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Forged in Flames

Page 19

by Harper Wylde

  Stark blue eyes gazed up, shell shocked and disbelieving, but she nodded and I told her to scoot back. Smearing blood across the flooring, she did as I asked.

  My Phoenix rose inside of me with a sureness I grasped on to as I let my fire consume my hands, sending my flames over the body of the fallen shifter, and keeping careful control over the blaze so I didn’t burn any of the shifters standing near me with the incredible amount of heat I would need to use. With a loud squawk, my Phoenix pushed against my skin and rose higher and higher, the flames ignited into an inferno that dominated the shifter, making quick work of incinerating his body. The scent of burning flesh and bone was quick, but it singed my nose before all that was left in its wake was a pile of ash. On pure instinct, I swirled my hands together, and the ash obeyed my command, floating through the air until it was nothing but a twirling tornado between my separated palms. Standing, I searched the room until I found a small box. Gesturing to a nearby shifter, I let my eyes fall on the box and he rushed forward to open it for me. Settling the ash inside, I released my hold on it and placed the lid on the makeshift urn.

  Brushing my hands against the soft denim of my jeans, I turned to face the two members of the Council.

  “Now all that’s left is the blood and you’ll be all set.” I tried to keep my voice neutral, void of the emotional turmoil that was roiling inside of me. “Back to business as usual.” I folded my hands in front of me, my skin still hot from the power I’d just used.

  Stepanov clapped a slow, patronizing sound that set me on edge.

  “Since the girl is filthy, she’s of no use in the clean up.” I turned and spotted some strong looking shifters in one corner of the room and nodded to the bloody mess in the middle of the floor. “If you could finish the job.” Taking the box, I handed it to the girl who grasped it so tightly her fingers went white. Walking to the dais, I paused. “You’re all set. Councilmen.” A tight smile worked its way over my lips as I bowed at the waist, showing a deference I didn’t feel. “If you’ll excuse us,” I said as I straightened. “Joshua and I have a date to get to and I have a feeling that Councilman Williams find it very remiss if I didn’t give my suitor all the attention he deserves.” I sent as lovestruck a glance over my shoulder as I could, playing the part of smitten girlfriend before spinning on my heel and making my way back to the Basilisk’s side.

  “Of course. Mating should be your utmost focus, child. I am not the only member of this Council satisfied with seeing you finally taking your duty to your species seriously.” Dismissing us, Stepanov turned his attention on the two men mopping up the blood and snapped, “Hurry up, already. Let us be done with this whole ordeal and move on with our day, you worthless idiots.”

  Joshua took my hand and looped it around his arm, bowing to the Council members as he bid them goodbye, and then proceeded to all but drag me from the room.

  I felt Stepanov’s steely gaze on my back all the way out of the throne room, only shaking the chill when we were striding down the hallway toward the door. Stopping at the coat closet, I retrieved my jacket while Joshua did the same. Just as I was zipping it up, I spotted the girl across the hallway, with another shifter wrapping a blanket around her shoulders. The box was still clutched in her hand. Her blue, watery eyes met mine from across the span of the hall and she mouthed, “Thank you.” Tears built behind my own eyes, and I nodded to her, mouthing back, “I’m sorry.”

  Sensing my emotion, Joshua took hold of my elbow. “Not here.” He leaned down to whisper the caution in my ear, and I knew from an outsider's perspective that it could have easily appeared as a lover’s gesture rather than the warning it was.

  Ushering me outside and into a grey Range Rover, he shut the door and rounded to the driver’s side.

  “I know a place we can go.” He turned the car on, the engine flaring to life. “A place where no one else goes. I like to go there to think, sometimes. To be alone.”

  I sat numbly in the passenger seat as my adrenaline left me a shaking mess, barely registering what he’d said and the mission I still needed to accomplish. My Phoenix pushed her heat into my limbs, warming me up, and gave a gentle coo in my mind, waking me from my shocked stupor. “Um, I don’t know if I’m up for that, but there is a place I had in mind. I’ve been wanting to see the waterfall on the island.” I tried to get the words out. “A friend of mine told me about it.”

