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Monroe, Melody Snow - Taming Tammy [Pleasure, Montana 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Melody Snow Monroe

  When he kissed her, his lips lingered. Aware that Earl was in the stall behind them, she pulled away. “Morning to you, too.”

  “How’s our crew today?”

  “I just got here, but I’ll be happy to make rounds with you.” She wanted to spend time with him. His caring and thorough examinations told her he was a man who would never walk away from a woman. Unlike Tank.

  While they were examining the animals, Jake’s power tools went to work. “I’m surprised the animals aren’t spooked by the noise,” she said.

  He smiled. “Animals are amazingly adaptive. I think they have the ability to tune out those kind of things, kind of like kids.”

  Wasn’t that the truth. “I wish I could.”

  Another car sounded in the drive. Earl leaned the rake against the stall. “I’ll see who that is. This place is getting mighty busy.” He strolled out. Now there was a man who’d learn to take one day at a time after his wife of forty years died last year.

  The newcomer was probably Tank given it was Saturday. He spent not only most nights helping out, but much of his weekend, too.

  “Tammy?” Earl sounded excited.

  She squeezed Aiden’s arm. “Be right back.”

  A strong breeze shot through the barn. She inhaled, loving the smell of the ranch world. Standing next to a new car was a well-dressed woman she didn’t recognize. Tammy wiped her hands on her jeans, trying to remember if she’d touched any other animal besides Dixie. She didn’t think so.

  She shook the woman’s hand. “What can I do for you?”

  “I’ve been admiring some of the jewelry a few of my friends have purchased from you. I didn’t know how to contact you or when you were going to have another showing. I hope you don’t mind that I dropped by.”

  “Absolutely not. I’m thrilled.” Tammy glanced up at a shirtless Jake. My, but he looked good. “Let’s go inside. It might be quieter and I can show you what I have.”

  The woman stepped around the chickens. She should have known wearing high heels to a ranch might not be the smartest fashion statement.

  “Excuse the mess.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m in the middle of construction myself. My husband insisted on ripping up our den. Said it was a small, quick job.” She waved a hand and laughed. “There’s dust everywhere.”

  “I feel your pain. I, too, am constantly wiping down the counters, which is why I don’t do showings in my home.” She gave the woman her most sympathetic smile. The three other women she’d suggested stop by, had been friends of her mom’s. “Have a seat at the kitchen table and I’ll bring out my case.”

  The woman nodded. Yikes. She had maybe three completed pieces and needed to get to work on more creations. From the bedroom, she packed up the case and carried it out.

  “What colors are you looking for?”

  In the gem world, the choices were endless. They talked a bit about the woman’s tastes and the kind of jewelry she liked.

  “You don’t have a catalogue?”

  That would cost money. “Not yet, but soon maybe.”

  A tingle of excitement drove through her. She always thought of herself as a ranch girl, through and through, but maybe she should focus more on being a businesswoman.

  The woman took out her checkbook. “I love these two, but I would one like this one using the rose quartz, and another one like the first one in turquoise. I’ll pay you now, if you can deliver the pieces I need by next Thursday. It’s my anniversary on Friday and I really want to look extra nice.”

  Tammy couldn’t believe her luck. “No problem.”

  Once the woman left, Tammy sat there, half stunned. Each piece took hours to make. With all the hammering, drilling and banging, she’d never be able to concentrate. To make matters worse, Tank pulled up.

  Maybe he’d climb up the ladder and not bother her.

  “Knock, knock.” Guess not. He pulled back the screen door and entered.

  She had to admit he looked good. Sexy even, but still not the man for her. She liked stability and honesty. She didn’t know about Jake’s stability, but he was honest.

  Tank was dressed in hiking gear and didn’t look like he was ready to climb on the roof. “What’s up?”

  “I thought you could use a break today.”

  “That’s sweet, but I have work to do.” She waved the woman’s check. She explained how, out of the blue, this lady came to buy her jewelry.

