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The Seven: A Taste for Jazz: Book 3 of The Seven series

Page 10

by Stone, Ciana

  Now all Conner had to do was wait for Barnette to go to sleep and he'd find out who Barnette answered to.


  Who Barnette answered to was the number one question on Jazz's list, and the one she posed to her contacts when she hooked up with them. She didn't call in favors often, and particularly not of these guys. They had too much history between them.

  Before she'd gone civilian, she'd had the distinction of being one of the few women ever to be assigned to a Special Forces unit with the Army Rangers. She'd also made the mistake of falling for a team member. And when she watched him die in Algeria, it took the fight out of her and she quit the unit and left the service.

  But one never really leaves that kind of unit and from time to time she'd lend a hand when they'd needed her. They were men who were loyal and trustworthy. Men who knew how to keep their mouths shut and who also had access to information and channels to go through to get it.

  She found Adam Scott in a bar shooting pool. "Ten'll get you twenty that I can run the table before you get a shot," she said as she walked up behind him.

  Adam turned with a grin on his face. "Well fuck me, Jazz Boudreaux." He enveloped her in a hug. "Where you been hidin', babe?"

  "Oh you know, here and there," she replied, and held onto him. "I need a favor?"

  "The kind we can talk about here?"

  "I was thinking of somewhere a little more private."

  Adam drew back and grabbed her face, planting a big wet kiss on her. She leaned into it, moving one hand around behind him to grab his ass.

  "Woo, baby, time to take daddy home," he announced and tossed over his shoulder to the men around the table, "Catch you fellas later. Got me some business to take care of."

  He grabbed a handful of Jazz's ass to punctuate his statement and she grinned. The men called out several ribald comments as Adam slung his arm over her shoulders and ushered her outside.

  "What's up, babe?" he asked as soon as they were on the sidewalk.

  "Remember Barnette?"

  "Yeah, I recall that cocksucker."

  "He's got someone. Someone important to me."

  "Then let's go get this someone back."

  "No. I need to know who's running Barnette. And I need weapons."

  Adam studied her for a moment. "This professional or personal?"


  "You got wheels?"

  She jerked her head in the direction of the Navigator. Adam whistled appreciatively. "You gonna let me drive this sweet ride?"

  She tossed him the keys and headed for the passenger door. Once they were on the road, Adam made some calls. "We'll meet everyone at my place."

  She nodded and leaned back against the seat, taking in a long deep breath. With luck by morning she'd have the answers she needed. Then she'd get Conner and deal with whoever was running Barnette.


  Conner's arm was numb from fingertips to shoulder when Barnette removed the hand-cuffs. Rubbing it and moving it around to restore circulation, he thought about what he'd discovered.

  Barnette's call had been to Fred Mindleton. Conner was stunned that Fred would actually resort to such strong-arm tactics, but figured there must be a lot of money at stake for him to take such drastic measures. There was nothing that motivated Fred more than money.

  The question was how to deal with it? He could shift and escape, or overpower Barnette. Alternately, he could dial 911 and let any dispatcher listen to a conversation between him and Barnette that left no doubt he was being held at gunpoint, but what would that solve? Mindleton would disavow any knowledge or involvement and had enough clout to weasel his way clear of legal entanglements.

  But then the truth of what he was might get out and he wasn't about to run that risk. Besides, he wanted to know why Mindleton wanted him. And what about Jazz? It was almost dawn and he'd heard nothing else from her. Was she outside watching?

  "Come on, get a move on!" Barnette grumbled.

  Conner led the way to the car and got in behind the wheel. "Where to?"


  Conner shrugged and did as ordered.


  Jazz was not a happy woman. "This is such a fubar!" She put her forearms down on the table and rested her forehead on her hands.

  "It's the only way, Jazz," Adam assured her.

  She looked up at him, sitting beside her, then across the table to the two suits. "No offense, but what you're asking is going to cost him his entire life. I can't agree to that for him."