  “That’s perfect, actually.” Joshua reached over and cupped my cheek, running the pad of his thumb along the curve of it. “That’s the place I was talking about.”

  Nodding, I pulled away from his touch, feeling guilty and conflicted over the familiarity he felt growing between us that wasn’t fully reciprocated. I let out a breath, releasing all the tension that had been growing inside me.

  I changed the subject. “Is it always like that?” I managed to voice the question, although I wasn’t sure I wanted the answer.

  Focusing on driving, Joshua placed both hands on the steering wheel and navigated us onto the road, heading to the far side of the island. “Animal shifters have always been treated as lesser, but it’s been getting worse as the years go by. Now it’s often a fucking shit show.”

  “They just kill them… just like that? For spilling a damn drink?” I was aghast, unsure how to feel.

  Joshua’s silence was enough of an answer. “Do you agree with those types of… politics?” I didn’t even know what else to call the Council’s cruelty, especially while I was still trying to feel out where Joshua stood in all of this.

  “Like I told you the first time I met you, Nix, not all of us are into the old ways.” Joshua’s voice was low, his eyes serious. “I fully recognize the need for change. It’s the reason I’ve stayed at the Lodge and continued down the path that my father has mapped out for me. Becoming a Council member may not be my first choice for a career, but it’s the only one that will allow me to have a say in the change I’d like to see.”

  “That’s very self-sacrificing.” I eyed him.

  “I’d say it’s a lot less painful than what that shifter just went through.” For the first time since I’d met him, he sounded angry, and it lightened my heart to know I wasn’t alone in my outrage.

  “You’re different than I expected you to be.”

  “In a good way, I hope.” He smiled while keeping his attention on the road.

  “Yeah.” I smiled as he pulled the vehicle to a stop. The more time I spent with Joshua, the more I realized he’d be a perfect choice to join us in the rebellion, especially if he was willing to take his life in a different direction to create the change he wanted to see befall the shifter world. First, however, I needed his venom to secure my own place in the fight against the Council.

  “The waterfall is just a short hike up that path.” He turned off the ignition and pocketed the keys, rubbing his hands together to keep warm. “Luckily I keep spare shoes in the car. Like I said, this is one of my favorite spots. You ready to do this?”

  “As I’ll ever be.” I let a gust of air escape my lungs, and with renewed purpose, fueled by my hatred against the Council, I climbed from the car and followed Joshua into the woods.



  The hike through the woods was invigorating and the cool air woke me up, snapping me out of any of the remaining shock I may have been under after leaving the Lodge, and letting the events of the day sink in. The closer we got to the waterfall, the more nervous I became about having to shift with Joshua.

  Drawing the fresh air deep into my lungs, I tried to scent Hiro, who should be somewhere close by already. Not catching his particular blend of mossy forest, spice, and flowers, I focused on the view that opened up before me as Joshua stepped out onto a ledge overlooking the waterfall.

  “Holy shit.” My breath fogged around me as I stood in awe. “That is amazing!” My words were practically a squeal. I stepped up beside Joshua and buried my hands in my coat, trying to keep my fingers warm before I pushed some of my Phoenix’
s power into my hands, warming them supernaturally.

  “It’s beautiful with every season, but there’s something majestic about the falls when the water freezes over like that.” Most of the waterfall was solid, cascading ice, but the temperatures would have to drop further to freeze the remaining trickling water that fell in a glassy sheen over the ice.

  “I’ve never seen anything like this.” I pulled my phone from my back pocket and bypassed the messages the guys had sent me, checking in to see if I was alright. Clicking the camera app, I snapped a few photos of the scenery, knowing I’d regret it if I didn’t. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever make it back to this spot, and it was too beautiful to pass up remembering.

  Hiking after Joshua, I followed him down to the base of the waterfall, spotting the way the water acted as a curtain, covering the opening of a rocky cave beyond. While I couldn’t make out much in the darkness behind the waterfall, I knew Hiro would be hidden in its depths.

