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Annihilation Saga: Lost Royalty

Page 15

by Saxon Andrew

  The monitor flashed and they glared at it. “Grang?” Dela asked.

  Grang began reporting, “There’s a few of their ships still here and they appear to be teleporting metals and rare alloys off some planets they conquered. Their fleets have moved away and I suspect the ones remaining will join them shortly.”

  Jimmy shook his head provoking Dela to ask, “What?”

  “You know we’ve given that target universe a death sentence.”

  “If someone held a blaster pointed at you and you could get them to point it at someone else to avoid being killed, would you do it, Jimmy?”

  “I guess. But that still feels like a bad thing to do.”

  “That’s the nature of survival, Jimmy. It’s not pretty and not something you like doing…but that’s how this creation works.” Dela checked the monitor a last time and ordered, “Take us to the Dark Dimension, Grang.”

  The giant Psychic Ship disappeared and Dela knew Jimmy was right; she was going to lose a lot of sleep over her decisions. She looked over at Kogo and knew she wouldn’t do it any other way…losing him was not an option.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Danielle looked up at Eyes as he entered her office, “I need you to go back to the Realm’s Universe and see if you can tell if we’ve bought ourselves more time.” Eye’s long tail twitched and he stared at Danielle in silence. “What are you thinking, Eyes?”

  “Why worry about it?”

  Danielle’s brow furrowed and her eyes narrowed, “I thought you were dedicated to defending life in our universe?”

  “I am.”


  “Why has the Realm’s Universe been invaded so many times?”

  “I’m not sure I understand the question?”

  “The Realm has been invaded many times due to the abundance of life and advanced civilizations in it. Any major invader that discovers it will invade, because of that abundance. This is another example of that taking place again.”

  “Are you suggesting we ignore the coming invasion?” Danielle asked shaking her head in amazement.

  “I am.”

  “And just what does the creative forces that brought that universe into existence feel about that?”

  “I’m not sure the creative forces have feelings. However, after so much loss of life, I sense that it is growing weary of them. Allowing the invaders to cleanse the universe of life and starting over with the Bristone Galaxy offers a respite.”

  “Eyes, you can’t be serious!?”

  “Think about it, Danielle. Any future invader will find an empty universe and will just move on. This cleansing will remove all the aggressive civilizations that still exist and we can make sure no others evolve afterwards. We’ll keep an eye on the other universes and move the galaxy again before they arrive if required.”

  “You’re suggesting we allow billions of civilizations to be killed.”

  Eyes sat down on his haunches and nodded, “Yes, I guess I am. But the universe that develops afterwards will be better and more peaceful than the one it replaces.”

  “That will take millions of years to happen.”

  “Against eternity, that’s not that long, Danielle.”

  Danielle glared at the giant Cat and asked, “Do you have any children?”

  “I do.”

  “And you’d sit by and watch them die to build a better place?”

  Eye’s lowered his head before answering, “My children will be here safe with me in the Dark Dimension.”

  “As I understand creation, all life in our universe is considered Creation’s Children. Would you allow a few of your children to come with you here and leave the others to die?” Eyes glared at her and Danielle continued, “I suspect bringing you here and separating you from Creation Forces has caused you to lose your connection. Now you’re only thinking logically and not feeling the pain of Creation. You need to go back and determine if we have more time. After you do that, we’ll discuss this further.”

  “I won’t change my mind.”

  “Then you have no reason to avoid going. I’ll have the Grang take you back and, once you find out if our subterfuge worked, you can come back.” Eyes glared at her and teleported away.

  • • •

  Jimmy flinched when the giant cat appeared on the Grang’s bridge. He turned back to his console and inquired, “Queen Gardner has requested we take you back to our former universe. Is there anywhere in particular you want to go?”

  “Take me to the coordinates where El Prado was located.”

  “There’s nothing there now.”

  “I’M AWARE OF THAT!!” Eyes snapped.

  Jimmy touched the back of his head, focused, and thought, “Lola, Queen Danielle has ordered us to make another trip.”

  “Are Dela and Kogo going with us?”

  “No, we’ll be on our own this time.”

  “I’ll need you to have me teleported in.”

  Jimmy nodded and asked, “Grang, do you have her current position?”

  “I do. I’ll move her here as soon as she gets dressed.”

  “What was she doing?”

  “Taking a nap at her parent’s quarters.”

  Jimmy turned to Eyes and said, “It appears you’re not really happy about this but we did not make this happen.”

  Eyes purred slightly, “I know; I’m sorry, I’m just a little on edge. Let’s just get this done.”

  Jimmy nodded, “Grang, do you have the coordinates?”

  “I do and they’ve been loaded into the dimensional-drive.”


  Ten minutes later, Lola appeared on the bridge and Jimmy saw her eyes fly wide open. Jimmy looked at Eyes and the giant cat said, “My name is Eyes and I thank you for assisting me.”

  Lola sat in her chair and said, “Hey! No problem!”

  “Jumping to El Prado’s former position,” Grang announced. The monitor darkened and Jimmy wondered what was going on.

