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Annihilation Saga: Lost Royalty

Page 3

by Saxon Andrew

  Thele looked at him, “Why not?”

  “That would free the Algeans; they are sworn to follow the orders of the Stars Realm. Change the name and they might just attack us and take total control.”

  Curan nodded, “I didn’t consider that. Merele is right, the name can’t be changed…but the law can be passed and the sooner the better. I’m surprised the Gardners have not shown up since the visit to the monument.”

  Thele looked at Curan, “Do you have the law written?”

  “I do.”

  “You will introduce it in the morning and I’ll call for a unanimous voice approval. That should take care of any…issues the Gardners might cause. We will, of course, welcome them back with great celebrations and fanfare when they make an appearance but we’ll maintain our control.”

  “You know the people will want them in power.”

  “I know. But the Gardners do stand behind laws and will not challenge us on it.”

  “And if they do?”

  “Then the Stars Realm’s legal government will be forced to follow the law.”

  “Do you think the Algeans will take our side?”

  Thele smiled, “They have more to lose than us. I don’t think it will be an issue.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Curan, go and meet with the Algean Elders and make sure they know what’s at stake.”

  Curan nodded, “I’ll leave immediately after the vote in the morning.”

  Thele smiled, “That would be good. Once the law is passed, release the visitors and allow them to go home.”

  Merele’s eyes narrowed, “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  “We’ll say they were confused and were saying impossible things and we had to hold them to make sure their minds weren’t tampered with. When the Gardners make an appearance, we’ll apologize to them and pay them for the time they were incarcerated. It’s really only a matter of time until the former Queen and King show up so they won’t cause any damage. We’ll make them swear to be quiet if they accept the funds we offer them. Once the Gardners show up it won’t matter.”

  Merele nodded, “You’re right. I’ll contact Earth and set it up for tomorrow afternoon, after the vote takes place.”

  Curan looked at Thele, “Why do you think they’ve come back?”

  “To check up on their baby. They want to see how the Realm is doing and, once they see they’re no longer needed, they should just leave and stay away.”

  “I really hope you’re right about that. If the people get behind them…”

  “They’ll do nothing!” Thele sneered. “We hold the power here and will do whatever we need to do to maintain the Realm’s Peace. Besides, most of our citizens are enriched by the taxes we take in and the majority won’t be willing to give up their wealth to change things.”

  Curan and Merele looked at Thiele hoping he was right, as they turned, and then left the room. Thele sat back and thought about the Gardners. He wondered just how true the ancient legends were about them. He sighed and stood up to go to bed. The Algeans were the important piece in this particular puzzle; he felt they would also resist changing the status-quo.

  • • •

  Dela and Kogo were sitting at consoles on the giant bridge staring at the huge viewport. The Kosiev arrived above the planet a few moments earlier and they were stunned by the number of giant warships in orbit above it. “Are you sure we need him?”

  “Alex, get over it.”


  “Yes, I’m absolutely positive we need him to help us!” Tag replied.

  They heard a mental sigh and then, “I’ve connected you to him.”

  An Algean appeared on the huge wall monitor and Dela and Kogo’s expressions turned to hatred. “Danielle, I didn’t expect you back so soon. How did it go?”

  “You need to pack up and go with us, Sprigly.”

  “But I’m just finishing the construction of the Nrtos’ force field emitter.”

  “Pack it up.”

  “I’m also getting the lens of their blasters being cut out of the substance they used to make them.”

  “Sprigly, where are you doing this work?” Tag asked.

  “In the lab on my ship.”

  “Bring your ship on board the Kosiev and you can work on it in your spare time.”


  “Sprigly, the Algeans have attacked and decimated the Cainth and Glod Planets.”

  The Algean stared out of the monitor and said, “I’ll get things together and arrive within the hour.”

  “That would be good.”

  “Besides, I need Alex’s assistance in the cutting of the lens.”

  The monitor went dark and though Dela and Kogo were angry they couldn’t help but smile at the ships groan. Kogo said, “I hate the Algeans with a passion but it can’t be as bad as you’re acting, Alex.”

  “I invite you to just sit down for one-session with that plant. You’ll run screaming from the room faster than you know.”

  Danielle looked at Dela, “Sprigly is not like the Algeans that attacked your species.”

  “They are all connected telepathically, I suspect you won’t really know that once he connects to the others of his kind,” Dela replied.

  Danielle shrugged, “He put aside his work to come here. He knows his species has done something that is unacceptable. I only ask that you reserve judgement until you get his measure.”

  “I’ll do what I can,” Dela commented.

  “That’s all I ask.”

  • • •

  Exactly one-hour later, Sprigly walked on the bridge. “I’ve reviewed the information in Alex’s data about what’s happened so far. It appears the Realm has lost its way again.”

  “Sprigly, this is Dela and Kogo; they are the ones you saw in the data.”

  Sprigly turned to them, “I am so sorry for what’s happened to your people. It doesn’t make sense to me that you were attacked and that my species carried out the attack.” Dela stared at him and Sprigly sighed, “I do not blame you for your feelings toward me. I would feel the same if our roles were reversed.”

