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Forged in Flames

Page 23

by Harper Wylde

  “That's not exactly how I thought you'd get me to lay down when you began stripping, you know,” I informed him, as he darted over to me, touching his nose gently to mine and darting away again. “I'm laying down now, are you happy?”

  He made a sound, although I wasn't sure if it was actually assent or mere amusement as lights danced around him in a sparkly show of fireworks. “I'm not overdoing it, I promise,” I reassured him. “I just don't want to stay in bed again, and I'm just as sick of the couch.”

  “I think we could all use a little fun.” Damien's amused voice sounded from behind me. “As much as I enjoy watching Killian take a leaf out of Ciarán's book…” Damien ignored the thumping of Killian's paw and the short growl he let out, though it made me smile. It was always such a shock to hear a rabbit growl or hiss. “Theo had an idea. What do you think, Nix? Are you up for going out together? A relaxing date? Something to jar us out of the cloud that’s hanging over the house?”

  Killian hopped on to my outstretched hands, finally allowing me to pick him up and cradle his soft, warm fluff against my chest. I pushed to my feet and smiled at Damien as I stroked a hand down Killian's ears. “I'd like to get out of here. What do you have in mind?”

  “James knows of a place that he thinks we'll enjoy. All you need's a bathing suit,” he told me, leading me from the room.

  “A bathing suit?” I asked dryly, glancing at the windows where a few snowflakes danced along the blowing wind, bouncing against the glass. “I know I run warm, but that's still a bit extreme, don't you think?”

  “Not when you're in a hot spring,” Damien said with a wink.

  “A hot spring?” I squealed the words in excitement, my Phoenix chirping happily at the thought as well. “And we're all going?”

  “Of course. Go get ready,” Damien said. “We're all waiting for you. And bunny butt here.” Killian hissed at Damien, but jumped happily from my hands when I placed him on the floor.

  “Nix!” Ryder yelled, bounding over to us with a light in his eyes that I hadn’t seen in days. “Please, please tell me you've agreed to our date idea and I'll finally get to see you in a bikini?”

  I laughed. “That depends. How many other families are we going to have to contend with?”

  “None,” Theo answered with a grin, tugging on his jacket when I entered the living room. “James' mate is a mermaid. She's drawn to water. About a year ago, she found a small hot spring on Kodiak Island. We've been going occasionally ever since then.”

  “And someone else from the island isn't going to see us?” I asked curiously, pausing on the staircase.

  “There are only about thirteen thousand people on an island of about thirty-five hundred miles. It's mostly isolated, and friends have erected wards around the hot spring to keep out hunters and other unwelcome visitors. They’ll be deterred a few miles out to keep the surrounding area private.”

  “Well, then what are we waiting for?” I jogged upstairs with a lighter heart, digging through my drawers for one of my swimsuits. I found one in red and gold, my Phoenix chirping happily at the colors that were so similar to her feathers. I stripped quickly from my workout clothes before sliding on the swimsuit, yoga pants, and an oversized sweater to help ward off any chill. Grabbing some extra clothing and a pair of flip-flops just in case, I descended the stairs. “Everyone else ready to go?” I called, heading to where the guys were gathered, talking animatedly among each other. Even Killian had beaten me back, but I could have sworn I hadn't taken longer than a few minutes.

  “One of my friends is prepping the plane for us now,” Killian told me, tucking his phone into his pocket. “I’ll have to run standard checks when we get to the airstrip and it's about an hour's flight. We'll be there and having fun before you know it.”

  “You need this, we all do.” Theo rubbed my back, warming me as I zipped up my jacket.

  “I know we do.” I turned to Ryder, worrying about him the most. He’d been taking the news we’d sussed out the other day harder than even I had—and I’d been directly involved. I was worried about him, and my heart lightened some at the look of excitement in his eyes.

  “Everyone into the Hummer!” Hiro called. “The faster we get out of here, the faster we can get into those springs.”

  “I call the middle of the backseat!” I grinned and darted out the door, hurrying to the car.

  “Uh, babe…” Ryder called, right on my heels. “I think you’re supposed to call shotgun.”

