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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 94

by Stephan James


  “Andere, what-”


  Andere turned away and walked out of the bathroom, leaving Alexin by himself. He fell to the ground, covering his mouth with his hand. He didn't understand what happened, and his heart was aching. For a while, Andere began avoiding him, never looking his way, never calling him or texting him as often as he normally would, and never inviting him out. Alexin knew it was because of what happened in the bathroom, but he still felt sad that one of his best friends was just ignoring him so blatantly. He lay on his bed one rainy evening, staring at his phone. No new messages and no new calls. With a sigh, he turned off his phone and let it fall onto the bed, covering his eyes with his arm. He could still clearly remember the pained expression Andere had given him.

  “I didn't deny him but… He looked hurt.”

  “Alexin?” Alexin sat up quickly to see Lushian entering his room, frowning. “What's the matter with you? You've been sighing for weeks now. I hardly ever see your smile anymore.”

  Alexin looked away, biting his lower lip. “I-It's nothing...”

  “You're lying to me. Whenever you look away like that, I can tell you aren't being honest. What is it that has you so confused?”

  “I said it's nothing!” Alexin said, more aggressively than he intended.

  Lushian's frown deepened. “Fine. I'm leaving for an urgent meeting. I'll be back later tonight. Maybe then, you'll want to talk to me.”

  He left the room, slamming the door behind him. Alexin sighed, falling back and covering his face with his pillow, hating himself. About an hour later, Alexin was downstairs watching TV when the doorbell rang. He went to the entrance hallway and opened the door to find Andere standing there, soaking wet from head to toe.

  “Andere, what are you doing here?!” he gasped.

  “So, Ms. Caera wasn't lying when she said you were living here with the boss...” He said, laughing softly.

  Alexin frowned sadly. “Come inside, you need to dry off before you get a cold.”

  He took Andere's cold, wet clothes and put them in the dryer, giving him a change of clothes and a towel for his damp hair. They sat together on the couch in silence. Alexin opened his mouth to speak but Andere spoke before him.

  “How long have you been living here?” he asked.

  “About 3 months now.” Alexin replied.

  “Since when?”

  “That day when you asked me out for drinks...”

  “And are you and him…?”

  Alexin didn't answer and Andere lowered his head, the towel hanging on his head. “I should have known. The way you look at him, that possessive look he gets when you’re nearby. It was so obvious yet I didn't want to see the truth.”


  “Let me finish. I like you, Alex. More than just friends. I...I want to be someone special to you.”

  “But you are!”

  “No, he's already taken that place. I was too slow and ending up losing you to him. I can't compete with someone like him.”


  Alexin watched his friend stand, taking the towel from his head and finally looking at him. He was smiling but that pain in his eyes was stronger than before.

  “I better leave.”

  “You can't go!”

  “You don't understand, Alexin! I fantasize about you in erotic positions; I dream about seeing you sprawled under me and crying out in ecstasy with your cute voice. If I don't leave now, I'm going to do something we'll both regret. It's fine though. It's enough for me just to be by your side.”

  Alexin looked hurt. “Andere, can't we talk this out?”

  “I wish we could.” He said with a sad smile.

  And he left, leaving Alexin standing there with his heart torn in pieces. When Lushian came home that night, he found Alexin's door closed and locked. He didn't bother knocking and went to his own room. Alexin lay curled up in his bed, Andere's words making him unable to fall asleep without dreaming of his hurt best friend.

  The next day, the other employees were confused and a bit in shock to see the brown haired young man walking around the office with dark circles under his eyes and a less than cheerful expression on his usually happy face. Even Lushian was getting worried, but knew nothing about how to help when he didn't know what was wrong. As Alexin trudged down the hall, he noticed Andere talking with another employee. Their eyes met and Andere frowned, looking away from Alexin.

  Okay, that's it!

  Alexin straightened himself up and stormed over to Andere who finished his conversation. “Andere, if you had such strong feelings for me, why didn't you tell me sooner?”

  “What are you talking about, Alexin?” Andere asked, frowning. “We're at work; you shouldn't talk about personal business.”

  “Shut up! I don't care that we're at work! You being in pain is hurting me and I hate it! Look, I know I can't reciprocate your feelings and I'm sorry, but that doesn't mean you keep ignoring me and acting like you don't know me! It hurts me and makes me want to punch you, so cut it out!”

  Andere looked surprised by Alexin's outburst. Then, a small chuckle escaped his lips turning into a loud laugh. He wiped his eyes, smiling at a confused Alexin.

  “I'm really sorry, Alex. It's been really tough to deal with my feelings for you so I thought ignoring you would kill them, but I guess not.”

  Alexin smiled at him. “Even though we can't be lovers, we can still be friends, right?”


  Andere moved to turn away, but Alexin stopped him by grabbing his arm. “Hey Andere?” He leaned up and gave his friend a gentle kiss. Alexin moved away, smiling.

