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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 98

by Stephan James

  “Oh, I’m fine; I just didn’t want you to get hurt.”

  “That’s very sweet,” said Ricky, leaning back against the headboard. “What happened to your lips?”

  “Oh!” said Jackson, smiling. He sat down on the edge of the bed and kissed Ricky, who opened his mouth wide in surprise.

  “Chocolate!” Ricky said. He took good care to lick the rest of the chocolate off Jackson’s lips and where it had dripped down onto his chin and the scruff that was growing there, as he hadn’t shaved this morning. “Mm, that was nice.”

  “I thought it would be. Let’s eat, before our breakfast gets cold,” said Jackson, handing Ricky a plate and putting a pancake on it, before pouring him a mimosa and putting it on the opposite bedside table.

  “Wow,” said Ricky, “this is really nice, thank you Jackson.”

  “I’m glad,” said Jackson, smiling. “Next time, there won’t be any strawberries, I promise. This was supposed to be… romantic, I guess, and me running down the stairs with something you’re allergic to is more of a farce than anything else.”

  “No,” said Ricky, “it was cute. It’s funny; it shows that you care even about the little things like taking the strawberries away without even asking any more questions. I don’t know, I liked it.”

  “As long as you say so,” said Jackson, taking a sip of his own mimosa. Personally, he always found that they were a little too sweet, but they were the only ‘sophisticated’ way of drinking alcohol before lunch.

  “I do say so,” said Ricky, giggling slightly.


  “Alcohol before lunch, a mimosa no less. I feel so… fancy. And scandalous.”

  Jackson was glad that his thoughts and Ricky’s sort of aligned. He chided himself internally. It was more about the idea of a mimosa, not the mimosa itself that was important. If it was just to drink, he would have grabbed a bottle of whisky. He was proud of himself for that distinction.

  “What’s in the pot?” asked Ricky, peering over Jackson’s lap to the tray next to him on his bedside table.

  “More chocolate,” Jackson purred, “for later.”


  “Hmm… let’s think about what we can do with chocolate, lover.”

  Ricky smirked and took a big bite of his pancake. He chewed very slowly, licking his lips when he was done, and then he lowered his eyes and smiled at Jackson, with every intent of being seductive. It looked kind of ridiculous, actually, but Jackson got the point.

  “What movie did you get that from?” asked Jackson, and then kissed him, so he couldn’t answer. “Let’s finish eating, and then we’ll see about what we can do with that chocolate. Get some ideas together, in the meantime.”

  Ricky started eating in earnest, savoring each bite.

  “Wow, Jackson, you’re such a great cook! These pancakes are fantastic!”

  “Funny story,” said Jackson, “I only really know how to make pancakes well. I guess I can figure anything out when I have a recipe, but me and Sam go out to eat most of the time.”

  “You’ve got enough money to afford that,” said Ricky, sighing. “Wow. That’s… incredible.”

  “Do you know how to cook?” asked Jackson.

  “Yes, I do,” said Ricky, smiling. “I’m actually pretty good at it, I think. It’s cheaper to buy your own ingredients and cook them, really, it is. The best part is that you can make something that tastes like it would cost twenty bucks, but you can eat it all week for the same price if you know what you’re doing.”

  “That must be interesting,” said Jackson, “I want to learn about that.”

  “It’s only for people like me,” said Ricky, “you’d probably buy fancier ingredients and stuff.”

  “Ey, we can go grocery shopping together sometime,” said Jackson, “and you can teach me how to cook. It would be great, and I’m sure we’d all be healthier if we stopped going to restaurants all the time.”

  “Sounds like a plan, then,” said Ricky, smiling, but a little tensely.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “We’re from two such different places in life,” said Ricky, all at once, “and I don’t know, I’m sure it’s fine, but I worry about things all the time and —“

  “It’s okay,” said Jackson, “let’s talk about this later, I promise. Let’s enjoy our pancakes, and then take an advantage of our free morning, and then we can spend a good chunk of time talking about our relationship and addressing any concerns from both of us. Okay?”


  “Come here, give me a kiss,” said Jackson, and Ricky did so, melting slightly into Jackson’s touch.

  “That’s a lot better,” Jackson said.

  They finished their meals quickly, and Jackson was surprised when Ricky got up, grabbed both their plates, filled up their glasses, and stacked the dirty dishes on the floor by the door.

  “I’m just doing what an Omega should,” he said. Jackson smiled. Omegas were so helpful. He had almost forgotten what a joy it was to have an Omega in his house, just on account of their kindness and housekeeping skills. He brushed that thought aside, and had another one.

  “How about this? Be a good Omega and bring me that pot of chocolate.”

  Ricky did as he was told, picking up the chocolate and handing it to Jackson. It was still melted, but it was a little bit thicker and not too hot to the touch.

  “Perfect,” he said. “Now, I’m going to spread the chocolate somewhere, and I want you to lick it all off.”

  “May I make a suggestion?” said Ricky. “Can we do this on the floor? If we do it in the bed the sheets will get all messy.”