  “That’s terrific.” He held out his hand.

  She laughed. “Oh, no you don’t. I can’t cash this until I deliver the goods.” She swiped a finger across the table, coating the tip. “I can’t work here either.”

  “That’s the beauty of my plan. Pack up your stuff and let’s get out of here. I know of a place where we can have total quiet.”

  Even though it was Tank she’d be going with, the idea sounded wonderful. “Where do you have in mind?”

  “Someplace I’ve always loved. It’s maybe twenty miles from here in the forest. I have a ton of reading to do, so I need to concentrate. I’m taking a test to get my license in Montana.”

  “Works for me.”

  “Do you think we can make some sandwiches to take with us?”

  “Absolutely.” This plan intrigued her. Side by side they gathered what they needed. He filled up two water bottles while she finished slapping the meat on the bread.

  She went back into the bedroom, threw on her hiking boots and grabbed her backpack. Back in the kitchen she packed up her gear. “I’m ready.”

  He held open the door. Outside, she stepped back from the house and shielded her eyes to find Jake’s location, not that the noise didn’t tell her where he was.

  “Hey, Jake?”

  His back remained to her and his gun didn’t stop spitting out nails.

  Tank touched her back and unexpected tingles raced up her spine. Oh, boy. “I’ll tell him.”

  While Tank was informing Jake, she wanted to tell Aiden she’d be gone for part of the day. As she walked into the barn, her stomach lurched. She’d have to tell him she was going on a quasi date with Tank. She dreaded the potential confrontation, but that conversation wouldn’t be as uncomfortable as when she told him she’d slept with Jake. Sure, Pleasure was open-minded, but she figured the people around here had limits. If Aiden had told her he was sleeping with another woman, she’d freak. The double standard didn’t elude her.

  Aiden was checking the teeth on one of his animals.


  He turned and smiled. “You bored today or what?”

  It was true, she usually didn’t wander in and bother him this often. “I wanted to tell you I’m going to be spending a few hours away from the banging.” She told him of the commissioned jewelry order she’d gotten.

  “That’s great.”

  “Tank’s taking me.”

  His smile didn’t dim. “Good. You’ll be safe.”

  Not the reaction she expected, but she was glad she didn’t have to explain anything. Maybe he knew she’d never again succumb to Tank’s charms.

  Happy to get away from the ranch for a few hours and work on her designs, she left. Tank was already in the truck, and she hopped in.

  “Where exactly are we going?”

  He grinned. “It’s a surprise.”

  His dimpled cheeks brought back all the memories of them together, at least when they were kids. She’d had plenty of time to get over him, so why hadn’t she? Her damned pussy had the nerve to react to his flirting. Didn’t her body know she had enough on her hands?

  It was just a smile, nothing more.

  Unfortunately, her body didn’t listen.

  It took about forty minutes to reach the end of the road that wound through the mountain. Throughout the trip, whenever he turned the wheel, his forearm muscles flexed. Tank was even sexy driving. His strong profile was without unneeded curves or flaws.

  He stopped the truck at the end of a road.

  “I’ve never been to this area

  “Good. Are you ready to see something cool?”


  Tank led the way, but he checked on her every few minutes to make sure she was keeping up and doing well. Thirty minutes later, the roar of water reached her. He led her down a path with towering pines on one side and a large granite slab on the other. When they worked their way through some bushes, a magnificent two-hundred-foot waterfall appeared.

  Her pulse raced. “It’s beautiful.”

  He grinned. “I was hoping you’d like it.” He grabbed her hand and picked his way to a section of flat ground. “Let’s work here.”

  He pulled out two foldable seats and placed them on the ground. He’d also brought a blanket.

  “I can’t believe I’ve never been here.”

  “It’s one of my favorite spots.” He glanced to the ground for a second. Maybe he felt guilty for not sharing this spot with her before. “Let’s eat, and then we can work.”

