dp-60142b daddy's darling (shirley james)

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dp-60142b daddy's darling (shirley james) Page 13

by Shirley James (mobi)

  Her degradation was just about complete. There wasn't much else Hamilton could do to her except, except... Oh, God, thought Sue. He isn't going to watch me shit! The perverted, disgusting, son of a bitch! That wretched bastard! Thai filthy slob! How could he do this to her?

  Hamilton towered over her, enjoying her state of utter debasement. She was absolutely at his mercy. He waited for her to shit, standing in front of the bathtub. His arms were still crossed in front of him, as he savored the sight of his hapless captive squirming under his gaze. She flexed auu unflexec her muscles, shaking with pain and shame. Of course, the mental humiliation was worse than any tiling else, but that was understood without anyone having to verbalize it. Sue wiggled, as Hamilton watched her every move. He particularly lilted the way her cunt open and shut, as she grappled for a handhold inside of the tub. One breast flopped one way, and one the other. Her cocoa nipples were surprisingly hard, like the nipples of a woman who is in a state of arousal.

  Hamilton could tell that this woman's emotions were in a state of flux, a condition brought about by the sudden infliction of an arcane reality on a previously normal life. Usually such a bizarre shift in focal points brings on unreasoning fear and horror, but in this particular case Sue's disgust and loathing were somehow transformed into an anal-compulsive manifestation of sexually related sensations. Her cunt dripped with her rapidly appearing lubrication fluid. Although her limbs were bound, almost totally incapacitating her, she was paradoxically involved and absorbed with the sensual feelings of release associated with the artificially induced loosening of her bowels. As the warm shit flowed out of her ass, pooling in the tub around her, she felt the onset of the spasms of pleasure associated with the female orgasm. When she looked up, she saw the figure of Hamilton Burns. His ugly, leering face gave him the appearance of the Devil, and since it was he who was causing her humiliation, not she of her own volition, she was free to enjoy the pleasurable undulations of her body, without the least hint of guilt, since all that was transferred to Hamilton, the Devil figure. So what was important was her image of him, not the actual shame she was experiencing. If she had been on, say, LSD, she might have assumed she was being reborn, baptized by the vile product of her own eliminative system.

  On the other hand, Sue Carson had an ungodly orgasm, as Hamilton watched her struggle with a gigantic flow of enema tinged diarrhea. "Mmmmmppggghhh!!!" she choked. The stench of the shit was almost unbearable. Hamilton watched her suffer, knowing full well that he was embarrassing her half-way to death. "Well, now, my little cock-tease. Are you satisfied with yourself?"

  Of course, it was impossible for poor little Sue Carson to say a word. Being of a kind nature, Hamilton stuck his hand behind her head, and untied the knot that bound the washrag in her mouth. "PRICK! BASTARD! SHITHEAD!" blurted Sue, as soon as the gag was out of her mouth.

  "Now, now, let's keep our tempers," soothed Hamilton, playing his role to the hilt. "And speaking of shitheads, I'd say that the description fits you, rather than me," he concluded. He reached down and gingerly touched her cunt with his finger, feeling the still wet come-juice that soaked her thighs. "Well, now, what have we here? Don't tell me that Miss Hoity-toity Sue Carson actually had an orgasm from her enema? Don't tell me that little Sue Carson actually enjoyed being forced to wallow in her own excrement?!" he leered.

  "You son-of-a-bitch," hissed Sue. She couldn't admit that she had loved every second of her torture. What kind of a girl would he think she was, anyway?

  "You're filthy," he said, "both hi mind and body. There's only one cure for such a dirty little girl."

  "What's that?" she asked.

  "This," said Hamilton. He turned on the hot water spigot, full blast. Scalding hot water poured out of the shower head, soaking Sue Carson to the marrow. "Ahhhhhhhh!" she screamed. She futilely attempted to cover her face with her hands, but it was no use. After watching her writhe for a couple of seconds, Hamilton turned on the cold water as well, somewhat modifying the intensity of the little bath. Now Sue was bathed in a fine spray of tepid water. She almost felt grateful, as the slimy shit drained down the basin. Still, she was tightly hog-tied. Try as she might, she couldn't get the other knots off of her wrists, "Hamilton! Let me go this instant," she said loudly.