  “Phh…” I made a sound with my lips. “Why would I want to sit shotgun when I can be surrounded by sexy men on two sides instead of just one?” I threw a grin over my shoulder and threw open the door, climbing into the middle seat.

  “Fuck, we’ve corrupted her.” Ryder chuckled and I reached out to pull him in after me.

  “Get in here Celestia and shut the door. It’s fucking cold!”

  “Don’t worry.” Ryder complied with my wishes just as the door on the opposite side opened, admitting Hiro. “I think we can warm you up just fine.”

  “All I’m hearing are promises, unicorn. Where’s my action?”

  Ryder arched a brow, moved closer, and nipped at my ear, before teasing the sensitive spot just behind it with his tongue. “Cer-ap-tor.”

  “I’ve heard it both ways.” I shrugged like the semantics didn’t matter.

  The rest of the guys filed into the vehicle, and we took off toward the airstrip as Ryder tickled me mercilessly, making me laugh on the short ride there.

  I gripped the handle of the plane hard—my knuckles going snow white—while Killian steered the seaplane into a landing. Water sprayed up and droplets pelted the windows as he decreased the speed, while monitoring the ridiculous amount of dials that were displayed in the cockpit. It never ceased to amaze me the way Killian flew. There was something wildly sexy about seeing him in the pilot's chair, and once the plane came to a stop and my heart ceased pounding as hard, I took in my fill of his tall, built frame going through his post flight checklist.

  “We’re here!” Ryder rubbed his hands together anxiously, leaning excitedly over Hiro in his haste to look out one of the small, rounded windows on the side of the plane.

  “You ready?” Theo smiled at me while he undid his seatbelt and then clicked mine open next.

  Peering out of the small window I was seated next to, I turned to Theo with a skeptical look. “How are we supposed to get out of here without getting soaked? Need I remind you that it’s cold outside, and not everyone in this plane is impervious to the temperatures which will only be made worse if we’re wet?”

  “I don’t know babe, I quite like it when you’re wet.” Ryder shot me a cheeky grin and heat flooded my face.

  “It’s adorable that you still get so shy about sex.” Theo’s eyes took on a new light, shining in the midday light that streaked into the plane and bounced off the white interior walls.

  “I… it’s still all… new,” I finished lamely. “I’m not used to talking about it so openly, but I’m not opposed to it either.”

  “It’s sweet,” Hiro murmured, his chocolate eyes darker than usual.

  “Is it me, or is it getting hot in here?” I waved a hand in front of my face, trying to cool my thoroughly rose tinted cheeks.

  Killian chuckled from the cockpit, and then slowly motored the plane forward to a short dock I hadn’t seen earlier. Angling the plane toward the wooden dock, he threw the door open and disappeared onto one of the skis, guiding the plane as it made gentle contact with the dock. Jumping out of the plane, he grabbed a rope attached to the ski and guided us into place alongside the wooden planks. He worked quickly and tied us off so the plane wouldn’t float away. When he was done, his shock of red hair reappeared in the cockpit as he flicked off the controls and then motioned outside. “Your date awaits.” He grinned at me.

  Theo and Damien left the plane first, both offering me a hand down as I disembarked.

  The first thing I noticed was the rocky water’s edge and
the secluded tree line of Kodiak Island. The fresh air was incredible and the chill lit up my lungs in a refreshing way.

  The guys all stretched, and it was like the stress of the last few weeks melted away—at least for now. It made a genuine smile break across my lips and I bounced on my toes excitedly. “So where is this hot spring?” I asked, glancing around but not seeing anything obvious along the rocky coast.

  “It’s a little bit of a hike,” Ryder grumbled, but there was a playful note to his tone that told me he really didn’t mind being out in nature.

  “Hiking and me don’t seem to go together.” I worried the corner of my lip and studied the trees, knowing I’d have to traverse through them to get to wherever this date was supposed to be held.

  “Don’t worry.” Damien’s protective rumble slid down my spine in a pleasant way that warmed me despite the weather. “We’ll take care of you, sweetheart.”

