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Citizen X - BP01

Page 30

by DePrima, Thomas

  "If they wanted to kill you, they would have fired a full spread of torpedoes, followed immediately by another full spread of torpedoes. They're only trying to keep you from going FTL. If you had allowed my tugs tow you away when we got here, as ordered by Citizen X, your temporal generator would be fine."

  "Our repairs were almost complete. There was no need to be towed away. And you can't know that they wouldn't have attacked if I agreed to your plan. They might have fired on us the second your tugs hooked up. I wanted to be at full readiness when we moved. Now we are. They have attacked us and I intend to destroy them. Will you assist?"

  "I won't attack a Space Command vessel in Galactic Alliance space that didn't try to kill you."

  "Then stay clear because I will. Glassama out."

  * * *

  "The Glassama is beginning to move, Captain," Lieutenant Rocovich, the first watch tac officer said. "But there's something strange about her turning arc. I think her starboard maneuvering engine isn't operating."

  "What's your assessment of the temporal generator?"

  "The angle isn't very good, so the sensors aren't getting a clear picture, but I have to say that if we didn't clobber it, she'd probably be long gone. Perhaps she's coming to pay us a visit to return the favor."

  "Yes, that would be the only reason for turning." Tapping the ship-wide com button on his chair's left arm, Lidden said, "Attention all crewmembers. The rebel ship is turning around, which can only mean one thing. She's about to attack. Stay alert and good shooting."

  Lidden, the bridge crew, and the crew in AC&C watched as the Glassama began to make a slow circle around the Perry.

  "Helm, keep our bow pointed at the Glassama no matter how she moves."

  "Aye, Captain," the helmsman said as he used the starboard maneuvering engine to swing the Perry at the same rate as the Glassama.

  The rebel ship continued its circling action from twenty-five thousand kilometers out while the Perry turned like a boxer watching his opponent in the ring and anticipating a jab. When the Glassama had completed a full circle on the same plane as the Perry, it made another that was perpendicular to the first.

  "What do you think she's doing, sir?" Commander Bryant asked.

  "My guess would be that they're looking us over and evaluating our ability to fight. They're searching for weaknesses. We don't want them to see our larboard hull or keel, so we'll keep turning with them. Perhaps they'll think we just want to always have our bow tubes pointed at them."

  After circling the Perry twice, the Glassama stopped moving with her bow pointed towards the Perry.

  "He doesn't know if we're seriously wounded or not," Lidden said to his XO. "He wants to attack, but he's unsure of our condition and that's making him nervous. He has a group of rebel fighters willing to die for their cause, but most are probably untrained in space combat. While he knows his people will do anything he says, he also knows he's facing a ship filled with highly trained military personnel who know their job and will follow orders to the letter."

  * * *

  "What do you think, Borressi?" Nesadeedis asked his XO.

  "I think he's ready for action, has all his people at their battle stations, and is only waiting for us to make the first move."

  "Of course, but what do you think of his ability to respond to an attack?"

  "The profile is different than the one shown in the alien ship registry file for that class of SC light destroyer. It has to be the result of the collision. How that altered profile affects his ability to maneuver during battle and what weapons he can rely on are the only questions. He didn't let us get a look at his larboard hull, but we know how badly mangled our starboard hull was, so he had to have suffered at least similar damage."

  "Yes, but as you said, he's not going to let us see it."

  "If we feign an attack to his starboard side, then alter course at the last minute to pass him on his larboard side, we might get a quick look if he's having trouble maneuvering quickly."

  "But we're having trouble maneuvering quickly ourselves. That move might give him more tactical information that he can use against us."

  "It's the only way I can think of to get a look at his larboard hull. We can simply assume that he lost all his torpedo tubes and laser arrays on the larboard side, but that could be a fatal assumption."

  * * *

  "He doesn't seem too eager to attack, sir," Bryant said to Lidden after fifteen minutes had passed without any movement from the Glassama. "Or do you think he found a flaw in one of his own systems and they're trying to repair it?"