  "My dear, you're still in no position to make any demands. Don't you realize that you're as helpless as can be? I still have one more little chore to perform," he said.

  "You're... you're insane!" blurted Sue Carson, "I didn't realize it before, but you're totally insane! I can't believe what a maniac you turned out to be!"

  "Only in private my dear. To the world at large, I'm considered a right regular fellow. If you told this story to anyone, I'm sure they would think you were the insane one," laughed Hamilton. Not when they see those pictures of you fucking your daughters, thought Sue, with an inward laugh. I'm going to get you back for every second of this.

  Hamilton wasn't paying attention to a word of her cursing and grumbling. He was busy putting phase two of his plan into effect. Hamilton strode over to the doorway, and cupped his hands in front of his mouth: "Tricia, Daphne!" he called.

  "Yes, Daddy?" came a voice from the head of the stairs.

  "I want you all to come down here. I have something I want you to see," he said.

  "What, Daddy?" asked Tricia, her voice faint and far away.

  "Just come down here. You'll see in a moment." In a few minutes, the patter of small feet could be heard climbing down the stairs. Tricia poked her head in the door. She was wearing a pink nightgown, semi-transparent, that showed her youthful body off to full advantage. Her cunt hairs were clearly visible through the flimsy material. Daphne peeked in next. She was wearing nothing but a bra and panties. She also wore big fluffy slippers on her feet. They both stood at the doorway. "What do you want, Daddy? We were just going to bed!"

  "Come in here. I want you to see what happens to a woman who acts in a filthy manner. You both probably thought I was going to fuck Miss Carson. You thought that was why I sent you two girls upstairs. Well, now you can both see how very wrong you both were. Behold Miss Sue Carson. She is now in the position that befits her the most!"

  The two nearly nude teenagers crowded around the tub, almost pushing their father out of the way. Sue squealed and bucked her hips, ranting and raving at the top of her lungs. "You filthy bastard! I'll get you for this! Get those girls out of here!"

  "Phew, Daddy, it stinks in here," said Tricia, holding her nose.

  "What did you do to Miss Carson?"

  "Miss Carson is enjoying the results of my hospitality. She butted her nose in where it didn't belong and now she's paying for it. Are we enjoying ourselves, Ms. Carson?" asked Hamilton, emphasizing the pronunciation of the prefix "Ms.". He knew that Sue was somewhat keen on the topic of Women's Liberation.

  "Now girls, I'm going to show you what happens to wanton sluts, like his. Carson, here. I want to make sure that neither of my two gorgeous daughters turns out this way. Ms. Carson has been found guilty of lesbianism, fucking my brother, and poorly influencing the morals of two minors. Now watch what I'm going to do to her!"

  As the two daughters watched, Hamilton picked up a wet towel from the floor, and he slowly wrapped it into a rat-tail. Sue Carson bellowed at the top of her lungs. She tore at the sash that bound her arm and leg, but it was tied too tightly for her useless scramblings to have any effects. Hamilton raised the towel above his head, took his distance, and viciously brought the dripping cloth down on Sue Carson's back.

  "Ahhhh!" wailed Sue Carson. A red welt rose on her backside. She frantically rubbed her ass with her free hand, but Hamilton whacked her again, and again. Her rear was soon one big red mass of swollen flesh. Hamilton was practically drooling at the mouth. He had to use a monumental amount of self control to restrain himself from beating the girl insensible.

  Finally, with beads of sweat dripping from his brow, he threw the filthy rag down on the floor. He knelt down, with his contorted face close
to Sue's and hissed in her face: "There now. Let that be a lessen to you. I don't ever want to see you again. You're fired from your job, and I don't want you hanging around my house. I'm sick to my stomach at the way you corrupted my two daughters. Take your lesbian tendencies elsewhere."

  Straightening up, he addressed Daphne and Tricia. "Now girls, I want you to untie Ms. Carson here. Take her into the kitchen, give her a cup of coffee, and throw her out. If I ever catch you near her again, I'll give both of you the same treatment."

