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Loralynn Kennakris 2: The Morning Which Breaks

Page 70

by Owen R. O'Neill

  Senior Grand Senator from Hesperia.

  Grinenko, Deirdre:

  Commander in the CEF Navy. LSS Retribution’s Chief Engineer.


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  Heink, Fred:

  Retired CEF warrant officer. Old friend of Rafe Huron and a private flight instructor.

  Hellman, Korliss:

  A prominent Bannerman financier known to do ‘unofficial diplomacy’ on behalf of Halith. With Orlando Kagan-Lazar, he set up a bank to help slavers handle their business. (Nestor Mankho was a client.)

  Heydrich, Christian:

  Admiral of the Halith Imperial Navy. Chief of Halith Military Intelligence. From an old noble family, he holds the title Lord Meremont and is a member of the Council of Ministers. Notably sadistic, even for a Halith aristocrat. From Halith Evandor.

  Heydrich, Tristan:

  Major General in the Halith Imperial Ground Forces and commander of a penal colony. Younger brother of Admiral Christian Heydrich. Of dubious reputation.

  Holder, Jackson:

  Majority owner and CEO of Caelius Protogenos, one of the largest business enterprises in existence. A Messian commoner, he emigrated to New California as a young man. Business and political rival of Grand Senator Huron, whom he intensely dislikes.

  Hoste, Ambrose:

  Commandant of the CEF Academy. Close to Commander Buthelezi, his former TAO. From Aquitaine on New Meridies.

  Hotchkiss, Alane:

  A marine cadet at the CEF Academy. An upperclassman and Minx’s girlfriend. From Alpha Lyrae on Venus. Age 22

  Huron IV, Rafael:

  Grand Senator for Terra and the longest serving Speaker of the Grand Senate. Head of the League’s richest and most powerful family. A twice-married widower: Alana Zavala-Marquez (‘90), Marilyn Alandale (‘01). Has had a long-running feud with Jackson Holder.

  Huron V, Rafael


  Lt. Commander in the SRF. A highly decorated fighter pilot, second in kills on the Active List. Son of Grand Senator Huron and Alana Zavala-Marquez. Born: yr ‘97 (Age 42)

  Huron, Charles Marcellus:

  Second son of Grand Senator Huron. Manager in the family business. His mother was Marilyn Alandale, Senator Huron’s second wife.

  Huron, Marcus Leviticus (Marc):

  Youngest son of Grand Senator Huron. A physicist specializing in gravitic technology. His mother was Marilyn Alandale, Senator Huron’s second wife.


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  Kagan-Lazar, Orlando:

  A semi-retired official from the Andaman finance ministry. Helped Korliss Hellman establish a bank catering to slavers under his government’s auspices. (Nestor Mankho was a client.)

  Karmin, Shardine:

  A famous Halith actress and model in the years immediately before LH-1. Born Carissa Pagorskav. Mistress of Nikolai Arutyun. Listed birthplace is Vehren, but thought to be from Zalamenkar. Sometimes compared with Mariwen Rathor. Thought to be a rejuvenant.

  Kasena, Jasmine:

  Former CEF Fleet Admiral and CNO. A good friend of Admiral Ashlynn Kiamura, who was her protégé. Resigned over the failure at Novaya Zemlya. From Kyoto.

  Kelleher, Liam:

  Commander in the CEF Navy. Chair of the Academy’s Department of Military Justice..

  Kennakris, Loralynn


  A flight-officer candidate at the CEF Academy and former slave owed by Anton Trench, captain of the contract slaver Harlot’s Ruse. A colonial from Parson’s Acre in the Methuselah Cluster. Reportedly born in the year ‘19 (Age 20)

  Kennakris, Nathan:

  Father of Loralynn Kennakris. A colonial, but his background is unknown. An alcoholic widower who committed suicide when Kris was 11.

  Kiamura, Ashlynn:

  Admiral in the CEF, and the victor of the Battle of Anson’s Deep. Reported missing and presumed dead at Novaya Zemlya. Protégé of Fleet Admiral Jasmine Kasena. From California (Southern Territory).

  Kriesel-Roth, Vaishali:

  Chief of staff to Grand Senator Huron. A colonial from Mytilene in Crucis.


  Slave of Ravel Corcoran, captain of Lady Day. Originally from Lacaille. Reportedly 16 years old.


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  Lawrence, Sir Phillip:

  Captain of the battlecruiser, LSS Retribution. A New Meridian peer from Roncesvalle.

  Lessing, Taylor:

  Chief of staff to Grand Senator Grimbles.

  Levasseur, Byrony:

  Sandrine Onstanyan’s birth name.

