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Real Life RPG

Page 9

by Jackson Gray

  “Now look what we got here Sal” Frankie Kneecaps said as other players streamed into large room where I was being held. Every time the effect wore off another mage would put me under again, where I had control of my faculties, I just couldn’t move or cast spells.

  “Oh it’s Mr. High and Mighty, not so tough now are you?” Big Sally said as he walked into the room. I could see they were both at level 70, to get that high they probably pressured a bunch of players to make them a part of their party and power level them by fighting tough monsters. “Don’t blame ole Harold there, he has real world bills to pay, well not anymore”.

  I could see Harold shrug as he and his group left, the thing that surprised me was that my old guild, the Horde were also prominently around the room. Agony was not too high a level, he was a level 48, the other two were elders were a level 50. Agony walked up to me and attempted to search me, unfortunately for him the game prevented thefts of merchandise on players in stasis and I don’t think they would be that dumb to let me out.

  “You have doomed us!” Ferocity said with as much hate as her troll eyes could muster. “You somehow blocked access to the Frost Lands, humans grow while the trolls stay few in number. How could you do this to us!”

  “Careful there woman” Big Sally said as he walked up. “If you kill this guy who knows how long it will be until we catch him again. Now Gray I have had my people look into you, killing your loved ones wouldn’t work, and in order to torture you I could make a mistake and you would die. Then you would be off the hook, since it is unlikely I could ever catch you so easily”.

  “Now what Sal is trying to say, it was hard to come up with how to pay you back in the method you deserve” Frankie said as he circled around me. “On one hand we can’t let disrespect like this pass, on the other unless we plan on keeping you like this until the end of time we can’t punish you as well as we want. So, with help from your friends at Imagery they have made us something to pay you back with”.

  I watched as two assassins came into the room, each holding an enormous wrist brace of some kind. Frankie stood there smiling as my stasis wore off. I went to utter the words of teleportation as the braces were forced on to my arms. As soon as that happened my mana went to zero, that’s when Sal started laughing.

  “You see those are special mana blockers you have on your arms there, as long as you wear them you aint got no magic” Sal said he walked around me looking smug. “Yeah you could attack us but we all know you can take away huge bits of health but you can’t finish the job. Even if you did and decided to escape, those are hooked on you until I take them off. You work for me now”.

  “What makes you think I would work for you?” I asked as I tried ripping the braces off.

  “Ah, because I can disable those braces for a little while” Sal said as he walked up to me, my height towering over the huge man. “Now I wouldn’t dare do anything like that unless you can prove you are a good boy. For one minute a day, your braces will disable themselves, in case you decide to leave us prematurely and need a way back. Now first things first, give me a soul stone”.

  I glared at the gangster but saw no way out of my predicament and handed one over. He looked at it and smiled then disappeared with Ferocity, minutes later he was back as a big green troll. He strutted around for a bit and took a few test swings with the huge club he now carried.

  “You see when we came out of that castle, we only have 24 hours to use the soul stones” Frankie said as he admired Big Sally. “We spent that time on trying to kill you and could not change our race. It was a good thing you did that too, or we never would have met my new friends, the Horde. Now you have the chance to be my friend too, all you have to do is accept that you are now working for me, whenever I need you to help put the squeeze on someone, you better be there or your magic will disappear. No more fire that can’t be put out and kills everything and everyone.

  I accepted as Sal came over and put his arm around me and smiled before saying “Welcome to the family, Gray”.

  “What about the soul stones?” Agony said as he walked over to the now troll.

  “You will get your stones goblin” Frankie said as he put his hand on the goblin’s shoulder. “Whenever you get someone who wants to join your little group, let me know and I will make sure you will get one. Now Gray, we need you for a very special mission, you see while you were gone, we found a secret path that leads to the Elf God Panamere. There is a huge force field blocking the place up, over 100 million and it keeps refreshing every ten minutes back to its original health. We want you to get us in there and help fight whatever we find inside.




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