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Keeping His Siren Part 1

Page 9

by Kiersten Fay

How had Cortez deciphered their code, in only seconds? Had he jumped to that conclusion because it was the first question out of Cole’s mouth instead of the obvious: Why is this strange man exiting your room at ten in the morning? While you’re dressed like that, I might add.

  She realized with a blush how damning her outfit was.

  “You dummy,” she said. “It was the first thing out of your mouth. Of course he’s going to figure it out.” She turned on Cortez next. “And you, you ass, were supposed to stay in the room.”

  “And miss out on this enchanting meeting? I’m Cortez by the way.” He held out his hand to Cole.

  Cole eyed him with suspicion and palpable aggression. She had never brought a strange man home before. Cole must be reeling. But to his credit, and with an encouraging nod from her—the last thing she needed was for Cortez to take insult—he stepped forward and shook Cortez’s hand, offering his name in return.

  A hard glance at her from Cole said they were going to talk about this later in private. She expected nothing less. Any guy she dated had to meet his approval or he’d do everything in his power to run him off. And if that didn’t work, he’d been known to utilize seedier tactics, such as getting the guy drunk to see if he could push other women on him...a test of loyalty. Which pissed her off to no end—not a lot of guys passed his tests.

  By the way he was eyeing Cortez, Cole was already organizing a plan of action. When they were alone, she’d tell him he needn’t bother. Cortez wasn’t the long term relationship type. In fact, she didn’t really understand why he’d bothered chasing after her at all. Most guys would chalk up her leaving as the perfect end to a one night stand. Yet here he was, invading her space and introducing himself to her brother.

  Her musings were interrupted when she noticed the men were still clasping hands...hard. Cole’s arm bulged as though displaying his strength through his grip. Cortez wore a pleasant smile, just a slight curling to his lips, though there was something strangely menacing about it as they silently glared at one another. Cole didn’t realize he was engaged in a standoff with a powerful vampire, and since her uninformed brother wasn’t suffering from a crushed hand, Cortez was holding himself in check.

  She cleared her throat. “Uh, Cortez was just leaving.” She placed her hands on their forearms to snap them out of their mini tournament. At her touch, their arms drop.

  “We were just leaving,” Cortez corrected, glancing at her as if daring her to protest. “We just stopped by to gather some of Naia clothes. She’ll be staying with me for the time being.”

  “Who the hell is this guy?” Cole spoke directly to her, growing angry now. “What is he talking about?”

  She was still struggling to pick her jaw up off the floor. He wanted her to stay with him? For how long?

  “Would you excuse us,” her brother said to Cortez, employing a lot more civility than she knew he was feeling at the moment. “I need to speak with my sister alone.”

  Cortez inclined his head. “Of course, take your time. Naia, I’ll just pick out a few items for you, shall I?” He turned and headed back into her room, not waiting for her response.

  “What the hell is going on?” Cole snapped the moment he thought Cortez was out of earshot. “Who is this asshole?”

  “He’s the owner of Ever Nights and a vampire, so he can probably hear every word you’re saying.” Hint, hint. Shut up, baby bro.

  Cole’s brows shot up. “You’re involved with a vampire?” His tone was so sharp, she almost flinched. Not only were vampires impulsive, volatile, and animalistic to the point of being dangerous, but they were completely immune to her siren powers, same as Cole. In theory, that was a good thing, but if any of them figured out what she could do, it wasn’t a far stretch to assume they’d want to use her to their benefit.

  Dante hadn’t figured it out yet, but patrons always spent more money on the nights she sang. In theory, if she really cranked up her powers, she could have humans eating dog shit out of her hands...that is, if she could control it. As of yet, all she’d ever accomplished was turning them into mindless ravaging beasts with nothing but rutting on their minds. Which was why it was so important for her to sing on a regular basis, so she didn’t get to that dangerous point.

  Had Cortez figured out what she was? She didn’t think so. She hadn’t so much as spoken in a sing-song voice in front of him. And considering he didn’t even intend to give her a job, there could be only one other reason he’d want her to come stay with him, and it wasn’t for her intellectual conversation.

