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Page 34

by Frances Stockton

  “Practice all you like, baby girl,” Jax said. “In the morning, Remington and I will make our future wife breakfast. I’m thinking pancakes.”

  “Better make a whole lot of pancakes, those two are going to be hungry,” Evelyn advised, laughing softly when an argument between Taylor and Gabriel broke out in the other room. “I empathize with Taylor, you know? It wasn’t that long ago when I had to pretend to sleep when a sexy man was in the next bed.”

  “Ouch, Eve, ouch,” Remy groused. “I love you. I’ll never again let you sleep alone.”

  “Love you too, Remy. If you don’t mind, I’m going to close my eyes and dream of the two sexiest men on earth.”

  “Get some sleep, sugar, you’ve had a long day,” Remy said, looking at Jax from his side of the bed and thinking there was nowhere else he’d rather be than with Eve and Jaxon. He didn’t know how he managed to win their hearts, but he’d do his best never to break them.

  Dropping back down to the mattress, Remy rested his head on Eve’s shoulder and Jax tucked in close on her other side, both of them holding her as she fell into a deep slumber.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Dare Mountain—Three Weeks Later

  Waiting alone in Jaxon’s loft, Eve refused to pace even though she trembled nervously.

  She didn’t know why she was so nervous. She’d finished her prescriptions and felt much, much better. In fact, she hadn’t felt healthier or fitter in a long time. She was where she wanted to be most in the world, with her men.

  Circumstances had forced Jaxon to return to Nevada with Gabriel and Taylor shortly after Eve’s radiology results returned negative. For good measure, Dr. Martin had scheduled a mammography along with another ultrasound and all was fine.

  Okay, that wasn’t true. She did know why she was nervous. It’d been nearly two weeks since she, Remy and Jaxon made love. And even though the three of them had turned heads at the airport when they all kissed upon their reunion, it hadn’t been enough to show Jaxon how much they’d missed him.

  And instead of racing from the airport to Dare, Jaxon stopped off at a nice restaurant where they’d talked and planned and caught up in person as opposed to phone calls and Skype.

  It wasn’t until they were back in his car when Jaxon asked her if she’d be willing to venture into his dungeon for the first time. She’d agreed and after they entered the house, Jaxon told her to take a bath, being certain to use the supplies he’d left for her, and then disappeared.

  Remy stayed a little longer, making certain she was ready for the next stage in their relationship with Jaxon. She was and he kissed her before leaving her alone to get ready.

  To keep herself calm and remain patient, she did as asked, using the time in the bathroom to think back over the last three weeks. Even though her father rescinded his financial backing for Remy’s New England-based ghost hunting reality show, Jax offered Remy the chance to move his base of operations to Dare Cable Network.

  It had taken some doing and some planning, but most of the investigators who’d been with Remy from the beginning agreed to the move. All seemed to think it was the right direction to take the show out of a limited market. Morgan Maddox couldn’t move, of course, but she would remain a consultant, as would Eve.

  Likewise, while Eve, Remy and Jaxon would spend most of their time in Dare, she’d opted to keep her apartment for the remainder of the two-year lease and they’d fly to Salem once a month. As upset as she’d been with her father’s stubbornness, he’d been there for her at her darkest hour. She couldn’t walk away from that kind of love and support.

  She also couldn’t give up her many friends in New England. Hazard and Avery’s wedding date had been set for July and she and Taylor were to be bridesmaids. Already they were conspiring on what do for a bridal shower and bachelorette party. Cassie and Morgan Maddox were both expecting babies. Eve had to be there for the births.

  As Eve thought of the future, she marveled at the changes in her life. She couldn’t be happier or more thankful for the blessings that had come after a day born in hell. The day she’d overheard Jaxon and Remy, she’d been poleaxed by a trio of bad news and fears.

  Fortunately, a radiologist confirmed Dr. Martin’s diagnosis of a small hematoma in her breast. They were still waiting on the BRCA results. While she had faith everything would turn out fine, she was comforted by Remy and Jaxon’s support and love.