  Stretching my arms, I felt my Phoenix’s desire to be free in such a spacious, beautiful place. There were no wards to be wary of close by, since the entire exterior of the island was encased in a barrier, and we could fly freely here without worry of being discovered. Feeling like a Debbie Downer, I reminded her that we were here for a reason, and she chirped in complacency, though I could feel her disappointment.

  I promise we’ll find a time and a place to fly freely soon, I assured her, as well as myself.

  “Are you… uh…” Joshua cleared his throat, appearing less than his confident self for the first time since I’d met him. “Ready to shift?” Pink tinged his cheeks as I realized he was basically asking me if I was ready to strip down with him, right here and now.

  I crossed my arms over my chest, gripping my biceps with my hands, as I realized the gravity of what I was about to do. I was about to face a fucking Basilisk in shifted form. A snake. A giant fucking snake that I was going to provoke to bite me. And then I was more than likely going to die for the rebellion.

  No. I stopped my train of thought. You’re going to die to keep your men safe. To provide a future for you and your future mates. Without the rebellion, there’s no chance in overturning the Council.

  Steeling my resolve, I nodded to Joshua. “Do you mind if we shift privately?” I glanced around the clearing. “Maybe you can shift behind those boulders over there and I can shift here?” I suggested, planning to keep Joshua far away from the cave where Hiro was stationed.

  His eyes softened. “Of course. I know you’re new to the shifter world and probably not as comfortable around nudity as the rest of us.”

  “Thanks,” I replied, with a soft smile.

  Turning to go, Joshua paused and spun back around, taking a few steps backward as he spoke. “Listen, I’ve rarely shifted around others, so my Basilisk isn’t used to be around other creatures often.”

  “Are you worried?” I hedged, trying not to let my excitement show. This may be easier than I imagined.

  “Maybe a little.” He shrugged.

  “I’ll be careful,” I assured him, but couldn’t help but add, “His actions aren’t your fault, though… if he doesn’t like my Phoenix… that is.” I rambled almost incoherently.

  Smooth, Nix. I mentally rolled my eyes at myself, taking a moment to enjoy the fact that no one was privy to my embarrassing internal monologue.

  “I don’t know, Nix. We both seem to like you.” He grinned and turned, heading for the boulders and slipping out of sight.

  Biting my lip, I made quick work of stripping while I was alone, piling my clothing neatly off to the side on a rock, before letting my alter free in a storm of licking fire and heat. Red flames covered my human body as it gave way to my Phoenix, letting her come forth in a spread of wings and feathers.

  Feeling more powerful in my shifted form, I squawked that I was ready and kept my gaze glued to the boulders as a giant snake slithered along the pine needle encrusted, forest floor. Joshua’s Basilisk must have been as long as two semi-trucks, with a body rounder and thicker than that of a large beach ball. He was covered in blue and grey scales, which gleamed in the soft, overcast light that filtered down into the clearing. Everything about him screamed danger and I found myself taking flight, rising in the air as fear rolled through my Phoenix and me. Entering the clearing and drawing nearer, Joshua’s snake coiled and then rose up, his light beige underbelly lifting off the ground as his head came level with my Phoenix. Flapping our wings, we rose higher, but Joshua’s snake matched our height once more.

  Agitated, my Phoenix let out another squawk and started flying around the snake. She knew what the plan was, and she dove and wove around the Basilisk in a seemingly playful dance that was meant to provoke.

  The fast, darting movements didn’t disappoint and Joshua’s Basilisk let out a hiss as it tried to track us, his tongue flicking forward in a reptilian way that creeped me out. Gliding around his head, my Phoenix dared to move closer on each pass. Another hiss and the Basilisk bared its long, curved fangs at us, whipping around as we flew behind his head. With the sharp snap of his jaws, he lunged at us. Self-preservation kicked in and my Phoenix swooped away just in time, and I cursed from the missed opportunity.

  Heating herself up, she tipped her wings in fire and made another pass. The warmth of her fire teased along the Basilisk’s skin and he lunged.