  “Just who do you stand with?!” Kogo asked.

  “I stand with the Stars Realm.”

  “I thought so!”

  Danielle looked at Sprigly, “And where is the Stars Realm, Sprigly.”

  “You and Tag are the Stars Realm, Your Majesty.”

  Kogo’s eyes narrowed and Sprigly said, “The Stars Realm is not a place, it is a who. And the Gardners along with their values and ideals are the Realm, not the people in it. I am sworn to them.”

  Kogo looked at Dela and saw her sigh, “I hope you can help bring order out of this chaos,” Kogo said.

  “I’m concerned about my species attacking your planet. That is not something they would normally do to a long-time ally of the Realm. Something has changed while we’ve been gone.” Sprigly looked at Tag, “That’s why you need me, isn’t it?”

  “I need to make sure your Elders don’t lie to us.”

  “It’s not in our nature to lie, Tag.”

  “Did Sprig and Twig not lie about leaving for the Demon’s dimension? Did they not lie about removing the probes in the Realm while we were gone? Did they not break their oath to defend the planets they brought to their galaxy from the Keepers...”

  Sprigly interrupted him, “Alright, all right…you’ve made your point. Something must have happened that changed them. I agree that I need to be there to see what’s going on. However, I do ask for some time to make some modifications to the Kosiev.”

  “What sort of modifications, Sprigly?” Danielle asked.

  “I want to add the new-force field emitter to Alex’s. It will increase its power ten-times what it is now.”

  “How is that possible? I thought Alex’s force field is the most powerful we’ve ever encountered.”

  “It is, Tag. But if the Elders decide to attack us, I suspect we’re going to need the additional strength, i
f what I saw on the scans of their warships is accurate.”

  “How long will it take?”

  “If Alex and you will assist me, I can convert the emitters in about six-days.” Sprigly paused and said, “If you’ll give me an additional two-days, I can modify the forward blasters with the new lens I’ve developed.”

  “How long would it take to do all of them?” Tag asked.

  “I don’t have enough lens cut to do them all. That will take a lot longer and this isn’t something we should delay.”

  “Why not?” Danielle asked.

  “The current Government of the Realm knows you made an appearance; they are not idly waiting while you’re here.”

  Danielle nodded, “Alex?”

  “I’ll assist him. You are a pain in the thrusters, Sprigly, but there is no one better at developing weapon-technology than you. Tell me what you need.”

  “I need you to open the wall panels under the force field emitters and shut down power to each one as I install the new element.”

  “I’ve opened the front panels.”

  Sprigly looked at Dela and Kogo, “Would the two of you like to observe what’s being done.”

  “We’re no longer allowed to build warships,” Kogo responded.

  Sprigly tilted slightly right, “Who knows how much longer that will be an issue.”

  Kogo shrugged, “I’ll do what I can to help.”

  Dela looked at Danielle, “I’ll stay here with you.”

  Danielle nodded and the others left the bridge. Dela looked at her, “How do you know something’s happened to the Algeans?”

  “Because the Elders we left to rule them would have never allowed an attack on you or the Glod. That tells me the situation is different now.”

  “He’s the first Algean I’ve ever seen in person. Are all of them so…”


  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “The Algean Adolescents are the most precocious of any species I’ve ever known. Once they focus on something, it’s almost impossible to break them away.”

  “Sprigly broke away.”

  “He was confronted with information that shocked his consciousness. He also knows that something drastic has happened and wants to do the same thing you’re doing.”

  Dela tilted her head, “What is that?”

  “Make sure his species isn’t in danger of being eradicated.”

  “Is that possible?”

  Danielle sighed, “I don’t know. However, he knows Tag and I are not someone you want as an enemy. I guess our reputation exceeds our abilities.”

  Dela stared at her and finally said, “I’m beginning to wonder if that’s true. I suspect Sprigly knows what you can do and that speaks volumes to me about your power.”

  “We’ll see.”

  • • •

  The Reporter looked at the little girl and her parents, “This is Rick Powers with K.A.L.M. News and this is Frank and Mary Gill and their daughter Rose Gill. All three of them insist that they had an interaction with the Gardners during their visit to Tag’s House.” The Reporter turned to Frank and said, “Is it true you saw them?”


  “Are you sure it was the Royal Family?”

  “They looked exactly like their portraits hanging on the wall. It was clear that they were the Gardners.”

  “How is that?”

  “Queen Danielle was telling our guide that everything he was saying about them was not true. She stated she had never set foot in the Gardner’s house.”

  Rick smiled and said, “The spokesman for the Assembly says that on many other occasions in the past, visitors have sworn they also met the Gardners in that house but none of the claims ever proved to be true. Why is this time different?”

  The little girl said, “Ask the warriors that were removed from the house when they threatened Queen Danielle.”

  Rick looked down at her and squatted in front of her, “What are you saying?”

  “Six-warriors came in to arrest them and they disappeared.”