  "Yes, Daddy," rasped Tricia. She was shuddering in fright. She had never seen her father in such an agitated condition. She flung back her long hair, almost afraid to let her father have a look at her enormous breasts. She didn't want to be raped by him now, not while he was in such a state of sadistic arousal. "Take it easy, Sue. I'll untie you and get you out of here. I don't think we ought to disturb Daddy while he's feeling this way," she whispered.

  "Please," moaned Sue, "hurry up!" In a minute, young Tricia Burns had disentangled Sue Carson from her ropes and stays. Sue stood up, and shook her sore fists at Hamilton.

  "You dirty bastard. I'm going to fix your wagon. You just wait. I've got something on you that you won't be able to squirm out of!" she bellowed. "I'm going to ruin you, Hamilton Burns!" bellowed Sue.

  "I hope you don't intend blackmail," said a calm voice from behind her. Sue Carson wheeled around, and gaped in shock. Uncle Paul was standing behind her, with a sheet of Polaroid pictures in his hand. He handed one to Sue. There she was, plain as day, sucking on Hamilton's cock.

  Now Sue's eyes were wide with disbelief, horror, and every kind of confused emotion that was known to human beings. She had been betrayed by everyone! How stupid she had been to think that Uncle Paul would betray his own brother! Paul had plenty of pictures of her, in a most compromising situation. If she attempted to blackmail Hamilton, then Paul would do likewise to her. Tears of rage began to pour out of her eyes. "You tricked me, you all tricked me. You're all no good. I hate you all!" she wailed. She tore at her hair in frustration. Hamilton was pleased. He always had wanted to put that haughty cunt in her place.

  Daphne and Tricia were astonished. They liked Sue Carson, alright, they even felt sorry for her, but they couldn't stand someone who would stoop to blackmailing their own father. Hamilton looked at Paul, and Paul nodded to him, with a big grin on his face. "Don't worry, Hamilton. Ill explain everything later. Everything is under control."

  "So I see," said Hamilton, wiping his brow. Good old Paul. So he hadn't turned out to be such a prick after all. While Sue fumed, Paul told the girls what had been going on. Daphne glared at Sue, and Tricia slapped her across the face.

  "Bitch! How dare you come in here, and fuck around with my father!"

  "Let's toss her out, Trish," added Daphne. They allowed Sue Carson to hastily pull on a few garments. She looked totally disheveled, and tears were spilling from her eyes. Her hair was hanging in a stringy mass all over her face, and her body was beet red from the hot water shower. The worst part was her sore and swollen ass. She could barely stand up. The mete touch of her clothing made her rear swell and burn. Her humiliation was total. Hamilton had made a fool of her. Now she was out of a job, in a state of shock, and utterly debased. She didn't even protest when Tricia and Daphne took her by the arms and escorted her out of the house. "Good-bye, Sue Carson," they said in unison. Sue Carson looked at them with an incredulous expression on her face. "But girls," she protested. To her horror, she felt Tricia's angry foot on her rear, kicking her out of the house. Sue held her scalding bottom, gave a loud shriek, and ran to her car, burning with shame. Her humiliation was complete.

  When they had slammed the door, the two sisters looked at each other. They had big grins on their faces. "I guess that puts things back to normal," said Tricia. Her face was relaxed and beaming. She felt like a mature, adult woman!

  "Now the only one left is Uncle Paul," said Daphne. "Once we get rid of him, well have Daddy all to ourselves again," she said.

  "I think Uncle Paul will be a little hard to get rid of," answered Tricia. Then a sly look passed across her face. "On the other hand, I don't think it would be such a tragedy if Uncle Paul stayed around. He looks just like Daddy, and he fucks nicely too!"

  "Agreed," said Daphne. The two girls shook hands, and walked back to the bathroom. They were going to extract the maximum amount of pleasure from both their relatives. They really felt dirty and sexy. Never in their lives had they ever been involved in anything that was so totally filthy and sexy and lewd. Tricia knew that she had never been allowed to push around another girl before, especially one like Sue Carson, who was much older than she was. She felt little twinges of erotic thrills racing up and down her spine. She felt mature, lavicious, and ready for more sex. She was finally growing up!

  When they got back to the bathroom, Uncle Paul and Hamilton were laughing. Paul had a sheet of photographs in his hand. Hamilton was looking at them with interest. Her father seemed to have regained his normal composure, and now he was laughing and smiling happily.