  "He's just trying to think of an attack strategy that will allow him to destroy us without being destroyed himself. He may have been dismayed that we were able to follow his earlier movements and always keep him in our bow gun sights. When he does move, the attack will be fast and furious, and there may not be any pauses until one of us is out of action."

  Another fifteen minutes passed before the Glassama started to move.

  "Here we go," Lidden said. "Everyone make sure you're strapped in."

  * * *

  The rebel ship turned to follow a course that would have it pass five thousand kilometers off the Perry's starboard side at SubLight-1 speed, or one thousand kilometers per second. The tactical station was fully manned. Each of the four tac people sat outside a large circular console monitoring a quadrant of the ship, while the lead tactical officer sat in the center opening. A holo-image of what each seated tac person was seeing and responding to floated over each of the four so the lead tac could watch and direct their actions.

  Just seconds before passing the Perry, the Glassama still hadn't fired any weapons, but it suddenly swerved to a new angle and passed on the larboard side.

  * * *

  "He had to have gotten a good look at us that time," Lidden said. "He'll probably attack our larboard side now. Everyone be ready."

  * * *

  The rebel destroyer turned after passing astern of the Perry and then headed back again. Its course would clearly take it along the Perry's larboard side.

  * * *

  As soon at as the Glassama reached Sub-Light-1 speed, it launched a fully volley of eight torpedoes from its bow tubes, followed by two from the undamaged tubes on its starboard side at the Perry.

  "Helm, one-hundred-eighty-degree roll," Lidden said quickly.

  The roll left the Perry 'belly up' in relation to its former position, but there was no belly up in space and the roll was the quickest way to turn the ship so the Perry was ideally positioned to repel the torpedoes as they bore down on the ship. While the starboard laser array gunners began focusing all their weapons on the Glassama's incoming torpedoes, the Perry launched torpedoes from both tubes in its starboard hull. Where the rebel ship was a Destroyer, the Perry was only a Light Destroyer and couldn't hope to match the firepower of the larger ship. Their only chance lay in superior training and experience on the part of the commander.

  * * *

  The Perry's laser array gunners managed to knock out all ten torpedoes from the rebel ship's first volley while the Glassama's gunners knocked down both of the Perry's torpedoes.

  The Glassama immediately turned to begin circling the Perry, firing from all useable tubes as they came to bear. The Perry returned fire just as quickly.

  Space between the two ships was filled with missiles of death streaking towards specific target points on both ships, but the Glassama's advantage in weapon numbers slowly began to decide the outcome of the battle.

  The laser gunners on both ships did their best, but torpedoes began to sneak through each ship's laser protection umbrella as the battle raged on.

  Aboard the Perry, damage control parties were trying to be everywhere at once. Torpedo strikes had opened huge holes to space on decks five, seven, and eight. The secure rooms along the center axis of the ship, as well as the fire control centers, the bridge, and AC&C were still secure so the Perry crew was able to continue fighting.

  The story
was the same on the Glassama. Several torpedoes from the Perry had opened huge rifts in the fabric of the hull.

  * * *

  "Damn Spaccs," Nesadeedis said. "Even with our better maneuvering capability and superior weapons numbers, they're inflicting almost as much damage on us as we are on them."

  "Perhaps we should pull back, Captain," his XO said. "We can still be across the border in two weeks if we make use of the Furmmara's tugs."

  "Pull back? Never. I've vowed to destroy him and we shall."

  The XO bit his tongue to keep from saying what he was thinking.

  "There," Nesadeedis said, waving at the large monitor. "We scored another hit. We'll crush them yet."

  * * *

  "We can't keep trading volleys, Captain," Bryant said. "They're bigger and can outlast us unless we strike something vital."

  "I agree, XO, but what choice do we have? I didn't want to engage them, but we have a duty to see they don't make it across the border."

  "I know, sir. I just feel so helpless. We can't even communicate with them and ask for a cease fire."

  "Their Captain wouldn't agree anyway. He wants us dead and believes he can accomplish that and still live himself. We have to prove him wrong."

  The Perry's bridge suddenly shook violently as a sixth torpedo reached its hull. If everyone hadn't been belted in, they would surely have been flung around.