  "Miss Boudreaux," one of the suits said. "As we've explained over and again, we want to help. And we will. But you've got to play ball with us on this. Uncle Sam's offer is non-negotiable. Take it or leave it."

  Jazz looked at Adam then at the rest of his team who were crowded into the small kitchen. Every one of the men she trusted and every one of them nodded their agreement.

  Out of the blue, an idea popped into her head. A way to play both ends against the middle, and hopefully not burn her bridges with Adam and the others of his team. "Okay. Deal."

  The suits stood and one offered his hand. "These men will make delivery after the mission is complete. Good luck, Miss Boudreaux."

  She nodded and watched them leave then turned her attention to Adam. "I need weapons."

  He grinned and looked at another of the team, a tall dark-skinned man with eyes as hard and dark as coal. The man picked up a pack and set it on the table.

  Jazz opened it and grinned. "Come to mama," she cooed as she lifted the matched set of Glocks from the bag.

  "Damn girl, you talk like that to me and I'll shoot for you," one of the guys quipped.

  She chuckled. "Yeah, well if your barrel was as dependable as this one I might take you up on it."

  Everyone laughed but quickly sobered as she strapped on the dual harness and shouldered the weapons.

  "You can't take anyone out until we have the goods," Adam reminded her. "And Burns' signature on this document." He tapped the paper on the table.

  "I got it." She picked up the paper and folded it small enough to fit in the pocket of her jeans then checked the LoJack remote. "They're on the move."

  Adam nodded and handed her an ear-set Comm. unit. "Newest model. Virtually unlimited range thanks to satellite. Five-minute updates on their location until rendezvous."

  "Done," she replied and slipped the set on her left ear. "See ya."

  He nodded and she gave the others a nod then left the house. Conner was going to shit a gold brick when he found out what she'd gotten him into. And she might just have set in motion something that would chain-react and create the future that she wanted to prevent.

  She got into the SUV and started it. What was she to do? Go back on her word and double-cross Adam and his team and the men she'd just made the deal with? Try to save Conner on her own and hide him away where no one could find him?Or go through with the deal and hope Conner didn't hate her guts, and that she'd made the right choice for the future.

  "You paying any attention to this at all?" she asked, hoping Stanzia could hear."' Cause I sure could use some advice right about now."

  There was no sign, no sudden flash of light, voice from above or anything. Just the sound of the engine idling. With a grimace, she pulled out her cell phone and called up Severin's number.

  He answered on the second ring.


  "I need your help."

  "I'm listening."

  With a grin, Jazz explained the situation. When she finished, Severin spoke quickly.

  "Give me half an hour. I'll call you."

  With that the call ended. Hoping she hadn't just made a bad situation worse, she then dialed Conner's number.


  Conner and Barnette were heading north. The sun had crested the horizon and it promised to be a beautiful day. At least in terms of weather. His phone rang. He looked at Barnette who was checking the caller ID on the dashboard.

  "Fuckin' bitch never gives up," he g
rumbled. "Answer the damn thing."

  Conner punched the speaker button. "What?"

  "I don't see my car."

  "Surprise, surprise."

  "Look, stud, I know I was a little harsh but this shit is getting old. We had some good times, a few good fucks. It was fun and now it's over. Let's be adults, okay? I just want what's mine."

  "You'll get it."

  "Yeah, when? Conner, seriously. Time to cut a deal. You dig?"

  "What kind of deal? Seems to me I have what you want. What've you got to offer except for a sweet ass, which I've already sampled?"

  "How about a peaceful future?"

  "A what?"

  "You heard me. Now when and where can we meet?"

  "I'll get back to you."

  He ended the call and looked at Barnette. "You're right about one thing. She never gives up."

  "The bitch is a fuckin' psycho," Barnette grumbled.

  "Amen." Conner fell silent for a few minutes, and then cut his eyes at Barnette. "I meant what I said. I've got money. A lot of it. And I can make you a rich man. Rich enough that you can start a new life, a new identity and never have to look over your shoulder."

