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Page 32

by Frances Stockton

  “Do you really think Gabriel would help me without a lot of questions?”

  “Yes, I do. I’ll come too, Eve. You shouldn’t go to your doctor’s alone.”

  “Okay, I’ll talk to Remy and Jaxon. Hopefully, this is nothing and I come back before the guys can miss me. Plus I’d worry myself sick if Remy attempted to drive to Salem on his own.”

  “They’ll miss you whether you’re gone a couple hours or days,” Taylor murmured a few minutes later. “It’ll be all right. Try not to think the worst.”

  “I’ll try. I’m scared, Taylor. Right when I found Remy and Jaxon, life throws me curveballs. Maybe my dad’s right. Maybe it is immoral to be with them and this is the price I have to pay.”

  “Do you really think it’s a sin to love them?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Then its right. If I wasn’t trying so hard to not fall for Gabriel, I’d be honored to have Jaxon and Remy as my lovers.”

  “Ah ha, I knew it, you do like Gabriel.”

  “That’s neither here nor there right now. Go ahead, cry and let it all out. When you’re ready, call your doctor. Gabriel and I will get you home.”

  “Thanks, Taylor,” Eve said, crying once again and wondering if anything would be right again.

  It wasn’t until later that evening when she, Remy and Jaxon bunked down at a Comfort Inn that she had the chance to speak to her men about returning to Salem.

  Fortunately, Saraphina Wynter was unharmed. She was a little confused and her doctor changed her medications but didn’t think she’d need hospitalization. Gerald was doing well too, though would need to be monitored which was standard for any sort of head injury.

  “Jaxon, Remy, can I speak to you about something?” she asked as soon as they were alone in the hotel room.

  “Of course, sugar,” Remy said, coming up and taking her by the hand. “What’s wrong?”

  “I need to go back to Salem,” she announced, trying not to panic or think the worst. “I’ve spoken with Gabriel and he’s agreed to fly me to Manchester Airport in New Hampshire tomorrow morning. From there, I’ll rent a car.”

  “Are you upset with me, Evelyn?” Jaxon asked, placing his hand over hers and Remy’s.

  “No, no,” she assured. “While you were been dealing with your mother, I realized I needed to talk to my dad in person. Believe me, if your Mama needed to be hospitalized or further tests, I wouldn’t leave your side.”

  “All those calls you’d made at Saraphina and Gerald’s were to your father?” Remy inquired, bringing up the fact that she’d had to disappear into a bedroom or hallway every time her father called throughout the afternoon.

  Bartholomew Stratham could be relentless and he’d insisted that if Eve didn’t come home on the first flight out of Nevada in the morning, he’d either come get her himself or send in the big guns, the Maddox brothers. Eve didn’t want anyone rushing to Nevada. She wanted to deal with her dad one on one.

  “Most of them,” she admitted after a second. “Please understand, I’m a little homesick and worried my father will never accept the two of you in my life.”

  Jaxon lifted their joined hands to his mouth. “If you leave, are you ever coming back? Is this the end of the three of us? Be honest, Evelyn.”

  “No, it’s not the end,” she stated firmly. “Once I know everything’s all right, I’ll come back and we’ll figure out how to be together long term.”

  “Why do I have a feeling you’re keeping something from us?” Remy questioned.

  “Remy, you know my dad. If he says he’ll pull the plug on your show, he will. If he says he’ll call even one of the Maddoxes, you know he’ll do it and they’ll stomp all over Dare demanding answers from you and Jaxon. I won’t let that happen. I love you both too much to let anything or anyone threaten you.”

  Almost on cue, Eve’s phone went off. Digging it out of her small shoulder bag, she frowned. Her father called again.

  “See,” she said, turning the screen so the men could see how many missed calls from her father had come in between the time they’d left the senior living facility and arrived at the inn.

  “All right,” Remy agreed. “For the record, if you don’t return in a couple days, I’m hauling my ass back there to speak with him in person.”

  “Don’t drive back alone,” she insisted. “Please, if I don’t come back in a few days, wait until Jaxon can join you.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Jaxon agreed. “I don’t want either of you to leave at all. However I realize you’ve lives to get back to.”

