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Alien Deception

Page 5

by Tony Ruggiero

  He was gazing almost dreamily at the over-sized beads with an ingrained smile on his face when the woman spoke.

  "Can I help you, sir?" she asked distractedly, her hands unconsciously working the beads through her fingers.

  "Ah, yes you can," he began slowly, still unable to take his eyes from the beads making their way through the opening and closing of her fingers.

  "I'm from the, uh… Donor Collection Institute," he began, trying to clear his throat. "We were called that a donor was being held here for pickup, a Mister Greg Carlson," Leumas said as he handed the paperwork to the woman, trying not to stare at the huge moving beads hanging provocatively around the nurse's neck.

  The nurse glanced up after reading the paperwork. "Yes sir, it all looks perfectly in order. You can have the body first thing tomorrow morning." She smiled, one hand going back to the beads.

  "Fine, that…" Leumas suddenly stopped as he realized what she had said. "Tomorrow morning? That's impossible. I have to have the body immediately," he said with urgency, his mind racing. What was it he had told them in New York, a 16-year-old?

  "Sorry, I can't do it today. You will have to come back," the woman said, unconcerned, looking back at the magazine she had been reading.

  Leumas looked at the woman, "Why can't I have his body now? You yourself said that all the paperwork is fine," he said in a pleading voice.

  "Yes, the paperwork is fine but, you know, this is Mardi Gras, which you should have realized before coming. Everyone in New Orleans is involved, including half of our staff and, like I said, there can be no releases until tomorrow morning. Those are my orders. I'm sorry. Besides, the body isn't going anywhere, you know. He’s dead and on total organ support," she said as she grinned, obviously amused with herself.

  Leumas’s impatience began to grow with this unconcerned nurse, beads or no beads. But he knew he would have to be careful. So he started to tell the New York story again, and even used the puppy dog eyes thing, but the woman wouldn't budge. He was on a tight schedule, and he saw no other choice, even though it was expressly forbidden in the Council’s charter.

  He drew himself inward and concentrated on his thoughts, drawing on energy that surrounded him and molding it to one single thought. He silently mouthed out each syllable of the images inside of his head until a pattern was complete, and then gently pushed it into the woman's brain, massaging it into her synaptic pathways, gently, very gently. I understand the urgency of this man's situation and, under my own authority, I will release the body of Greg Carlson to him. I understand that it may be a matter of life and death.

  The nurse appeared suddenly taken back as the influence sank in. She had a glassy-eyed and slightly dazed look as she spoke. "Yes, of course… I will have the body brought immediately. What was I thinking? I feel so ashamed. This is a life-or-death matter." She immediately called two orderlies and made all the proper arrangements, shaking her head dazedly.

  "Don't be so hard on yourself," Leumas said, smiling sympathetically. "We all have our jobs to do, and we wouldn't want anyone to get in trouble but, in cases such as this, we have to use our own judgment."

  The nurse smiled foggily at him. "Thank you for being so understanding."

  Within a few moments, Greg's cold, white, waxen body was rolled out into the corridor on a gurney similar to Sarah's, with the entire organ-supporting equipment still attached. Leumas stepped forward to accept custody of the body and to make his quick departure.

  "Well you all have a nice 'Marty Gra' time and stuff," he said, throwing up his hand in farewell. "I'll take my friend here and buckle him in for the ride." He hustled Greg's body toward the door and stopped. He looked back at the nurse with the large beads, pointing. "You know, I really love the beads," he said, sighing, as he went out through the doors, pushing the gurney.

  At first, the nurse smiled at him as if seeing an old friend from a memorable past, but once he had departed, her look changed to one of confusion and disorientation. She turned to one of the orderlies who had brought up the body.

  "Weird one, there," she said, thumbing toward the exit. She rubbed her temples and said to the other orderly, "How about you do me a favor and swing by the pharmacy and pick me up some aspirin. I've got a wicked headache."

  Leumas placed Greg next to Sarah in the stasis chamber on board the Blessed. He stared curiously at them both. Normally, the life forms chosen as subjects were unique in some way, either very intelligent, compassionate, natural leaders, or something. But he didn't sense any of these things as he looked into both of their faces. The female subject did seem to have some pretty qualities. She'd probably look better if she wasn't so pale though, he thought.

  As he returned to the control center of his ship, Leumas wondered why they had been chosen. He felt it was a key part of the puzzle. Surprisingly enough, a little voice from earlier returned and sounded in his mind, Ask Copolla. Leumas chuckled at the simplicity of the answer. The more he thought about it the more humorous it became, and now he was almost in hysterics.

  "Yes, that sure would be the direct approach," he said as his laughter subsided. "If things were only that simple." He checked his hair in the ship's small mirror, and retrieved his Zirean clothes from the synthesizer. He then directed the onboard computer to begin the journey back to Zire.

  Upon his arrival, Leumas placed Sarah and Greg into two separate rooms at the indoctrination facility. He would start conditioning them alone at first after the rejuvenation process before he allowed them to be together again. His assistants were now in the process of applying minimal feed to each brain. This early stage began by laying the groundwork in their minds, making the existence of other races and the UCDW plausible, just enough to get them thinking about it so that they would come to gradually accept the fact. After that, Leumas would bring them further along until they reached the point where they believed what they were being told, and their understanding level reached a point to make rational decisions. Or at least the decisions that the Council or Copolla more likely wanted to hear.

