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Black Tie Affair

Page 5

by Rice, Rachel E.

  “Who knows Alex, you might enjoy taking your frustrations out. It can only be good for your relationship with Max.”

  “Shut up.” I narrowed my eyes. “If you say one more word...” I thought of something. “Maybe we can pay him off. I have loads of money Max put in my account. And then there’s the money my birth mother left me in her will.”

  “That’s no good. I think he has more money than he knows what to do with. It’s not money he’s looking for, Alex.” I tried every way possible to get out of this quagmire Jonas just threw me in. “When is Max due to return? Jonas asked.”

  “Tomorrow,” I said hoping he would call it off.

  “What. Why so soon?” Jonas said standing and walking in a circle threading his hands through his dark hair.

  “Max tries to be home on Saturdays. Could you have done more to fuck up my life?” Jonas walked to his leather bag and pulled out a slick black short dress.

  “What’s with the bag and that dress?” He took a minute responding as if he was searching for a lie.

  “You will have to wear this.” I gazed at him, he knew by my scorching glare that if I had a weapon, I would probably kill him, so he dropped the obscene black cat suit on the chair near me. “I brought it from my shop. It’s all the rage,” he said pointing at the short black leather dress. It’s one of my best sellers on play night. “Good thing you didn’t pick up any weight when you had the baby. It’s a size six.”

  “Am I supposed to feel better?” I said wrinkling my nose and glaring at the dress. “How am I to get into your place without anyone seeing me?”

  “I run a high class joint with high class clientele.”

  “Sure you do, Jonas Blackstone. You are the same Jonas who married a teenager and her parents blackmailed you, and Max had to pay them off. This is just another one of your schemes that will probably go south leaving me holding the bag like you’ve done so many times to Max.”

  “Not this time. I have lots of respect for you, Alex. And I have Crystal to keep me in check.”

  “Stop the bullshit, Jonas. Remember me, we both had a fucked up childhood. I’m trying to straighten mine out and here you are getting ready to...”

  “I wouldn’t ask you, but Crystal is pregnant and the baby needs a father.”

  “Just like my sons need their mother. Remember.” I peeked at Jonas with his head down and I felt sorry for him. Maybe that was what Max was trying to tell me. Jonas couldn’t help fucking up his life and those that came around him. He didn’t mean any harm. He just wasn’t right when he came home from Afghanistan. “Just this once,” I said pointing a finger at him. I gave in against my better judgment.

  He took my hand and kissed it. I looked at him and shook my head. “Can my driver take me there and wait for me?”

  “No, Alex. You have to be discreet. Take a cab. I’ll make sure you have transportation back.” I shot a worried glance at him. “And wear one of your wigs and carry your silk black mask,” he said.

  “Anything else?” I said in my most sarcastic voice. “This had better be the truth.”

  “I swear,” Jonas said holding up two fingers.”

  Chapter 5

  I couldn’t sleep at all for wondering what could go wrong. I had to take a look at the costume that Jonas had given me. I tried it on. It fit great. Maybe I could wear it when Max came home. What am I doing with this? I let out an emotional breath. I know my husband wanted this from me and yet I denied him. Now I’ve agreed to pleasure another man.

  I held a cup of coffee to my lips when Jonas walked out of the spare bedroom into the dining area, dressed in black slacks and white shirt with a black trim on the collar, looking as handsome as Max, and after all, they are twins. I had to remind myself. He strolled in relaxed heading over to the warmer and dished out his breakfast.

  He held a plate containing sausage and scrambled eggs. He picked up two toasted English muffins, dropped them on his plate, and sat across from me. “Hand me the strawberry preserves, will you, Alex?”

  “For a second, I thought you were Max, but I remembered that tattoo on your hand. It took me a while to realize there were two of you. Twins and different as night and day.”

  “Not in the looks department,” he said sipping his coffee and giving me a closed smile, “and not what we expect from women.”