  She tried to muster up some indignation over that, but she could still feel his heated kiss on her lips, and her body sang with thwarted desire. Secretly, she was disappointed that Cole’s arrival had interrupted them. It seemed she already craved what Cortez’s had to offer.

  “My god, what happened to your finger?” She reached for Cole’s left hand. He yanked it away, and tried to conceal the splint behind his back.

  “It’s fine. I slipped...and bashed my pinky in a cupboard.”

  “You slipped?” she said dubiously. “And then bashed it in a cupboard?”

  “I mean a door. I smashed it in a door...after I slipped.” He screwed up his face, knowing she wasn’t buying it. Cole had always been an atrocious liar. With a resigned sigh, he admitted, “The twins paid a visit.”

  Her voice lowered to just above a whisper. “They did that to you?”

  He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal, though the clenching of his jaw said he was putting on a brave face for her. She’d heard the horror stories. The twins started with fingers, then moved on to larger limbs...then started cutting things off.

  She hugged him so tight it was a surprise he didn’t complain. With her face next to his ear, she lowered her voice to a level only he would hear. “I’ve got a plan. I can’t tell you what it is, but trust me. I’m going to fix this. Don’t worry. But just in case, pack a bag and be ready to jet at any moment.”

  He nodded and hugged her back. “I really fucked up this time, didn’t I, sis?”

  Chapter 12

  That seven grand was back on the table!

  Though it was insane for Cortez to invite her to stay with him after only knowing her a day, and she was seriously contemplating his motives, she wasn’t about to balk at her good fortune. He was essentially giving a stranger an all-access pass into his life without even batting an eyelash. Was she better at seducing a man’s heart and mind than she’d thought, or was he just a sucker?

  Still, he must have been surprised when she smiled up at him sweetly and chirped, “I’m ready.” But if he was, he didn’t show it. Maybe he was just used to everyone falling over themselves to do his bidding. Evident by the way Donovan had carried her suitcase to the car without having been asked while stifling any comment he might have had about its shabby, thrift-store appearance. It was filled with most of the clothes she owned. So, essentially, it was light enough for a large bird to carry away.

  One last time, Cole protested her “plan” in angry whispers even though he didn’t exactly know what it was. She cringed at the notions that must be swimming around in his head. The words sugar daddy and mistress came to mind. And he kept slanting threatening glances at Cortez, like at any moment he might produce a knife to slit the man’s throat on principle.

  Cortez noticed of course, and when they thought she wasn’t looking, the two seemed to be having a silent conversation with their eyes. Although she wasn’t fluent in glare, she imagined it went something like Cole: Hurt her and I’ll kill you. Cortez: You could try.

  A softer glance at her said Cole was filled with shame. Not towards her, but directed at himself. It wasn’t difficult to understand why. He thought because of his debt, she’d had to sell herself to the highest bidder. She reminded herself she couldn’t tell him the truth. Not yet. Dante had made it clear if she gave anyone the details of her mission, including her brother, the money was forfeit. There’d been a darker threat mingled in there somewhere that she didn�
��t want to think about.

  As Cortez waited for her by the door, she did the only thing she could to dispel Cole’s worry. She lied, informing him that she was getting a job at Ever Nights and it was very magnanimous of Cortez to offer all his employees free room and board while they trained. Cole looked dubious, but did seem to lose some of his tension. Cortez, who’d heard the whole thing, hadn’t corrected her. He let the lie go. For that she was grateful...

  But perhaps she could coerce him into offering her a job. Then it wouldn’t be so much of a lie. Right?

  In the backseat of the sedan, Cortez rested his chin on his hand, his elbow on the armrest and his fingers curled over his lips as he studied her with a laser focus. The knowing glint in his gaze made her want to squirm, but if he’d suspected her of any deception, he’d have said or done something by now, killed her maybe, and probably Cole too. Though he had a reputation for being a decent boss, cross any vampire and you were bound to meet the grave. She was dancing on the edge. She had a brief moment of doubt over her undercover abilities, but it was too late to back out now. Cole was counting on her.

