Crazy about Tara (Hastings Brothers Book 3)

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Crazy about Tara (Hastings Brothers Book 3) Page 3

by Mallory Funk

  I don’t know how long Jeff was cheating on me for, but I did wonder how it would take before I could trust a man again.

  With Derek, it wasn’t a question that came to mind as to whether he would be faithful or not. Derek has a way of making me feel like I’m the only woman in the world for him. I could tell by the looks he gave me that would cause me to blush instantly. His stare was and has always been intense like he couldn’t believe he finally found me and found his reason for living.

  I used to get flustered around Derek when he first started coming around. The first date was a real test to see how he would handle my personality.

  Seven months earlier

  I’m shaking so bad as I’m getting ready for this date with Derek. From what I can already tell, he is nothing like Jeff. I spent the last couple months getting to know him and his brothers.

  I’ve been around when they talk about women, and they don’t hide the fact that they like to sleep around. At first, I judged them and thought they were all like Jeff, but then we had gone out for drinks one night and I realized that they weren’t.

  They always give it to the woman straight. They will tell her that they only want a hook up, or one-night-stand and nothing more. It’s only sex. Sometimes the women become clingers and think they can ‘tame’ them which I don’t think is possible. These guys only seem to get tamed when they want to be.

  I have never seen Derek or Trevor with anyone in the time that we have known them.

  Their brothers seemed to think it was odd as well and made jokes about them being ‘pussy whipped’ without actually having the pussy. I don’t think about what Derek and Trevor were like before they met Paige and me. I could see that Trevor wanted Paige, but he was holding back like Derek was until he asked me out a few days ago saying that he could tell I was ready.

  The clock hit seven and there was a knock at the door. Wow, did he stand outside and watch the clock until it hit exactly seven or what?

  I quickly check myself in the mirror, next to the front door. My blonde hair is in curls down my back, and I’m wearing a red dress that has a sweetheart neckline and hugs my waist but flows down my hips. I’m wearing my favourite pair of black heels where the straps go half way up my calf. I applied a simple smoky eye, a light pink lipstick, and a pink blush. I have a small black clutch to go with my shoes.

  I take a deep breath and open the door. You can do this, I tell myself. It’s just a date… with an incredibly sexy man, but still just a date. What can happen?

  I walk down the stairs and pause before I open the door. Everyone is out for the evening, so I don’t have to worry about any friends or siblings bugging us.

  This is it. I blow out a breath before I open the door. You can do it. It’s just a date. What’s the worst that can happen?

  My eyes automatically scan him from head to toe. He’s wearing dark blue jeans with a white button-up collared shirt. The shirt looks like it was made for him. It’s definitely showing off his arms. If there is one thing I’m a sucker for, it’s muscled arms. I know that he owns a gym with his brother, and I can tell that he takes some time for himself. I’d love nothing more than to have him pick me up and push me against the wall. By the looks of the muscles, I can honestly say he would have no trouble fucking me against a wall.

  And now I’m still staring at his arms and licking my lips at the thought of him fucking me.

  “Have you got your fill yet?” Derek asks in an amused voice.

  I shake my head, and I can hear the low chuckle that comes from him.

  When I look away from his arms and up towards his face, I see a cocky smirk on his face and my breath catches when I reach his eyes.

  Locking eyes with him is the most intense thing that has ever happened to me. I honestly can’t control what comes out of my mouth in this moment, and I hope it doesn’t send him running for the hills.

  “Holy shit, you are hot. Are you sure you want to go on this date because you don’t even have to buy me dinner first, I will let you inside my room right now and we can just get to the good part. If you don’t want to make it to my room, how about we just use this wall right here.” I slap my hand against the wall a couple of times, never taking my eyes off of him. “Oh. My. God. I cannot believe I just said that out loud. Seriously kill me now. I tend to blurt out whatever is on my mind when I’m nervous and the way you are looking at me right now has me nervous. I don’t think I have ever been on a date with, or even breathed the same air as, someone as hot as you. Shit, that sounded lame. I’m sorry, if you want to run now I completely understand,” I say and I drop my eyes towards his feet. I cannot look at him. I don’t think I have ever been so embarrassed, and I have said some pretty weird shit throughout the years. I already know that my face is a deep shade of red; there is no way to hide that. I’m probably the shade of my dress.

  It doesn’t take long before his hand comes under my chin and I am forced to look into his eyes. I see he has an amused expression on his face, but it doesn’t look like he thinks that he just asked a crazy girl on a date.

  “First of all, you look fucking sexy tonight. Second, there is no way I’m running out of here. I don’t think you know how stunning you are. And third of all, I find your ramblings refreshing and cute. No matter what it is, I can see from your face that it will always be the truth. I’ve had to deal with enough fake women to appreciate an honest woman for a change. Lastly, I plan to take you wherever you want me to, but how about we get through this date first. We can use the wall some other time.” He smiles and winks at me when he is finished.

  All I can do is nod my head and follow him out to his car. He places his hand on my back the whole way. My heart is beating so hard that he has to have heard it, but he never says anything.

