Book Read Free

Dear Evan Hansen

Page 7

by Steven Levenson

  I lay there on the ground and then—

  (He turns to the next card.)

  Good morning, students and faculty, I would um . . .

  (A shiver of panic goes down his spine as he realizes that he has lost his place in the note cards.

  He tries frantically to put them back in order.)

  Um . . . um . . . um . . .

  (Suddenly, a card drops from his hands, fluttering slowly to the ground.

  He crouches to pick it up.

  There on the ground, Evan suddenly stops.

  He stares out past the lights at the faces in the auditorium.

  A moment of pure, unadulterated terror grips him.

  Everything is telling him to run away.

  A long beat.

  He looks at the tie.

  He makes a decision.

  Slowly, he stands, putting away the cards entirely.

  He begins once again, differently.)



  Have you ever felt like nobody was there?

  Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere?

  Have you ever felt like you could disappear?

  Like you could fall, and no one would hear

  (The story he has told so many times before becomes, now, suddenly, a genuine discovery.)

  But see, the thing is, when I looked up . . . Connor was there. That’s the gift that he gave me. To show me that I wasn’t alone. To show me that I matter. That everybody does. That’s the gift that he gave all of us. I just wish . . . I wish we could have given that to him.

  So, let that lonely feeling wash away

  Maybe there’s a reason to believe you’ll be okay

  ’Cause when you don’t feel strong enough to stand

  You can reach, reach out your hand

  And oh, someone will come runnin’

  And I know they’ll take you home

  Even when the dark comes crashin’ through

  When you need a friend to carry you

  And when you’re broken on the ground

  You will be found

  So let the sun come streamin’ in

  ’Cause you’ll reach up and you’ll rise again

  Lift your head and look around

  You will be found

  You will be found

  You will be found

  You will be found

  You will be found

  (Suddenly, onstage, the screens begin to hum and buzz to life. Alana enters.)

  ALANA: Have you seen this? Someone put a video of your speech online.

  EVAN: My speech?

  (Jared enters.)

  ALANA: People started sharing it, I guess, and now . . . I mean, Connor is / everywhere.

  JARED: / Your speech is everywhere. This morning, The Connor Project page, it only had fifty-six people following it.

  (Cynthia enters.)

  EVAN: How many does it have now?

  JARED: Four thousand, / five hundred, eighty-two.

  CYNTHIA: / Sixteen thousand, two hundred, and thirty-nine.

  EVAN: I don’t understand. What happened?

  CYNTHIA: You did.

  (The image of Evan’s speech begins to proliferate, spreading across screens, one, two, many Evan Hansens.

  Evan, Cynthia, Alana, and Jared stand among the images, awash in the images, engulfed by them.

  The space slowly fills with people’s posts, a Virtual Community.

  The Voices overlap and each of the individual threads becomes part of the larger stream of messages and one by one they fuse with the stream until there is no separation between them.

  A dreamlike feel, like we have fallen into some kind of collective hallucination.

  Maybe this is what life after death feels like or maybe what it would feel like to fall into the internet.)


  There’s a place where we don’t have to feel unknown

  (Separate Voices, one at a time, emerge to speak, to commune with one another.)


  Oh my God

  Everybody needs to see this


  And ev’ry time that you call out you’re a little less alone


  I can’t stop watching this video

  Seventeen years old


  If you only say the word


  Take five minutes, this will make your day


  From across the silence your voice is heard



  Share it with the people


  you love



  The world needs to hear this

  A beautiful tribute


  I know someone who really

  needed to hear this today, so

  thank you, Evan Hansen,


  for doing what you’re doing

  I never met you, Connor.

  But coming on here, reading


  everyone’s posts . . .



  It’s so easy to feel alone,


  but Evan is exactly right,

  we’re not alone

  Someone will

  None of us

  Come runnin’

  We’re not alone

  None of us

  None of us

  None of us is alone








  Especially now, with everything you hear in the news . . .






  Thank you, Evan Hansen,

  Someone will

  for giving us a space

  Come runnin’

  to remember Connor

  To be together


  To find each other




  Sending prayers

  Someone will

  from Michigan

  Come runnin’






  To take

  You home

  To take

  Thank you

  You home

  Evan Hansen



  Someone will

  Come runnin’

  To take

  Thank you, Evan

  You home

  Watch until the end

  Thank you, Evan Hansen

  This video is everything right now

  Thank you, Evan

  All the feels.

  This is about community

  The meaning of friendship





  Thank you

  Thanks to Evan

  To take

  You home

  To take

  Evan Hansen


  You home


  Thank you, Evan Hansen


  Even when the dark comes crashin’ through

  When you need a friend to carry you

  When you’re broken on the ground

  You will be found

  So let the sun come streamin’ in

  ’Cause you’ll reach up and you’ll rise again

  If you only look around

  You will be found


  You will be found



  You will be found

  You will be found


  You will be found

  You will be found

  (Photographs of Connor begin to appear on the screens, mingling with the images of Evan.)

  ALL (Except for Evan and Larry):

  Out of the shadows

  The morning is breaking

  And all is new

  All is new

  ALL (With Evan):

  It’s filling up the empty

  And suddenly I see

  That all is new

  All is new

  (As the darkness lifts, something inside of Larry shifts.