  “Damn right.” Killian looked like he’d tackle a bear for me in his Puca form.

  “I trust you.” I reached up and ran my hand over Damien’s hard pectorals, enjoying the feel of the etched lines of his chest as my hand wandered.

  “Don’t get frisky yet, mikró pouláki. Save the good stuff until I get you into a bikini first!” Ryder sent me a wink and a suggestive look, which traveled straight through me from my head to my toes.

  “Technically, I’m already in my bikini, so shouldn’t that mean we should start now?” I darted away as he playfully attempted to grab me, dancing from his outstretched fingers. “Well, what are we waiting for?” My body was ripe with need after my rebirth. None of the guys had touched me in days. I wasn’t sure if I should be appreciative of the way they seemed to care for my sexual needs so well, or worried that I was already addicted to their touch. Either way, I realized that I’d be seeing a lot more of their bodies shortly. The vision of all those naked chests and hard, sculpted muscles made me swallow—hard—as my pulse raced and excitement sparked within me. My Phoenix cooed her agreement, swirling around in a fiery haze in my mind, matching my enthusiasm. Biting my bottom lip to try and contain my smile, I ran and leaped onto Damien’s back, wrapping around him like a monkey. He didn’t even stumble when I situated myself on his back, instead laughing at my sneak attack. “Onward to the hot spring,” I ordered, pointing toward the tree line, giggling as he simply adjusted me on his back and began the trek down the dock and into the woods with his strong hands wrapped around my thighs.



  Damien’s wings flapped in a hover as he began to lower us to the ground. Turned out, the hot spring were a decent hike from the shoreline and the guys decided to use their alters to make the trip faster. As much as I’d protested that I was a damn bird and could fly by myself, Damien refused, scooping me up in a fireman’s carry and shifting into his Gargoyle. The sight of his rippling abs shut me up rather quickly, and I leaned into his chest and enjoyed the ride. Watching his leathery wings lift us into the air had done nothing to cool my rising sexual tension. All I’d wanted to do was reach out and stroke my hand along their leathery texture. It didn’t help that I remembered exactly what kind of reaction Damien had to that the last time I’d attempted it.

  I still plan on making that fantasy come true. Damien’s Gargoyle had a raspier tenor than Damien did, and I loved the way it rumbled through my mind, deep and gravely.

  I blushed deeper and glanced up into his chiseled face. The line of his jaw was more defined in this form. His brows and nose were sharper and when he sent me a wicked smile, the flash of his fangs caught the light.

  Squirming in his arms, I responded to the promise in his eyes. I hope you do. It was a tease, just as much as it was an invitation. The idea of having sex again, while being held up and pressed against the wall sounded like fucking nirvana. It was quickly becoming a favorite position, and I added ‘date with Damien’ to the top of my to-do list, while Damien pushed image after image of the two of us together through my head.

  By the time he landed, I needed a water hose to cool myself down, not even the chill in the air had the desired effect. I was worked up and he knew it. They all did, given the looks that were being sent in my direction. As soon as Ryder landed in his Ceraptor form, Theo slid from his back and set Killian, in his Puca form, on the ground so he could shift. Handing both Killian and Ryder their clothes as the shift sparkled over them, they both only donned their swimsuits, leaving the rest of their bodies bare for my ogling pleasure. A moment later, Hiro broke through the forest, not even winded from the speed at which he’d been traveling on the ground to keep up with the guys in the air. While Ryder had offered to carry him as well, Hiro insisted his Kitsune had been itching for a run. His nine tails swished around him in a dance, and my fingers itched to bury themselves in the thick, green and white fur. I hadn’t had much of a chance to spend time with Hiro’s Kitsune, and it was something I hoped we could rectify soon.

