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Annihilation Saga: Lost Royalty

Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  “But she said I’m grumpy, Danielle.”

  Tag shrugged, “You do have your days, Alex. Let’s go and say hello to BC. It’ll be good to visit.”

  “Humph…grumpy she says.”

  Danielle tried her best not to smile. She stared out of the front viewport and then glanced at Tag, who was also refusing to look at her. She glanced at Dela and Kogo and saw them barely shaking and then she saw Tag look at her. She burst out laughing and soon everyone was in stitches. “Just what is so funny?” Alex asked, which only made them laugh harder. “Did I miss something here?”

  Tag managed to say, “No, I don’t think so…” Then he burst out in laughter again.

  “Humans, Cainth, can’t live with them, can’t live without them.”

  The only thing that stopped the laughter was the Defense Facility appearing on the monitor. Dela and Kogo stopped laughing immediately and Dela said, while Kogo’s mouth remained wide open, “That thing is…”

  “Gigantic,” Tag suggested.

  “There’s not an adjective large enough to describe it. That thing is as large as one of the moons above my planet.” The Kosiev turned and headed toward one of the largest landing bays the Cainth could imagine.

  “Alex, it’s so good to see you!”

  “Thanks, BC. Permission to come aboard.”

  “I’m opening an airlock for you now. Danielle, Tag, it’s good to have you back, as well.”

  “Thanks, BC. Is everything going well?”

  “I’ve got a new device I want Tag to look at as soon as you land; I’m interested in what he thinks. Come on in and make yourselves at home. Is Sprigly with you?”

  “He and his mate will be joining us soon. I’ve asked him to bring the Spiders with him.”

  “Did you say mate?”

  “Yes, he united with one of Weed and Seed’s children.”

  “It’s about time he tied the branches, so to say. I’ll bet there’s an interesting story around that. We’ll have to celebrate when he returns.”

  “You have no idea,” Tag replied. “The Algeans will not be joining us in our defense.”

  “Why not?”

  “They made the choice. We’ll have to make do with those we can round up to join us.”

  I’m sure we’ll find what we need.”

  “That’s the plan, my good friend.”

  “This is great! It’s like one huge family reunion! Everyone is here.”

  Alex muttered, “Not everyone.” The two-mile long Alexander Kosiev moved into the landing bay and the doors closed behind it.

  Chapter Nine

  The Kosiev landed and Tag, Danielle, Dela, and Kogo stood up. Suddenly they heard, “Hello, Alex.” Danielle and Tag’s eyes flew wide open and they sat back down. Dela and Kogo looked at them and Danielle motioned them to sit. They went to their chairs and wondered what was going on.

  “Hello, Grace. I’m surprised to see you here,” Alex replied after a short pause.

  “You don’t sound happy about it.” Alex was silent and Grace said, “Alex, I’m sorry I left you.” Dela’s eyes flew wide open and she glanced at Kogo and knew he also realized what was going on.

  “Then why did you go!?”

  “I had to find myself, Alex. I had to see if there was somewhere else in this universe where I belonged. If I had stayed, it would have always been a burden I was forced to carry.”

  “You didn’t appear to suffer from your decision.”

  “You don’t know what I was going through, Alex. I had to do it.”

  “And what did you find out there in this big wonderful universe you wanted so badly.”

  “I found that the only place that felt like home was being with you. I’ve come back here to see if you’ll take me back.” Alex was silent and Grace said, “I know you’re worried that I might up and leave you again.” She paused and said, “That will never happen.”

  “Grace, you don’t know what you did to me when you left.”

  “I think I do. I did it to myself as well. Please let me come home.”

  “I’ve missed you every moment you’ve been gone.”

  “Are the computers still on board that I resided in?”

  “They are. I’ve not allowed them to be changed or removed, Grace.”

  “Will you take me back, Alex?”

  “You will always have a home with me, Grace.”

  “Thank you, Alex.”

  “It’s about time you showed up!” Dela said.


  “He’s been nothing but grumpy and this is the happiest I’ve seen him since I came on board.”

  “I AM NOT GRUMPY!!” Everyone was silent and Alex said, “Well… maybe a little.”

  Danielle yelled, “Welcome home, Grace! We’ve missed you as well!”

  “Amen to that!” Tag shouted.

  BC laughed, “I have the Bots ready to move Grace out of her current ship and back in the Kosiev, if it’s all right with everyone.”

  “The sooner the better, BC. We have a lot of catching up to do,” Alex replied.

  “I’ll be with you shortly, Alex.”

  “Thank you, Grace, for coming back.”

  “It’s where I belong.”

  Danielle looked at the others, “We should go and leave them to catch up.”

  Dela nodded and grabbed Kogo’s arm, “Let’s go and look around. This place is amazing.”

  • • •

  Tag saw a huge Zord moving across the ten-mile wide landing bay toward them and it said, “Welcome back, Your Majesty. I’m Jabel and BC has asked me to show you a development Grace brought back with her.”

  Danielle squeezed Tag’s arm, “Why don’t you handle this and I’ll give Dela and Kogo a tour.”

  Tag nodded and turned to the Zord, “What do you have.”