  Eve inclined her head gratefully, feeling guilty as hell for not mentioning the call she’d made to Dr. Martin. Maybe she was avoiding the issue, maybe she was in denial or using everything that happened that day as an excuse to explain what she’d found in her breast as a bruise.

  Maybe that was all she was dealing with. If so, she’d be the happiest woman on the planet. If it was serious, she’d tell the men she loved and hope they would stand by her the way her father stood by her mother. As difficult as he was, he’d loved his wife and still missed her.

  Trying to ease her fears by concentrating on her phone, she apologized to Jaxon and Remy and crossed the room to speak to her father in private. When the argument became heated, she was relieved when Remy took the phone, assured her dad that she was coming home in the morning and turned the device off.

  Soon after, he and Jaxon took Eve to bed. They didn’t have sex, as no one seemed to be in the mood when things were left unspoken. To their credit, they didn’t press her. They simply held her while she slept restlessly.

  In the morning, she slipped out of bed, took a quick shower and dressed. Before leaving, she kissed her men goodbye, promising to call when she got home. They saw her to the door, offering to join her in the lobby until Gabriel and Taylor met up with her, but she told them she’d be fine.

  Walking away, Eve bit back tears. She didn’t want to leave, hoped it was a temporary situation and all would turn out all right. In the lobby, Taylor and Gabriel were already there waiting for her.

  Within minutes, the slipped into a waiting taxi and were off to the airport. The closer they were to leaving Nevada, the farther Eve felt away from her men, guilt and fear plaguing her.

  Dammit, she should have told them, she should have confided her worst fears. By leaving, she’d only given in to them and may have ruined the best thing that ever happened to her.

  Half an hour later, as Eve sat with Taylor in the private jet, Gabriel walked by pausing, his eyes questioning. Inclining his head, he said he’d file a flight plan and they’d depart when granted permission then disappeared into the cockpit.

  Taking out her phone, Eve pulled up Remy’s number, hitting send. When his phone went to voicemail, she left a message.

  “I love you, Remy. I love Jaxon. Please forgive me, but I need to see Dr. Martin. That’s why I’m really going home. Forgive me and know I will call back to explain as soon as I can.” Ending the call, she was tempted to try again but decided to wait.

  Sad that she left the way she had, she thought back to the first night she’d spent with her lovers. They were good men. Jaxon had been emotionally reserved at the beginning but when he’d made love to her, she’d been given reason to hope that he would want their relationship to continue for the long haul.

  Since then, a lot had happened, but she’d been just as guilty of not telling him she loved him, of letting her doubts rule rather than her heart. Remy and Jaxon were important to her, she needed to fight for them and believe that they’d weather this storm.

  Setting the phone on airplane mode, she set it on her lap, waiting and hoping Remy would call or text her back.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sprawled out on a hotel bed, Remy listened to the sound of running water and a razor occasionally tapping against a sink. Jax was shaving.

  It should’ve been gratifying to know one of his lovers was nearby, yet it wasn’t. His heart ached. Eve left and it fel
t as if a distinct part of them was gone.

  Hoping to find out why she did a one-eighty since yesterday when everything was just fine, he picked up his cell phone from a side table and realized he’d set it to vibration the day before. Having missed a call from Eve, he listened to her message, his heart squeezing harshly when she mentioned Dr. Martin.

  Oh, shit, oh shit, when they were in Colorado, Eve mentioned that Dr. Martin was her gynecologist and his blood ran cold. If she suddenly needed to see a doctor she trusted, that could only mean one thing.

  “Dammit, Eve, why didn’t you tell us the truth last night?” he demanded, belatedly realizing the bed dipped beneath the weight of a man. Jax’s hand landed on Remy’s thigh, squeezing.

  “Talk, Remy. Why’d Evelyn leave?”

  “She’s gone home to visit her GYN. Considering her mother had breast cancer, maybe she felt something during a self-exam or something else could be wrong. Whatever it is, it must be serious enough to make her leave so abruptly.”

