Blood Bound

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Blood Bound Page 9

by Alaska Angelini

  “Of course.” The depth was seeping back in my Master’s tone, but it was a different kind. One of authority. I knew the move was what he’d been waiting for. Happiness bubbled within and I held in my smile.

  A tap to my leg had me standing and Marko immediately followed. “Two.” He nodded, grabbing his jacket and spinning toward our hall. I followed, keeping my head down until the darkness overtook us. The moment he shut the bedroom door behind us, I was swept into his arms.

  “It’s happening. Finally. Do you know how long I’ve waited for this, ma minette?”

  “Four hundred years?” The change in his mood left me unable to do the actual math. It threw me off. I hadn’t heard him so enthusiastic since I’d been here and although I was hoping for him to be in a better mood after feeding, I would never have guessed it would be this much.

  “I’m not that old. But it sure felt like that long.” A laugh poured from his mouth and the mattress shifted under our weight. I took in his smile, losing myself to how attractive he truly was when he wasn’t ready to kill me or someone else. It made time slow. Left me just as in awe as his venom did. I could see myself being able to truly love this vampire at his best. If only he could be more like he was now all the time.


  “Yes, Tessa.” Lips pressed into mine and I forgot what I wanted to ask as I opened my mouth to him. My stomach growling had his head rearing up. For seconds, he just looked at me.

  “You haven’t eaten…in days.”

  “I haven’t been hungry. Well, until now I guess.”

  The torn expression he held was one I carried myself. I didn’t want him to stop. Didn’t want him to disappear back into the monster he’d exposed me to. I’d gone this long without food, what was a few more hours?

  “I guess I forgot as much as you did. We can’t let this happen again. You may be strong, but you’ll grow internally weak if you deny yourself nourishment. Your body still need nutrients I can’t provide.”

  He lifted and led me to the closet where he grabbed a hanger holding a pair of black slacks and a pearl colored silk blouse. The sleeves had slits along the top and there was a circle cut out of the back. It looked elegant. Almost…

  “Fit for royalty,” he finished my thoughts. “As well as you are, in a sense. Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll take you to get something to eat.”

  “Down here?” I couldn’t help but ask as he stared me over.

  “No. Tonight we celebrate our advance to the top. We’re number four, ma minette. Four. And I have a feeling I’ll be at least number three before this cycle of my rebirth is over. It’ll take a few more months to kick in, but it’ll happen at some point. I guess I have you to thank for the speed.”

  Heat rushed to my cheeks and I took the hangers from his grasp. He opened a drawer and pulled out white lingerie. I blushed even more as I took them too. The moment the restroom door was closed behind me, I couldn’t help but let my smile surface. This was the Marko I had been waiting for. My only concern was, how long would he stay around this time?

  Chapter 12


  Leading my slave through the heart of the city looking as beautiful as she did gave me such pride, I couldn’t even grasp the enormity. I was on top of the world at Julius’ news and nothing was going to hold me back from having a good time. Not Dallas’ le Circle’s arrival. Not my plans for Hunter. Not even Julius’ odd fixation on Tessa. Tonight was our night and I had every intention of showing her a good time.

  Her blood made my heart float even lighter and I held my arm around hers tightly as we took the stairs to Kline’s. I wanted so badly to press her against the wall and drink in her taste. To slide my tongue against hers as I shredded the silk that covered her large breasts. The flavor of her skin was the only thing I wished for at the moment and I would have made love to her for hours had her wellbeing not made itself known.

  Food. How had I forgotten her needs? She was human. Not a vampire. I had responsibilities now that existed outside of my own. It was important I keep them well in mind if I wanted her at her best. After all, she was every bit as important as myself when it came to moving to the top. I couldn’t do it while being miserable, and I surely would be if Tessa wasn’t by my side. I needed her presence like I needed her blood to survive. The days and bond had taught me that. Even if I didn’t show her how much I realized it.

  The door opened at my push and one of Kline’s servants was already waiting for our arrival.

