Aristocrats: Power, Grace, and Decadence: Britain's Great Ruling Classes from 1066 to the Present
Page 39
4. Shelley, IV, p. 7.
5. NLS, MS 11,980, pp. 2–8.
6. NLS, MS 11,982, pp. 7-8, p. 11.
7. The Economist, 11 January 1845.
8. Hansard, 3rd Series, 11, 110–11; CP, XII, ii, 421.
9. Harling, pp. 100–1.
10. Clark, English Society, p. 399.
11. Jaggard, p. 85, p. 92.
12. Eastwood, passim.
13. Beckett, Aristocracy of England, passim.
14. NLS, MS 11,865, p. 58.
15. Haydon, IV, p. 561, p. 573; Greville Diary, I, p. 348.
16. NLS, MS 11,865, p. 15.
17. Hansard, 3rd Series, 12, 7.
18. Hansard, 3rd Series, 12, 49–50.
19. Hansard, 3rd Series, 13, 25.
20. Haydon, IV, p. 83.
21. Hansard, 3rd Series, 13, 292–3.
22. Clark, English Society, p. 93.
23. NAS, GD 46/6/43, p. 7.
24. NLS, MS 12,338, pp. 117–18; Ms 12,339, p. 44. These files contain many entertaining appeals for patronage and some sad ones.
25. Rowe, p. 88, pp. 91–8.
26. Bromond, passim.
27. The Times, 1, 3 and 6 September 1866.
28. Dod’s Parliamentary Companion for 1859.
29. Thompson, English Landed Society in the Nineteenth Century, p. 48.
Chapter 21. Thoroughbred: Sport and Manliness
1. King’s Counsellor: Abdication and War: The Diaries of Sir Alan Lascelles, pp. 150–1.
2. Apperley, The Chace, The Turf, and the Road, p. 83.
3. Seth-Smith, pp. 147–8.
4. Bell’s London Life and Sporting Chronicle, 18 July 1842.
5. The Diary: or Woodfall’s Register, 18 January 1791.
6. Bell’s London Life and Sporting Chronicle, 2 and 25 November 1855.
7. Egan, I, pp. 3–4, 12-13.
8. Cassidy, p. 3.
9. Ibid., p. 43, p. 116.
10. E.g. HMC, Hastings, I, pp. 366–7.
11. Ashton, pp. 84–5.
12. Ibid., pp. 105–6.
13. Ibid., pp. 139–40; CP, III, p. 415.
14. Connor and Lambourne, p. 54.
15. Apperley, The Chace, p. 71.
16. Ashton, p. 197.
17. Gash, p. 254–5.
18. Bell’s London Life and Sporting Chronicle, 1 July 1855.
19. Ashton, p. 221.
20. The Tatler, 5 July 1911.
21. Gash, p. 257.
22. Apperley, Nimrod’s Hunting Tours, p. 229.
23. Corballis, p. 44, p. 47.
24. Apperley, Nimrod’s Hunting Tours, p. 10.
25. Ibid., pp. 238–9, pp. 323–4.
26. MacKenzie, p. 46.
27. Girouard, The Return to Camelot, Chapter 16.
28. Ibid., pp. 6–7.
29. Ibid., pp. 276–8.
30. Wagg, pp. 33–4.
31. Jarvie and Jackson, p. 29.
Chapter 22. The Surrender of Feudalism to Industry: The Mid-Victorian Peerage 1846–87
1. NLS, Dep 313/769, p. 588.
2. Greville Diary, I, p. 29.
3. Hansard, 3rd Series, 251, 193.
4. Greville Diary, I, p. 39.
5. Gentleman’s Magazine, 3rd Series, XIV, p. 657.
6. Gentleman’s Magazine, 2nd Series, XX, p. 532.
7. Gentleman’s Magazine, 3rd Series, XV, p. 288.
8. Gentleman’s Magazine, 4th Series, II, p. 625–7.
9. Saturday Review, 11 April 1868.
10. Details of Cardigan’s multiple indiscretions can be found in Saul David’s excellent The Homicidal Earl: The Life of Lord Cardigan (1997).