  The way to the restaurant is quiet, and I don’t know what to say to him without sounding like I am crazy, so I decide that it is best to keep my mouth shut. Sure, I knew he would expect me to talk at some point. I just hope that whatever I was going to say wasn’t going to be completely embarrassing.

  It wasn’t long until we pulled up to an Italian restaurant. It was my favourite place. I was a sucker for pasta. I could eat it all day, every day. Derek made me sit and wait until he opened my door for me.

  I am still shaking when I get out of the car, but I try hard not to show it. I have never been much of a dater. I was always too shy, or the guy would suddenly disappear when my mouth got the best of me.

  I hoped that Derek was the guy I thought he was, and I was hoping I could believe him when he said it was cute and refreshing when I rambled.

  We are now seated at our table which is a small booth with a candle in the middle. I still haven’t said anything, but I can tell by the amused expression on Derek’s face that he doesn’t seem to mind. He asks if I like wine before ordering a bottle for the table. I quickly pick up my menu and pretend to read it. When I said I loved this place, I meant it. I already know the menu off by heart.

  “Tara?” Derek asks. I look up at him, and he has an amused expression on his face.

  “Are you going to look at the menu the whole night?” he says with a smirk.

  “Oh, no. I’m good. I know what I want, so whenever you’re ready to order we can.”

  It isn’t long after I put the menu down that the waiter comes to our table. Derek orders a ravioli dish and I order a chicken pasta.

  As soon as the waiter leaves, Derek looks at me. “How do you like being back at the salon?”

  “It’s great. Paige is a great boss. I never wanted to leave work anyway. That was all Jeff’s idea. I just wanted to make him happy and I didn’t see any reason not to do it, but then I became bored always sitting at home waiting for him to get back, and some days he wouldn’t be home until late and I would already be in bed.” I snort and take a sip of wine while looking around the restaurant. “He was probably cheating on me that whole time.” I shake my head and glance at Derek who smiles softly back at me.

  Derek lean
s forward on the table and, when I look into his eyes, he has a serious expression on his face. “Babe, Jeff is a moron. You’re beautiful as fuck and, from getting to know you these last few weeks, I know you are an amazing woman. Let’s not waste time thinking about that asshole.”

  I nod my head in agreement, but I can’t help the excitement and the need to want to jump up and down at the thought of Derek Hastings thinking I’m beautiful.

  I had hoped to make it through the dinner without any incident. Then the wine came. It was a nice, red wine, well, the only sip I had of it before I spilled it all over the table was. When the waiter came back to clean it up, it was clear that I was nervous, and he could tell- if the laughter in his eyes was anything to go by.

  I didn’t take the chance to look at Derek. I don’t think I have ever been so embarrassed.

  After dinner, Derek asks if I want to go for a walk. I was up for spending more alone time with him that didn’t involve everyone in our lives. They were great friends and I loved them, but they could be annoying at times. I guess that’s what happens when you spend so much time with people. They start to feel more like family than friends.

  We end up walking by this creek just on the outside of town. I was sure when Derek grabbed my hand to hold it that it was sweaty and gross, but I didn’t know what to say without making things awkward.

  We are talking as we walk around, and I become more interested in him the more I learn about him. I am walking around thinking how nothing could go wrong on this walk, that I had this, and I’m a bad ass woman; and then I step in a big pile of dog shit.

  The worst part of it is the fact that the heels I am wearing do nothing to save my feet from the shit, and now a couple of my toes are covered in it. I can’t help the gag that comes from me. I had a weak stomach when it came to shit or puke. I have no idea what will happen when I have kids. You know those videos of the dad changing the baby’s butt? Yeah, that will be me instead of the man I have a kid with.

  I hunch over to the other side where I can’t see the shit, and keep gagging and trying my hardest not to throw up on a first date. I’m just proving myself worthy of his time at this point. Every time I look at my foot, I start gagging all over again.

  I notice how quiet Derek had gotten, and I chance a look at him. His back is turned, but I can see his shoulders shaking with silent laughter. Well, at least he’s trying to hold it in.

  After I stop gagging and Derek stops laughing, we walk back to his car with my foot and all the gross shit it’s covered in. Well, okay, not covered, but my toes are at least covered in shit.

  Derek goes to the trunk of his car and grabs a bag with wipes and a bottle of water with paper towel. Seriously, he just has that sitting around?

  I give him a questioning look and he shrugs his shoulders.

  “Well, with four brothers who have no problems messing with you no matter where you are, you have to always be prepared for anything,” he tells me with a serious face.

  “So, what does that mean? Anything?” I ask him curiously.

  He kneels down and starts to clean my foot and my heel of shit while he speaks. “Well, there have been dozens of food fights over the years, being pushed or pushing each other into mud, and then of course there’s the old-fashioned shaking of pop cans.”

  “Wow, you guys sure like to mess around,” I tell him seriously.

  “Of course. It’s just fun sibling rivalry. It’s not like we’re doing it to be assholes. It’s how we have always been growing up. It’s all in good fun,” he tells me and then stands up when he’s done cleaning my foot.