  More than anything, she looked forward to the future with Remy and Jaxon. They’d talked about a wedding, though nothing was set yet and it was still early in their relationship. Eve also knew that though their marriage wouldn’t be legal, she hoped to someday to change her name to Evelyn Sinclair-Wynter.

  Suddenly drawn to look up, she was taken aback when Remy entered the loft wearing a red Dom’s cloak, the hood pulled up over his head. He looked insanely sexy, familiar and yet different in that this was the first time she’d seen him dressed in such a way.

  “You okay, sugar?” he asked lovingly, coming right up to her.

  “Yes, I’m good,” she answered, lifting her chin as he came in very close. He smelled divine, a combination of Remy, oriental spices and sandalwood.

  “Are you prepared to enter Master Jax’s dungeon tonight?”

  “I’ve been ready for what feels a lifetime.”

  “Come with me and I will prepare you for him,” Remy said, extending his hand.

  “I thought I’d done so already,” she replied, flushing hotly. When she’d gone into the bathroom, she’d discovered a disposable anal douche, a brand new razor and sensitive skin shaving gel and jasmine-scented bubble bath sitting near the tub.

  She’d used it all. Afterward, she smelled great, felt clean and soft in all the right places and curiously renewed. The bath had been exactly what she’d needed after a commercial flight, but she wasn’t exhausted. She was excited, eager and buzzed with anticipation.

  Honestly, she was grateful that they’d given her time to accept her submissiveness and her place in a world they were familiar with. She’d done more research during the weeks she’d spent in Salem, including private conversations with Cassie and Morgan. Both were submissives, but neither was treated as anything less than equals to their husbands.

  Now here she was, undressed, ready, for Master Jax had told her to remain unclothed after her bath. Had she chosen to test him by slipping on a robe afterward, she might’ve gotten in trouble. But she hadn’t wanted to, not yet. She was still new, still learning and she wanted to obey.

  “Come,” Remy beckoned again when she placed her left hand in his, his thumb skimming the backs of her knuckles.

  Eve felt her eyes widen at the sight of the tapered butt plug in his opposite hand, understanding dawning. Bravely, she went with Remy, accepting this act of submission. At their bedside, he let go of her fingers and touched her face, bending forward to kiss her softly, with love, always with love.

  When he lifted his head, Eve watched him set aside the plug and carefully lift her up onto the bed. From there, Remy gave hand gestures, urging her to lay face down on the bed with her rump pushed up in the air with the aid of a fat pillow.

  Then he moved up behind her on the bed, resting himself across her back, holding her, rubbing and caressing. As he hadn’t removed his cloak, she loved the way the satiny fabric slid along her skin. Relaxing, a shimmer of awareness coursed through her when his mouth touched the side of her neck, honing in on her favorite turn-on spot.

  Eve was already turned-on, but his kisses doubled the impact of what was to surely to come after her lesson with Jaxon. She didn’t know for certain when Remy would join them, she only knew he would and the two would take her at the same time.

  Sighing into the soft covers, she let Remy do anything he wanted. His body shifted, telling her he’d arched. Kisses peppered her spine, the small of her back, downward, tracing all the way to her sex.

  There, Remy’s slick, warm tongue laved her clit, teasing her labia, her vaginal opening, entering her
pussy before moving upward to her anus.

  “Remy!” she gasped, rolling her hips at the first touch of his tongue against her sphincter.

  He murmured something, calming her, his tongue eventually breaching her, preparing her. It felt incredible, sexy, forbidden, yet leaving Eve unaware that she moved with him, demanding more. No man had ever dared perform analingus on her, but she’d just discovered a new favorite kink.

  Withdrawing, Remy moved around on the bed. Something crinkled and lubricant dripped on her anus, his warm, thick fingers massaging it deep inside of her before the lube-slickened plug began entering her.

  Bucking him off proved impossible, the bloom of intense heat spreading outward, inward, she didn’t know. She only knew that it was good, that though strange, it did not hurt. Gently, Remy pushed the plug deeper, having to straddle her to keep her still.

  Oddly, the deeper the plug surged, the darker the pleasure, the stronger her body’s reaction. Tapered though it was, the butt plug felt huge, significant, as potent as a drug yet mind-blowing in rightness.