  Barnette studied him for a long time. "How much money we talkin' 'bout?"

  "Two million. Cash."


  Conner cocked his head to one side as if considering it. "It's doable."

  "Show me the money and I'll consider it."

  Conner grinned. "For that we'd need to make a stop at the nearest Bank of America."

  Barnette checked the time on the dashboard clock. "Got a while before banks open. Keep driving."

  Conner nodded. Greed just might get him what he needed to turn Barnette so that when they reached Mindleton Conner didn't have to be concerned with Barnette trying to shoot him. Now if he could just figure out what the heck Jazz meant when she said it was time to cut a deal?

  Chapter Ten

  Everything is in place. In the next few minutes, people may die. Hopefully that won't be the case, but you can't predict what will happen in this kind of situation. Normally, preserving life is a top priority for me. I'll shoot to wound if there's any option.

  Today? Today I'm in that mode I haven't allowed myself to be in since I left the service. Today I'll kill anyone who threatens Conner. I am getting him out safe and God help anyone who gets in my way.

  And then? Then I'll face his wrath when he discovers what I've done. He may hate me. May turn his back on me. Can I live with that? I guess I'll find out. If it comes to that.

  Jazz was parked outside the towering edifice of glass and metal when the Jaguar stopped in front of the building. The day had been one of unexpected developments. Two hours earlier Conner and Barnette had entered a Bank of America in D. C., and Conner had transferred five million dollars into an account in Barnette's name in the Cayman Islands.

  Everyone assumed he was buying Barnette off. But when he'd continued toward the destination with Barnette, the team had been confused. What was he up to?

  Severin was equally confused but assured her that he'd have people in place before Conner stepped into the building. He asked if she had any clue what Conner was doing.

  Jazz had no idea, but assured him she'd do everything she could to protect him. She was not at all sure her plan stood a chance of working but she'd run out of options so now all she could do was proceed as planned.

  Now it was almost time to set the plan in motion. She watched Conner and Barnette enter the building, waited exactly two minutes then spoke into her comm unit. "I'm going in."

  She got out of the SUV, straightened the black coat to make sure her guns weren't visible and entered the building.


  Conner and Barnette were greeted by a woman in the reception area of Mindleton's office.

  "Who're you? Where's Annette?"

  "She had to leave. I'm her replacement."

  "Tell him Barnette's here."

  She nodded and picked up her phone, punched a button and then spoke into the receiver. "Mr Barnette is here to see you, sir."

  When she hung up, she gestured toward the door. When Rock walked passed her she gave him a nod. He found that strange, but dismissed it. They entered Mindleton's office and the secretary closed the door behind them.

  Fred Mindleton looked up at them. "Well, well, Dr. Burns. And I believe you said it would be a cold day in hell before you stepped foot in my office again."

  "I hear it's snowing in Florida," Conner replied. "Plans have changed, Fred. Your buddy Barnette is working for me now."

  "Oh?" Mindleton's eyebrows rose.

  Conner looked over his shoulder to find Barnette's gun leveled at him. "Guess this means the deal is off. Do I get my money back?"

  "What money?" Barnette grinned.

  Conner turned his back on Barnette, focusing on Mindleton. "Whatever you want, the answer is no."

  "Oh, I don't think so. You see, that little deposit you made into Barnette's account will be what puts you behind bars. Seems that you, smart fellow that you are, hacked into my company computers and diverted five million dollars of my money into your own account over the last two years. When Barnette uncovered what you'd done, you tried to buy him off. Only he did the honorable thing and brought you here to me so I could turn you in to the authorities."

  "That bird won't fly."

  "Oh it'll fly, all right. I've got enough power and influence to make sure of it. Not to mention bank transactions and computer records both here and on your computers in Florida.

  "And I've got an ace in the hole. I can pin you with treason. Seems that not only have you been stealing from me, but you've been in cahoots with the Seven."

  That put Conner on alert. Did Mindleton know he was Seven? "Pardon?"