  I nod my head. “Yeah, I have siblings too. Sometimes it’s fun to mess with them,” I tell him and an idea forms in my head, but I try not to let it show on my face.

  I’m so lost in my thoughts about messing with Derek and his brothers that I don’t notice that he has gotten closer. My breath catches when my eyes find his and the way he’s looking at me. Like I’m the only woman in the world and it would kill him to not kiss me right now.

  His hand comes up to caress my cheek and he slides his other hand up around my waist.

  “Tara,” he says softly. I almost don’t hear it.

  Then his lips come down softly on mine. I stand there for a second before I realize that Derek is kissing me, and I press my lips harder against his. The kiss instantly becomes deeper and more passionate. I’ve never been kissed this way before. The way Derek is kissing me feels like he has been waiting his whole life to kiss me. I don’t know how long we stand there kissing, but he never tries to take it further. Part of me is glad for that because I don’t know how much more I could handle from Derek right now, but there is also a part of me that wants him to take me right here, against his car.

  He is the first to pull away, and he drops his forehead to mine.

  “Wow,” he whispers and all I can do is nod my head in agreement. This is probably the only time I don’t have anything to say.

  “Let me take you home. I hope you will let me take you out again,” he says with a smile that I’m so sure no woman could ever say no to.

  “I don’t know how any woman could say no to you,” I tell him, and he chuckles as he walks me to the passenger side door.

  “It’s not about any woman saying no to me but you,” he says before he opens it.

  We ride back to my house and I can’t help but smile the whole way there thinking that I could definitely fall for this man.

  Chapter Four


  The next couple weeks go by with my family hovering over everything Tara does. I find the women always shaking their heads at us like we are being over protective, but there is no way that is possible. We just want to make sure that the baby and Tara are okay and will continue to be okay throughout the rest of the pregnancy.

  Tara signed up for prenatal classes, and my brothers decided they would take turns coming with me and Tara. I don’t mind because if I’m not able to be there for the beginning stages of delivery, I will at least be able to relax knowing that my brothers know what to do with her.

  We tried to make a plan to have someone there with her when the girls were working, but they had us thrown out of the salon. Paige and Courtney were insulted when we told them our plan. They said they could take care of their girl while she was working and not to worry if anything were to happen.

  It wasn’t until a couple days later that Tara had sat all of us down, even the Johnson brothers, and yelled at us for constantly texting and calling her to make sure she was okay. She said that if we didn’t stop then she was going to get a new number and not tell anyone but the girls what it was. I think that made everyone tone it down to one text a day.

  It’s the weekend, and Tara asked if we could all go out for supper. She had a bad craving for wings, so we all caved and decided to go to the only pub in town.

  We had to push a few tables together, but they already were accustomed to us doing this so that we could all sit with each other. We weren’t loud or anything, and I think it’s the fact that we always ordered lots of food and left good tips that they didn’t mind us rearranging things to make it work.

  Tara’s parents are supposed to arrive tomorrow. I’m willing to admit that I’m very nervous to meet them. Tara doesn’t say much about them just that they are different, but she loves them anyway, and ‘we will see’ when we ask what she means.

  I notice she gets tired faster now, so we haven’t pulled any pranks on them. It also is very hard to think of something to do that wouldn’t harm or scare a pregnant woman.

  All night Tara looked longingly at everyone’s beers and sighed every once in a while.

  Paige asks the waitress if they can make a virgin Pina Colada for Tara, and they happily agree.

  After Tara has a sip she seems to be in a much better mood. Courtney keeps checking her phone and I’m not the only one to notice.

  “Who do you keep texting?” Cole asks with a bit of annoyance in his tone.

��Oh, just some guy I have been seeing,” she says with a mischievous smile. There’s a look in her eyes that tells me she is lying but I don’t want to get in between whatever is going on with her and Cole.

  I see the tightening of my brother’s jaw. I can’t see his hands, but I have no doubt that he’s clenching his fists.

  “You’re seeing someone?” he asks in a low tone.

  She puts her phone down and narrows her eyes at him. “Well, that’s not any of your business,” she tells him calmly.

  “The fuck it isn’t,” he raises his voice.

  “Sure it isn’t. You’re not my boyfriend. Who I talk to isn’t your business. I thought I made that clear,” she says in a serious voice.

  “Oh, isn’t that Carter and Tyler?” Paige points across the pub desperately trying to change the subject.

  We all look over to where Paige is pointing. Carter and Trevor are my personal trainers at the gym that Sam and I own.

  They look over at us like they could hear Paige saying their names. We all wave, and they wave back.

  We use the distraction because no one wants to listen to Cole and Courtney fight in the middle of the pub.

  Sam and I go sit with Tyler and Carter for a bit and have a beer. They congratulate me on Tara getting pregnant. It’s no secret to anyone how crazy about my girl I am.

  I see Tara yawn for the third time in the last twenty minutes and decide it’s time to take her home. She doesn’t argue which doesn’t surprise me.

  We all decide to go home since Tara’s parents will be over early in the morning and I’m not the only one who is nervous. I think that everyone is.


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