  Remy’s hand fell away from her backside, the plug remained, the flat base fitting snug against her asshole. He climbed off her and helped her sit up before picking her up and carrying all the way to the basement.

  All of a sudden they were standing in front of the door she’d yet to cross through. Remy knocked and the door opened, Master Jax stood in the entrance.

  “Enter and place our sub in the correct position.” Master Jax’s was voice dark and sensual but not frightening as he stepped back and swept his hand outward, inviting them to cross the threshold.

  Eve wasn’t given a chance to look around for long, though she’d caught impressions of slate, white and silver before Remy gently set her on a cushioned mat and helped her assume the position Master Jax had placed Remy in the first morning in their Dom’s gigantic bed.

  “Evelyn has been prepared. Would you require anything further, Master?” Remy asked.

  “Nothing until you hear the cowbell,” Master Jax replied. “Three rings, Remington.”

  “Your will be done,” Remy said, withdrawing, the rustle of his red cloak telling her that he left.

  Eve stayed quiet. She was a little shocked that she’d entered the dungeon naked. Footsteps sounded by her left ear. Something whirled rhythmically above, a ceiling fan perhaps. She wasn’t sure, all she really cared about was the bold hand stroking down her bare back, stirring desire deeper and stronger than ever.

  “You are beautiful to me, Evelyn. I love you. Do you know that?”

  “Yes, Master Jax.”

  “Do you know that you’ll never need to fear me when you are submitting?”

  “I do.”

  “Do you love me?”

  “I love you very much,” she answered honestly, trembling. His mastery right then was subtle, yet it felt as if her soul were being laid bare, as exposed and vulnerable as her naked body.

  “Do you love Remington?” her Master continued.

  “Yes, I love him. The two of you are my heart and soul.”

  “Will you promise to never keep anything from us again? Never think we wouldn’t be there for you when you’re sick or afraid?”

  “I vow it, Master Jax.”

  “Then lift your head and be proud in your submission.”

  “Thank you, Master Jax.” Eve lifted her head, taking a moment to study her surroundings before focusing on Master Jax’s vivid violet gaze. “What would you have me do?”

  “I would have you be yourself,” he told her. “Dare not submit to something you’re truly uncomfortable with or think Remington or I would be disappointed if you say no. Submission is a gift to us, your gift, it is your right to tell us what you want or don’t want.”

  “I will remember going forward,” she agreed.

  Comforted by the fact that the dungeon was not blacked out and the walls were made of stone varying in shades of gray, brown and beige, she relaxed. Master Jax’s basement dungeon was beautiful. A maple bedframe, fitted with ropes and gears and various bondage straps, the mattress made up of rich brown and tan covers.

  Lights were on though kept dim, perhaps to avoid a harsh glare. White candles burned in silver candelabras, their flames flickering as a big paddle fan spun slowly from the ceiling, stirring the oriental spice-scented air. The exposed tiger maple flooring was both unique and inviting.

  In her research, dungeons had always appeared dark and threatening. Jaxon’s was filled with light and openness, exposing the spanking bench protected by dark-brown leather, a maple bondage cross and a number of different devices designed to wring the most out of a sub’s pleasure.

  What surprised her most was that Master Jax did not wear a mask, leather or big, heavy boots. He wore a tailored charcoal-gray suit, a bright purple tie and gleaming shoes on his feet instead.

  “Rise and follow,” he invited, offering his hand.

  Eve complied, placing her trust in him. Jaxon lifted her to her feet, bringing her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles with a reverence that stole her breath. He really was charming, instilling a sense of calm and acceptance. Drawing her across the room, he led her to the bed.

  Good heavens, the thing was almost as massive as the bed in their master bedroom.

  “When will my lesson begin, Master Jax?”

  “It began when you allowed Remington to prepare you to receive two men who love you more than life.”

  Eve bowed her head, stunned and yet pleased by his words. “Will Remy join us soon?”