  Donovan pulled up to the club’s front entrance. Cortez unfolded his big form onto the sidewalk and then held out his hand to help her out of the car. With her short, makeshift outfit, she managed to accidentally flash on the way out.

  The guttural sound that rumbled up from the base of his lungs had her lower parts clenching.

  Blushing deeply, she feigned aloofness. “So, what happens now?”

  His tone was still roughened. “As much as I’d like to keep you dressed like this for me, I suppose you will need some appropriate clothes. I saw what you packed and it wasn’t enough to last the week.”

  A week? Was that how long he planned to keep her? Would it be enough time to get what she needed for Dante?

  “But first, you must be hungry,” he went on. Victor should still be serving breakfast. If not, I’ll have him make you something special. Would you like to change into your own clothes before you meet everyone?”

  “Yes, and a shower would be nice. I could have taken one at my place, but you swept me out of there so fast.”

  His grin was playful. “I didn’t want to give your brother the chance to figure out a way to get rid of me.”

  She blinked up at him, stunned because that was probably exactly what Cole was doing.

  “He had that look about him,” Cortez promptly explained. “He’s protective of you, that was clear.” There was admiration and approval in his tone.

  Back in his room, she quickly showered in the guest bathroom and then dressed in a pair of her favorite, if not holey, jeans and a floral patterned blouse that had seen better days.

  In a slow manner, he appraised her, but didn’t comment on the state of her clothes so she wasn’t sure if he found them modern chic or gauche. The jeans might be frayed in places, but they still hugged her ass like paint to finely molded plaster. She was proud of her figure. To show him, she turned and wiggled her hips.

  He hissed in a breath. “Stunning creature.”

  He was across the room in moments, scooping her up over his shoulder. She squeaked with surprise. Another few strides and they were in his bedroom, and she bounced with a giggle as he tossed her lightly on the mattress. He followed her down, his mouth covering her lips while his hands affixed to her backside. She laughed through his kisses, his passion heady, drugging. Then from behind, he slipped his fingers between the apex of her thighs and a sledgehammer of desire killed her mirth, replacing it with unadulterated lust.

  Breakfast forgotten, she rolled him to his back and straddled him, slipping her blouse off. He reached to unhook her bra and then his hot hands cupped her breasts, kneading. With her still astride him, he leaned up to suck one taut peak into this mouth. Her head fell back on a moan, his tongue teasing her into a dizzy, needy state.

  She tugged his shirt up. He broke away and shrugged it off. Glorious muscle danced and rippled under her fingertips.

  With blinding speed, he flipped her to her back, yanked her jeans and panties off, his own jeans followed, then covered her naked flesh with his. They groaned in unison as he slipped inside her.

  “This is how I should have woken you up,” he rumbled next to her ear. Then he began to move with almost feline grace, his body rocking into hers with the most delicious friction.

  On a husky growl, he kissed her, his tongue delving out in time with his thrusts. Her body shuddered with pleasure, her nails digging grooves into his back. Breaking the kiss, he groaned as his tempo increased, making her gasp. Sparks of ecstasy flashed behind her eyes.

  My god the way he moves! Each thrust pulled a cry from her. The sound only seemed to encourage him. Supine muscles danced under his flesh. Bolts of pleasure crashed over her, her blood burning with an overdose of bliss. The room fell away, the bed fell away, and suddenly there was only the two of them. Him and her. A universe unto themselves where passion was their sun, pleasure their moon, and everything else in between writhed to the beat of nirvana.

  He seemed as lost as her, focused solely on his carnal invasion.

  Hands on her hips, he yanked her down on his cock while at the same time thrusting into her. A sublime scream rippled from her. His hips found a wild rhythm, blissfully slamming home.