  “Let’s not discuss that, we’re getting into yucky territory,” I said. “What time will I have to be at your place? And how long will this last?” Jonas placed a fork full of eggs into his mouth, and drank his orange juice, after drinking a cup of black coffee.

  “An hour,” he said between chewing his food.

  “An hour?” I questioned choking on a small sip of orange juice.

  “I have to charge by the hour even if you’re not expected to be there that long. The price for a good Dom with all these rich bastards who want discretion and want to remain anonymous is one hundred thousand an hour. A good Sub is fifty.”

  “What are you doing with the money?” I narrowed my eyes. He must be making a fortune. Jonas turned with his eyes clouded. His mind lost somewhere.

  “I had to pay the middle men. In New York, you have to do these things,” he said raising his hands in desperation. “Everyone gets a piece of the pie. It’s a part of doing business in this town.” Jonas sauntered to the window glaring at the Manhattan sky line.

  “Then why don’t you go back to San Francisco?”

  “All the excitement is here, and all the money is with these billionaires. Max has the best Dom in all of the world, and that’s you, Alex.” Jonas’s eyes widen like a crazed man and then fade to me. When his green eyes met mine, they darkened. “He doesn’t know how lucky he is. He has the most sought after woman in this world of bondage, and some men would do anything for a woman like you.”

  I couldn’t believe Jonas. He had lost what little mind he had left. My hands tightened on the chair. He had just parted with information I’m sure Max didn’t want me to know about, nor did I care to hear about my going price in the world of Bondage.

  “This is the first and last time. You just tell that lawyer that I’m no one’s mistress. Does he know that Max is my husband?”

  “No. I’m not that stupid.” I rolled my eyes at him. I just said that I knew someone from San Francisco that serviced Maximillian Blackstone. He doesn’t know anything about you and Max.”

  “You’re using Max as a poster boy for BDSM?” I closed my eyes in disbelief. “Jonas, get the hell out of here.”

  Jonas drank a glass of water, said goodbye to the dog after giving him a treat, and trotted out the door. I hoped he wasn’t desperate enough to do something completely dangerous, but then he’s Jonas Blackstone the most carefree, callous, sexually uninhibited, handsome man I know—my brother-in-law, and he scares the hell out of me.


  My nerves had gotten the best of me after talking to Jonas. I told Lapita to take care of the children and the dog because I felt sick to my stomach. She took them to the first floor where their playroom was located. My plans were a long shower to wash away how dirty I felt with Jonas. Afterwards, I lay down across my bed and stared up at the lights in the chandelier until it hypnotized me into a long sleep and into thinking I could do this.

  Still not convinced after I woke that I could pull this off, but I had to because I promised Jonas. I dressed about six pm. I packed the cat woman costume in my thirty-thousand dollar insane designer bag. I placed the cat-o-nine tails I had used on Max, and I brought along handcuffs, and a black silk mask the kind you wear to a costume ball. I wasn’t taking any chances with that man seeing me or getting near me. I had to remember to get in there and beat him to submission and get out without anyone being the wiser. That should be easy, I thought.

  Now all I have to do is get through my lobby without that devilishly handsome man seeing me. It is as if he times me, or have cameras around, why else would he show up as often. I’ve lived in here for a year, and never had the same hours as anyo
ne else.

  I made it off the elevator and into the lobby. I asked the doorman to call a cab. There was one waiting nearby and he flagged him down. I took a deep breath, so far so good, I thought. I checked my pulse because it was beating so fast. I exhaled. Just as I was climbing into the yellow cab, I turned to make sure no one saw me, and our eyes met. He hurried to the door and was out standing near the cab before it took off, rushing to the window leaning in he said, “Do you need a ride?”

  “Do I look like I need a ride? Please leave me alone.”

  “You smell delicious.” And he passed his tongue over his top lip. Nervously fidgeting with the buttons, I managed to raise the window.

  “Cabby, please leave.” Robert stepped away and the cab pulled from the curb. I didn’t look back because I was so anxious. I thought I would faint. What am I doing dashed through my mind. “It’s for a good cause, it’s for a good cause, and I’m saving Jonas’s life,” I mumbled over and over rocking in the back seat of the cab.