  “You’ll see, love.” Master Jax helped her sit on the bed, having her face him with her feet dangling on the floor. The plug remained where Remy had placed it, pushing some but it didn’t hurt. “I’m going to blindfold you. Are you good with this?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “If you’re willing, I’d like to take you without a condom.”

  “Go bare, please,” she requested, believing in the strength of their commitment now.

  He reached into his suit pocket, withdrawing a blindfold and tying it around her head and sliding it down over her eyes. As soon as she couldn’t see, Master Jax’s hands cupped her face, lifting it up.

  He moved closer. She could feel the change in body heat, her awareness of him keener because she could smell him. His cologne, that enticing mixture of chocolate, vanilla and sexy exotic scents inviting her to take a bite even as his mouth touched hers.

  His kiss was as masterful and sexy as he was, melting through her, becoming part of her.

  “Offer your hands to me as if in prayer,” Master Jax requested upon releasing her mouth. She obeyed, waiting to see what he’d do next. Something silky soft flitted from her face to her ankles. It was swift, gentle, further melting her heart, earning her trust.

  She was as vulnerable to Master Jax as she’d ever been, yet instead of whipping her outright, he honored her submission with sensuality. At last he stood up straight, the clink, clink, clink of a cowbell sounding out nearby.

  No sooner than the third clink settled, the dungeon door opened and closed, bare footsteps crossed the slate floor. Two pairs of arms engulfed her, settling her down on the bed. Two mouths touched her face, trailing downward, turning her act of submission into lovemaking.

  She could hear them kissing and touching each other, loving the sound so much. She loved them. She was safe. She had her heroes and a lifetime of love to look forward to.

  Admittedly, she’d thought one of them would spank her or bind her for a stern flogging or some sort of discipline. They didn’t, they took their time, kissing her, loving her, making her feel as if she were the center of their universe.

  Gradually, after they’d kissed her from head to toe, Jaxon withdrew the plug. His arms came around her, his body blanketing her back. The luxurious feel of his suit slid against her skin, surprising her to realize he remained clothed, though she thought she heard a zipper going down and the telltale sound of lubricant being squirted.

  Master Jax snuggled
in closer, raining kisses along her neck and shoulders, biting some, sucking and licking her skin as she felt one hand sneak downward to the crack of her ass, a slick finger penetrating her. She jumped at first but he only had to murmur to calm her even as he began to slowly finger-fuck her ass, preparing her for his cock.

  At last, he withdrew his finger only to press his velvety-soft cockhead to her rosette and penetrate her slowly, so slowly. Patiently, her Master carried her through the initial burn into erotic pleasure so intense, it blew her mind.

  “Love you, baby girl, love you,” Master Jax bestowed, freeing her neck long enough to speak.

  “Love you,” she whispered. “Oh god, oh Master, you feel wicked good inside of me.”

  “You’re so tight, so incredibly tight,” he uttered, withdrawing only to establish a sweet, sensual in and out glide, filling her, thrilling her.

  Unexpectedly Master Jax withdrew entirely. Eve braced herself against disappointment until Remy aligned himself to her front, opening her thighs wide and draping her leg up and over his. The moment he had her where he wanted, he kissed her, his tongue dipping between her lips as his cock entered her pussy.

  Hmm, it felt good, amazingly good, especially as he set up a gentle rocking motion. It wasn’t until he was fully seated within her that she became aware of how soft and smooth his testicles were. The small amount of body hair was on his chest gone. His legs were soft as satin. He’d shaved!

  “Oh wow, oh yes, Remy, fuck me,” she implored, loving the feel of his smooth body and big cock buried so deeply, it struck her exactly right with every single stroke and thrust. Orgasm struck her core, crashing through her in delightful waves, her dampness increasing Remy’s thrusts.

  Ultimately, Remy withdrew, allowing Jaxon to reclaim her ass, pumping in and out, drawing back. Her lovers murmured, each kissing her wherever they could reach while Remy’s cock surged deep into her pussy, her lovers developing a counter rhythm with one penetrating deep while the other drew back.

  Pushing the boundaries of eroticism, they made love to each other, discovering three could become one after all. Orgasm struck Eve first, setting off Remy, Jaxon following soon after.


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