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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 102

by Stephan James

  Randy gave in easily; to be in the presence of such a mighty being was something everybody desired, and he was so close to getting it. Josh’s blue eyes were piercing cold, but somehow warm at the same time as he closed them slowly, pressing their lips together. The kiss lasted for minutes, and was sweet and slightly arousing. But then Randy broke it, looking at Josh teasingly.

  This, Josh saw as an invitation for more, and so he kissed him deeply this time, their tongues caressing each other deep in Randy’s mouth. Randy was melting with joy, purring into the kiss. The kiss became more heated, however, and then Josh was on top of Randy, knocking the wine glass on the floor in the process.

  “Fuck the glass,” he muttered, unbuttoning his shirt in a hurry as Randy did the same. Soon, he fell on top of him again, assaulting his lips in a needy kiss. Then he got lower to kiss the younger werewolf’s long, delicate neck, as their hard cocks rubbed against each other through their tight, uncomfortable jeans.

  Josh opened the zipper with one hand and released his manhood, doing the same to Randy’s pants immediately afterward. Their cocks rubbed against each other more freely, and the friction seemed better. It was an amazing feeling, the heavy, hard flesh being pressed against the other, bringing a near-orgasmic joy, yet at the same time denying it.

  “You’re so perfect,” Josh whispered into Randy’s ear, then stood up to get himself undressed completely. Randy looked up at him from the sofa, removing what was left of his own clothing, revealing that perfect, slender frame Josh occasionally masturbated to. The younger werewolf smiled at this, feeling flattered and extremely desirable. He got up and turned his back toward Josh, kneeling on the sofa, while leaning against the back of it. He made sure to give Josh a nice view of his firm, round buttocks, as he dipped two fingers of his delicate right hand into his mouth full of saliva, only to penetrate himself with them seconds later.

  The saliva was dripping from his fingers and his small, clean, pink anus, as Josh stood there as if hypnotized. He softly worked himself as he was watching Randy slowly fuck himself with his fingers, occasionally sighing here and there, in a voice charged with eroticism he had never heard before. The younger man turned his head around ever so slightly to offer an inviting, infuriating look in the soldier’s direction.

  Nobody needed to tell Josh twice what he was supposed to do, and he smirked devilishly, saying, “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into. You have no idea what I’m gonna do to you, so this is your last chance to back off before I start. I won’t be able to stop myself, even if you beg me to.”

  “Then try me,” Randy purred sweetly as Josh positioned himself behind him, aligning the tip of his penis with the pulsating entrance of his guest. He slowly pushed it all the way inside, wanting Randy to feel him in his full length, to fill him with the hot flesh, and give him the opportunity to adjust himself. Randy took a deep breath and then moaned in pleasure, overwhelmed by what he had received inside.

  When Josh was sure Randy was accustomed to his length, he started moving slowly at first. Each several thrusts increasing the pace ever so slightly until he finally reached the violent point where he was just ramming into the youth with everything he had, holding Randy by the hips firmly, bruising them in the process. The view of Randy from behind was priceless; his ass looked outstanding, receiving the big rod so obediently. He slapped him several times on the cheeks, eliciting cries of pleasure from the younger werewolf. The faster Josh went, the more he was hitting Randy’s prostate, making him writhe in absolute ecstasy, gripping the covers on the sofa almost to the point of ripping them.

  “Did you have enough, huh? Do you want me to finish? Can you handle me?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous! Shut up and fuck me, for God’s sake!” Randy screamed, not believing how good it felt. There had been no awkwardness he had been expecting to experience, since that was the case with sleeping with someone for the first time. But this time, ever since the beginning, everything had been following the natural order of events. Not only had he been feeling comfortable around Josh in general, but it seemed as if he had already been familiar with his body, too, and his preference. It was not like that, exactly; it was just that the air around this insanely strong and attractive man did not allow for lack of confidence.

  Josh pulled out for a second before throwing Randy on the sofa, spreading his legs, and putting them on his shoulders.

  “I want to see your face,” he explained hurriedly, almost out of breath, but the fun was only just beginning. He spit on his manhood and lubricated it once more before shoving it back in, deep into Randy, fucking him senseless as Randy rolled his eyes in pleasure. He did not hesitate, he let his pleasure be known to whoever was listening, moaning and groaning until he came hard on his own stomach.

  Seeing thick ribbons of sperm spread all over his torso like that, Josh could not take it any longer. As much as he liked to come inside his partner, the overwhelming desire to cover the defenseless creature below him in more sperm dictated that he pull out and add another load all over him. His own sperm coated Randy nicely, sticking to his hair, keeping one of his eyes closed, dripping all over him and mixing with the sperm he had already shot on himself. This gave him such a slutty look that Josh had to bite his own lips.

  After a few seconds, they regained their breath and sat next to each other, naked and sweaty. “Man, I had a feeling that you’d be good, but this good…” Randy praised him, smiling.

  “You’re welcome,” Josh joked. “Wanna take a shower?”