  "Com, get me an updated list of the damaged areas."

  "Aye, Captain."

  "That last strike seems to have taken out one of the bow torpedo rooms, sir," the lead tac officer said. "All sensors there are down."

  "They're killing us meter by meter, Captain," Bryant said.

  "We'll keep fighting as long as we're able, Ben."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Captain, another ship just appeared on the DeTect monitor. It's headed this way and should arrive in about three minutes."

  "A tug?"

  "Too big, sir."

  "We know it's not the Pellew. They won't be here for more than a month. It must be someone coming to help the rebels. Tac, keep your eyes on it and be ready to target it as soon as it's in range."

  "Aye, sir."

  * * *

  "The DeTect system shows that there's a lot of activity there, Syd," Weems said from the tac station aboard the Abissto. "One ship seems to be almost stationary while the other is circling. The freighter is still there, judging from size alone, but it's fifty thousand kilometers away. I hope we're not too late."

  "I know the Captain is defending the Perry to the best of his ability, and from everything I've heard, that's considerable."

  "How do you want to handle this, Captain?" Caruthers asked form the helm.

  Syd tried to sound a lot more confident than she felt as she said, "Let's do what Admiral Carver did at the Battle of Vauzlee. Take us on a counter clockwise circle outside the action. We know how badly damaged the Perry was. That means that the circling ship is the Glassama. Establish a speed that will keep us near her."

  Sydnee picked up the handset on the left arm of the command chair and announced, "Attention everyone. We're about to enter the battle zone. The action will be concentrated on the larboard side of the ship initially. This is what we've trained for over the past weeks. Let's make Captain Lidden and the crew of the Perry proud. Send these rebel bastards to hell. Captain out."

  "Oo-rah." The Marine Radioman said loudly.

  "Oo-rah," Weems said quietly.

  "Oo-rah," Sydnee said loudly to Weems. "Say it like you mean it, from the gut."

  Weems yelled," Oo-rah," and smiled.

  Sydnee smiled back, then returned her attention to the large screen as Caruthers shook his head.

  Several minutes later, the ship's sensor system allowed them to see the battle on the large monitor. As Caruthers canceled the envelope and applied full power to the Sub-Light engines, the Abissto surged ahead. The gravitative inertial compensators weren't as good as those on Space Command vessels and everyone felt a hard lurch as the engines kicked in, but the sensation subsided quickly.

  * * *

  "That unknown ship is a Clidepp destroyer, Captain," the tac officer said.

  "Clidepp? Their military was ordered to stay out of GA space."

  "It's coming from the direction of Diabolisto. It might be the other rebel destroyer."

  "Damn it. How did they get that thing operational? I thought the oxygen regeneration equipment was totally destroyed."

  "But the engines weren't damaged," Bryant said. "Perhaps they were able to rig something up using equipment from a shuttle."

  "Tac, target that ship as soon as it gets into range. Marcola reported that the platoon killed a number of rebels on the planet, so the ship has to be undermanned. That's our advantage. Perhaps we can knock them out before they even get involved."

  "Aye, sir," the tac officer said as the ship was again shaken by a torpedo strike.

  * * *

  "The Glassama is really pounding the Perry," Caruthers said. That last strike hit in the area of the stern engines. That might have taken them out completely. The maneuvering engine on the starboard side is probably all they have left, if that's even operational."

  "Damn," Weems said. "The Perry just fired six torpedoes at us."

  "Us? Damn, they think rebels command this ship. And they have no com system so we can't tell them not to fire." Sydnee was quiet for a couple of seconds, then said, "Well, if we can't tell them who we are, let's show them. Jerry, target the Glassama."

  "Aye, Captain. Targeting and firing all forward tubes."

  The exhaust trails from the torpedoes could be seen emanating away from the Abissto while light rays from laser arrays flew at the torpedoes fired by the Perry.

  * * *

  "Captain," the tac officer aboard the Glassama said, "the Abissto just arrived and fired a full spread of torpedoes."

  "The Abissto? I thought their oxygen regeneration equipment couldn't be repaired."

  "They must have found a way. It's definitely the Abissto."