  * * * *

  Tank was thrilled to see how Tammy’s eyes sparkled in response to this special place. He planned to take his seduction slow and easy, and he figured what better than to remove her from her element. She’d never have agreed to be with him if both of her lovers were nearby. When Jake called first thing this morning to tell him they’d had the hottest sex in history, Tank knew what he had to do.

  Even now, he was surprised a jealous rage hadn’t tormented him. Instead, he was glad he might have his dream come true. To his way of thinking, it was two down, one to go. Once all three of them had captured her affection, they’d find a way for all three to love her at once.

  She spread the meal on the blanket then squatted on the ground to sit in the ground-level seat. Neither said anything while they ate. The beauty and serenity of the cove seemed to appeal to her on a cellular level, like it did to him. With his hectic schedule at work, and his trying to find time to study after he worked a few hours on the house, he needed this time of quiet perhaps more than Tammy did.

  He took out his book, leaned back, and read the chapter on mortgages. He would much rather study the chocolate-haired beauty sitting next to him, but he needed to think of his future. Though if he had his way, he’d marry Tammy and spend his days working the ranch instead of dealing with bank business.

  She spread out her jewelry supplies. He’d never seen how she made the pieces, and he was fascinated. She had bags upon bags of different colored stones and beads, along with small pieces of wood and wire. Then she pulled out something that looked like a soldering gun.

  “What’s that for? Are you going to lash me to a tree with wire and solder the ends together so I’ll be helpless and at your mercy.” You wish.

  That got a laugh out of her. The sound resonated in his body. He had a new goal. To hear that sound as often as he could.

  “Don’t you wish?”

  Yes. If Tammy ever loved on him the way he wanted to love on her, he’d sacrifice his possessions to the greater good. He thought about telling her how he wanted to claim her for his own, to love and protect her, but then she’d pack up and leave. Earning her trust again would take planning and patience, the latter being in short supply.

  Since she had a deadline, he didn’t ask her to explain her process. He left her to work in peace. She arranged the beads and stones one way then rearranged them in a different pattern. Her sense of style was remarkable. Soon she began the assembly process. With incredible care, she wrapped the stones in the wire and added beads for another touch of decoration.

  When she seemed done, he put down his book. “Why do you want to save your ranch, when your real talent seems to be creating this jewelry? You know, with the right marketing, you could make a ton. Why, you could go national. Have a website.”

  Chuckling, she held up a hand. “I’m just a local artist.”

  “Now, but we could take this bigger.”

  She leaned back in the seat. “I’m not sure I want that. I love the ranch, love training cutting horses.” Her eyes closed for a second as if she were reliving some wonderful moment. “When I’m on my stead, the power beneath me gives me this sense of control like none other. I do love to make the jewelry, but I’d never leave the ranch even if I make money with this.”

  Her passion brought home his desires. “I know what you mean. When dad sold the ranch, a piece of my soul was lost. I think that’s why I decided to enlist. Being in Pleasure, and living in an apartment, wasn’t my style.”

  “But you live in one now.”

  “That’s different. I have to be here to take care of dad in his final days.”

  She stilled. “He’s that sick? I thought he just had Alzheimer’s.”

  “Just? If the disease doesn’t kill him, he’ll do something to cause it. I’ve noticed of late that he’s forgotten my name a few times. I wouldn’t be surprised if he crossed the street without looking, forgetting that getting a hit by a car can kill you.”

  Her hand went to her chest. “That’s terrible.”

  “It’s a matter of time. Three days ago, I found him walking down the road with no destination in mind. When I’ve corralled him into the car, he didn’t remember leaving the house.”

  Tank didn’t like talking about the depressing topic, but she deserved to know what was going on in his life.

  “You’re a good son.”

  A flicker of hope licked his gut. His one attribute wouldn’t be enough. To her, he was still a cheat and someone she couldn’t trust. Or had his imagination gone wild? Maybe she understood that people can change, and that he was one of those people.