  "Well, I'm so glad to get my girls back. Uncle Paul told me the whole story. I forgive all of you. I'm just glad we got back together again. There's nothing like a well-ordered home."

  "Yes, Daddy," said Tricia and Daphne in unison.

  They spent the next few hours cleaning up the house. Hamilton sent out for a Chinese dinner. They ate the egg-rolls hungrily, and washed everything else down with a big pot of tea. Hamilton was acting expansively friendly with his brother. They clapped each other on the shoulders and talked about old times. The two sisters merely sat on the edge of their chairs, watching the men for any signs of arousal. All of the events of the day had gotten both of them fantastically aroused. Tricia could feel her young furry cunt dribbling with excitement. She put her heel under her thigh, and rocked back and forth, keeping her cunt pressed against her foot. She winked at her sister. Daphne saw what she was doing, and she imitated her older sister. Soon, both of the little girls were rocking back and forth on their heels, stimulating their eager cunts. Tricia was wearing a thin nightgown, and her frizzy cunt hairs stuck out of the edges of the filmy pair of nylon panties that went with the outfit. To the total disappointment of the two girls, when their father finished eating, he pushed his chair back and announced that he was going to bed. Tricia looked at Daphne: "Don't worry," said the other girl, "we'll take care of this tomorrow." They went into their own bedrooms and fell asleep, after not a little amount of giggling and going over the day's events.

  In the morning, Tricia and Daphne awoke at the same time. Tricia looked at Daphne, and the same idea seemed to cross their heads at the same instant. The two nude girls crawled out of bed together, and then slipped into loose bathrobes. Tricia studied Daphne, whose large breasts were spilling out of the front of the nightdress. Her strawberry nipples were getting hard and they made a soft impression against the filmy material. Tricia lay her head against her sister's chest, feeling the warm orbs as they flattened against her cheeks.

  "Do you want to go into Daddy's room?" asked Daphne.

  "Yes," replied Tricia, giggling slyly. "I think he needs some attention after all that happened the other day."

  "Yeah. I mean I simply cannot believe what that Sue Carson bitch wanted to do to him. I can see wanting to fuck him, but nobody I know would use photographs for blackmail," she answered wisely. "I wouldn't want to get Daddy into any trouble, even if he is a bastard!"

  "I know. I really do like Daddy, you know," she said assertively.

  "So do I," said Daphne with finality, "let's go wake him up right this instant."

  The two half naked sisters walked silently down the hall, leaving the doors open behind them, so they wouldn't make any noise when they shut. They paused in front of the guest room. When they peered in, Uncle Paul was in there, sleeping soundly. Satisfied that their father was alone, the two girls crept into their father's bedroom.

  Hamilton was fast asleep. He was nude, and the
woolen blanket was half on his body, half off. His huge cock was fully erect, and it rested straight up, against his belly button.

  "All men are like that in the morning," said Tricia with authority, "it's their morning piss-erection. Men are really good to fuck first thing in the morning. It's when they're the hardest."

  "Really?" said Daphne, "I didn't know that."

  "Yes," said Tricia with another affirmative shake of her head. Then silently, she licked her lips with her red moist tongue, and slowly knelt by the side of the bed. Hamilton didn't even stir. He was dead asleep. As Daphne watched her sister with mounting interest, Tricia brought her open mouth closer and closer to her father's cock. She could smell the musty odor of her father's penis. It was sweet, yet heavy smelling at the same time. She tenderly grasped the thick organ at the base, and then she let just the tip of her tongue flutter against the purple and bulbous glans.

  Still, Hamilton didn't wake up. He let out a low groan in his sleep, and adjusted his position so that his cock was closer to the source of the sopping wet warmth of his daughter's mouth. Tricia stifled a giggle, then she pulled her mouth away from the cock, holding it very delicately by the root.

  "C'mere, Daphne," she whispered. Daphne stood in front of her sister. Tricia dipped quickly, and gave her sister's twat a long wet kiss, from the bottom of the slit all the way up to the clitoris. Daphne shuddered, and moved her cunt closer to her sister's face. "No, you silly little idiot," said Tricia, "I'm not going to suck you, I just wanted to get you wet so that it would be easy for you to fuck Daddy once I get him ready!"


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