  Sharp, piercing, knife-like fangs sunk into the body of my Phoenix and with a terrified shriek, we fell as he yanked us downward, crashing toward the unforgiving ground when he let us go. The hard covering of rocks near the waterfall broke our descent, and pain shot through my Phoenix’s body as more than one bone broke. The searing burn of Joshua’s venom had us gasping for air.

  “Oh fuck! Nix!” Joshua cried out as he shifted back to human form. He scrambled to my Phoenix’s side and reached for her, but I knew if he touched us, he’d try to help, and I needed him to leave me here. Alone.

  Using the last bit of energy we had, my Phoenix called her flames and lit our body on fire, keeping Joshua’s reaching hands from touching us. With a startled sound, Joshua pulled away with wide, frightened eyes.

  “Shit. What can I do? What do you need me to do? You can heal, can’t you? I never meant… oh fuck. I never meant to hurt you. I should have shifted back as soon as I realized your flight was agitating him.” My heart ached almost as much as my body did, when I saw the regret and terror covering Joshua’s face. Even in all my agony, my guilt over what I’d done—what I’d had to do—had me blinking back tears and wanting to soothe the fear in him.

  A growl echoed toward us as Hiro’s Kitsune came bounding toward us in a flash of white and green. Delicate tribal-like markings swirled up his paws and decorated the ends of his nine tails. His eyes flashed in anger and the ground underneath us rumbled as Jonathan scrambled to his feet, holding up his hands to stave off the angry Kitsune, completely uncaring of his nudity.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt her.” His voice quivered, the strong emotion bouncing off the rocks as he called out to Hiro. Having grown up in the same circle of mythologicals, it made sense that he recognized Hiro in his shifted form. “It was an accident.”

  Hiro growled again as vines began to crawl their way out of the forest. The thick ropes of vines quickly converged to form a barrier between the Basilisk and me, while the ground shook in a localized earthquake. The rock beneath us began to split apart, the cracks wedging themselves open and spreading to where Joshua stood, making him jump farther away from me.

  “Hiro,” Joshua pleaded, his eyes landing on me. “I just want to help her! I’m so fucking sorry!” He drove both hands into his blond hair, thoroughly mussing it from the styled perfection it had been earlier.

  Hiro barked and moved closer to stand over my body, clearly defending me from the shifter he found dangerous. With a high-pitched howl, Hiro let his shift ripple over him until he was human again.

  “You’ve done enough.” The predator was still close to the surface and clear in Hiro’s
tone. “I’ll take care of her from here.”

  “What are you even doing here?” Joshua asked, clearly bereft as to what to do.

  “Nix is dying and you want to get into semantics?” Hiro’s eyes went to steel. “I’m the one who brought Nix to the commune today. I was waiting for her to finish her date.” Hiro partially sneered the word. “In the meantime, I’ve been running the forests, letting my Kitsune free.”

  Joshua nodded, clearly lost as to what to do next. “She’ll heal, won’t she?”

  “She might, or she might have to go through a rebirth. Either way, she’ll most likely live.”

  The Basilisk sighed in relief that was almost palpable.

  My Phoenix and I drew a wheezing breath, fighting the black spots that formed in our vision. I could feel her control waning, the shift she was holding on to starting to slip. The last thing I wanted was to be naked in front of Joshua. Knowing me as well as he did, Hiro seemed to sense my desires.

  “It’s time for you to go. Nix is getting ready to shift, and I know she’s not comfortable with you seeing her naked.” Hiro braced himself, every muscle in his perfectly toned body primed for a fight if Joshua didn’t relent.

  “What about you?” Joshua said, appearing hesitant to leave.

  “I’m her friend. I’ll get her dressed and see her through her rebirth.”

  Nodding absently, Joshua took a step backward. “Are you sure? I don’t feel right leaving you out here. We could take her back to the Lodge. My father and I can ensure we get the top medical professionals from the hospital to oversee her care…” Joshua trailed off.

  “I’ll take her home. She’ll be much more comfortable in her own bed,” Hiro reassured Joshua.

  “I have a car.” Joshua motioned over his shoulder, a last ditch effort to help fix the wrong he felt he’d done. “Please, let me give you a ride, at least.”


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