  Lewis, Minerva:

  Captain in the CEF Marine Corps. Twice All Forces Unarmed Combat Champion. From Lodestone Station in the Outer Trifid. Born: yr ’98 (Age 41)

  Lopez, Antoinette:

  Gunnery Sergeant in the elite CEF Marine 101st Special Operations Brigade (Strike Rangers). Member of CAT 5. Fireteam Charlie’s leader. From Antigua.


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  Half-Max surgeon’s mate on Harlot’s Ruse. Of unknown origin.

  Mankho, Nestor:

  A terrorist warlord and founder of the Black Army, who once declared his own state on Rephidim. Later launched a plot he called the Alecto Initiative. An anarchist. Origin unknown. Married to Sandrine Onstanyan.

  Martinsen, Reidar:

  SWO in the CEF Navy. Lead helmsman, LSS Retribution.

  Matheson, Eliot:

  A deputy manager in CID’s human trafficking group.

  Mertone, Calvin:

  Commander in the SRF. A former fighter boss, currently an Academy instructor (Advanced Astronautics). From Messier.


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  N’Komo, Geoff:

  Senior Lieutenant in the SRF. Rafe Huron’s best friend from the Academy.


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  Olson, Stanislaus:

  Commander in the CEF Navy. Chair of the CEF Academy’s Astrogation Department and its lead instructor.

  Onstanyan, Sandrine:

  Nestor Mankho’s wife. Born Byrony Levasseur, on Corinth, a Tier-1 colony out of Nedaema.

  Osorio, Ivan:

  The son of Dr. Victor Osorio. He greatly expanded his father’s work, leading the full-scale development of immunocyte technology. Dr. Osorio’s work was heavily supported by Ilmatar Neoforming, owned by the Huron family.

  Osorio, Victor:

  Developed the first safe and effective proactive vaccines. A Karelian by birth, he emigrated to Terra.


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  Pagorskav, Carissa:

  Birth name of Shardine Karmin.

  Perez, Sam:

  Corporal in the elite CEF Marine 101st Special Operations Brigade (Strike Rangers) and member of CAT 5. Extraction specialist and leader of Fireteam Alpha. From Antigua.

  Perry, Ezekiel


  Lieutenant General in the CEF Marine Corps. Commanding officer of the 101st Special Operations Brigade (the Strike Rangers).

  PrenTalien, Joss:

  Admiral in the CEF, and CinC PLESEC. From Whitworth in the Inner Trifid. The only colonial to become a full admiral in the modern era.

  Pritt, Cole:

  Supervisory Agent of the Hestian Central Bureau of Investigation. Deputy director of their human-trafficking task force. Involved in the investigation of Mariwen Rathor’s kidnapping as part of the Alecto Initiative.


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  Quillan, Evelyn Everett (E.E.):

  Medical director on LSS Arizona. He did the initial psycheval on Kris. His daughter is a friend of Minx. From Nemeton on Nedaema.


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  Rathor, Antoine:

  Brother of Mariwen Rathor. Works in the Office of TransStellar Issues, a Terran security organization. Born
: yr ‘99 (Age 41)

  Rathor, Mariwen:

  A former supermodel and interstellar celebrity; one of the most famous persons in charted space. Kidnapped on Hestia by Nestor Mankho as part of the Alecto Initiative. Lora Comargo’s widow (Lora was murdered during her kidnapping). From California (Northern Territory). A rejuvenant. Born: yr ‘10 (Age 30)

  Raven, Russell R.:

  Commander in the CEF Navy. Admiral PrenTalien’s staff operations officer. From London.

  Ravenswood, Trislan:

  Commander in the CEF Navy. Executive Officer, LSS Retribution.

  Resnick, Ioan:

  Specialist in the elite CEF Marine 101st Special Operations Brigade (Strike Rangers). Member of CAT 5. Demolition expert. From Knydos in Crucis.

  Reynolds, Geoffrey:

  Senior Lieutenant in the CEF Navy. Admiral PrenTalien’s flag lieutenant.

  Rollins, Clancy:

  Director of security at Eelusis Cosmodrome on Nedaema. Suspected of being involved in the Alecto Initiative. Missing, possibly dead.

  RyKirt, Jan:

  Captain of the heavy cruiser, LSS Arizona. A Karelian immigrant from Vaasa.


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  Sabr, Lo Gai:

  Rear Admiral in the CEF Navy. Admiral PrenTalien’s deputy. Husband of Commodore Yasmin Shariati. From Nepal.

  Shariati, Yasmin:

  Senior Captain in the CEF Navy, and the Navy’s only permanently appointed commodore. A former privateer and the wife of Rear Admiral Lo Gai Sabr. From Mt. Salome on Antigua. A rejuvenant.