  • • •

  Jimmy and Lola remained in their chairs; the giant Northern Mountain Cat took up most of the room on the large bridge. It was pacing two-steps right, then it would turn, and pace two-steps to the left. They watched the giant cat and it appeared to remain in a foul mood. It continued to pace for an hour and Jimmy saw Lola’s expression. He shook his head indicating for her to be silent. She nodded and they continued to watch Eyes pacing in the restricted space.

  Suddenly, the giant cat sat down on his haunches. His eyes closed and he began swaying slightly from side-to-side. Jimmy stared at Eyes and wondered how long this was going to continue. He opened the front viewport and stared out at the distant lights of galaxies in the far distance. He smiled and Lola took his hand. “This just feels like home, Lola.”

  “I know, Honey. The Dark Dimension feels like…”

  Jimmy waited for a response and finally said, “Something foreign?” Lola nodded and continued to gaze out of the viewport before taking his hand.

  • • •

  After three-hours passed, Eyes opened his eyes and looked at them, “I need you to take me to another place.”

  “Where is that?”

  “The Algean Holy Grove.”

  “That was not in the orders Queen Gardner sent me!” Grang announced loudly.

  “I know. But you will do as I ask.”

  “Why?” Grang asked.

  “Because Creation has asked me to go.”

  The bridge was silent and after what seemed like a long time, Grang said, “I will do as you request. I sense you’re going to do something the Queen will not approve.”

  “I have to do what she can’t, Grang.”

  “I’m activating my defenses and we’ll jump as soon as they are online.”

  Eyes nodded and remained on his haunches staring out of the viewport.

  • • •

  The Great Elder stood in the Holy Grove and was greatly troubled. He learned three-months earlier that the Bristone Galaxy had disappeared. He struggle
d to determine what that meant and finally determined it meant nothing but trouble.

  Suddenly, he heard a foreign thought, “I wish to talk with you about some issues.”

  The Great Elder jerked the top of his tall body, “Who are you?”

  “I’m what you would know as a Northern Mountain Cat.”

  The Elder flinched his trunk and knew the Cat’s reputation. He thought softly, “Why are you here?”

  “You have caused the Gardners to turn their backs on your species because of your arrogance and stupidity. They will not tell you anything about what’s coming but I have been asked to come and tell you things you need to know to assist in your survival.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Because your species is one of Creation’s Children and the Forces hope you are not removed from creation.”

  The Great Elder slumped slightly as he listened to the Cat, “What do you wish to tell me?”

  “Your species was once an important tool the Forces used to make this universe a special place. But you lost your way by allowing the guilt of destroying so many civilizations before Rose Gardner gave you back your natural food. Now you place the welfare of the civilizations brought to your galaxy ahead of everything, including the rest of this universe. Now you’ll be faced with another decision.”

  “What is that?”

  “Do you attempt to save those civilizations and risk all of your species perishing or step back and do what is necessary to save your civilization?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “This universe is going to be invaded three-years from now and there will be no saving the civilizations brought here from the Keeper’s Universe. If you attempt to save them, you will die with them.”

  “But…we can’t allow them to die!”

  “They’ll die no matter what you do. If just one of your advanced warships is used to defend them, your species will die.”


  “Because the invaders will see the pilot operating the ship and know that your species is a real danger. You are going to have to play the role of plants and nothing else. If you don’t do this, you will lose everything.”

  “What are you suggesting I do with my warships?”

  “Destroy them or give them to the Realm to use. Anything else is death.”

  “Will the Gardners find a way to defeat this invader?”

  “I don’t know. It doesn’t look good, at the moment. But they will not come to your defense and you’ll die long before they can win this fight.”

  “How do I know what you’re saying is true?”

  “You don’t, Great Elder. I suggest you read your ancient history and make that determination after you see the role my species has played in the past.”


  “Great Elder, you will watch those civilizations die that made you turn your back on Creation or you will die with them. It’s a price you’ll have to pay to find redemption for your actions. Whatever you choose to do, your future lies in your branches. I’ve fulfilled the task I’ve been given by telling you this. Now it’s up to you to decide.”

  “Is there any way I can convince Danielle to move this galaxy?!”

  “You need only look at your last conversation with her to know the answer to your question. Your arrogance and stupidity leaves you to face this alone.”

  “What about the Realm?”

  “There is no saving it,” Eyes answered.

  “She’ll just allow it to die?”

  “Along with your species. Like she said during her last meeting with you, there are consequences to decisions. I’ve told you what I came to say and I do hope you will be wise in what you decide. I suggest reading your history will give you enough information to make a good decision.”

  The thought abruptly ended and the Great Elder stood in the Holy Grove shaking. The other Elders did not hear the conversation and he knew that he would be alone in deciding his species’ fate.

  • • •

  Eyes turned to Jimmy, “We can go back now.”

  Lola looked at Jimmy and then turned to Eyes, “Is what you just told him true?”

  “It is.”

  “But there are billions of innocent people still in the Realm.”

