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Monroe, Melody Snow - Taming Tammy [Pleasure, Montana 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Her breath came out in short spurts as Jake plucked and tugged on her nipples. Blood whooshed in her veins as her climax shot through her. “Tank!”

  He took her hips and drew her near. His cock pulsating, he doubled in size, and stretched her to the max. His jism came out like cannonballs and pounded her pussy.

  Aiden kissed her while the other two held still. Never had she experienced anything so intense in her life.

  Slowly, Tank withdrew. Aiden disappeared and returned with a wet towel to wipe her down.

  “Here,” Aiden said. “Don’t get too comfy because I’m coming for you.” She must have looked dazed because Aiden smiled. “I know you’ve had a long day, and because I’m a great guy, I’m willing take a rain check. Promise not to make me wait long.”

  “Promise.” She crossed her heart and held up three fingers.

  My, oh my. She couldn’t even imagine what life would be life without these three virile men in her bed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jake fixed breakfast for all four of them the next morning. “Darlin’, would you mind working on your designs in town for the next couple of weeks?”

  “Why?” She turned on the burner to boil water for her tea.

  He stroked a hand down her cheek. “We want to put the finishing touches on the house, and it would be better if you weren’t around to see us load pieces of furniture into the place.”

  “You’re still not going to let me see anything?” She’d begged and pleaded to let her get a walk-through before they added the finishing touches, but all three said they wanted it to be a surprise.

  “No, but I promise if you don’t like something we pick, I’ll change it personally.”

  “Fine.” These men sure were stubborn, but it was something she’d have to get used to.

  She packed up her gear and drove into town. She’d even offered the bar owners money to allow her to sit there and work, but they said it brought in business. Once people got wind that she was at the Mountain View, they loved coming in and seeing what new items she’d created.

  Two weeks after the first amazing ménage experience, she was sitting in the restaurant when her cell rang. She didn’t recognize the number.


  “Tammy, this is Jasper Cummins’s son, Will.”

  He sounded rather upbeat, so the news hopefully wasn’t too bad. “How is Jasper?”

  “He’s hanging in there. That’s why I’m calling. He was finally lucid enough to tell me he owes you money.”

  She had to suck in a breath to keep from hyperventilation. “He remembered?”

  “Yes, so if you give me your address, I’ll put the check in the mail.”

  She wet her lips and gave him the information. “Tell him thank you.” Could this nightmare almost be over? She would pay back not only her mortgage payments, but maybe a few in advance, too. As for paying Jake, she’d give him what she owed him and maybe buy another horse with the rest.

  Super excited about how things were working out, she went back to her designs and grinned. Life was good.

  * * * *

  Aiden blindfolded her. “Now remember, if there is anything you don’t like, you speak up.”

  She was sure everything her men had picked out would be perfect. According to Jake, Aiden had a big hand in deciding which furnishings would be best. Tank did most of the painting, while Jake had decided on the fixtures for the kitchen and bathroom.

  Aiden grabbed hold of her shoulders and led her into her new home. He lifted the blindfold. Tammy looked around and couldn’t have been more stunned than if HGTV’s Extreme Makeover team had done the design.

  The walls were a lemony beige and gave off an air of calm she so loved. Dark hardwood floors and crown molding made the place classy. They’d decorated the room in an authentic Western style, complete with turquoise accents, her favorite color.

  “This is amazing. I love it all, and I especially love the open concept.” She walked over to the kitchen. “We can all sit in here comfortably.” She was shocked at how well her men knew her tastes.

  “There’s more,” Jake said.

  He took her hand and led her into another room. If the double king-size bed was any indication, this was the master bedroom. “Oh, my. It will hold all four of us quite nicely.”

  Tank grinned. “You’ve got to see the bathroom.”

  She giggled as he led her into the huge room. “My God, there are four showerheads. That’s insane.”

  Aiden snuggled behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “We want to be with you as much as possible.”

  She liked that, but she might be walking around with a sore body for the rest of her life.

  They toured a few other rooms. In all, Jake had built an addition with three bedrooms and two more bathrooms. Words failed her.

  Tank motioned she return to the living room. “There’s a present for you on the coffee table.”

  “I don’t need anything else. You’ve all done so much.”

  “Go on, babe. Open it. It’s as much for us as it is for you.”