  "We'll beat this Spacc ship yet. Extend my personal welcome to the Abissto."

  * * *

  "The Glassama extends their Captain's personal welcome to the Captain and crew of the Abissto," the radioman on the bridge said smiling.

  "He does?"

  "He probably doesn't yet realize the torpedoes we just launched are aimed at him," Weems said.

  "He'll know soon enough," Caruthers said. "I'd say about five seconds."

  * * *

  "WHAT? The torpedoes are coming at us?" Nesadeedis said. "What are those idiots doing?"

  Picking up the handset, Nesadeedis screamed, "All gunners, fire on the torpedoes coming from the Abissto."

  "Tac, target the Abissto. Someone else must have managed to commandeer her. Maybe it's Empire forces."

  * * *

  "The Abissto is firing at the Glassama?" Lidden said incredulously.

  Activating the ship's annunciator, he said, "Attention all crew. The Abissto is firing at the Glassama. Do not fire on the Abissto unless I tell you differently."

  "Who the hell is in that ship?" Lidden said as he leaned back and watched the large monitor.

  * * *

  "I think our secret is out, Syd," Weems said.

  "About time," she said. "At least none of the Perry's torpedoes got through. Does that mean our gunners are good? Or that the Perry's tac and guidance people are bad? Well, no matter. Let's go get the Glassama."

  The battle raged on, with each ship firing for all they were worth until Weems suddenly shouted, "Syd, the freighter is making a beeline for us."

  "The freighter? What does she think she's going to do? Wait a minute, didn't the Tsgardi and Milori once use a freighter to attack an SC ship by hiding torpedoes in freight containers. Yeah, I think it was the Lisbon. Well we're not going to fall for that one. Helm, break off the attack on the Glassama and position our bow towards the freighter. Target her spine, Jerry. Break her in half."

  "Aye, Captain," Weems said with a grin. "Two char-boiled pieces of freighter coming up."

  The torpedoes from the Abissto reached the freighter just as the ends flew off four containers and torpedoes emerged. While the Abissto's torpedoes were breaking the freighter's link sections into pieces, the Furmmara's torpedoes were streaking toward the Abissto.

  "Gunners controlling the starboard arrays," Syd announced over the ship's annunciator system, "the freighter has just launched torpedoes at us. Knock 'em down."

  It was a tense few minutes as the four massive missiles bore down on the Abissto. The Marine gunners got three, but a fourth hit the starboard side amidship. The explosion rocked the ship and scrambled a number of sensor systems.

  "Syd, the weapons console just went dead," Weems said.


  "I don't know about the laser arrays, but the torpedo system is totally off-line."

  "Can you fix it? I mean, reboot it or something?"

  "On the Perry, maybe. On this ship, I don't know where to begin. I think this is one of those 'lack of engineers' problems we discussed earlier."

  "Damn, and things seemed to be going so well with my first command."

  "What do you want to do?"

  "With no real offensive weapons, I can only think of one thing. Com, clear everyone out of the torpedo rooms on the double. They have two minutes to report to the secure rooms amidship and strap in."

  "Aye, Lieutenant, I mean Captain."

  "So, what are we going to do, Captain?" Caruthers asked.

  "What's our speed?"

  "Presently Sub-Light-One-Point-Five."

  "Take us up to Sub-Light-Ten and aim directly at the Glassama's stern as if we're doing an envelope merge."

  "An envelope merge? No, you mean to ram her."

  "Yes. I felt that ordering 'ramming speed' would be a bit too melodramatic."

  Caruthers took a deep breath and released it slowly, then entered the ordered speed and set a course that should have them arrive at the same point in the circle as the Glassama. "I've wanted off the Perry, but this isn't the way I expected to go."

  Syd picked up the handset and began addressing everyone on board with, "Attention all crewmembers. One of the torpedoes from the freighter took out part of our weapons control system. I know of only one way to end the Glassama's ability to carry on the fight and save everyone still alive on the Perry. We're going to ram the ship. If you're not already in one of the fire control centers or Secure rooms, get there now. And everybody strap in.


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