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Lucky in Love (Charmed in Vegas Book 3)

Page 5

by Bethany Shaw

  The trio exited the room, leaving him and Elly alone.

  “You look lovely,” Laik complimented as he took a step forward.

  “Thanks,” she whispered, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “Starving. I haven’t eaten since breakfast,” she blurted.

  “Would you like to go to a buffet?” Hopefully, she wouldn’t mind going to a buffet. He enjoyed them because he could fill his large belly. Shifting and flying made him hungry and he was famished. One meal at a restaurant wasn’t going to cut it for him.

  “That sounds fantastic,” she agreed with a grin.

  “Shall we?” he offered his hand to her and suppressed the urge to blow out a fiery breath when she slipped her delicate fingers into his. He had his hands full tonight with trying to keep her safe, but it was going to be damn hard to keep his hands to himself.


  Laik strode back to the table with his sixth helping. Elly sat at the booth stirring her drink with her straw. By now she was probably wondering where he put all the food he was eating. She’d filled one plate and then gone back up to the buffet, filling only half her plate the second time. Her eyes met his and she smiled as he slid back in opposite her.

  “Did you get enough to eat?” Laik questioned as he picked up his fork.

  “Yes, thanks,” she laughed, eying his overflowing plate. “You?”

  “Almost.” He returned her smile. I think this is my last plate. Hopefully soon she’ll understand why I eat so much and accept me for who and what I am. He swallowed hard at his last thought. What if Elly rejected him? It wouldn’t be the first time a human rejected their shifter mate. He shook his head. “What did you want to do after this?” he asked, hoping to change the topic.

  Elly shrugged. “I don’t know. What do you recommend? Your job must bring you here frequently,” she replied.

  Right, my job.

  Laik chewed the food in his mouth, washing it down with a swig of his soda before he met her gaze. What is there to do here? “Oh, um there’s the mini amusement park. It’s probably too late to get into any of the paid shows, but we could do some of the free stuff out on the Strip.”

  “Why don’t we just go for a walk? If we stumble upon any of the free stuff we can check it out,” she suggested.

  “You sure?” He’d take her someplace else—hell, he’d take her anywhere.

  “Yeah, I haven’t really visited anything else on the Strip except for the Old Moon,” she admitted.

  “Really? How long have you lived here?” Laik asked as he stuffed another forkful of food into his mouth. Sure she didn’t like to dance at the Old Moon, but Elly didn’t strike him as a homebody.

  “A few weeks,” she sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair.

  “How come you haven’t explored?” Laik wondered.

  Elly bit her lip. “I don’t know. Moving here ate up most of my savings. Charlie spends a ton of time at the Old Moon doing shows and officiating weddings. I don’t want to venture out on my own. Vegas seems like the place you should enjoy in the company of others,” she explained.

  “What about Acelynn and Ava? I’m sure they'd do stuff with you?” he questioned with a frown.

  “Oh, um,” she laughed as she fidgeted in her seat. “I would, but I...I’m not interested in some of their activities,” she trailed off and looked away from Laik.

  “It takes a special kind of person to do that line of work,” Laik commented.

  Elly’s mouth dropped open as she gaped at him. “You know what Acelynn does?”

  Laik laughed before taking a sip of his soda. “That she works with your roommate Ava as a call girl on occasion? I know. Acelynn’s a big girl; she can take care of herself.” All shifters had sexual needs and urges, and he couldn’t think of a better job for the succubus.

  “My older brother would freak out if he knew I was living with them,” Elly admitted as she picked up her drink. “My parents, too.”

  If they only knew, he thought to himself.

  “Tell me about your family,” he insisted. She was his mate and he didn’t know much about her.

  “My parents are both teachers at a local university in Massachusetts. That’s where I grew up. My brother is an architect living in Paris, France,” she said, while stirring her drink with the straw.

  “Are you close with them?” he questioned.