  “There are literally trillions of innocent beings in this universe outside the Realm. The citizens in the Realm have heard what happened when Danielle confronted the Assembly and they have allowed their leaders to remain in power.”

  Lola lowered her head and Jimmy sighed, “Lola, why did we feel the need to leave?”

  “What do you mean, Jimmy?”

  Jimmy shrugged, “I felt Danielle’s call and I sensed that there was no saving Ross. Did you not feel it?”

  Lola’s eyes were moist as she replied, “I did…but that was just Ross.”

  “Was it?” Lola lowered her head again and began to sob. Jimmy continued, “We can sense the future now. When the Gardner’s psychic blast hit us, I saw what was coming and it included more than just Ross.” Lola nodded and went into his arms. Jimmy held her and looked up, “Grang, take us back.” The monitor flickered and they saw the Dark Dimension appear around the psychic ship.

  Eyes said, “Grang, thank you for agreeing to help me. Please take me to the Queen’s location.”

  • • •

  Eyes teleported to the Defense Facility and thought, “Your Majesty, do you have a moment?”

  “Where are you?” Danielle asked.

  “I’m in the main-landing bay.” Eyes waited and saw Danielle and Tag enter the bay. Danielle walked up and Eyes said, “I was wrong.”

  “What did you find out?”

  “We have about three-years.”

  Danielle glared at him before saying, “What else?”

  “I only had half of the truth. Creation demands we try to save the inhabitants in our universe but only if it’s possible to do it and not lose everything. If it isn’t, we shouldn’t make the effort.”

  Danielle sighed, “Thank you for going, Eyes.”

  “There’s more.” Danielle looked him in the eyes. “I was told to go and tell the Algeans what was coming.”


  “Because they were once a tool used by Creation Forces. They’ll have to allow the civilizations in their galaxy to die without helping them.”

  “And if they do fight to save them?” Tag asked.

  “Their species will die in the effort.”

  The Gardners stared at Eyes as the revelation sunk in and then Tag lowered his eyes, “Either way, they’ll be paying a price for their actions.”

  “I’m not so sure about that, Tag!”

  “Danielle, if you were forced to stand by and do nothing while your children are killed, would there be a greater price you could pay?”

  Danielle closed her eyes and shook her head, “You’re right.”

  “Your Majesty,” Eyes began, “during the next three-years, while we’re preparing for what’s coming, I need to transport my Watchers back to the universe periodically to insure we don’t lose touch with the Forces.”

  “It might be easier to send El Prado’s system back until the invasion begins,” Tag Suggested.

  Danielle nodded, looked at Tag and thought, “So much death, so much death.” He took her in his arms and nodded.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sprigly and Seedel were examining the recordings the Grang brought back and Seedel’s branches were shaking slightly, “Sprigly, I thought our weapons wouldn’t work against those black warships?”

  Sprigly leaned slightly back in a shrug and said, “It appears the new blasters are too powerful to teleport them through their hulls.”

  “If that’s the case, why are we so afraid of them?” Sprigly stared at Seedel and she continued, “If our forces are able to defeat them, what’s stopping us from attacking them before they arrive?”

  Sprigly rewound the recording and watched the black warships explode again. “It
does appear you’re making a good point. We can destroy their ships.”

  “So, what’s going on?” Sprigly stared at the monitor watching the black ships blowing up and then his leaves turned a dull-green color. Seedel saw his reaction and said, “What?”

  “There must be a bigger threat to our universe than them. It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

  “What are you talking about, Sprigly.”

  Sprigly shook slightly and thought, “Danielle, Tag! I need you to come to my lab immediately!”

  “What’s going on, Sprigly?” Tag thought back to him.

  “I hope I’m wrong about this but I need you to come and see what you sense.”

  “I’ll meet you at Sprigly’s ship, Tag!”

  “On my way, Danielle.”

  • • •

  Tag and Danielle watched the Grang’s attack on the black warships and Danielle turned to him, “I thought our blasters wouldn’t damage them?”

  “I did as well, Danielle. But I believe, after viewing these recordings, that the power of our new blasters causes the black ship’s hulls to flex slightly disrupting the teleportation field’s rigidity, thus causing it to fail.”

  Tag watched the recordings and turned to Sprigly, “If that’s the case, that civilization doesn’t pose as great a threat as we thought.”

  Danielle stared at Sprigly and Tag with her eyes wider, “Then why has a Creational Crisis taken place?”

  Sprigly paused and said, “Danielle, there must be a greater threat than those ships that is causing the crisis.”

  Tag stared at Sprigly for a long moment and then started shaking his head slowly. Danielle looked at Tag and listened to his thoughts. Her face turned pale and she said aloud, “You believe he’s right?”

  Tag nodded, “I sense he is. There is another threat to our universe that we’ve not found.”

  “What do you see, Tag?” Kogo asked as he and Dela stepped on to the bridge.”

  The Gardners and Algeans turned and Sprig asked Kogo as he walked up, “Did you hear what we just said?” Kogo and Dela nodded. “Why did you come here?”

  “I heard a thought that suggested I was needed here,” Kogo replied.


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