11. Hansard, 3rd Series, 130, 1535.
12. Roberts, Salisbury, p. 834.
13. Ibid., p. 127.
14. Blackwood’s Magazine, 1880, pp. 240–3.
15. The Economist, 25 January 1846.
16. Hansard, 3rd Series, 87, 953–4, 963.
17. Fisher, p. 97.
18. Thompson, English Landed Society, 242-243.
19. Edinburgh Review, CXXIII (1866), p. 186.
20. Cragoe, pp. 37–8.
21. Cannadine, The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy, p. 93.
22. Thompson, English Landed Society, p. 257, p. 259, p. 262.
23. Rubenstein, pp. 206–8; Cannadine, Decline and Fall, 91.
24. Roberts, Salisbury, pp. 101–3.
25. Pumphrey, p. 5; The Times, 26 August 1856.
26. BP, Marlborough Letters, IV, pp. 455–6.
27. Roberts, Salisbury, p. 74.
28. Adonis, p. 225.
29. Hansard, 3rd Series, 251, 163, 165 and 255, 1743.
30. Hansard, 3rd Series, 256, 782.
31. Adonis, p. 283.
32. Roberts, Salisbury, p. 259.
33. Rhodes James, p. 117.
34. Ibid., p. 113.
35. Lord Rosebery, pp. 131–2, p. 165.
Chapter 23. Revolvers Prominently Displayed: The Downfall of the Irish Aristocracy
1. Edinburgh Review, CXXIII (1864), p. 197.
2. Curtis Jr., p. 332, p. 359; Vaughan, p. 119.
3. Hamilton, p. 46.
4. Hoppen, p. 115; Curtis Jr., p. 320n.
5. Trench, pp. 53–6, pp. 70–1.
6. Thom’s Official Directory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the year 1883, p. 751; Hoppen, p. 109; Vaughan, pp. 3–4, p. 11.
7. ILN, 5 February 1881.
8. Hansard, 4th Series, 16, 1652.
9. BP, Marlborough Letters, IV, 406.
10. Spectator, 15 January 1881.
11. Fleming, p. 11.
12. Spectator, 10 June 1893.
13. Hoppen, p. 414
14. Ibid., pp. 419–20.
15. ILN, 8 January 1881. There is a dramatic engraving of this scene which took place during a rainstorm.
16. Gladstone, p. 542.
17. Ibid., p. 538; Hoppen, 143.
18. The Times, 3, 4, 5 and 11 April 1878; CP, VII, p. 582; Vaughan, pp. 119–20.
19. Pole, p. 395.
20. Clark, ‘Social Composition of the Land League’, p. 457.
21. Vaughan, p. 143.
22. Pole, p. 395.
23. BP, Marlborough Letters, III, p. 405.
24. Curtis Jr., p. 348.
25. Gladstone, p. 541.
26. Spectator, 16 September 1893.
27. Adonis, 131.
28. Hansard, 4th Series, 16, 1621–2.
29. The Times, 1 September 1893.
30. Hansard, 4th Series, 17, 54, 63, 70, 248, 257–8, 434.
31. Hansard, 4th Series, 17, 30, 277–8.
Chapter 24. Like Chaff Before Us: Hanging On 1887–1914
1. Lord Chandos, p. 26.
2. Macleod, The Last Summer, pp. 12–13.
3. The Sphere, 16 August 1919.
4. The Times, 1 September 1893.
5. Blewett, p. 230.
6. Wasson, p. 205.
7. Spectator, 16 September 1893.
8. Adonis, p. 145.
9. Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry . . . 1913, Introduction, np.
10. The Times, 14 May 1919.
11. Cannadine, Decline and Fall, p. 98.
12. Thompson, English Aristocracy in the Twentieth Century, i, 19.
13. Rhodes James, p. 45.
14. Adonis, p. 245.
15. Country Life, 3 August 1901.
16. BodL, Carrington Diaries, 29 March 1909.
17. Wilson Fox, pp. 81–2; The Times, 14 June 1928.
18. Lord Rosebery, p. 34.
19. ed. Boyce, vii.