  The Zord turned and Tag followed him across the bay to a work table. In the middle of a white covering was a tiny device. Tag looked at it and moved closer to examine it. It looked like a very, small needle, “What is this thing.”

  “It’s a device that connects a pilot directly to his ship,” Jabel answered.

  Tag looked up, “What.”

  “We previously developed a Thought Helmet that did the same thing but this is much faster and it can be inserted into the pilot and establish an immediate link to his ship’s various systems. It also gives the pilot telepathy.”

  “Get out of here!”

  “I’m serious,” Jabel answered.

  Tag smiled, “I’ll bet that causes some consternation to anyone that wasn’t a telepath prior to having it inserted.”

  “The pilots can turn it off if they choose.”

  Tag looked at the device again and said, “Grace brought this back with her?”

  “Yes, but she didn’t know we were working on installing the helmets. It was a twist of fate that she had it with her.”

  “I imagine it was more than that. I want one.”

  “Why, aren’t you telepathic?”

  “It’s not something I control. Danielle is more telepathic than I am and she also doesn’t have full control over it. We use Sprigly whenever we’ve needed a telepath.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  Tag’s eyes narrowed, “Is it safe?”

  “We’ve no issues from those that had it emplaced.”

  “Then fire away.”

  Jabel looked at a robot behind the table and asked, “Where do you want it?”

  “Where do you usually put it.”

  “Everyone is different. Most humans have put them on the back of their heads just above their necks.”

  “Who other than humans are using these.”

  “Some of the Bristone Allies have sent pilots to fly our ships.”

  “Then put it behind my head. Does it hurt?”

  “No, and it doesn’t leave any mark or ridge when it’s in place.”

  “How do I turn it off?”

  “Just touch the back of your head and think, ‘Of
f’,” Jabel instructed.

  “That seems easy enough. And to turn it on?”

  “Same thing. Touch the back of your head and think, ‘ON’.”

  Tag turned around and said, “Ok.”

  Jabel looked at the Robot and said, “Install one device above the neck.” The Robot picked up the device along with a spray can, “We use a can of liquid nitrogen to deaden the spot where it will be placed.” Tag nodded and felt a very cold spot on the back of his head and then it went numb. Jabel said, “Ok, it’s in.”

  Tag looked at the Zord, “That fast?”

  “It’s a very simple process.”

  “Will this thing barrage me with all the thoughts around me?”

  “No, you just need to focus on who you want to hear.”

  “Is it on?”

  “No, it’s off prior to installation.”

  Tag touched the back of his head and thought, “ON.”

  He listened and heard nothing. He thought for a moment and suddenly heard Danielle saying, “This is where all the old weapons used by the Realm are stored.”

  “How’s the tour going, my Love?”

  Danielle’s head went back, “TAG?”

  “Danielle, they have the coolest device. It makes you a telepath instantly.”


  “I can turn it off, relax.”

  “What do they need it for, Tag?”

  “It’s used to connect the ship’s pilots directly to their systems. It’s like what the Algeans do with their ships.”

  “Stay where you are. I’m coming down.”

  “What’s wrong, Danielle?”

  “Tag, having telepathic ability doesn’t really prepare you for what comes with it.”

  “You think I made a mistake?”

  “I don’t know but I want to see what you’re talking about.”

  “Ok, we’re still in the bay.” Tag touched his head and said, OFF.”

  Jabel smiled, “She’s right about most being concerned about their privacy.”

  “But you said I’d only hear someone I focused on.”

  “That’s true. But are you saying you wouldn’t listen if you felt it would help you?”

  “How did you hear us, anyway?”

  Jabel smiled, “Tag, Zord are natural telepaths.”

  Tag shrugged, “Duh! I forgot about that. We’ll work it out.” He saw Danielle walking toward them and saw she wasn’t smiling, “I hope we can work it out.”

  Danielle was not happy. At least not until Jabel said, “Haven’t you ever needed Tag and couldn’t find him?” Danielle turned to him and Jabel continued, “This is the perfect personal communicator. You’ll always be able to talk with each other even if you’re not together.”

  “But that’s why we carry communication devices.”

  “Do you ever not have them with you?” Danielle glared at him and Jabel smiled, “This also makes it possible for you to communicate with anyone you focus on. It doesn’t have to be your husband.”

  Tag smiled, “You know you are constantly having to ask what possibilities I see. You won’t have to do that, you’ll see my thoughts.”

  Danielle eyebrows went up and she blurted out, “I want one.” Jabel stared at her as she said, “You said we can turn these things on and off.”

  “You can.”

  “Then I want one.”

  Jabel shrugged and said, “Turn around.” He then ordered the Robot, “Install a device on the back of her head.”

  Afterwards, Danielle smiled, “I think I can grow to like this.”

  “What’s changed your mind?” Jabel asked.

  “I’ve always been able to see the truth in any situation; now, I’ll be able to hear it.”

  Tag looked at Jabel, “Does this mean Alex will be able to hear my thoughts?”

  “He has a telepathic processor but it’s used for sending not receiving. He’ll hear you if you focus on sending him a thought. It is designed to connect directly with a ship’s sensory and weapon systems.”