  “We used to be very close, but work has let us drift a little. I talk to my parents once a week; they think I’m still in Los Angeles. Thank goodness for cell phones. I haven't spoken with my brother in a few months,” she replied with a sigh. “What about your parents?”

  “My dad died when I was a child, and my mother lives in Washington State. We actually work together. I get to see her when I stop by headquarters. She has a desk job now in Washington where I’m based. We get together often to hike. She loves the mountains,” he said with a smile. Hiking was more like flying, but he couldn’t tell her that yet.

  “I’m sorry about your dad.”

  “It’s fine. It was a long time ago and we weren’t very close.” His human father had refused to bond with his mother upon learning what she was. He’d left her while she was pregnant and had shown little interest in the twins he’d helped her to conceive. A mistake Laik was determined not to repeat. Elly would accept him and his dragon. “I’m just glad that I get to be close to my mom.” He sucked in a breath, realizing his slip. MYTHS was in Washington. He had no idea where the gaming commission headquarters was. Hopefully, she didn’t either.

  “That’s nice that the two of you are close,” she replied with a grin. “And you and Acelynn are twins, right? Who is older?”

  “Me, by six minutes,” he chuckled as he set his fork down on his now empty plate. “Are you ready?”

  Elly nodded. “Where to first?”

  Laik slid out of the booth and offered his hand to Elly as he pulled her up. They walked hand in hand out of the restaurant and out into the casino.

  “Do you gamble at all?” he questioned.

  “I put a few quarters in one of the slots at the Old Moon my first time there. I was hoping for some good luck after I got my job. I lost my money right away,” she admitted as they strode through the dinging machines.

  “I’ll tell you a little secret.” He leaned closer to her breathing in her orange and pineapple perfume. “They don’t want you to win.”

  Elly laughed, tossing her head back as her chest heaved. “That makes me feel better.”

  “Let’s try our luck outside,” he suggested.


  Elly blinked as the laser lights flashed across the water and the white brick of the Lost Isle Casino. Fireworks boomed while colorful lights flickered in the sky as the crowd clapped.

  Laik’s hands rested on her shoulders and she leaned into his warmth, relaxing against his solid torso. It wasn’t cold out, but there was something about being enveloped in his heat that she craved. She wanted to feel more of his warmth—more of him.

  Good grief, what is wrong with me? Why am I letting him have this effect on me?

  The ground shook as fireworks erupted in the sky, signifying the grand finale. Colors illuminated the darkened night. She leaned her head back and rested it on Laik’s chest, watching the show. The last firework detonated and for a few seconds the crowd was quiet before it began to cheer and clap.

  “What did you think?” Laik’s voice murmured in her ear.

  Elly shivered as his breath whispered over her skin. “It was nice,” she responded as she spun in his arms. He was so close. His perfect lips just mere inches from hers.

  She licked her mouth, remembering the way he’d tasted her this morning. Maybe it was time to rethink her ban on dating. Ian Palmer had terrified her, but Laik wasn’t anything like that maniac. He was kind and a gentleman.

  Her eyes fluttered closed as she gathered her nerves and stood on her tiptoes, placing her lips against his. His
mouth opened and his tongue flicked out. He traced it over her teeth as he nipped at her lips. Elly moaned as she slid her hands up his firm chest. What would it be like to make love with him? Her insides trembled at the thought. I want to feel him inside me. Tonight!

  She quivered at the thought. The apartment would be empty. It could happen.

  Laik pulled away from her and narrowed his eyes as he took in the crowd. Her heart sank as Laik frowned, then took a step back from her.

  Elly swallowed, realizing that hundreds of people surrounded them.

  Maybe he doesn’t like PDA, she pondered. He seemed as into her as she was with him.

  “We should get going,” he told her as he slid his hand down her arm and grasped her palm.

  “Yeah,” she muttered. Heat crept over her cheeks. She met the disapproving eyes of a few onlookers.

  Two men shook their head at her as they muttered something under their breath. She held their glare while wondering what their deal was. It wasn’t like her and Laik had been too touchy feely. Though she kind of wished they were.