  There was a small box, wrapped in gold foil on the table. Excited, she ripped off the paper. Inside was a blue velvet box. She lifted the lid and gasped. Never had she seen such exquisite work. “This is beautiful.” There was a ruby in the middle surrounded by four diamonds.

  All three men moved in front of her. Tank stepped forward. “As the oldest by three weeks, it is my duty to ask. I, along with these two goofs, would like permission to marry you.”

  Her knees weakened and her breath caught in her throat. “You do?”

  “We do. You know the rule. You marry the eldest, but we all will be your husband in every sense of the word.”

  “Then I say yes!”

  Her men closed in and enveloped her in a hug. Kisses abounded.

  Jake clasped her hands in his. “So when do you want to get married? And where?”

  She hadn’t had time to assimilate anything yet. “We could have the ceremony here, but I’m thinking it might be nice, and maybe easier, just to rent out the Mountain View. We could have it catered and save us a lot of work.”

  “Perfect,” Jake said.

  Tank ran a hand down her arm. “I’ve asked Reverend Jeffers if he’d do the ceremony, and he agreed.”

  “You’ve been busy men.”

  Aiden smiled. “We plan on keeping you just as busy.”

  * * * *

  The next three weeks were insanely busy. She had to get a dress, invite people to the wedding, and buy linens and dishes for the new house. The only calming event in her day was riding Twister. At least her horse didn’t demand anything other than food, shelter, and a chance to run.

  Aiden came into the new bedroom looking incredibly handsome in his tux. “You ready to be my wife?”

  “Yes.” She looked around. “Where’s Tank and Jake?” She thought that all four of them would drive into town.

  “They’re taking care of last-minute details. Nothing can be too good for you. I heard Chelsea is coming out of her motherhood retirement to make you the biggest and best wedding cake Pleasure has ever seen.”

  “That’s so sweet.”

  Aiden escorted her to the truck. Despite the fact that most of the trees were now bare with winter being so near, the drive to town was beautiful. She couldn’t believe how far she’d come in only a few months. Jake had grinned ear to ear when she paid him off, and Tank couldn’t stop bragging that he would be the first one to kiss the bride.

  When they drove down Main Street, there was a banner over the road that read, Congratulations, Tammy, Tank, Jake, and Aiden. Best wishes.

  “That’s awesome.”

  Aiden grinned. “That’s Pleasure for you.”

  She wasn’t really sure how this wedding thing was supposed to go down, but as soon as she walked into the bar and grill, someone at a keyboard began playing “Here Comes the Bride.” Earl slipped next to her, threaded his arm through hers, and motioned she h
ead toward the bar where the Reverend and her soon-to-be husbands were standing.

  The sight took her breath away. There weren’t three more wonderful men in the entire state of Montana. Earl delivered her to the men, and Tank eased next to her. He took her hand and squeezed.

  She and the men had written the vows, making the ceremony that much more special. The ceremony was quick, but the three kisses that followed made her toes curl and her pussy desperate for release. They were anything but quick.

  For their wedding present, the two bar owners, Luke and Preston, had hired a band to play. Tank was the first to escort her to the middle of the floor. It was a slow dance, and Tank took every opportunity to pull her close and kiss her hard.

  Though her feet had started to ache, Jake and Aiden had insisted she dance with them. She had to say yes. They each kissed different parts of her body while they led her around the room. Other than a few cat whistles, the guests gave them room.

  The song ended. “I need something to eat. I’m starving.” She’d been too nervous to eat before the wedding.

  Chelsea and a few of the other cooks had outdone themselves. The hors d’oeuvres were the best she’d ever tasted. There were plates of meats, cheeses and finger food. Half the town seemed to be in attendance and most were huddled near the feast.

  The band stopped playing long enough for the cutting of the cake. She didn’t recognize the photographer, but he took pictures from every possible angle. The wedding had been a dream come true.

  Jake held up a piece of cake for her to eat. She took a bite, and then managed to get most of the piece she cut for Jake into his mouth.

  He leaned over. “When we get home, we’ll have to take a shower together to get clean.” He winked and her body melted.

  “It’s a deal.”

  Both Aiden and Tank barreled toward her. “Now it’s our turn to feed the bride.”