  “The car is ready for you in the front, Master Delacroix. It’ll take you wherever you need to go.”

  My response wasn’t needed and he knew that as he led us to the front door, opening it just in time for us to make it through. A black limousine had Tessa slowing enough to pull against my arm, but she didn’t break away as another servant opened the door for us. I let her climb in first and I followed.

  “What do you like to eat?” My question tore her wide eyes away from the lit up bar resting off to the side.

  “I…ah, healthy? I don’t eat much meat.”


  A smile came to her face, nearly stilling my pulse. “What about French?” She bit her lip and I didn’t miss her hidden meaning. My hand locked on her inner thigh as I pulled her closer.

  “You’re about to have all the French you can swallow, but for food, you’ll eat Italian.”

  “Yes, Master,” she lipped, silently.

  “Take us to the best Italian restaurant this city has.” I rolled up the divider, giving us privacy. I had Tessa straddling me before she had a chance to move. “And, you,” I sucked at her bottom lip, “you’re going to eat everything I order and I’m going to taste again.”

  Her smile had me mirroring the action. The beauty of my slave left me speechless and I couldn’t move for several moments as we stared into each other’s eyes. Why hadn’t I done something like this before? Tried to make her happy instead of robotically compliant and miserable? Ah, the haze. I tried to ignore the constant fuzziness as I leaned forward and drank her in, adding pressure to her lower back to bring her pussy down on me even more. The slacks had me breaking away long enough to look down. The agitation only drove my mouth back into hers harder.

  “I want you.”

  My declaration sent Tessa’s nails pressing into my shoulders. The limo made its way to the freeway and our kisses turned more passionate. I couldn’t stop myself from unbuttoning her blouse and pulling her breast free from the white silk bra. Her moan was spontaneous as I sucked her nipple into my mouth, biting against the hard tip with just enough force to have her hands sliding more toward my neck.

  “Marko, please.”

  “Please what, ma minette? Please give you my cock? Or please make you come?”

  “Both.” Her hips rotated and a groan came from my mouth.

  “Not yet. There will be plenty of time for that. Now is not it.”

  One last suck about did me in. I could easily make the limo drive around until we were finished, but I wanted her fed. I wanted to take care of her.

  I pulled back, swallowing hard. Stopping was torture and these weird needs pushing in were even more so. I fixed the buttons on her blouse and eased her back next to me. I couldn’t stop my brow from furrowing at the sudden changes within. I knew the old Marko had made appearances here and there, but this was entirely me. And she wasn’t showing any form of rejection.

  “You look upset.” The quiet tone had me shaking my head and taking her hand to add assurance. God, who was I suddenly? I didn’t even know. One minute, I was throwing her around, putting her through pain, and the next, I was passionate and caring. If she wasn’t getting whiplash, I sure as hell was.

  Buildings rose on both sides of us and I took a deep breath as we pulled into the entrance of what looked like a large hotel. Tessa stiffened beside me and the door opened before I could ask or open my mind to read hers.

  “Good evening. Welcome to Buccio’s.”

  I stood, noddi
ng, and turned to help Tessa out. Her eyes darted around nervously, but she took my arm as I led her to the main door.

  “What is it?”

  Anger laced my tone and I tried to rein it back in. If my slave was upset over something, there was a reason, and I wanted to know what it was.

  “My parents. This is their favorite place. They come here a lot.”

  “Oh.” I shrugged it off. “Well, we both know there’s nothing to worry about. They’re not in the country.”

  “No, but…” she trailed off as I led her inside. The lobby was somewhat packed and I followed the sign bringing us toward the restaurant. There was no point in going further in our conversation as I stopped at the host.

  A petite male smiled and I glanced around before addressing him. “Table for two. The most secluded seating you have.” There was a hesitation as he looked over his computer.

  “I’m sorry, sir. Did you have a reservation?”

  “A what?”

  “A reservation, sir. That area is booked for the night. The table was occupied not half an hour ago. I can try to squeeze you in at a different table, but it may be a long wait.”