  “No,” said Jackson, “let’s do it right here. You can always change the sheets later.”

  “Okay,” said Ricky slightly reluctantly. Jackson realized that while Ricky was indeed an Omega, he wasn’t at all used or oriented to service or domesticity. He was only starting out that way. As soon as he got pregnant or had a baby his hormones would contribute to his nurturing, cooking and cleaning facet of the usual Omega personality.

  “No, let’s do it on the floor, like you suggested,” said Jackson, smiling. “It’s a good idea.”

  “Thanks,” said Ricky, smiling slightly as Jackson got up and lay on the floor.

  “I want you to trickle a light coat of chocolate down my spine, and lick it all off for me,” he said.

  The next thing that Jackson could feel was a warm liquid trickling slowly down his back, from the nape of his neck down to his tailbone. Ricky straddled him, kneeling over his body, and placed his hands on his shoulders, licking and kissing down Jackson’s back licking off every last morsel of chocolate. Jackson sighed. It was really rather nice.

  “My turn,” said Ricky, getting up. “I want you to put chocolate on the front of my neck.”

  “Okay,” said Jackson, switching places with Ricky. He made sure to drizzle a bit of chocolate on Ricky’s jaw line too, just for good measure. He started with Ricky’s lips, first, ignoring the chocolate, but he slowly worked his way down to Ricky’s jaw line and finally to his neck. He left a few hickeys blooming on Ricky’s neck, enjoying the possessive feeling it gave him. That was his Omega that he had marked, and he was beautiful.

  “You like hickeys, don’t you?” Ricky asked.

  “I can’t help it,” said Jackson, “I’ve got to leave a mark on you somehow. My turn, I think I’ve gotten all of the chocolate off.”

  “And probably some of my skin, but I don’t care at all,” said Ricky.

  “Okay, I want you to lick chocolate off… uh….”

  “The back of your knee.” said Ricky, surprisingly.

  “Okay, I suppose,” said Jackson, trying not to laugh. He lay down again, and again the chocolate came drizzling down.

  The next round was a little more interesting. Ricky asked to have the chocolate drizzled on his hipbone.

  “Now we’re getting there,” said Jackson, smiling. “I was about to suggest somewhere down there, sin
ce we’re running out of chocolate.”

  Ricky had rather pronounced hip bones, and they were especially prominent when he was lying on his back.

  “Inner thigh, too, I think,” said Jackson, smirking, drizzling some more chocolate on Ricky. His left hipbone and his right inner thigh had chocolate all over. Jackson kissed a trail from Ricky’s bellybutton down to his hipbone and sucked, immediately giving Ricky another hickey.

  “What if I asked you to get this tattooed on you?” Jackson asked, joking. “So you could always have my lips on your hips?”

  It was a silly thought, but oddly, Ricky enjoyed it. Not as much as he enjoyed the attention he was getting, though. Ricky gasped, his breath hitching as Jackson licked a stripe of chocolate off his inner thigh, rubbing his cheek lightly against his testicles as he did so.

  “Do that again,” said Ricky, and Jackson complied.

  “I’m going to teach you a little lesson,” said Jackson, “and I want you to play close attention.”

  “Yes, Jackson.”

  “Mainly just relax,” said Jackson, “it’s nothing too serious. It should be enjoyable. It’s been a long time since I’ve done this but I think it’s kind of like riding a bicycle as far as I can remember.”

  Jackson wrapped one large hand around Ricky’s semi erect cock, and he smiled. “You ready?”

  “Yes,” said Ricky, his eyes fluttering wide for a second, before they closed. He had realized that Jackson was going to give him a blow job.

  Jackson cradled Ricky’s testicles in the other hand, and then, to Ricky’s surprise, took his entire length in his mouth. Ricky propped himself up on his elbows to get a better look. Jackson’s neck was elongated, his nostrils flaring as he struggled for air, as his head bobbed up and down on Ricky’s cock. Ricky closed his eyes, breathing heavily. He could feel his stomach muscles contracting as his entire pelvis seemed to re arrange itself, in order to chase the orgasm that he found approaching.

  He absentmindedly caught himself wishing that he could get some prostate stimulation somehow, although, he didn’t mind the blow job he was receiving. Through the general haze of pleasure, Ricky noticed that Jackson was swirling his tongue around on the tip of his cock, while Jackson had replaced his hand below his mouth on the base of his cock and was pumping up and down. Ricky’s head lolled back as he felt himself relax further and further into the pleasure, his limp head and neck in stark contrast with his stiff stomach and legs and his rain erection.

  “I’m going to come,” said Ricky, “I want — mmmf,” he said, trying to choke out his sentence.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want you in — inside me,” he said. Jackson inserted one saliva coated finger inside Ricky and crooked it slightly. The added prostate stimulation was enough to send Ricky over the edge, and he ejaculated in Jackson’s mouth. Jackson surreptitiously spat in the now-empty chocolate pot, for he had never quite been able to swallow semen, although he didn’t mind the taste too badly. Perhaps it was the texture that was unappealing. He patted Ricky’s thigh before slid back up Ricky’s body to kiss him.