  “When I joined her in the shower yesterday she became testy when I touched her breasts. Hell, I should have paid more attention to her body language. She was definitely not in the mood.”

  “I have to go home, Jax. Eve shouldn’t go through this alone.”

  “You’re right. I’m coming with you,” Jax replied.

  “Your mom and stepdad have been through quite an ordeal. Maybe you should stay until you’re sure they’re okay. Once Eve sees Dr. Martin, I’ll come back or both of us will.”

  “Mama was already more lucid when we left her apartment last night. Gerald’s going to be fine. I’ll call their doctors and make sure it’s safe to go, but I can’t let Evelyn think I wouldn’t be there for her too.”

  “I don’t understand why she wouldn’t tell us what was really going on with her.”

  “Yesterday, she packed a picnic basket. I think she brought it up to the clearing to have lunch with us.”

  “If you’re right, why didn’t she stay?”

  “I can only guess, but perhaps she overheard me say I loved you and was a little hurt that I haven’t said the same to her. I’d intended to when I caught her alone in the shower, but she was evasive and I panicked a little.”

  “You really do love her, don’t you?” Remy asked.

  “Yes, I love Evelyn very much and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure she never doubts her place in my heart,” Jaxon confessed, picking up Remy’s hand and holding on tight. “Without her, the three of us are not whole, I’m not whole.”

  “I’ll call Gabriel and see if it’s not too late to stop the plane. If necessary, we’ll book a flight to Boston. You call Gerald and your mom.”

  Jax agreed, getting up to find his phone. It was a relief for both of them that Saraphina Wynter was doing well when they left the hotel in a taxi, heading to the airport at record speed, intent upon reaching Eve before it was too late.

  * * * * *

  Onboard Gabriel’s incredible jet, Eve waited for takeoff. Taylor remained at her side, calmly talking about everything from planning Avery’s bridal shower to her work with cars.

  Eve appreciated the conversation. As complicated as life was at the moment, it was a welcome distraction. Although every time she looked around the cabin, her heart broke at the realization that she should have trusted the strength of her relationship with Remy and Jaxon.

  It was a mistake to leave the way she did, she knew that now. Her only excuse, weak though it was, was panic over thinking she could be sick. She didn’t feel ill. But then again, her mom hadn’t felt unwell when she’d gone to her doctor for physical.

  Eve would never forget what her mother went through during her illness, treatments, surgeries, weakness, hair loss, wigs and more treatments. She’d thought her mom was incredibly brave, always having a smile for Eve when it must have been terribly difficult to do so.

  Her father stood by week after week, his devotion unwavering. As difficult as he could be, he’d loved his wife and Eve knew he loved her. She had to believe she could overcome his reservations about her lovers.

  Looking out the window, Eve was tempted to call and leave yet another message for Remy. She’d even left one for Jaxon, but neither was answering their phones or returning her calls.

  Saddened, she dropped her head back against the seat, closing her eyes in an attempt to forget what was going on only to have her phone vibrate.

  Hoping it was Remy returning her call, she looked at the screen and saw it was her doctor. “Hello, Evelyn Stratham speaking,” she greeted before it could go to voicemail.

  “Evelyn, I’m so glad I caught you. How are you feeling?”

  “A little nervous, but fine otherwise. I’m on my way back to Salem for my appointment tomorrow morning. Are we still on as scheduled?”

  “You’re still in Carson City? Oh I see, considering our conversation last night, I was hoping to have you come later this afternoon. I’ve appointments scheduled until six o’clock this evening. Do you think you could make it by then?”

  Gabriel’s voice came out over the intercom. “We’re next on the runway, should be in the air in fifteen minutes.”

  “Evelyn, are you still there?” Dr. Martin asked.

  Eve thought she’d have time to come to terms with what tomorrow would bring. That the hours were stepped up was a good thing, but it didn’t stop her from shaking.

  “Yes, I’m here. We’re leaving soon. I should reach you before you close this evening. If there’s a delay, I’ll call right away so that no one is kept waiting,” she said, ending the call and staring at the phone but seeing absolutely nothing.