  Oh, boy. She could tell this was going to be a messy affair, but she wouldn’t trade it for anything.


  Six months later

  Aiden couldn’t believe what a fantastic job Jake had done designing and building a new office for him next to the ranch’s barn. “This is beyond my wildest dreams.” Jake hadn’t let him see the final touches until it was done.

  Jake slapped him on the back. “I had an ulterior motive. I want one of us to be here at all times, especially with Tammy in her condition.”

  “I agree.”

  Tammy rushed in, the bulge in her belly making Aiden swell with pride. “Come take a look. My office might be nicer than the house.” Aiden puffed out his chest. “Of course, that’s because I’m important.”

  She slapped his arm. “You’re conceited.”

  A loud commotion sounded outside. All three stepped out of his office to see what was happening. Tank had arrived. He’d driven the truck with the attached trailer into the corral.

  The only downer since their marriage was that Tank’s dad had passed away peacefully in his sleep. With the inheritance money, Tank purchased something special for the ranch.

  He opened the back door and led out six beautiful horses and grinned. “What do you all think?”

  Aiden examined each of the beauties from outside the gated area. “They’re spectacular.”

  Tammy frowned. “We can’t afford these.”

  “Sure we can. My father’s estate finally cleared, and we now have enough to bring this ranch back to its glory.”

  Aiden groaned. “I’d planned on spending two days a week here and three days in town. If I have to tend to all these horses, I might have to switch my schedule.”

  They all laughed. Tammy wrapped an arm around his waist. “I wish you’d stay here seven days a week.”

  “If you want to support us all, I’m game.”

  She patted her stomach. “I’m thinking my days of training the cutting horses might be limited, but I can always sell my jewelry.”

  He knew that her business was growing as fast as her stomach. “If you give us another dozen, we can get a lot of free ranch-hand labor.”

  “I’m so not having twelve. Three or four, five at the most.” She grinned.

  Since she seemed to love making love as much as any of them, he bet she’d have at least a half dozen in the next ten years.

  Tank jogged over to the fence. “You know, I’ve been thinking.”

  “Uh-oh,” Tammy said.

  “What do you think of changing the name of this farm to the TPT Ranch.”

  Aiden had no idea what he was talking about. “What’s that stand for?’

  “Tammy plus three.”

  They all chuckled. His life was right where he wanted it to be.

  “I think we should name it the SH Ranch, for Stanton-Harrison.”

  “Oh, no you don’t.” This was so typical of Jake, putting up a fuss just to get the group going.

  He and the three Harrisons battled about which name should go first. He didn’t care really, but he loved to rile the ones he loved the most.

  “I think Tammy should get the final say. After all, it is her ranch.”

  She grinned. “Thank you, Aiden. That makes me so happy to hear you finally acknowledge that.”

  Tank and Jake would gang up on him tonight for that suggestion, but he wouldn’t change places with anyone. He was the luckiest man alive.




  Unlike most other authors, I started writing late in life. Writing stories in high school and college was not for me. Only after I graduated did I fall in love with romance novels. For the next twenty years, I read voraciously. It got to a point where my book-buying habits cost as much as my groceries. At that point, my husband suggested I write a book. Hey, it looked easy, right? All the stories started in the same spot (hero and heroine at odds) and ended the same way (happily ever after). Only it was anything but easy. Eleven years and fifteen completed romantic suspenses later, I finally published. I never would have gotten that far had it not been for two local chapters whose generous members shared their amazing wealth of knowledge.

  Also by Melody Snow Monroe

  Ménage Everlasting: Pleasure, Montana 1: Chelsea’s Pleasure

  Ménage Everlasting: Pleasure, Montana 2: Lydia’s Passion

  Ménage Everlasting: Pleasure, Montana 3: Destiny’s Desire

  Ménage Everlasting: Pleasure, Montana 4: Brittany’s Destiny

  Ménage Everlasting: Fantasy Resort 1: Three Hired Lovers

  Ménage Everlasting: Fantasy Resort 2: Undercover Fantasy

  Ménage Everlasting: Fantasy Resort 3: Hidden Fantasy

  Ménage Everlasting: Fantasy Resort 4: Deception Fantasy

  Ménage Everlasting: Fantasy Resort 5: Fantasy Ranch

  Siren Classic: Verdict

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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