  “Do you taste yourself?” asked Jackson, taking a short break from kissing Ricky on the lips to move along to his jaw line and up to his ear.

  “Yes,” said Ricky, “it was interesting,” he said. “Thank you. That, uh, felt really good.”

  “I’m glad,” said Jackson. “Let’s go back to bed for a few minutes before we try anything else.”

  “Agreed,” said Ricky, getting off the hard floor and back into the soft, cushiony bed. Jackson followed suit and pulled Ricky closer to him, reveling in the closeness of their bodies and the heat that Ricky seemed to be emanating. He spooned a little closer to Ricky, nudging him slightly in the buttocks with his rapidly more frustrating and intense erection.

  “I see you’re still looking for more,” Ricky said, mischievously.

  “You ready yet?”

  “No, give me a bit more time,” said Ricky, already sounding sleepy again.

  “Don’t you dare nap on me,” said Jackson, pretending to threaten him.

  “Oh, please,” said Ricky, yawning. “It’s only ten o clock and we didn’t even eat lunch until 1:00.”

  “I suppose you have a point,” said Jackson, trying to go back to sleep. He absentmindedly kissed the back of Ricky’s neck, wondering how on earth he got so lucky as to have this amazingly beautiful, kind, and irresistibly sexy man in his bed. Miracles happen. After another bout of lovemaking, they decided to go take a bath and get clean in body, if not in mind.

  Relaxing in the bathtub with the last of the mimosas, Jackson leaned back and closed his eyes.



  “I was kind of putting off this conversation, but now is a good time. What do you need out of a relationship?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “It’s normal, or at least, should be normal, to discuss this kind of thing at some point?”


  “Like, what’s my job, what’s your job, is this supposed to be long term, chores, how do we care for the kid, how do we share finances, what will keep you happy…”

  “God, that’s a lot to think about.”

  “I know, and that’s why I’m saying that maybe we should think about it because… Ricky. Let’s just say that frankly, I suck with emotions. But I want to do right by you.”

  “You can start by pouring me another drink,” said Ricky, his voice oddly high.

  “What is it?” Jackson said, his hand still reaching for the pitcher, to pour the last of the liquid into Ricky’s glass. He stopped, as everything came into focus.

  “I’ve never done this before. But Jackson, I’ve got to say, I love you and… I’m terrified.”

  “Well, that’s a perfectly normal reaction,” said Jackson, pouring the drink and handing it to Ricky. “I’m afraid to love, because it’s the best and most beautiful thing when it exists, and then… when it’s broken, it’s one of the foulest things I have ever experienced.”

  “That’s why I’m scared,” said Ricky, sighing.

  “Hey, come here,” said Jackson, feeling tears prickle in his eyes. They weren’t tears of sadness, were they? He was feeling such a wide range of emotion that he wasn’t entirely sure what to call it. Nostalgia for the past, hope for the present and wonder were assailing his eyes and threatening to make him into a wreck.

  Ricky laid his head on Jackson’s shoulder. The Jacuzzi turned on, and they sat in the swirling bubbles and steam, not saying a word.

  “I kind of had a day planned,” Jackson admitted. “I want to do right by you, Ricky. I want to do silly romantic things and take you everywhere and take you out and stuff.”

  “I like that,” said Ricky, smiling tentatively. “This is… a novel experience.”

  “Well of course, you’ve never even been involved with anybody. But I just… I don’t know. I felt earlier that when we first got together, it was really rushed and just not the way things should be.”

  “Yeah,” said Ricky, wryly. “But hey. Everything happens for a reason. Jackson, right here right now I’m happy with all of this. I am really enjoying your efforts and attentions, but please, only do what you want to, not because you feel you have to.”

  “That’s very…”


  “Yeah, we’ve been saying that phrase a lot,” said Jackson, tipping Ricky’s chin up to look into his eyes.

  “Thank you,” he said, and kissed Ricky.

  “For what?”

  “Just… Thank you.”

  They kissed again, more deeply, and Jackson chuckled. “Always ready to go, aren’t you?” he asked, slyly.

  “Always,” Ricky affirmed.

  Their lives fell into a normal pattern. It was time for Samuel to go back to school, after the summer holidays, so Jackson and Ricky made the trip to the office alone every morning. While having Samuel around was nice, it was also good to be able to have private conversat
ions or just conversations about topics that Samuel wasn’t interested in.

  “I’m probably going to be in heat again soon,” warned Ricky, as they were driving.

  “Looking forward to that,” said Jackson.

  “Yeah, I’ve been doing a lot of reading. It seems to be a three month thing until an Omega gets pregnant, and then it gets less often.”

  “Good to know,” said Jackson.

  “I’ve got the deal with the Spanish guy today,” said Jackson.

  “Eduardo Alfonso Aquinas?”

  “Yeah, him.”


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