  Rick looked up at the parents and they nodded. Rose smiled, “Danielle hugged me and said I look like her daughter, Rose. She was the Queen, I know it was her.”

  Rick stood up and smiled, “I don’t know if what they saw was real but it’s clear the Gills believe it was. This is Rick Powers reporting from outside the Gill’s residence in Central City.”

  • • •

  Curan looked at Thele, “That’s the first mention of the Warriors that were teleported out.”

  “Leave it up to a child to reveal it. Still, it’s been more than two-weeks and nothing has happened. If not for the six-warriors, I’d believe it was all just a mass delusion,” Thele remarked.

  “There’s also the matter of the appearance of a Psychic Warship. At least the law passed without a hitch.”

  Thele nodded. The reports from the visitors were still popping up and now the people on Ross were hearing about the Gardner’s appearance. Where are they?

  Merele leaned back in his chair and said, “The Algeans are questioning the validity of this report.”

  Thiele looked at him, “Why is that?”

  “They are saying that their warships did not detect any vessels near Earth when all of this was going down. They also did not detect any teleportation devices being used and no one knows teleportation like the Algeans.”

  Thele looked at Curan, “When were the warriors teleported out of the house?”

  “That was done prior to the arrival of the Algean Vessels.”

  “Ummmm…could they have been teleported out by a device inside the house?”

  Curan shrugged, “I guess.”

  “If that is what happened, who would be causing this so-called appearance?”

  Curan and Merele looked at each other and shook their heads. After a long silent moment, Curan said, “It still doesn’t make sense that it was done from inside the house.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because the man and woman passing themselves off as the Gardners also teleported out of the house after the Algean Warships arrived. The Algeans did not detect that either.”

  Thele stared at them and asked, “Could a hologram of the Gardners be used to fake their presence. All that would be necessary to make them disappear would be to shut off the emitter; no teleportation would be involved if that were the case. A hologram of the Psychic Ship could have also been used.”

  Curan shook his head, “If a hologram was used, it would have to be done from inside the house. We arrested everyone, including the Tour Guide and none of them had any electronic devices on them.”


  Curan interrupted, “Every one of those arrested agreed that the woman picked up the little girl and hugged her. A hologram couldn’t do that.”

  Thele tilted his head, “No hologram that we’re familiar with could do it. But it might be a device that we don’t know about.”

  “What are you suggesting?” Merele asked.

  “You know how many civilizations out there hate us. This could all be an elaborate ruse to cause dissention in the Realm. If we agree with the Algeans that if teleportation was used they would have detected it, then it wasn’t used to move the couple inside the house.”

  “There is also the question of the force field erected around the house that kept our forces outside.”

  Thele shook his head, “There’s only one thing that’s certain about this.”

  “What is that?” Curan asked.

  “Whoever did it possess an advanced technology we know nothing about.”

  “I’ll start looking in our databanks to see if anything shows up from outside the Realm.”

  Thele looked at Merele, “That is a good idea.”

  Chapter Three

  Tag pushed the small clear device into the slot and looked up, “Is this the last one, Alex?”

  “It is.”

  Tag looked at Kogo, “Thank you for your assistance. I th
ink it was worth the extra-time to go ahead and modify all the blasters. Sprigly, we’ve installed the last lens.”

  “Good. I’ve run out of the material to make them. I have six of them left to use as spares but that’s it. We’ll have to come back here to mine some more of the substance used to make them if we want to make more.”

  “Alex, does this lens make a significant difference in your blasters?”

  “I’ve test-fired one of them early on and yes they do, Tag. The beams are focused such that they are condensed into a beam a full magnitude more powerful than before. My scans indicate that this new beam would have penetrated the Demon’s force fields.”

  “Even the Psychic Ships couldn’t do that.”

  “I know. But technology has a way of getting ever more powerful over time. This is an example of it. Taking me off the installation and allowing me to carve out the lenses saved us a lot of time, Tag.”

  “Kogo’s four-arms made the difference in completing the installation of the blaster lens quickly. Sprigly.” Tag looked at Kogo, “Thanks for your help.”

  “Glad to do it.”

  “Sprigly, we’re going to bring some provisions on board and head back to the Realm. Is there anything you need?”

  “The Hallan have completed the scanner I left with them. Pick it up when you go down to the planet.” Sprigly requested.


  “We were lucky to defeat the aliens attacking the Hallan. They were far ahead of the Hallan’s force field, blaster, and scanner technology. If they had a more powerful energy source, we might not have won the war. However, by applying more power to their weapons, the Hallan are far beyond what we were using prior to the war. The scanner can make an active scan and not be detected. I’ll install it to our long-range scanner on the way out.”

  “How long, Sprigly?”

  “A couple of minutes. It’s just a matter of connecting it in line with Alex’s systems.”

  Tag looked at Kogo, “Want to go down to the planet?”


  “Well, let’s go.”

  “The Hallan Scientists will meet you at the spaceport.” Tag waved an arm and left the room.


  “Yes, Alex.”

  “What do you think happened with your species?”


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