  “I’ll prepare a towel and a change of clothes for you,” Josh said and stood up, going to the closet in the hallway to retrieve the things Randy would need in the bathroom. He gave him two towels, a pair of boxers, his old college shirt, and old sweatpants he had been wearing when he was of Randy’s size. “It’s ridiculous that I keep such things to this day, but fuck me, I’m sentimental sometimes,” he said with a slight smile.

  Randy took the items, finding such a small fact about Josh to be endearing. “I’ll be right back,” he said, feeling a bit disappointed that they would not continue with their new activity in the shower as well.

  Once he returned, all fresh and clean, he was awaited by the sweet smell of steak being prepared by Josh. He was still naked, without an apron or anything else to cover him whatsoever, and Randy admired him for his bravery. He could easily be burned if he did not pay attention.

  “Smells nice,” he commented, sitting himself at the dining room table. “But I’d rather have you,” he pointed at Josh with his index finger.

  “But it’s gonna burn if I don’t watch it. And I smell like kitchen,” Josh complained.

  “That only means you’re seasoned very well. I’d like to taste that,” Randy got up from his chair and approached Josh, hugging him from behind and licking his back. “Mmm… that’s the taste I like.”

  He proceeded with touching Josh everywhere, sliding his fingers over his back, all the way around to his torso, then his abdomen, only to stop near Josh’s already twitching cock. Then he let go and dropped to his knees.

  “Never mind me, just continue what you’ve been doing and I’ll get my dessert before I get my many main courses,” he purred, taking Josh into his mouth, making him erect in a matter of seconds.

  For a few moments, Josh was trying to maneuver his way around the meat with his spatula, but that proved to be impossible with Randy sucking him off with his tight throat devoid of a gag reflex. He dropped the spatula in the sink instead, lifting Randy from the floor, only to throw him at the dining table and quickly, furiously fuck him until he came into him hard, and made Randy come all over himself once again. He then dipped his finger into Randy’s semen, tasting it.

  “And this is my dessert,” he said impishly, turning around, staggering to the kitchen. He was hoping the dinner had not burned, and luckily, they were able to have a wonderfully tasty dinner after a good cardio workout.

  They spent days in bed, on
ly getting out of it when they needed to eat, or when they needed to go to the bathroom. It was such bliss, as they talked and fucked, getting to know each other on many levels, slowly falling in love with each other.

  Several months passed in such fashion. They did not find it difficult to maintain good communication even when Josh was on duty, in his base, for weeks at a time. They would get immediately into bed whenever Josh came back from work, holding each other tightly, and genuine smiles never leaving their faces because they were finally able to be together after such a long time.

  But the idyllic picture could not last for long, unfortunately. It stopped being idyllic the moment Randy said, “I’m pregnant.”

  “Say what?” Josh spat out his morning coffee.

  “It’s exactly what you heard. I’m pregnant,” Randy said calmly.

  “You got me there for a moment. A good joke,” Josh pointed at his lover with his index finger, winking. “But you should have waited for April fool’s day for that one.”

  “No, I’m serious,” Randy persisted, sitting across from Josh, barely nibbling at his toast. “Shifters can do that… I mean… they shift shapes, you know. I’m limited to two shapes only, that of a wolf and of a human, but I don’t have an assigned gender, actually. I chose to be a man most of the time since I find it most comfortable to be that way.”

  “If only all transgender people could be werewolves. That would be great news for them, I suppose,” Josh still did not take seriously what Randy was telling him.

  “I can retain female organs while being a guy if I want to, and that’s what I did at one point, Josh,” Randy said more sharply, wanting to be taken seriously. Josh looked up from his morning newspaper.

  “You’re not joking, are you?”


  “Why didn’t you consult me first, then? How could you possibly decide on your own to get pregnant?” He did not find it particularly surprising, and accepted the fact with ease. With everything that had been going on, male pregnancy was not something too shocking to him. What Josh hated most was the lack of communication and that he was to become a father without his consent in the matter. It had been a deliberately conceived child, not an accident.

  “I thought it wouldn’t be a problem…”

  “Can you get an abortion?” Josh did not hesitate to ask. He did not need a child at this point, even though he was certain he loved Randy. There were still too many things to do before even thinking about forming a family.

  “How savage of you to even contemplate that! It’s your child, too!” Randy found himself offended.

  “It’s no less savage than you butchering my life like this! We probably didn’t make it on a first try, so you have probably been retaining that uterus for at least a month or so. Which makes plenty of time to at least inform me that you would like to start a family! You never gave me a chance! What about my career?! What about things that I want to do with my life?! Hell…” he abruptly stood up from his chair, walking in small circles next to the table, running fingers through his hair. “Hell… I’m not even ready to be a father! Never thought about that because I’m gay, and it’s hard to have a family like that these days! How should I explain this to my family? I have seven brothers, and a father, and all of them are extremely homophobic! All of them are in the military! They’re my colleagues as well! How should I explain to people at work and to my dad and brothers that I have a guy… bearing my child in his stomach! Do you think they’ll just accept it?! I’ll be ostracized by them!”

  “So screw them! You don’t need them if they’re not supportive as they should be!”

  “I simply don’t want to be a father, Randy. Not now,” Josh looked at him with sad, desperate eyes. “Why in all hells didn’t you consult with me first…?”