  Mindleton grinned. "No grass grows under my feet boy. I know which way the wind blows, and despite the trouble between the Seven and the government, there are some of the Seven who wield damn big guns. Like Asha Iltani."

  "Iltani?" Now here was news Augustus and the others would be interested in.

  "None other than the fucking Queen of the Vampires, boy. Seems she's got a hard on for you. So, I've got two choices here. See you rot in jail, or turn you over to her and let her do whatever the fuck she wants to do with you. After I get what I want, of course."

  Conner could feel his body tighten, his fingers flex the way they did before he fought. He wanted to drive his fist into Mindleton's face hard enough to punch through his head. But now wasn't the time for anger. He had to get it under control and think his way out of this mess.

  "What exactly is it you want?"

  "Everything. Your research, your—"

  A thud from beyond the door had them all turning to look. The door flew open to reveal Jazz, weapon in each hand and an evil smile on her face.

  "You twitch you're dead," she said to Barnette. "Toss the gun."

  He lowered the weapon as if to lay it on the ground then reversed his move, squeezing the trigger. His shot went wild as he stumbled, screaming from the two shots from Jazz that found their marks in each of his kneecaps. He raised his gun again and a third bullet found its mark in his shoulder.

  Barnette fell back, moaning in agony. "Get his gun," Jazz ordered Conner.

  Instead of picking it up, Conner kicked it under the sofa. "What the hell are you doing?"

  "Royally fucking up," Mindleton said calmly." As we speak my security is closing down this building and converging on us. In two minutes you'll either surrender or die. You choose, Miss...?"

  "Boudreaux. And that's not gonna happen. Gentlemen, is the building secure?"

  She smiled and marched over to Mindleton. "Stand up."

  "I beg your pardon but I do not take orders—"

  A bullet passed close enough to his head for him to feel the heat and yet he didn't move. "On the floor, hands behind your head. Now!"

  Mindleton stood and smiled. Jazz involuntarily took a step back at the sight of the fangs in his mou
th. He laughed. "Go ahead. Fire. You can't kill me."

  She cut a look at Conner to see him watching with a scowl on his face. "Step away from him, Jazz."

  Jazz kept both guns trained on Mindleton. She might not be able to kill him, but she could pump enough lead in him to slow him down. "I said on the floor."

  Mindleton laughed and flew into motion. Before she could fire, Conner was between them, his hand wrapped around Mindleton's neck. "You might want to do as the lady requests."

  "You - can't -kill—" Mindleton's words ceased at the pressure from Conner's grip.

  "Kill you? I don't want you dead. I have some friends who are going to want to talk to you."

  Jazz watched in astonishment as Conner snapped Mindleton's neck. He let the body fall to the floor.

  "Is he dead?" Jazz looked at Mindleton.

  "No. You have handcuffs?"

  She hurried to dig out wrist restraints, two sets, and hand them to Conner. "Are you sure he's not dead?"

  "No. He's Vampire." Once Mindleton was secured, he rose to face Jazz. "What the hell are you doing?"

  "Trying to save your ass. Conner, listen to me. This thing you're working on. It's big. Big enough that guys like Mindleton aren't going to stop coming after you to get it."

  "They can try."

  "And they can succeed."

  "I'd never give them—"

  "You won't have to. Conner, please. Once you reach a certain point in the research there are others who can step in and finish it. You know that. And when that happens you're expendable. It's time to cut a deal."

  "With who?"

  She pulled the agreement from her pocket and unfolded it." Uncle Sam."

  "You have got to be kidding? Jazz, they're as likely to bury the research as any for-profit corporation. If you consider the ties government has to—"

  "I know the story. But we've got to trust someone."

  "And you trust whoever had this typed up?"

  "I trust them." She gestured behind him.

  Conner turned to see five men who had entered silently into the room. "Who're they?"

  "Let's just say they work for Uncle Sam. Like I used to. I trust them, Conner. Aside from you, they're the only people I do trust, and they helped me broker a deal."


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