  I arrive at a beautiful stately mansion, hid away behind shrubbery and trees, which probably belonged to some newspaper baron in the eighteenth or nineteenth century. It stood in the middle of Park Ave near Fifth. The mansion appeared inconspicuous and like most of the stately homes of years gone by, a façade of gargoyles could be seen perched near the windows. There was nothing that screamed there were unsavory acts going on behind its walls. The house was well maintained. It took money to renovate something of that magnitude and Jonas was overreaching. He was so high up over his head that it would be a disaster if he came down to earth.

  Jonas was no different than most siblings. They had to prove to someone that they are successful too. After feeling like a failure his whole life, Jonas struck out on his own to prove to Max that he could be as successful as Max, but Jonas was never a businessman. He had too many distractions and now he was adding one more distraction to his collection—Crystal and a baby.

  Now I became part of the deceptions that Jonas is known for. But who could resist that beautiful, innocent troubled man-boy? After all he is Max’s brother. I guess I could do this one favor for him, this one time. I looked around, he had to have sunk lots of money into this venture I prayed it worked for him. I paid the cabby and the glare I received from his eyes when he handed me my change, told me he knew what was going on behind those stately doors.

  I reached into the pockets of my trench coat and fished out the card Jonas gave me. I pulled down the tight black cat woman suit. In my bag I had a special whip made for me by Max. I felt guilty using it but I had more and I would throw it away. Get rid of the evidence so to speak. I felt like I was committing a crime and I had to get rid of the body.

  The red wig I’m wearing, after I got a distance from Robert, I pulled it over my hair before I reached this destination. I was dying to wear the wig for Max and somewhere deep, I felt a tinge of excitement run through me.

  My life had been so boring lately. Wasn’t it meant to be that way since my husband was gone all the time, and I had two young children? I scold myself. Did I agree to this madness because of Jonas, or to alleviate my bored existence and satisfy an urge? As I neared the door and pushed the bell, I thought, oh my god, I need a hobby. I sucked in a full breath and an empty smile slid over my face.

  The small window opened and a pair of dark brown eyes peered at me. I opened the trench coat showing the sleek black short leather dress, six inch black patent leather heels, and then I placed the black and gold card in front of my face. The large mahogany door swung open. The mansion’s foyer dark, except for dimly lit scones hanging along the wall in the shape of small chandeliers, did nothing to brighten the place.

  I kept walking behind a tall elegant dressed man in a black suit. He said to follow him to the desk. An attractive blond with dark eyebrows greeted me, giving away that she was anything but a natural blond, but who was these days? I smiled at her and she smiled warmly back and said, “This way.”

  “We were waiting for your arrival,” she said turning glancing at me and then she continued walking.

  “Whose we,” I said to her.

  “Jonas...I mean Mr. Rich said that he was expecting you. The card you presented was one of his. He only gives them out to our specialist. The men and women who have achieved the status of Master in this sexual art of pleasure.” I glanced at her and noticed that she had been thoroughly indoctrinated by Jonas. He had that way of convincing young women who had just arrive here from a small city or farm, that he was some kind of Svengali, and would act as their protector and mentor.

  If I didn’t know him and I had laid eyes on his beautiful face for the first time, I probably would have fallen prey to his soft spoken voice and innocent eyes, but I fell for the twin with the brooding, stoic, and pensive disposition hiding behind a beautiful handsome face, and a body that would send me on all fours begging for more.

  “I’m an artist?” I asked not believing what I heard coming from the young woman who was all of twenty and not a day more.

  “Of course you are. Art is not just for poets, writers, actors, and painters,” she said, her head bobbing side to side as she spoke. “All individuals who achieve at the highest level in their field are considered artist,” she continued raising her head and eyeing me.

  “And what is your area of expertise?” I asked her.

  “I’m still a novice, but the Master says that I will be the best Sub money can buy. He’s grooming me and he’s my mentor. I’m still at the proficient stage until Jonas, I mean Mr. Rich gives me the Ok. Now I only service him.” Now I knew why Crystal was upset.