  I laughed, drawing his attention. His eyes met with mine and I leaned forward, lowering my voice. “I don’t think you understand. I’m a very important man and I require that table at its earliest convenience. You will make it happen. Now, put Marko Delacroix in for the next reservation and we’ll just take a seat until our table becomes available.”

  The boy’s fingers typed away, even as he stared at me.

  “Is it done?”

  “Yes, sir. Marko Delacroix, back booth, VIP section.”

  A big smile came to my face at the VIP. “Perfect. Thank you for that.”

  My eyes broke contact and I spun Tessa around, leading her to a small loveseat set off to the side. The leather was slightly cool against my hand as I rested it behind ma minette’s shoulders. The way she leaned into me, molding her body against mine sent another surge of pride through me. With her hair piled high on her head and the tattoo peeking out at every turn of her face, I couldn’t ever remember being so happy.

  “Marko, do you think it’s a good idea that we’re out?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Tessa rested her head against my chest and I couldn’t stop myself from cupping the side of her neck to hold her to me.

  “I don’t know. It just feels odd being up here.”

  I laughed, kissing the top of her forehead as she looked up. “Because you know where you belong. You’re afraid of this place and that’s okay, but you worry for nothing. I assure you, I can take care of us if anything happened.” My smile faded. “You do believe I can take care of you, right?”

  “Of course,” she said, lowly. “It’s just—”


  I felt her stiffen beside me as her head snapped to the side. A woman, not much younger than her came forward, wearing black pants and a red button-up shirt, just like the uniforms of the other waiters and waitresses.

  “Shit,” Tessa mumbled under her breath. This is what I was afraid of. Her name is Chloe. Her parents are best friends with mine. They own this restaurant. She stood and I followed. “Chloe, how are you?” Tessa smiled, hugging her and instantly jerking back. The heat burning into my chest was one I felt from her. I saw a chain on the girl’s neck and knew a cross had to have been hidden under the blonde’s shirt.

  “I’m doing great. How are you? I haven’t seen you in choir practice the last couple of weeks. Father Moretti said you were sick. I went by your house to check on you, but Hunter said you weren’t home.”

  Tessa’s hands clasped together and her smile wavered only for a moment. “I was pretty sick, but I’m doing better now. Thank you for coming by, I’m sorry I missed you. I…don’t live there anymore. Did you say Hunter was still there?”

  “Oh…well, yes, last time I heard. But maybe he’s moved out? I’m not sure.” The blonde’s brown eyes darted to me nervously, but she went back to looking at Tessa. “Are you coming back to church soon?”

  “I’m afraid not. I live too far away now. I’m going to have to find me a new one, I suppose.”

  “That’s so sad. I’m going to miss you. We all will.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. Please, let me introduce you to my…boyfriend. Chloe, this is Marko. Marko, Chloe.”

  I shook her hand, even though she hesitated. I knew being so close to me was making her feel uncomfortable, but she was actually getting it pretty easily. I was in too good of a mood to throw off the vibes I’d surely reflect now that I was even more powerful.

  “Pleasure,” I said, wrapping my arm back around Tessa. As I looked at our surroundings, they continued to talk. Mostly about Hunter, who I didn’t care to hear about. Anything involving him would just piss me off and the night would be ruined. I had a hard enough time controlling my anger to begin with. The evening was going too well to have it fall apart now.

  “You should probably get back. I think someone is looking for you,” Tessa said, pointing to a couple scanning the room.

  “Oh, right. Call me. Maybe we can hang out sometime.” Chloe was already walking backward and I could feel ma minette relax more with each step she took.

  “Sounds great. Tell your parents I said hello.”

  Blonde hair spun in the ponytail as the girl nodded and waved, walking quickly back through the tables. The tension in Tessa’s body left as she turned back to me. “I’m sorry about the whole boyfriend thing. I wasn’t sure what to say.”

  Boyfriend. Such an odd word. So…juvenile for how far we’d come. “I half expected you to tell her I was your fiancé. Isn’t that more appropriate?”