  “I hope you find someone that loves you as much as you love me.” With a wave, he turned away. At that moment, Caera and Lushian were coming out of Lushian's office, talking quietly. Lushian noticed Alexin, who smiled and ran over to him, hugging his arm.

  “Alexin? What-”

  “Nothing, I just love you so much Lushian.”

  **********The End**********

  Bear In Heat


  Jackson Shelton, CEO of a fortune 500 company and a divorced single father to a little boy, already has his hands full. With one bond already broken and a heart barely mended, this alpha isn't looking for forever. Meaningless bar conversation and one night stands serve his purpose just fine.

  Ricky, Jackson’s slightly smaller, younger, straight secretary isn’t the least bit interested in his boss, but when his desires overtake his will, he finds himself considering a family. Will his plans be derailed by Jackson’s old habits? Can Jackson forget about past hurts and give love a second chance?


  “Samuel! Samuel, get up, bud,” said Jackson, shaking his shoulder gently. Samuel’s curly chestnut hair was sticking all over the place, and Jackson ruffled it fondly. “Time to get up, we’re going to the office today.”

  Jackson would have worked from home if he could, but as CEO of Solutions

  Sports Medicine Company, he had to manage his multimillion dollar enterprise from his office. And that meant less time with Samuel. If his ex husband and Omega, Adam, hadn’t divorced him as soon as he had gotten pregnant, he would have parenting help, and Samuel wouldn’t have to spend all his time in the office. Still, he didn’t want to share Sam with Adam. Sam was too special. Adam had flaked out and didn’t want to share the responsibilities in raising a child. Whatever Adam had done, he wouldn’t trade Sam for the world. He smiled down at the little boy who was pretending to still be asleep.

  He lifted the sleepy boy out of bed and set him feet first on the floor. “It’s time for Dad to go to work, now,” he said.

  “Do I get to see Ricky?” asked Samuel, his high voice asking the first question of the morning. Jackson chuckled. That was a question he often heard, and one he often thought himself. Ricky was one of Jackson’s secretaries. He was a small man with an angular face, a bit of a
beard, and a huge smile. Jackson thought he was a very attractive man. He secretly had the hots for him, although he was wary of acting on his feelings. It was amusing to him that his son was fascinated by his secretary too, of course, for different reasons. Ricky was a very nice man who babysat Samuel when Jackson was busy.

  “If you want, hun,” he said, “now go brush your teeth or we’re going to be late.”

  Samuel and Jackson got in the car and drove off to Starbucks before work. Samuel sat, swinging his legs in the chair that was just too high for him and sat munching on his croissant. Jackson sat back and took a sip of his cup of coffee, looking at the kid in front of him. Sam needed a haircut.

  “Hey, kiddo,” he said, “I’ve taken a bit of the weekend off.”

  “That’s awesome, Dad!” said Samuel.

  “I was thinking that we could go to the water park,” said Jackson, smiling. Samuel loved the water park.

  “Can we take Ricky?” Samuel asked.

  “I don’t know, bud,” said Jackson, dubiously. As often as he saw him, he had never been with Ricky at all, outside of an office situation.

  “Okay,” said Samuel. “Can I have a sip of your coffee?”

  “Coffee is for grownups,” said Jackson, playing their game.

  “I’m a grownup.”

  “You’re five.”

  “Just a sip?”

  “You don’t even like coffee, kiddo,” he said, but handed the cup over. Samuel took a sip and grimaced.

  “I’ll like it when I’m a grownup,” said Samuel, decisively.

  “You got all the time in the world,” said Jackson, looking at his son. He was already so big, and growing up so fast. It was scary, and he was proud and sad at the same time. He just watched his kid sipping his juice, sitting in the Starbucks, with the morning sunshine flashing off cars and into the sunny glass front of the store where they were sitting. And the world stood still.

  When they got to the office, Samuel and Jackson made their way to his office. Jackson sat down on the chair opposite his desk, reading his emails and memos that were left on his desk, while Samuel spun around on Jackson’s “spinny chair”.

  Ricky walked in carrying a binder and a cup of coffee. Jackson was so immersed in his work that he didn’t even see him until Samuel said “Ricky!” and leapt off the chair. Ricky gently put the coffee cup on the table, trying not to spill it while he was ambushed by a five year old clinging to his leg. He picked up the kid and then spun him around, setting him down again. He stopped when he realized Jackson was looking at him. Jackson smiled, and Ricky tentatively smiled back.

  “Me and Ricky are best friends,” pronounced Samuel.

  “Ricky and I,” said Ricky, kneeling down to get on eye level with the kid.

  “Daddy said he didn’t know if you could come to the water park with us this weekend,” said Samuel, “but I want you to come.”

  “I don’t know either, Sam, it’s up to your dad,” he said, awkwardly.

  “Do you want him to come, Samuel?” asked Jackson.


  “Well then, can you come?” said Jackson, stifling a laugh.

  “Yes, I guess I can,” said Ricky, still feeling awkward about it.

  “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” said Samuel, gravely.

  “Hey, Samuel, can you go get Dad a cup of water from the stand in the hall?” asked Jackson.