  “I see. And what else does the Master say?” I questioned raising an eyebrow.

  “He says that securing a Dom like you wasn’t easy, and that you command a fee of one hundred thousand or more just for one hour.” She paused looking at me, “Whenever he can bring an artist of your standing into our establishment, word gets around, and our rooms are booked every day for the entire year. We have large crowds at our play nights, where Doms and Subs put on demonstrations. It would be fun to have you join us one night.”

  I bet it would, I thought. “That will be the day,” I quietly murmured.

  The Sub stopped and pointed to the door. “The Master’s office. I’m not allowed in there.”

  After a long dark walk through an unending corridor of doors, I made it into Jonas’s office. He stood with a pleasant smile, then walking from behind his wide mahogany desk to greet me, he gave me a hug. His office was bright and cheerful, unlike the hallway leading there. Tiffany lamps everywhere. His smile, one of relief.

  “I thought you weren’t coming,” he said exhaling and grabbing me and embracing me tight, his nose touching my neck. “You smell great.” I pulled away from him.

  “You didn’t tell me you were charging more than one hundred thousand dollars.”

  “I said that a Dom can command one hundred K. I have to charge that and then there are the extras. I owe that to that fucking lawyer,” he said walking behind his desk and sitting in his dark leather chair then placing his legs leisurely on his desk. I got a look at his Italian bespoke shoes the kind Max wears.

  “Enough of your crying Jonas. Show me to the room and let’s get this over with. I have children, a husband, and a puppy that thinks I’m his mother. I don’t need any more complications in my life,” I said pulling out the whip and striking it on his leather chair. My eyes a fiery glow. Jonas jumped at the sound and stood.

  “Alex. Alex. Alex.”

  “What?” I said turning around.

  “Nothing.” Jonas saw that I was angry and who wouldn’t be angry? I can’t believe I let him talk me into this irrational idiocy.

  “The client is waiting,” he said ushering me to the door.

  “Is he bound and gagged and does he have his mask over his head where he can’t see me?” Knowing Jonas you have to ask specific questions. I looked at him. “Well?”

  “Well, not quite,” he said t
hreading his hands through his dark curly hair. “He said that he would pay an extra Fifty thousand if you would handcuff him.”

  “I’m not going in there,” I said.

  “But you have to, Alex. I over sold the fantasy. I told him that he has never had a mind blowing experience such as the one you will provide, and he will never forget it in a lifetime.”


  “I was just paraphrasing Max’s words when he first met you and you did what it is you do.”

  “But that was for Max to enjoy. Only Max. I didn’t know what I was doing. I read a few articles and the rest I Googled, then I tried it on Max. I was in love with Max. And Max loved me. It was more of what his mind told him.”

  “Pretend he’s Max.”

  “I can’t believe you. How in the hell am I going to do that?” I headed for the door. Jonas ran after me and stood in front of me.

  “Please Alex. Just do it once and I’ll be out of debt and I’ll never bother you again. Do this for Crystal and the baby.”

  Shaking my head, my eyes blinking I said to him, “Show me the room.” He walked behind me measuring his distance down the corridor. The walls were soundproof. Great. The lights dim. Great. You couldn’t hear the screams and lashes and who knows what else going on inside the rooms and I bet it was a lot. Jonas spent a pretty penny and probably Max’s money to equip the mansion with exotic beds and furnishings which hid what was really going on behind closed doors.

  “By the way, you look gorgeous and you look the part. That wig could fool Max.” My eyes shot to him and he shut up.

  “Get out!” I had to calm myself before I walked out of the door behind him. I looked over and there was a bar and some snacks. A menu was setting nearby. I took a look at it. No wonder he’s in debt. He’s offering too many amenities. Breakfast, dinner and supper, Champaign and caviar. Maybe I’m missing something. Who stays from breakfast through dinner? Nothing but a sex addict with too much money and too much time.


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