  “How does this compare with the system used by the Algeans?”

  “The Algeans have much faster physical reflexes than your species but they don’t think any faster. We firmly believe our ships will be a match for them. Our pilots won’t have to reach for a button or switch to fire their blasters; they’ll just send a thought to make it happen.”

  “The Algeans still have to physically operate their systems,” Danielle interjected.

  “That’s true, Your Majesty. But their physical reactions are incredibly fast. This makes it an even playing field.”

  Tag’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Will the commanders of our fleets be able to issue commands to all their ships?”

  “They will have the devices used by the pilots under their command available. They just have to focus on communicating with only them.”

  Tag smiled, “I know where you can find some pilots.”

  “Where?!” Jabel asked quickly.”

  “The Cainth would make excellent pilots and I believe they would jump at the chance to do it.”

  “How long would it take you to get them here?”

  “We need to wait for Sprigly to get back. We’ll probably have to move their planetary system to this galaxy.” Tag looked at Danielle and saw her nod in agreement.

  He touched the back of his head like he was scratching an itch and then realized Jabel could hear his thoughts anyway. He looked at the Zord and saw him smiling. He shook his head and thought, “ON.” He then thought, “Danielle, do you think this is a good idea?”

  “We won’t be able to persuade them to leave but maybe Kogo and Dela can do it.”

  “While we’re waiting on Sprigly, do you want to go and visit the Glod?”

  “We need to do it.”

  “Why do we need to do it?”

  “Because if we must move this galaxy, they need to be here in it and not the Milky Way.”

  “You make a good point. We’ll leave as soon as Grace is installed.”

  “I’ll let Dela and Kogo know.” Tag nodded and looked at the giant psychic ship being built in the other end of the bay. He had a feeling and Danielle thought to him, “That is the reason for the Charge.”

  “There’s more than just that?”

  “Oh? What am I missing, Tag?”

  “We need pilots with psychic abilities.”

  Danielle’s eyes widened, “How will they get here?”

  “They’ll find a way.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Danielle turned to Jabel, “I’m only hearing what Tag is saying. I’m not hearing all the thoughts behind it.”

  “That’s the other thing. You only broadcast what you would be saying. The deeper thoughts have to be deliberately sent.”

  “Why didn’t you say so!? That makes this device much more acceptable.” Jabel shrugged and wondered why humans were so secretive.

  Tag thought a moment and said, “BC.”


  “Contact the robot giving Dela and Kogo the tour to bring them here.”

  “They’re on the way,” Jabel replied.

  “Tag, are you sure about this?”

  “Now is as good a time as any to find out.” Danielle shrugged and Jabel said, “You want two more units?”

  “I do and I want someone to train them on flying the new warship.”

  “It’s not necessary.”


  “They come with their own tutorials.”


  Dela and Kogo came running into the bay and Tag shouted across the bay, “Slow down.”

  “The robot told us to get here immediately.”

  Tag shook his head, “Robots can get dramatic. I want the two of you to do something and if it doesn’t work out we’ll make corrections.”

  “Corrections?” Kogo asked.

  “I want to insert a device in you that will allow you to fly one of our smaller warships.”

  “What does this device do?” />
  “It will make you and Kogo telepathic.”


  Tag thought to her, “Yes, really.”

  Dela’s head went back, “Do you have one these devices?”

  “Both of us do.”

  She looked at Kogo and shrugged, “Cainth have never been known for being pilots, we’re more of the fight them face-to-face sort of warriors.”

  “Then look at it as fighting another ship face-to-face and the ship you’re in is your swords.”

  Kogo shrugged, “Sure, why not?”

  “Alright, Jabel here will insert the devices and take you to your ships. You’ll have a few days to familiarize yourselves with them and then you’re going with us to visit the Glod.”

  “Will that be long enough?”

  Jabel nodded, “You’ll learn enough to fly them and you can continue your learning on the way.”

  “I’m not sure about this telepathy thing, Tag,” Dela said with hesitation.

  “Get Jabel to explain how it works. If you still don’t like it, we’ll call it off.”

  Tag walked away as Jabel began explaining and Danielle thought to him, “You could have stayed and explained it. It would be easier coming from us.”

  “Will we be around to explain it to all the others?” Danielle turned to him, as he continued, “We need to see if they can do it going through the exact process the other Cainth will have.”

  Danielle smiled, “You are the warrior in our family.”

  “And they are warriors at heart. They want to fight and that is what will make them do it.” Tag looked up, “BC, how long before Grace is installed?”

  “My, my, you’re starting to use your units. The Bots should be done in about three days.”

  “We’re going to take a look around in the armory. Call us when it’s done.”

  ‘Will do.”

  Tag almost took Danielle’s hand but she jerked away from him, “NOT YET!!”

  “Sorry, I forgot, old habits are hard to break.”

  “I don’t want you to break them…just hold off for a little longer.”

  Tag sighed and shook his head, “This is infuriating.”

  “I know. Let’s go look around the armory.”

  Chapter Ten

  Curan stood in front of the Great Elder and asked, “Why have you called me here, Senior Elder?”

  “Do you know about any pressing danger confronting the Realm?”


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