  “It happened on a first try, I swear…”

  “You shouldn’t have done it even once without my consent. What were you thinking?!”

  “I just love you so much, and––”

  “And what? Is this your way of keeping me by your side? Do you not have any confidence in this relationship?”

  Randy took a deep sigh, collecting his thoughts. “I didn’t think it through. It was a mistake, and I apologize,” he said solemnly. “If you want me to, I will schedule an abortion.” There was a short silence, before Josh said anything.

  “We’ll keep it. We’ll keep the damn thing. And we’ll handle things as we go,” he started making plans immediately. “Eventually I’d have to tell all of them. I’d need time off work to take care of you and the baby. But… do you think you could change into a woman and pretend to be one?”

  “Well… no. Shape shifting while being pregnant can mangle the child. I wouldn’t dare.”

  “Yes, of course. That’s just great! Fuck me up until the end! I have to tell my superiors months in advance. But… I might manage to pull it off when you give birth…”

  “Josh, I’d love to tell you positive news on that but… I can’t shift at all for at least a year, if I got pregnant in my human form. You can’t imagine the frailty of the body after childbir-”

  “I get it, I get it! So you managed to screw me over entirely. Thank you!” Josh yelled, and without even looking at his lover, stormed out of the house.

  The only person he could tell the terrible news was his mother. She knew everything about him. After all, she was the reason he was a half werewolf. Werewolves are usually bisexual beings when in human form, and sometimes homosexual. Josh was the latter, and unfortunately for him, that was the worst thing possible. His mother did not exactly know what werewolves could do, so she had been much surprised when she heard about male pregnancy and changing genders. It meant she could have taught her son how to change into a girl if he wanted to, but then again, it would be too late. He had been born a boy and everybody saw that.

  “Alpha males cannot undergo such a change, which means I’m a male and that’s it. Randy, on the other hand, isn’t, and he can be either,” Josh explained. “So don’t worry about it too much.”

  “It appears you’ll have to tell everybody now. Both your secrets. And it won’t be an easy task, with a family like this one…” Jane felt sorry for her son. Not only would he have to reveal that he was a homosexual and non-human (which many people did not believe was possible), but that he was also not his father’s son.

  “Randy made things so complicated for me. I’ll lose everything. I’ll lose my family, my job, everything I have,” he despaired. “His stomach is growing, slowly, but surely. I can see that. It’s a great and unbelievable thing at the same time. And soon, I’ll be able to feel the little fellow kicking and turning. It’s kind of endearing, if you know what I mean,” his face turned gentle for a second. “That’s something I participated in creating. I made life. It’s pretty amazing. And Randy… Randy is just…” the feeling of despair soon replaced the feeling of love.

  “Whatever happens, I’ll be here to support you, son,” his mother said, putting her hand on top of his, “After all, your father will also turn against me when he finds out. But we’ll endure all the peril that comes our way.”

  “I hope you’re right, Mom. I really do,” Josh let out a heavy sigh.

  Randy had moved all his things to Josh’s place, effectively making it his own as well. Even though he had been opposed to having a family, Josh was slowly warming up to the idea of being a father and a husband. The only thing that was standing in his way was that he had to tell others of his situation—his superiors, as well as his father and brothers. He did not know how it would all go, but he presumed it would go badly. What he feared most at that stage was how he was supposed to feed his family should he lose his job. When he thought about it, he had never heard Randy mention he was employed anywhere or whether he was looking for a job.

  The more he thought about it, the more he began realizing he knew almost nothing about Randy. Sure, he knew about his hobbies, interests, and things he really liked, like movies, books, music, and points
of view on various topics. But he knew nothing about Randy’s family situation and his work status, let alone his friends. He did not know a single one of Randy’s friends, nor had he ever mentioned them. This Josh found rather peculiar, and was taken aback by how he himself, who had always been perceptive, could succumb to his charms and not even think about asking such important, crucial questions. However, little did he know that he would not need to worry about that at all, since Randy was about to prepare him a very unique surprise that would answer all of his questions.

  One evening, when he got back from a month long duty, he found several shady people sitting at their dining room table. They were dressed the way Randy had been when Josh had first seen him, and it was only then that Josh remembered what his first thought had been upon seeing Randy—that he belonged to some sort of a gang. More specifically, one of the notorious ones in the neighborhood, The Dealbreakers. The name in itself was an irony, for it was said that The Dealbreakers never broke the deals they would make with other people or gangs. It was as if they possessed some sort of a moral code they followed. He was not particularly surprised to see them there, and the only thing he regretted was that he had allowed himself to be blinded by Randy’s beauty, lewdness, and intelligence. He felt disappointed in himself for allowing for this to happen—to form a family with such a person, because some things began to be clear and obvious.

  “Well, hello, boys,” he said to the four men sitting at the table and Randy, in his oversized T-shirt, in his seventh month of pregnancy. “What brings you to my humble abode?” The irony in his voice was evident, but he was still trying to act civilized.

  “Josh, look,” Randy began, detaching himself from the kitchen island and approaching him, “I kept postponing this for as long as I could, but I think you need to know some things.”


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