them, some surprised, but most shocked and puzzled. The head chief had a lowly employee, someone who could easily be replaced, running after him.

  “Isn't that Penrose from the Agreements department?”

  “Yea, what's he doing coming in with the chief?”

  “You think maybe they met up together outside?”

  “No, I saw them come out of the same car!”

  “Whoa, that's so weird...”

  This is so embarrassing! Alexin thought, wanting to crawl into a deep dark hole. He glanced at Lushian, and found him unfazed, or probably oblivious, as Caera walked beside him and they discussed things that he couldn't hear. I'm being put through this, and he's completely calm! Or he just doesn't care…


  Alexin stopped and saw Andere coming over to him, noticing his glance toward Caera and Lushian. “Oh, good morning Dere.”

  “I knew something was up with you. What happened? Why didn't you come into work last week, and why are you coming in today with the boss?”


  Andere frowned. “Alex, we've been friends for a long time, you know you can always talk to me. I'll listen, you know I will…”

  “I know that Dere.” The brown haired man sighed softly, smiling at his friend. “I'm sorry. Once I figure everything out, I promise I'll tell you everything.”

  Andere made a face and Alexin couldn't help but laugh at it. “Do you really promise?”

  “Of course I do. You know I don't break my promises.”

  “Yeah.” Andere smiled widely and ruffled Alexin's hair. “Because if you did, I'd beat the crap outta ya!”

  “Hey, cut it out!” Alexin laughed.

Sir!” Caera waved her hand before Lushian's face, frowning. “Mr. Solidus, don't space out!”

  “I'm not.”

  And indeed, he wasn't. His gaze was focused on Alexin, who was a distance away from where he and Caera stood, speaking with someone casually and laughing even. The person was even touching him, and Alexin didn't push them away, or become shy and meek like when he was around Lushian. And for some reason, this pissed off the blue eyed man. He frowned deeply, almost wanting to growl in anger. But wait, why was he getting aggravated in the first place? Alexin was his pet, a silly employee who needed to be watched carefully otherwise Nitroxic would go downhill fast. Yet, Lushian still couldn't help this irritated feeling in his chest, seeing Alexin laughing and smiling with someone else.

  “Anyways, we have to get an agreement from the-Mr. Solidus? Where are you going?” Caera asked, watching Lushian walk back towards Alexin and Andere.

  “Alright!” Andere threw his arm around Alexin's shoulders. “Well, how about we go out to eat tonight? My treat!”

  “Thank goodness! With the way you eat, I wouldn't be able to pay!” Alexin laughed.

  “What are you saying?! I don't eat that much!” Andere denied, his cheeks turning red.

  “You eat for three people!”

  “Oh, be quiet! How does after work sound?”

  “That's fine with-”

  “Excuse me but,” Lushian's stern voice behind the pair interrupted them and his hand grabbed Andere's arm, pushing him away from Alexin. “Penrose won't be going anywhere tonight. He has much work to catch up on since he missed all of last week. Isn't that right, Penrose?”

  Alexin looked away and nodded. “Oh, yeah… That's right… Sorry Dere, rain check.” He told his friend, giving him an apologetic smile.

  “Don't worry about it.” Andere waved his hand, smiling. “These things happen. We can go out another time.”

  “I doubt that...” Lushian muttered, giving Andere a glare that made him freeze. “Let's go, Penrose.”

  Giving his friend another apologetic look, Alexin followed Lushian past Caera, who gave him and the blue eyed man a rather nasty look before walking right behind them. “Sir, the owner of the Remidum Corps wants to schedule a meeting with you this afternoon. He says he might be ready to sign the agreement.”

  “Alright.” Lushian looked over at Alexin. “You're going to accompany me, and this time, you'll be able to land that agreement.”


  Later that afternoon, a fidgety Alexin sat with Lushian behind him, as they waited for the other party to arrive. The owner was Japanese, and Lushian wanted to meet somewhere that would make him feel more comfortable, and more willing to sign their agreement. A sushi bar that had recently opened up in the city was suggested, and it was decided. Their room was secluded from the actual dining area of the place, and designed to look similar to a room in a traditional Japanese house. Leaving their room outside in the hall, Alexin and Lushian were sitting on thin pillows with their hands on their laps and their legs underneath them, though Alexin felt very uncomfortable in that position and even more so with Lushian's gaze centered on him. He could feel it in the back of his head and tried to focus on anything else.

  Just then, the sliding door was slid open and a man wearing a black and grey kimono appeared in the doorway, grinning the widest grin Alexin had ever seen. Behind were a couple of men, none of them in kimonos but dressed in causal, yet formal wear. The group was laughing loudly, jostling one another and seemed to be all around amused for no apparent reason. But there was a feeling of calmness in the atmosphere when they entered the room and Alexin found himself slowly relaxing.

  “Well, now! You two must be from Nitroxic, eh?” the man said, taking a seat on the pillow set next to them.

  “Pay no mind to me please.” Lushian said, and then motioned to Alexin. “This is who you are dealing with today.”

  “My name is Alexin Penrose...” Alexin's heard his voice shake a bit, but he ignored it, bowing his head to the man. “It's a pleasure to meet you sir.”