  Chapter Six


  Copolla was seated in his plush chair that complimented his huge desk and overly ornate decorated chambers. He exhaled deeply and closed his eyes. Council meetings had a way of draining him of his energy.

  "All talk, that's all they ever want to do," he said disgustedly as he rubbed his eyes with his fingers. "It takes forever to get things done going through these fools. They remind me of a bunch of Sevithian squawking hens."

  His mind drifted off into thoughts about the plan he had set into motion to discredit Leumas, who could pose a threat to his leadership as older members were replaced with younger ones. Copolla was not going to lose his position to anyone, especially not to Leumas. He couldn't stand the vain and arrogant bastard. To this end, he had orchestrated Leumas’s new assignment, which involved, ironically, the planet Earth. The last time Copolla and the Council had dealings with this planet, the results had been disastrous, and no one knew this as well as he did. Earth was still far from ready to join the Council, but that was what made the plan perfect for what he had in mind.

  Leumas had been shooting off his mouth for months now about reforming procedures regarding initial contact. He had many ideas about how things needed to be changed. All were centered on his concept of making the Council better and more efficient. Several members had even voiced their agreement with Leumas, and considered his ideas innovative and creative, a breath of fresh air. Copolla knew that these kinds of feelings amongst members could be the beginning of a movement to boost Leumas higher in his position within the Council, and Copolla did not want Leumas any higher than he already was. In fact, he thought it was time for Leumas to suffer a minor career setback.

  Clip his wings and bring him back down a couple of notches, Copolla thought menacingly.

  The beauty of the plan was that it would also take care of some loose ends that had been thorns in his side for years. That was where Leumas came
in. Copolla had not worked this hard, and clawed his way to where he was, to be hindered by a speck of dust like Leumas. He had seen this before, when he was much younger, and had vowed to never fall prey to it himself.

  Copolla had been born on the planet Sevith and, from birth, everything had been a constant struggle. Born to a middle-level family unit, he quickly saw the differences between those that had and those that had not. He also knew he would someday be one of those that had, no matter what it took.

  He discovered early on that power was the key to everything. Everything. He learned the advantages of having an edge over someone physically or mentally. This realization had started during his young education, and he had nurtured it throughout his career. His philosophy was simple. Never take an assignment that was too risky, never come between two different political views, and always—always—know everything he could about life forms he dealt with, either publicly or privately. He had also found that, in most cases, the more private the information, the better.

  Copolla rose quickly to the position of delegate's aide on the Council. He moved through the ranks quickly by keeping his eyes and ears open to what was going on in the Council, as well as outside of it. He stuck to his philosophy and made it his business to know everything about anyone he dealt with. All, interestingly enough, usually had some type of skeleton in their closet, if they didn't, he would masterfully put one there for them. He had used this method throughout his career, and still continued it. That was how he had become the Leader of the Council. Now that he had the power to control and manipulate through fear and intimidation, he planned to keep it.

  He swiveled his chair to face the window, and reclined into a position where he could look out into the night sky as the Zirean atmosphere glowed in its strange colors. The stars couldn't be seen through the mixture of gases that remained in the poisoned atmosphere. He missed the stars and the travel to other worlds, he thought in a rare burst of nostalgia.

  But that's going to change, he said to himself as he slammed his fist down on the desk. I have some plans for this Council and for this galaxy. It's time for me to become innovative and creative. He then laughed evilly at his own humor.

  He returned his concentration to the matter at hand, his plan to take down Leumas and tie up some loose ends at the same time. These loose ends could hurt his position as Leader if anyone ever found out about them. But no one was going to find out because he would take care of all of them at once.

  "Damn historians," he snorted derisively. "They have to record every little thing. I'm surprised they missed my nosebleed back in ninety-four."

  When Copolla had discovered that records existed of his supposed secretive dealings in the previous contact with the planet Earth, he had had the majority of the incriminating documentation removed. He ensured that he left just enough data to carry out his plan, or enough to be perfect bait for someone, more specifically someone like Leumas.

  "Happy fishing, Leumas," he chuckled. He felt quite proud of himself in the way he had maneuvered the Council into the selection of the two subjects from Earth.

  It had almost been too simple, he thought, smirking. Plant a member here, a member there, promise them a little something they want or something they don't want to get out. How gullible some of these Council members were, he thought cynically.

  Earth's computer records were so primitive that the normal Council criteria could not be used in selecting the two new subjects. Of course, he had known this; so he formed a committee to presumably search archival records in order to locate two subjects who did meet the criteria.

  The subjects had to represent a viable cross section of Earth's sociological and cultural beliefs and had to have the potential to adjust to the assignment as directed by the Council. He had handpicked the committee, so when he suggested two individuals, the selection was already made. It had required some minor substantiating and adjusting of files before presenting the information to the Council. He had expended quite a few resources and used up plenty of favors in locating the two Earth subjects he wanted.