  His sad remarks made him search the sky for answers. Clouds had rolled in, and he hadn’t even noticed. Since he didn’t feel much like reading anyway and Tammy had completed two remarkable pieces, it might be time to go. “Maybe we should head back. I don’t want to get caught in a rainstorm.” And have to cuddle with you under a tree while we wait out the storm. I’d want to make love, and you’d turn me down and rip out my heart.

  She looked down to the ground after she packed, as if something heavy was weighing on her mind. He stepped over to her and lifted her chin. “What’s wrong?”

  Her eyes seemed to water, and her gaze latched on to his as if he were a lifeline. The need to kiss her slammed into him. He took the chance she wouldn’t rebuff him. Not wanting to scare her with his need, his kiss was gentler than he’d wanted.

  He swore he heard a groan escape from the back of her throat. She leaned closer and kissed him back. Encouraged, he pulled her tight to his chest.

  Without any cause, she shoved him back. “What were you doing?”

  Where the hell had that response come from? “Kissing you?”


  Because I love you? “I wanted to, and I thought you did, too.”

  “Well I don’t.”

  Her tone bordered on rudeness. That really pissed him off. “What? I’m not good enough for you? You fucked both Aiden and Jake, but you can’t even give me a kiss?” He hated how his breath came out too fast, and that she’d reduced him to being a gossip.

  Her mouth opened. “That’s not how it is.”

  “Then explain it to me.”

  Chapter Nine

  Tammy hadn’t wanted to push Tank away, but the carnal lust coursing through her veins stunned her. It was bad enough she believed she might be in love with Aiden and Jake. She didn’t need this complication.

  Her breaths wouldn’t calm down. “I’m already confused. I don’t need you in the mix.”

  “It is because of what I did to you your sophomore year?”

  The way he said it made her about-to-be-made claim seem petty. “Maybe.”

  He moved closer. She didn’t have the heart to move away this time. He’d seemed stunned when she’d said no.

  “Babe, I’ve changed.”

  “I know, but you’re the banker. It would be a conflict of interest for you if we had sex.” Lame.

  A small smile came to his lips. “That�
�s a stretch, and you know it. Secondly, I was thinking more in the line of making love to you, not just having sex.”

  “A rose by any other name is still a rose.” She turned out of his grasp and picked up her backpack.

  “Mark my word, Tammy Richards. You will love me.”

  She whipped around. “You arrogant SOB.” A trickle of happiness had slipped in with her anger. Damn. The man had a way of twisting her insides like none other.

  He ran the back of his knuckle down her cheek. “You’re in heat right now. Once you’ve been double-teamed, you’ll want all three of us.”

  Her face colored at his comment. “I won’t sleep with two men at one time.” While she’d entertained the idea briefly, she refused to accept the fact since her morals wouldn’t even allow it.

  “Have you ever tried a ménage?”

  He had to know she wasn’t the type to have done something like that. “No.”

  He had the nerve to grin. “Your future is going to look real bright once you discover the glory of having so many hands all over your tits and pussy.”

  Heat flooded her face. “You shouldn’t talk to me that way.”

  He tossed her an exaggerated frown. She waited for him to apologize, but instead of receiving one, he packed the gear, saying nothing more and headed on down the trail, never looking back. She couldn’t believe he had the nerve to walk away after what he said. Jerk.

  A part of her wanted to stay behind so she wouldn’t have to be around him. Reason intruded. She didn’t know her way back, nor did she have a ride home. She raced after him for that ride. Damn. If he thought she’d ever make love to him, he was highly mistaken.

  * * * *

  Frustrated beyond belief, Tammy worked hard to get through the next few weeks. She managed to keep all three men at arm’s lengths, but thought of nothing other than them. She forced herself to think about the coming months, and the looming mortgage payments.

  As September neared the end, Tammy had been fortunate to have more women randomly stop by the house to look at her collection. Some placed orders, others merely browsed, but before they left, they all commented on the house addition.


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