  As if unable to hold it back, he snarled, burying his face in her neck, though he didn’t bite her. At the moment, she wouldn’t complain if he did—later she’d admonish herself for that passing thought—the carnal, rich sound tipped her over the edge, and she screamed her orgasm to the ceiling.

  Riding the edge of his own release, his pace increased, his dick hammering her so hard her breasts bounced to the rhythm. Another orgasm shot through her. Once more, she screamed, her back arching as pleasure whipped her. He muttered something incoherent before letting out a rough, guttural sound, his body shuddering from the strength of his release.

  When the excitement ebbed, his weight came down on her, and he cradled her in his. His hot breaths fanned out over her skin. Then he rolled them so that she was half on top of him and held her to his chest so that her head was just under his chin. Her upper body shifted along with the heavy rise and fall of his chest. Sighing, her fingers painted a path over his sculpted flesh. In response his muscles contracted pleasantly.

  “You definitely should have woken me up like that this morning,” she teased.

  “Noted,” he replied, all seriousness. “We must get moving if you’re going to catch breakfast.”

  “Strangely, I’m suddenly only hungry for one thing, and it isn’t food.” To punctuate her words, she playfully nipped his flesh.

  His head lifted so he could gaze down at her. A grin stretched his lips. “Do not tempt me. I’m seriously debating locking you in here with me for the rest of the day.”

  That sounded like a decent plan. Her stomach growled, and his grin slipped slightly.

  “Up, you temptress. You and I both have things to do today.”

  We have things to do?

  She knew he wasn’t talking about her inevitable snooping, but as he extracted himself from under her to sit on the edge of the bed and stab his legs into his pants, reality splashed her with a heavy dose of guilt. She did have things to do, deceitful things that had nothing to do with laughing and joking and making love all day. Her mission had taken an unlikely turn. She hadn’t expected to attract the attention of Cortez in such a salacious way. Hadn’t meant to, but here she was. Worse, she liked him. Maybe a little too much for having only known him a day. Mind-exploding sex had expedited her attraction. She’d never had a casual fling before, and she feared her heart wasn’t ready for one now.

  Box it up, Naia. Can’t go getting attached. She was going to have to steel her heart if she was going to emerge from this unscathed.

  “Aside from breakfast, what is it you think I have to do today?” she asked. If he discovered what her real purpose here was, would he believe it had been her plan all along to seduce him, merely
to get close? Would he see it as the worst kind of betrayal?

  I know I would.

  In answer, he only gave a grin. That simple curl to his lips sent a zap to her chest, and another wave of guilt surfaced. A wild thought followed. She could confess and try to salvage...whatever this was between them. But what if he took it badly? What if he never wanted to see her again? As it was, she was only guaranteed a week with him. If she confessed now, she’d have lost Cortez and the money. With Cole’s dire situation, she couldn’t risk it.

  Her fascination with Cortez would fade, she told herself, just as his interest in her was bound to. She didn’t believe for a second that he didn’t have other women up here on the regular. A man with his appetite for sex would need to.

  Suppressing a sigh, she watched him walk into his closet wearing only his jeans, those gorgeous muscles like living steel under lickable flesh. When he was no longer in sight, she slammed back onto the mattress and rubbed her hands down her face. How am I going to get through this?

  Chapter 13

  After her second shower of the day, she dressed once more, and Cortez brought her down to the employee lounge. It was set up like a small restaurant with booths along one wall and tables scattered throughout. A buffet of breakfast foods lined one wall next to a set of swinging double doors, beyond which she could hear pots and pans banging and food sizzling over heat.

  The scent of syrup and bacon and other delicious treats invaded her tummy, making it growl.

  Despite the late morning hour, there were still a few stragglers filling their bellies. At her and Cortez’s entrance, everyone paused what they were doing to glance at them. Just like the previous night, their curious stares were mostly on her. Again she felt like an exhibit on display.

  “Everyone, this is Naia. She’ll be staying with me for the time being.” Then, too fast for her to remember, he listed off his employee’s names, and in turn they waved at her. The only one that stuck was the Surfer Guy’s: Ryder.


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