  He rose from his chair and walked around the desk to his liquor cabinet. He poured himself a stiff drink of Antarian whiskey, and watched the yellow liquid steaming briefly as it left the protective safety of the insulated bottle. He raised the glass in a toast to himself and then downed the drink in one quick gulp, closing his eyes in pleasure as the liquid warmed his massive body. He placed the glass down on a table and moved to the center of the room.

  He spoke aloud to no one, an evil smile playing about his lips. "Once my plan comes to fruition, all the loose ends will be tied up, and I can move on to the next phase. I, and I alone, will redefine the UCDW's role in the cosmic scheme of things." Nodding his head in agreement with himself, he continued, "And yes, Leumas, I have some initiatives that I also want to pursue. But, unlike you, I have the power to do something. And that, my good friend, is the key to success."

  Copolla checked the time; he was waiting for the arrival of one of his agents. His agents were essentially personnel not found on anyone's payroll or employment records who completed certain tasks for him when necessary. They could move unnoticed within certain circles, ones not commonly frequented by those of prominent stature. They were paid extremely well, but only if they conformed to the rule of employment: the insertion of a tiny loyalty device into the cerebral area. It was an item designed and perfected by Copolla. If the agent performed his job as directed and remained emphatically loyal, all was well. If not, their services were no longer required, and he would then press a certain key on his computer, and poof, no more loyalty problem.

  He walked around his immense, ornate office humming a disjointed tune, contemplating his next move. He chuckled ironically when he realized the song was from a Zirean funeral procession. His plan to rid himself of Leumas was still in its early stages, but he wanted to make sure things were going as scheduled. Copolla had sent for the agent he'd directed to oversee this little operation, and he was now impatiently anticipating his arrival, wanting the progress report.

  Besides his personal reason for his selection of these particular Earth subjects, Copolla knew that they would be very difficult to indoctrinate. Their temperament and dispositions alone would slow down Leumas’ progress. Also, he had some other little stumbling blocks of his own that were going to creep up in the process, compliments of another one of his agents. He would then use these presumed faults in Leumas’ abilities to indoctrinate the subjects to prove Leumas’ ineptness. This would show the members of the Council that their dear Leumas possessed shortcomings that would not be worthy of a higher position.

  "You have a visitor," his computer notified him in a cold metallic tone. "Identity, visiting emissary from Celtic 3."

  He chuckled at the term emissary as he released the lock mechanism on the door. Agent Journo entered his chambers cloaked in a dark robe that was certainly befitting of an emissary paying a courtesy call to the Leader of the United Council for Developing Worlds. It always amazed him how Journo came up with these false identifications that could fool even his most advanced computer.

  Well, that's what I'm paying him for, he thought as he observed Journo’s approach.

  His large humanoid frame was not as impressive as Copolla's but it still advised caution, being six feet in height and two hundred pounds. Journo removed the cloak that hid his head from view, revealing the bleached white skin of his face, his veins clearly visible as they crisscrossed over his skin. His eyes were completely black, and no pupils could be seen within them.

  Copolla liked Journo because he behaved more like a robot than a living being. Tell it what to do and it was done, and that was exactly how he wanted it. Copolla moved to his enormous chair, and sat leaning back, staring at Journo.

  "Report, Journo," he said curtly.

  "I have an inquiry," Journo stated in a monotone voice.

  Copolla, who was in no mood for questions, spoke vehemently. "The report Journo! Do not waste my time!
I'll ask the questions around here."

  Journo's face showed no outward sign of fear at the outburst. Instead, he proceeded in the same unemotional voice he always used.

  "Leumas has succeeded in retrieving the two subjects from Earth. I laid some minor obstacles to increase his difficulty, but he was able to maneuver around them. I took no further actions as I did not want to give myself away, or make it obvious that someone was trying to hinder his progress."

  "As were your orders," Copolla said. "You were to do just enough to get him thinking, just enough to make him a little paranoid about all of this. I want to keep him on the edge," he said with a menacing smile, as he envisioned Leumas stumbling over himself around Earth.

  Journo continued his report. "His ship left Earth's orbit about two standard hours ago. He has the bodies of the two humans stored in cold stasis."

  "So you made him squirm. That's good. Very good. Is there anything else?"

  "You might be interested in knowing that Leumas used influence on an Earthling, a woman. From what I understand, it was a nurse in the hospital who was not going to release one of the bodies as quickly as he would have liked."

  Copolla began to smile as if someone had just given him a gift. Tapping his chin thoughtfully, he said, "Yes, that is very good news, Journo. Using influence without prior approval from the Council, tsk—tsk—tsk. Oh yes, that little fact may surface again. But not just yet. We'll save that for later."

  He went on, speaking more to himself than to Journo. "His next move should be to begin the indoctrination process of the two subjects. I would like to know how he will proceed, especially on such primitive aliens. He certainly will have his hands full, won't he?"

  Not waiting for any answer, Copolla said, "Earlier you asked something? What was your question?"

  "Nothing of any noteworthy importance for a life form with stature such as you," Journo said, with an unusual hint of sarcasm.


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