20. Roberts, ‘The Holy Fox’, pp. 6–9.
21. Fleming, p. 16.
22. Ibid., p. 19; Hansard, 4th Series, 187, 529.
23. Grigg, p. 174; Masterman, p. 150, p. 211.
24. Quoted in Spectator, 23 September 1893.
25. Adonis, p. 183.
26. Ibid., pp. 189–90, p. 284.
27. Ibid., p. 264.
28. Ibid., pp. 155–6.
29. BodL, Carrington Diaries, 3 August and 29 December 1909.
30. Grigg, p. 174.
31. Ibid., pp. 203–8.
32. Gilmour, pp. 384–5.
33. Thompson, ‘English Landed Society in the Twentieth Century, I (Poverty and Survival)’, p. 7.
34. BodL, Carrington Diaries, 31 January and 3 March 1910.
35. Ibid., 2 March 1910.
36. Masterman, 143.
37. Adonis, p. 267.
38. Grigg, p. 305; BodL, Carrington Diaries, 24 July 1911.
39. The Letters of Arthur Balfour and Lady Elcho 1885–1917, p. 267.
40. BodL, Carrington Diaries, 16 March 1911.
42. National Review, LVII (September 1911–February 1912), p. 25, p. 40.
43. Adonis, p. 272.
44. The Tatler, 5 October 1910, and 2 and 9 August 1911.
45. Thompson, ‘English Landed Society in the Twentieth Century, II (New Poor and New Rich)’, p. 8.
Chapter 25. Dangers and Honours: War, Empire and the Aristocracy
1. Hansard, 3rd Series, 136, 2136.
2. The Marquess of Anglesey, I, p. 172.
3. Hansard, 3rd Series, 137, 1895–6.
4. Lord Charles Beresford, p. xiii.
5. Hansard, 3rd Series, 137, 1206–7.
6. The Economist, 25 January 1845.
7. Beckett, The Army and the Curragh Incident, p. 124.
8. Mawson, passim.
9. Thackeray, p. 421.
10. The Marquess of Anglesey, II, p. 359.
11. Riedi, pp. 246–7.
12. Gibson, p. 190.
13. Bell’s Life in London and Sporting Chronicle, 1 July 1855.
14. Riedi, p. 247.
15. de Crespigny, p. 248.
16. The Times, 20 June 1896.
17. The Times, 10 February 1903.
18. Younghusband, 31.
19. The Despatches, Minutes and Correspondence of the Marquess of Wellesley, V, p. 19.
20. Correspondence of Charles First Marquis Cornwallis, I, pp. 168–9.
21. Kaye, I, p. 288.
22. Cannadine, Ornamentalism, p. 5.
23. Hinderaker, p. 501.
24. James, Raj, p. 164.
25. Tod, I, p. 82.
26. Cannadine, Ornamentalism, p. 73.
27. Ibid., p. 88.
28. Ibid., p. 90.
29. HMC, Bathurst, 460–1, pp. 471–2.
30. Bolton, pp. 320–1.
31. Becket, Curragh Incident, pp. 369–70.
Chapter 26. Always Keep Hold of Nurse: Aristocratic Twilight
1. The Tatler, 7 June 1922.
2. Perrott, p. 260.
3. Lees-Milne, Diaries 1975–1978, p. 175.
4. Burke’s Peerage (1920), Introduction.
5. Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, p. 186.
6. The Times, 24 March 2004.
7. Hansard, 6th Series (Lords), p. 90, p. 613.
8. Dorril, p. 157.
9. Ibid., pp. 439–40; Decca: The Letters of Jessica Mitford, p. 3.
10. Dorril, p. 327.
11. Private information.
12. Griffiths, Patriotism Perverted, p. 206.
13. Dorril, p. 494.
14. Roberts, Eminent Churchillians, p. 137, pp. 140–1.
15. Butler and Sloman, p. 198.
16. Hansard, 5th Series, 295, 367, 403, 423, 531.
17. Hansard, 5th Series, 760, 1611.
18. Hansard, 5th Series, 773, 1326.
19. Hansard, 5th Series, 767, 469.
20. Hansard, 5th Series, 773, 1162.
21. Perrott, p. 150.
22. Country Life, 19 April 1984.
23. Cannadine, Decline and Fall, pp. 106–11.
24. Ibid., p. 624.
25. Lees-Milne, Caves of Ice, passim; Midway on the Waves: Diaries 1948–1949, p. 114.
26. CP, V, pp. 780–3.
27. Cannadine, Decline and Fall, pp. 648–9.
28. Richmond, p. xxvi.
29. Country Life, 17 May 1984.
30. Jarvie and Jackson, p. 47.
31. Private information.
32. Financial Times, 4 May 2008.
33. The Times, 3 May 2008.
34. Thompson, ‘English Landed Society in the Twentieth Century, I (Poverty and Survival)’, p. 14.
35. Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, p. 182.
36. Hansard, 5th Series, 466, 760.
37. Montague, 183.
38. Hansard, 6th Series (Lords), 599, 175.
39. Hansard, 6th Series, 760, 337, 741, 768–9, 959–60; Lords, 599, 204.
40. Oborne, p. 207.
41. Lord of the Blog net.
42. www.economist/democracy/2007/British aristocracy overthrown.cfm.
Unpublished Sources
Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, John Winston Spencer Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, Papers.
Bodleian Library, Oxford: Carrington Diaries (B.P.D. 1649 microfilm)
Magdalen College, Oxford: Miscellaneous Manuscripts
National Archives, Kew: Adm 1; C.1; E.404; K.B.9; WO 71
National Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh: Melville Papers (GD 51); Findlater Papers (GD 248)
National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh: Tweeddale Papers (MSS 7045; 7046: 7104); Sutherland Papers (Dep 313); Minto Papers (MSS 11,865, 11,889, 11,980, 11,981, 11,982, 12,338, 12,339)
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