  “Sure!” he said, zipping off.

  “Look Ricky, Samuel’s fond of you. It’d be fun for him if you could come with us, but don’t feel like you’ve got to, okay. It’s not like you need to spend your weekend hanging out with some old fogey and his kid. You got a girlfriend or somebody to see over the weekend?”

  “Nope, I’m single,” said Ricky, shaking his head. “You know, I’d like to come. Sam’s a good kid and I don’t want to disappoint him. I don’t think I’ve been to a water park since I was his age, either, it’d be good fun.”

  “Well, it’ll be nice to get to know you out of an office setting,” Jackson said casually. He meant that a few ways, but he didn’t want to come on to Ricky at all right now. That could wait.

  “Here you go, Dad!” said Samuel, handing Jackson a precariously full cup of water. He walked back over to Ricky. “Are you coming to the water park with us?”

  “Sure thing, Sam,” said Ricky, putting a hand on his shoulder. They broke off into an elaborate handshake that Jackson had never seen before. He was impressed.

  “Dad’s got some work to get done, Samuel,” said Jackson, “and you can go play.”

  “With Ricky?”

  “Ricky has to work too,” said Jackson, stifling a laugh.

  “Okay. On Saturday, then,” Samuel pronounced, before he looked around trying to figure out what to do next.

  Jackson pulled out a stack of coloring books from his desk and handed them to Samuel, who took them off into a corner. Ricky got up, dusted his trouser legs, and left the way he came. Jackson was sad to see him go, but also didn’t mind the view from the back. He could be almost certain that Ricky was a twink, if ever he did see one.

  Jackson looked back at his files, trying to figure out what he hadn’t gotten done yet. He settled into his working schedule, trying to ignore the humming sounds that came from the corner. They were delightful, but Samuel really made working hard sometimes. He had half a mind to send Samuel down to play with Ricky. That would make things easier, although he didn’t want his kid getting closer with his dad’s secretary than he was with his dad. Eleven o’ clock rolled around, and it was time for him to meet with the new manufacturing contractor for his recently developed line of knee braces.

  Jackson sent Samuel down the hall to Ricky with his coloring supplies and waited for the contractor to arrive. Eduardo Aquino Jimenez strolled in, and Jackson was struck by how nicely the man was dressed. He was preened from tip to toe, and his jet black hair was gelled back on the sides and only slightly messy on top. The gold earring in one ear gave him away. Jackson smiled. Eduardo was gay, or he wasn’t an Alpha.

  “Hello,” he said, his voice only betraying his accent slightly.

  “Good morning,” said Jackson, rising to shake his hand. “Please, take a seat.”

  Eduardo sat in the seat across from Jackson, leaning with his elbows on the table. As they began to discuss their deal, Jackson could see that Eduardo was flirting with him.

  “Just consider it,” said Eduardo, as they closed their meeting, and as he walked away, Jackson wasn’t sure if he meant the deal or not. Samuel and Jackson went to lunch at a restaurant in the skyscraper they operated, and then Jackson finished the rest of his day.

  “When will it be Saturday?” asked Samuel, as Jackson tucked him into bed.

  “Well, today is Wednesday,” pointed out Jackson. “Can you count the days?”

  “Yeah, Thursday,” he said, holding up a finger, “Friday, Saturday. Is that three days or two?”

  “What?” asked Jackson.

  “Is it three days or two, Dad? Because today is almost over and on Saturday it’ll be Saturday.”

  “You have two days of waiting to go to the water park—“

  “With Ricky—“

  “Yes, with Ricky,” said Jackson, “And me. Don’t forget about your old dad.”

  “I won’t! I even know you’re 40!”

  “Thirty, I’m thirty,” he grumbled. Samuel liked inflating his age, because he knew it would always provoke a reaction. “How old did you tell Ricky I was?” he asked.

  “I told him sixty, and he said “Wow!”

  “Nice. And how old is Ricky?” Jackson muttered, embarrassed. At least that one wasn’t believable.

  “Twenty four,” said Samuel proudly. “I know everything about Ricky.”

  “Okay,” said Jackson, sighing with the absurdity of it all. “Well, you’d better go to sleep now so Saturday comes sooner, right?”

  “I’ll try,” said Samuel, closing his eyes. Jackson sat with him for a little whi
le until he believed Samuel was asleep, and then he padded down the hallway into his own room. There he stripped off all of his clothes and arched his back backwards, falling down onto all fours and landing in his bear form. As a shape shifter, he often slept in his bear form so that he could hear and smell things before they came. It was the least he could do to keep his baby safe. He drifted off to sleep, content in his thoughts, and looking forwards to Saturday with a brand of wry amusement.

  “We’re going to the water park with Ricky!” said Samuel, as soon as he was awake.

  Upon hearing the noise, Jackson grunted, shifted back into his human form to answer.

  “Yeah?” asked Jackson from the other room over. He was still sleepy. He rolled over in bed to see Samuel standing in the doorframe.


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