  Tessa’s eyes went wide and she shook her head. “I’d never say that.”

  Offence had me cocking my head. “No? Am I not good enough for a human to marry?”

  “Of course you are. Just…”

  “Not you?”

  Tessa pulled her arm free from me, angrily. “I’m not putting a claim on you that I will never have, is what I meant. Besides, boyfriend is more fitting. It’s about as serious, status-wise, as we’ll ever be.”

  The temper in me only intensified as I caught her meaning. The hurt that washed through me was hers and I couldn’t stand that I was still confused about these feelings. Humans weren’t concubine material. To marry a human would just be…wrong. It would be weak. And yet, if I had to choose someone, ma minette wouldn’t be so bad.

  Who was I kidding? I loved her, though I shouldn’t. My heart raced for only her and the vampire within wanted nothing more than to stomp her feelings into the ground and prove to the both of us how wrong this truly was. She was a slave…and here, I was using my status to try to woo her. The truth was, I wanted to use what I could in an attempt to win her over and it was all for nothing. Tessa and I would never be together as man and wife, or Master and concubine. We wouldn’t, so what was I doing? I sighed. I was trying to do something only my blood could do. I just wanted it to be real.

  “Marko Delacroix.”

  My fingers wrapped around her bicep as I led her to follow the host. Our booth sat in the very back, secluded from the rest of the room by a wooden wrap-around divider. I let go, letting Tessa scoot in the U-shaped cushion as I entered on the other side. She stopped next to me, lowering her head as she picked up the drink menu.

  “Your waiter will be with you shortly.” The boy walked off and I rested my forearms on top, trying to gain my bearings. My vampire didn’t want to be pushed out of the way, only causing the all too familiar rage to fester within as I battled him.

  “Marko, do you want to leave?”

  Tessa’s voice was quiet as she gazed over. I knew she could feel the agitation. It radiated from every pore on my body. I pulled at the tie, reaching down for the menu and scanning over it.

  “You will eat.”

  Voices hummed around me, making my skin crawl and my fangs lowered the smallest amount before I managed to get m
yself under control. What it was I needed, I wasn’t sure. These spouts of uncontrollable anger were something that kept happening and it would go on for a lot longer.

  Footsteps approached and I knew the waiter was coming before he even made it around the wall.

  “Good evening. My name is Joe. Can I start you off with wine or—”

  “Red. Most expensive bottle you have. And there will be no need to come back. We’re ready to order now, so get your pen ready.” My stare lifted and he fumbled with the pen nervously. “Prime New York Strip, medium. Steamed broccoli and rosemary potatoes as sides. Veal Piccata. Chicken Parmesan. And…” my finger scanned over the menu, “balsamic-glazed salmon,” My mouth tightened as I glanced to Tessa. “Scratch that, ma minette is allergic to salmon. Just the others.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The waiter shuffled off and I turned, raising my eyebrow. “Allergic to salmon? Who is allergic to salmon?”

  “Me,” she said, smiling.

  “You do know you probably aren’t anymore, though, right?”

  “I’m not risking it.”

  “As you wish. But I bet you’d have really enjoyed it.”

  Something flashed behind her eyes and I heard what she was thinking before she even said it. Will you eat?

  “I’ll try a little, not that I’ll taste it,” I answered. “Of course, if we eat off the same plate and take bites at the same time, I’ll taste it through you. I have to say,” I said, feeling the anger ease a little, “I’m a little excited about that part. It’ll be interesting to experience.”

  “I can’t wait to see your expression at the first bite.” The dazzle in her eyes brought me to her even more and I felt myself fall back into the enamored mindset I’d been in when we left the underground city. My gaze lowered to her lips and I leaned in, pressing into her gently. The returning footsteps didn’t break the concentration I kept on her face.

  “You’re beautiful when you’re happy. I think I’d like to keep you this way.”

  The confusion was apparent while she looked at me. “Marko, your…eyes. They’re brown. How long have you been back? I didn’t notice the change.”


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