  “Come on,” Laik growled as he yanked her through the crowd.

  Elly had to jog to keep up with him. They weaved through the bustling crowd that was still laughing and hollering about the light show.

  Laik tugged her arm harder and she tripped over her feet. A scream bubbled up her throat as she stumbled, trying to keep from toppling over. She’d be crushed for sure in this crowd.

  Strong arms enveloped her as her nose crunched into Laik’s chest. Her legs swept out from under her and she gasped, burying her face into his shirt. He carried her through the crowd, shoving through them and it didn’t appear that he cared who he knocked out of the way.

  Elly peered up at him and swallowed. His jaw was set and his eyes blazed. The color was unnatural, even more so than she’d realized. It looked like his retinas were burning, but she knew that wasn’t possible. Still, she couldn’t steal her gaze away from the enchanting color.

  Laik looked over his shoulder and muttered something she couldn’t understand. Elly licked her lips and followed his line of sight.

  Are those the two gawkers from a minute ago?

  They were making a beeline straight for them.

  “Are they following us?” she whispered.

  “Yes,” Laik growled without looking behind him.

  Elly whipped her attention to him. How had he heard her over the crowd? Even this close, she would have had to yell at him for him to hear.

  “Hold tight,” he instructed as he marched forward.

  His fingers moved under her bottom and if he wasn’t scowling, she would think he was trying to cop a feel. She clasped onto him tighter as he broke into a jog.

  Her heart hammered in her chest as their pursuers picked up their pace too.

  Who are they and why are they following us? What do they want?

  She squeaked as Laik lurched to the right and darkness enveloped them as he slipped between two towering casinos. Laik set her on the ground. She gasped as he stepped away from her, reaching out, searching for him. “Laik? Are you there?” He didn’t respond but crackling and ripping noises tore through the air. She squinted, trying to see in the darkness. Warm arms encircled her and lifted her up again. Laik jumped up and her stomach dropped, causing her to squeeze her eyes shut. She clung to him, searching for the fabric of his shirt, but couldn’t find it. Instead of cotton beneath her fingers there was warm, scaly...something. It definitely wasn’t fabric or skin.

  “Laik?” she whispered as she pried her eyes open. Her heart pounded in her ears.

  Blazing eyes met hers and she jerked back. My God, his eyes, they aren’t human.

  Lights from the casinos flickered around her and she whirled her head to the right and screamed. Laik’s hands clutched her tighter. Dizziness consumed her as she blinked down at the Vegas Strip below her. She stilled. The people on the streets were ant-sized. The tops of the buildings were so close all she would have to do was reach out and she could touch the rooftops.

  What in the hell is happening?

  “Laik?” she shrieked as she swiveled her gaze back to him. A silent cry got stuck in her throat. The beast that held her had a black belly and red back. Its arms were tiny and its talons were sharp enough to break the skin on her back. Where was Laik? What happened to him? And, oh my God, are those wings? She croaked out a scream as long black wings flapped in the sky.

  Elly squeezed her eyes shut and counted backwards from ten. This was a nightmare. A horrible nightmare. Any second she’d wake up in her bed and have a good laugh.

  When she got to one, she peeked one eye open and then the other. Her jaw popped open. She drew in ragged breaths.

  Not a dream.

  “Help!” she whispered unable to scream as she’d intended.

  The fiery eyes met hers blinking as if the beast who had her were trying to tell her something.

  She shook her head, whipping tendrils of hair in her face as she tried to get his piercing gaze out of her mind.

  This can’t be happening!

  The beast’s wings slowed and her stomach dropped again as they glided onto a roof top. She thrashed in a desperate attempt to get away from whatever had her.

  The monster opened its mouth and something came out that sounded a little like her name followed by a puff of smoke.

  Elly shoved with all her might and rolled out of his grip, landing hard on her right side.

  She cringed as the asphalt bit into her skin. As she blinked back tears she crawled away from her captor. Where is Laik? What happened to him? Is he hurt? I have to get out of here.