  She blinked, her vision blurring, her cheeks were damp. Why? She was crying again. Since when did she blubber so much?

  Since her father threatened to cut funding to Remy’s show and Jaxon called her love but never said he loved her. Since she examined her breast and felt something that shouldn’t be there.

  All of a sudden two pairs of arms, Remy’s and Jaxon’s came around her, lifting her up out of her cushy seat. How that was possible didn’t matter. All she knew was that they didn’t seem to want to let go.

  “Remy, Jaxon, how did you get here?” she heard herself question.

  “Gabriel delayed departure for us,” Remy answered. “Let us hold you. Let us help you.”

  A slightly smaller, extremely ripped man pressed himself to her back, his face close to her ear. “I love you, Evelyn. Don’t leave without us, please forgive me.”

  “You didn’t do anything wrong, Jaxon,” she murmured.

  “You weren’t sure where you fit in our threesome and were uncomfortable sharing your health concerns as a result. Just know that I love you, Remy loves you. Whatever you need, we are here for you. I am here for you.”

  “I love you too, Jaxon,” she said, relief flooding her so quickly, she had to sit down. “I was so scared you didn’t. It was silly of me to think that. I’m sorry, so sorry.”

  Jaxon eased her into her seat, buckling her seatbelt and taking the seat beside her. Remy sat down last, buckling up before taking her hand.

  “Remy, forgive me for not telling you everything last night. I should’ve been braver.”

  “You did the right thing by arranging to see a doctor you trust. That was exactly what you should’ve done.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered, letting them hold her.

  “When we came in you were on the phone,” Jaxon said. “Was it your doctor?”

  “Yes. She invited me to come see her before the end of her appointments this evening.”

  “What can Gabriel and I do, Eve?” Taylor offered.

  “Get us to New England?” Eve answered.

  “Already happening,” Taylor said, drawing Eve’s attention to the fact that at some point the jet was no longer idling, it was on the runway and gaining momentum.

  With her men seated on either side of her, Eve’s confidence returned. She was still terrified of what Dr. Martin might say or find. But she
was no longer afraid of dealing with the outcome alone.

  Her lovers had come for her. Jaxon loved her. Remy loved her. Miracles really did happen every single day. They were her miracles. She knew that now with every part of her being.

  Given the all-clear, the jet lifted off the runway with ease, hitting a few air pockets but smoothing out once they were well and truly on their way to Manchester Airport in New Hampshire.

  Chapter Seventeen

  At six o’clock that same evening, Jax and Remy sat in a doctor’s waiting room with Taylor and Gabriel after Evelyn disappeared with a medical technician soon after they arrived. He and Remy had wanted to go with her but the tech and Evelyn insisted they wait until called.

  “We did the right thing in coming here, Jax,” Remy said quietly.

  “I know. Wish they would’ve let us go back with Evelyn though,” Jax admitted. “She’s been gone forever.”

  “It hasn’t been that long. Relax, it’s best we let the doctor do her job without the two of us hovering around.”

  “Is there anything I can do, Jax?” Taylor offered.

  “No, that’s okay. These things take time, I guess.”

  “I’ve got to call Eve’s father,” Remy said. “Even though he’s angry with the three of us, he needs to know what’s going on with his daughter.”

  “If the doctor or nurse comes out, I’ll come get you,” Jax said, silently agreeing but not wanting to think about Bartholomew Stratham.

  “Be right back.” Remy stood up, heading out of the waiting room to make his phone call.

  Taylor had been busy texting with someone since they arrived at the doc’s office. Jax suspected it was Avery Grant. Time ticked by slowly, the wait seeming to stretch and the simple clock above the receptionist’s station became his sole focus.

  Remy returned twenty minutes later, along with Avery. She didn’t say much, but instead shared hugs with Taylor and Gabriel before taking a seat between Jax and Remington.

  “How’s Eve doing?” Avery asked quietly.

  “She was nervous during the long flight from Carson City, but by the time we touched down in New Hampshire, she was resolved to doing whatever the doctor recommends.”


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