  Finally allowing me back on my feet, Damien set me down, only releasing me once he was sure I had my balance. Hiro strode forward and nudged my hand, and I stroked my palm over his head and down his neck as he nuzzled into me. He was truly beautiful. Then he straightened and nudged me again with a yipping bark. Laughing while I tried to decipher his animalistic communication, I turned around—as per his insistent primal instructions—and went breathless. In front of me was a large hot spring surrounded by snow dusted rocks, with steam rising off the water and into the surrounding forest. Flat boulders were stationed sporadically around the area, almost like they’d been placed there for seating for those not in the water. Covering the ground were heaps of soft, comfortable looking blankets and a slew of throw pillows. Candles in glass votives were placed around the area, and I knew it would create a dreamy scene when they were lit. As if reading my mind, Hiro—back in his human form and dressed in a pair of boardshorts—stepped forward with a lighter and got to work setting each one aflame.

  Trying to catch my breath, I turned with an awestruck expression on my face. “I can’t… this is…” I struggled to get the words out. “No one has ever done anything like this for me before,” I whispered, rubbing a hand over my chest where I felt my heart pounding. “This is incredible.” I motioned around, my gaze bouncing from one thing to the next.

  “We’re glad you like it.” Ryder stepped forward and picked up my hand, then brought it to his lips and kissed my caramel skin. “You should feel special every single day of your life, mikró pouláki.”

  “I do. With you. With all of you.” I gazed at my gathered men. Mates.

  “Good. Now go get that sweet ass of yours in your bikini. I feel like I’ve been waiting my entire fucking life to see you in one.” Ryder’s grin was Cheshire.

  Pursing my lips to hold back my smile, I playfully smacked him on the arm.

  “He can’t help himself, Nix.” Hiro grinned. “I’m convinced his mind is always just one step from being back in the gutter.”

  “That’s the best way to live.” Ryder shrugged, completely unapologetic. “Go on,” he dared me. “Go change.”

  Smirking at him, I reached for the hem of my shirt and peeled it over my head in a slow, languid movement. Discarding it, I reached for my yoga pants and shimmied my hips in what I hoped was a seductive way as I slid them off my legs.

  “Fuck,” Ryder exclaimed, and his focus progressed downward as he took in my body.

  “Worth the wait?” Hiro asked in a huskier tone. He stepped up behind Ryder and clamped a hand on the Ceraptor’s shoulder.

  “Fuck yes.” Ryder only seemed capable of breathy curses and one word answers, and it made me feel powerful and sexy.

  Damien’s alter receded and allowed his human half to take over once more, and his russet eyes drank me in much the same way Ryder’s had. “You’re gorgeous, sweetheart.”

  Feeling confident, I gave the guys my back and strutted to the steaming water. The groans that were left in my wake vibrated over me. I knew the back of my red and gold swi
msuit showed off the curve of my ass extremely well. I wasn’t a vain person, but their attention had my Phoenix ruffling her feathers while I glowed from their approval.

  Damien opened the link between all of us, and I felt the strong emotions of the guys swirl through my mind as I carefully tested the heat of the water. I sat the edge of the hot spring, dipped my toes into the heated water, and then slipped into its depths on a sigh.

  “It’s like a natural hot tub!” I let the silken water play over my skin.

  Wasting no time, Theo was at my side in an instant, wanting to be back in the water with me. I felt the happiness of his Kraken through the mental connection Damien left open, and I reveled in it.

  Soon, all the other guys were in the spring with us. There was plenty of space to fit all of us comfortably and allow us to still swim around a little.

  “I’m going to have to thank James’ mate when I finally meet her.” I glided through the water, tipping my head back to wet my hair.

  “We’ll have to arrange a dinner one of these days,” Damien commented.

  “If life ever calms down,” Killian grumbled in his typical surly demeanor.

  “It will.” I swam over to Killian, and soothed my hands up his abs and over his chest, before wrapping them around his neck. “Someday. And for now, I think we should leave all of our problems back in Anchorage and enjoy the time we have together. If we don’t take the time where and when we can, we’ll never have a stress free moment again. I have a feeling that things are only going to grow more intense from here.”

  His large hands landed on my back as he stroked his lightly calloused hand over my skin. The sensation had me arching further into him more, and his green eyes sparked with the power of his Puca, who’d come out to greet me. Leaning up, I kissed him lightly, letting our lips play together before pulling away.


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