  Line boss on Harlot’s Ruse. An Outworlder. Killed when Harlot’s Ruse was captured by LSS Arizona.


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  Taliaferro, Nikolai


  Chief Inspector of the Nedaeman Bureau of Public Safety. Color Sergeant, Royal Hesperian Marine Corps (retired), and a good friend of Trin Wesselby. A colonial from Whitworth in the Inner Trifid. Born: yr ‘64 (Age 75)

  Tanner, Franklin Gustavus Adolphus:

  A flight-officer candidate at the CEF Academy. One of Kris’s studymates. A colonial from Port Mahan in Cepheus. At age 25, somewhat old for a cadet.

  Thompson, Gunnar:

  Gunnery Sergeant, CEF Marine Corps. Deployed on LSS Retribution.

  Tiernan, Marco:

  PFC in the elite CEF Marine 101st Special Operations Brigade (Strike Rangers) and member of CAT 5. Designated Sniper. From Maxwell in the Outer Trifid.

  Tilletson, Aloysius:

  Commander in the CEF Navy. Assigned to the General Staff’s Operations Department (GS3).

  Trench, Anton:

  Captain of the contract slaver Harlot’s Ruse and Kris’s owner. Killed by Kris during the capture of Harlot’s Ruse by LSS Arizona. An Outworlder who had ties to Nestor Mankho.


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  senn Vasquez Montero y Domanova, Maralena


  Tech Corporal in the elite CEF Marine 101st Special Operations Brigade (Strike Rangers). Twice All Forces Unarmed Combat Champion. Member of Cat 5. From Xavier on Antigua. A rejuvenant. Goes by ‘Vasquez’. Born: yr ‘69 (Age 71)


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  Wagner, Tomas:

  Lieutenant in the CEF Navy. An assistant signals officer on LSS Retribution. From Ascalon on New California. Age 26.

  Watkins, Arno:

  Tech-Corporal in the elite CEF Marine 101st Special Operations Brigade (Strike Rangers) and member of CAT 5. Small-craft pilot. From Fredonia.

  Wesselby, Trin:

  Commander in the CEF Navy and DSI PLESEC. A longstanding friend of the Huron family; also close to Nick Taliaferro and Admiral PrenTalien. From New Mexico. Born: yr ‘86 (Age 53)

  Westover, John Carlos:

  CEF Fleet Admiral and current CNO. Old friend of Admiral PrenTalien. From Colorado.

  Wojakowski, Bodo:

  WO, in the elite CEF Marine 101st Special Operations Brigade (Strike Rangers). Member of CAT 5. Shuttle pilot/engineer from Lublin, in the Polish Avar Collective.


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  Yu, Fyodor Mikhailovich Tal (Fred):

  Sergeant Major of the elite CEF Marine 101st Special Operations Brigade (Strike Rangers), Senior Academy drill instructor and leader of CAT 5. A three-time All Forces Unarmed Combat Champion. From Lodestone Station in the Inner Trifid. Has relatives in Baatar Khot (Ulan Bator). Born: yr ‘44 (Age 96)


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  Zavala-Marquez, Alana Marcella:

  Grand Senator Huron’s first wife; married in ‘90. Ionian by birth, her ancestors emigrated there from Antigua. Died of preeclampsia while pregnant with Rafe.

  Zayterland, Pamela:

  Senior Chief Bosun’s Mate, LSS Retribution.

  About the Authors

  Jordan Leah Hunter is a writer, artist and model living in Northern California. Descended from Irish High-Kings, Vikings and Native Americans, she brings all the passion of her turbulent ancestry to her work. A true devotee of Nature, she can be found outdoors at all hours and in all weathers, and when she suffers to have a roof over her head, it is usually to sit by her fire and read or play one of several instruments. Her Celtic fantasy novel, The Erl King’s Children, is also available on Amazon, in paperback and for Kindle.

  Owen R. O’Neil is a physicist, a writer, an amateur historian and the descendant of a long line of engineers. After three years working for the US Navy as a missile-systems engineer, he became a member of the intelligence community and spent the rest of his career there. One of the last generation of Cold Warriors, he worked on topics as diverse as satellites, infrared semiconductors, telecommunications and C4ISR. He is an expert on technology projection and threat assessment, and did groundbreaking work on IW/IO before it was cool.

  These days he writes, exercises a passion for photography he inherited from his father, and indulges in his two principal vices: cooking unhealthy food and ferreting out exceptional but underappreciated wines. He lives on nine rural acres in northern California where, when not engaged in the foregoing, he listens to his tenants (bullfrogs and coyotes) and watches over his infant vineyard.

  The Morning Which Breaks is the second novel they have completed together, following The Alecto Initiative. The third book in the Loralynn Kennakris series is currently underway.




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