  The dragon, what else could it be, stalked toward her. Puffs of fire flared from its nostrils. She scampered to her feet, unable to tear her gaze away from the monster as she backtracked.

  Her feet tripped over each other and she shuffled, trying to keep her balance. She screeched as her feet slid out from under her. She grunted as the back of her head collided with something. Darkness tugged at her vision as the dragon peered down at her.

  Elly willed her heavy eyelids to stay open but they fluttered closed and blackness consumed her.

  Chapter Five

  “Thank you for your hospitality,” Laik’s voice boomed in the distance.

  Elly groaned as she pried one eye open, then the other. She gazed up at the crystal chandelier and blinked against the offensive light. Where am I?

  “Of course. Anything that MYTHS needs, don’t hesitate to let us know,” another voice replied.

  What is MYTHS?

  Elly pushed up onto her elbows while peering around the room. She recognized the crazy swirls on the carpet of the Old Moon and frowned as she stared down at the emblazoned comforter. The mattress she sat on was plush and comfortable.

  The room was nice, but why was she at the Casino? How did she get here?

  Her head spun as she looked at two glasses of bubbling champagne and a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries. What is that for? This date got weird fast.

  “I should go,” Laik’s voice drew her to the open door that led into another room.

  Elly scooted to the edge of the bed, grimacing as dizziness consumed her. Her eyes fluttered shut, but dots continued to flicker behind her eyelids. She inhaled and let it out before pushing to her feet. Her feet squished into the thick carpet as she padded to the doorway.

  The door to the suite clicked shut as she entered the posh living room. There were two couches, a minibar, a fireplace, and a TV.

  “How are you feeling?” Laik asked as he clicked the lock on the door. He narrowed his eyes as he spun around to glimpse at her.

  Elly put her hand on her forehead, sliding it around to the back of her head. “A little dizzy,” she admitted. “What happened?” If she’d been drinking she could maybe understand the hazy events and light headedness, but she hadn’t had a single drop all night.

  Laik strode to her, wrapped an arm around her waist and guided her to the sofa. “You hit y
our head,” he explained as he helped her get situated before going to the bar. He plucked a bottled water from the fridge and twisted the top off as he handed it to her.

  She took the bottle, slurping the ice-cold water down her parched throat. Foggy memories flickered in her mind as the events from earlier came back.

  She shot to her feet, the water slipped out of her hands and landed on the carpet, sending its contents splattering across the room. Her belly rolled as she glared at Laik.

  “” she pointed her finger at him but couldn’t form words.

  “I can explain,” he started, holding up a hand. “I’m sure you have questions.”

  Questions? She had a lot more than a few measly questions.

  “ was a...a...dragon,” she stammered. Her eyes met his, begging him to erupt into a fit of laugher. It had to be a hallucination.

  “I know.”

  “What?” she screeched. He was agreeing with her lunacy?

  “Elly.” He reached out for her, but she shrugged him away. “Why don’t you sit down and I’ll explain.”

  She shook her head as her back collided with the glassy marble wall of the fireplace mantel. Her eyes roamed over the room, scouting possible exits and weapons if needed. And to think, I thought Laik was normal. Boy, was I wrong.

  Laik ran a hand through his hair, sending the tufts up into tiny spikes. “There is magic in our world,” he began as he sat down on the arm of the couch. “I work for an organization, MYTHS. Our goal is to protect humans from magical creatures that get out of line.”

  “You know you sound crazy, right?” she mumbled as she edged along the fireplace toward the door.

  Laik watched her a moment before continuing. “As you may remember, I can transform into a dragon.”

  Elly lifted her brows at his words. Maybe she was still dreaming or she’d been drugged. Either way, it was the only plausible explanation.

  “I know this must sound insane,” he told her as she tiptoed to the door.

  Her fingers curled around the cool metal knob. Pushing it down, she spun, ready to flee.

  “I know about Ian Palmer,” he hissed.

  Elly twirled around to face him as her heart skipped a beat.


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