  “A polite young man, he is! I like him already! Well, I'm Yagi Shinkichi, founder and owner of the Remidum Corps. You can call me Yagi-san! Nitroxic is such a fast paced business and the companies we partner with say their businesses are thriving, but I'm still not convinced!”

  Alexin smiled shyly. “Well, sir… Nitroxic has the lowest interest rates than most other companies and we also have stocks in the millions, never losing one unless absolutely necessary. Our teams make sure that both parties are satisfied before any agreements are signed and that everyone is allotted a certain amount of interest.”

  Yagi nodded his head, rubbing the nonexistent hairs on his chin. “What about family?”

  Alexin's face went blank. “P-Pardon sir?”

  “Family, boy, family!” Yagi boomed, spreading out his arms. “In Remidum Corps, we consider ourselves as one big family! I want to know if Nitroxic does the same. If not, then I'm better off investing my time in someone else!”

  Alexin froze. He had never been asked such a question before and had no clue how he should respond. His hands began to sweat and his heart was pounding in his chest. With the eyes of Yagi and his men on him, he could feel his nerves going AWOL.

  “Calm down...” Lushian whispered to him, pulling him from his thoughts. “Breathe and think. I know you can do this, so just calm yourself.”

  Alexin glanced over his shoulder and found his boss glaring at him, making him turn away again. He's right. I just have to calm down and think. He inhaled, then sighed and looked to Yagi, smiling faintly.

  “Yagi-san, I'll tell you that I've only been working at Nitroxic for about a year. I'm very clumsy, I mess things up and I can freeze up at important moments. But the people who work at my company are kind people who always lend me a hand when I struggle, who care about me and worry even when I tell them everything is okay. Even my boss is a kind man who only wants the best for me. I appreciate my co-workers, they're like my family and I love my work. Sir, I can't think of a better place to be than at Nitroxic!”

  When he finished, a wave of relief washed over Alexin and he smiled to himself. Behind him, Lushian was in awe of Alexin's speech. He stared at the young man, his heart suddenly beating faster and faster. That feeling was back again, and stronger this time, then Lushian realized what it was.

  Yagi and his men were tearing up, sniffling and wiping their eyes. “That was so moving...”

  “Thank you, sir...” Alexin said, laughing nervously.

  Wiping his eyes, Yagi nodded. “Alright, I've made my decision. Your speech was so inspiring that I've decided to sign the agreement.”

  Alexin's eyes lit up with excitement. “T-Thank you so much sir!”

  He handed over the contract and watched Yagi sign each section, nodding as he did so, then handed the forms back to Lushian, with a big grin. “I expect to hear good things from you, my family!”

  “And you will, Yagi-san!”

  Lushian and Alexin stood up; bowing to the men then left the room. Alexin couldn't tear his eyes away from the signed contract, a big smile playing on his lips.

  “I can't believe I did it...” he murmured.

  “I never expected that from you.” Lushian said, startling Alexin. “Is that how you won all of your debates?”

  Alexin nodded, still smiling. “Yea, I just poured my heart out and always managed to pull through. And, you helped a bit too, sir. Thinking on your words, I knew I would be able to do it so...thank you.”

  “You know...” Lushian stopped, making Alexin stop as well. “That's the first time that I've seen you smile at me.”

  “Huh? It is? I-I'm sorry, it's just that I-”

  “Shut up.”

  Suddenly, Lushian did something that not even Alexin was prepared for. He leaned down in front of the brown haired male, tilted his chin up with his fingers and kissed him. Alexin's eyes widened, not moving as he was kissed. Lushian pulled away after a moment, turned away
and walked off down the hall. For him, that kiss confirmed it. He was in love with Alexin. But for the time being, he'd keep that information to himself.

  “Come on, Penrose.” he called back to Alexin who was still star struck.

  “Y-Y-Yes sir!” Alexin stammered, blindly stumbling after Lushian.

  Behind them, someone watched the two walk off before disappearing themselves. The ride home was silent, an awkward atmosphere hanging between Lushian and Alexin. Lushian glanced at the young man, noticing him fidgeting and looking uncomfortable. He frowned deeply, annoyed by Alexin's reactions and annoyed at himself for doing something so impulsive and idiotic. He let himself get caught up in that strange new feeling and now, Alexin was farther away than before.

  Hopefully, he'll forget about it

  A few days passed since the Remidum agreement, but Alexin didn't forget about the kiss that followed it. Well, it was more like he couldn't forget. Lying awake at night, he wouldn't sleep until 3 in the morning because all he could dream about was that kiss. And his dreams would go farther than that. One night, Alexin had finally drifted off to sleep, and began to dream.

  He was inside of Lushian's room one afternoon, changing the bed sheets and taking the dirty clothes that needed to be washed. Humming softly to himself, his mind focused on what he was doing, he didn't hear Lushian enter the room until he felt the man's arms wrapping around his waist. He cried out and looked back over his shoulder; he calmed down a bit when he saw it was just Lushian.

  “You scared me, geez.” he said, his heart still thumping, but for a different reason. “U-Um… Can you please let me go? I have to finish the chores.”

  “Do them later.” was Lushian's response, his arms holding Alexin tighter.

  “Is there something wrong?”

  “I like you...” Lushian murmured, and turned Alexin's face up, toward him. “I like you, Alexin.”


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