  He stares up at the screens, images of his son surrounding him.

  He turns to Cynthia.

  He can no longer hold back his emotion.

  In an instant, all of his defenses, all of the hurt and anger calcified over years, decades—all of it shatters at once, irrevocably.

  He breaks down.

  Cynthia holds him.

  They stand there, surrounded by light, holding one another.)


  You are not alone


  You are not alone


  You are not alone

  You are not alone


  You are not alone


  You are not alone


  You are not alone

  You are not alone

  You are not




  You are

  You are

  You are not

  Not alone

  Not alone

  You are

  Not alone

  (Zoe sits on Connor’s bed, staring at a laptop screen, her expression unreadable, as the screens around her continue to swirl and pulse.)


  Even when the dark comes crashin’ through

  When you need someone to carry you

  When you’re broken on the ground


  You will be found


  So let the sun come streamin’ in


  ’Cause you’ll reach up and you’ll rise again


  If you only look around



  You will be found

  Even when the dark

  Comes crashin’ through


  You will be found

  When you need someone

  To carry you


  You will be found

  You will be found

  (The music cuts out, sharply.

  Evan sits beside Zoe on Connor’s bed.)

  ZOE: Everything you said in your speech. Everything you’ve done. You don’t know how much . . . what you’ve given . . . all of us, everyone. My family. Me.

  EVAN (Uncomfortable): No, I . . . this is . . .

  ZOE: You’ve given me my brother back.

  (Without warning, she kisses him.

  Stunned, he pulls away for a moment.

  He knows that this is the point of no return.

  There is no going back.

  He makes a decision.

  He kisses her.

  They kiss.

  They are reeling.

  The world is reeling.)



  Once again, we hear the murmuring of voices, as the house lights slowly fade.

  Once again, the screens buzz with text.

  All of it now about Connor Murphy.

  His absence fills the world.

  The murmuring grows louder and louder when suddenly everything goes black.

  Lights snap up on Alana in her bedroom, speaking into her laptop screen.

  ALANA: Hey everybody, it’s me Alana, Connor Project co-president, associate treasurer, media consultant, chief technology officer, and assistant creative director slash public policy director for creative public policy initiatives for The Connor Project.

  (Lights find Evan in his bedroom, speaking into his laptop screen, something unmistakably different about him, a newfound confidence.)

  EVAN: Hi I’m Evan. I’m co-president of The Connor Project.


  ALANA: Wish I could see all of your amazing faces out there.

  EVAN: Hope you’re having an amazing day.

  ALANA: Now, I know a lot of you guys have seen the inspirational videos on our website.

  EVAN: Thank you for checking out the awesome new videos we put up this week with Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, Connor’s sister, / Zoe . . .

  ALANA: / . . . and Connor’s best friend, my co-president: Evan Hansen.

  EVAN: As you know, Connor’s favorite place in the entire world was the incredible Autumn Smile Apple Orchard.

  ALANA: The stunning Autumn Smile Apple Orchard, which tragically closed seven years ago.

  (Alana posts a current photo of the abandoned orchard, an empty overgrown field dotted with tree stumps, a large FOR SALE sign nailed to a rotting fence.)

  EVAN: Connor loved trees.

  ALANA: Connor was obsessed with trees. He and Evan used to spend hours together sitting at the orchard, looking at the trees . . . being with the trees, sharing fun facts they knew about the trees.

  EVAN: But the one thing Connor wished more than anything was that some day the orchard would be brought back to life.

  ALANA: Which is where you come in . . .

  (Alana posts a digital architectural rendering of a blossoming orchard nestled in an idyllic park.)

  EVAN: Because today we are starting a major / Kickstarter campaign.

  ALANA: / One of the most ambitious Kickstarter initiatives since the internet was first created to raise—gulp—fifty thousand dollars . . .

  EVAN: . . . fifty thousand dollars in three weeks.

  ALANA: It’s a lot of money, I know. But it’s also a lot of amazing. So let’s do it, guys, and . . .

  ALANA/EVAN: . . . make The Connor Murphy Memorial Orchard not just a dream . . .

  EVAN: . . . but / a rea—

  ALANA (Louder than Evan): / But a reality.


  A spotlight.

  Connor steps into it.



  Dear Evan Hansen:

  Life at rehab is all right

  I like the yoga

  And the sharing circles ev’ry night

  But, dude, these stories sometimes scare you half to death

  So many people end up sucking dick for meth

  (Lights snap up on Jared, elsewhere, typing on his computer, enjoying himself immensely.

  Evan, sitting at his laptop in his bedroom, shakes his head, chagrined.)

  Oh, and one more thing

  That’s worth mentioning . . .

  That guy from our school, Jared Kleinman?

  Yes, the insanely cool Jared Kleinman!

  I think we should start

  And make him a part

  Of this awesome friendship we have

  (Jared shuts his laptop and joins Connor.)


  A part of this awesome friendship we have


  This adorably heartwarming friendship we have






  Hey hey hey hey!

  ’Cause all that it takes is a little—

  (Unable to take any more of this, Evan stands, and the music cuts out.)


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