Daphne understood right away. She climbed on top of her sleeping father, and straddled his body, holding her body so that her downy bush barely touched his stiffly erect penis.
"No, no, back off a little bit," whispered Tricia. Daphne did as she was told. While she waited, Tricia licked her gorgeous lips, and then brought her head closer to her father's huge penis. Hamilton stirred a little bit in his sleep. Tricia backed off, then, holding her head daintily, she again moved her lips closer to the stiff penis. With a light motion, she dipped her head down and engulfed her father's cock in her mouth. She nibbled on it gently, sucking it all the way from the base of the shaft. Her eyes were becoming cloudy as she nibbled on the cock to her heart's content. Hamilton was still asleep.
Daphne, from her position on her father's belly, angrily looked down on her sucking sister. Why did Tricia always get to he all the fun? She would have yelled at Tricia, but she was so afraid of waking her father, she managed to remain silent.
Tricia sucked a little harder. She brought her hand under the heavy balls, and rifted them up a fraction of an inch. The moist heat under the fleshy orbs dissipated slightly, and she felt a gentle rush of cool air glide through her fingers. The tip of the cock felt like silk in her mouth. She eagerly ate the penis. Her mouth worked more rapidly, as the heavy cock filled her throat.
A gushing stream of saliva spilled out of the comer of her mouth, as she happily sucked on his cock. She was just waiting for the instant that her father would wake up. She wanted to see the look of surprise on his face as he became aware of what was happening. Daphne stared with repressed rage. It was starting all over again. Her sister got to do all the good stuff, while she was forced to simply watch. There was nothing quite so bad as sibling rivalry, with their father's cock as the stakes.
Hamilton was fast asleep. The events of the previous days had just about exhausted him. He was in a deep stage of REM slumber, as the scientists say. Nothing could have woken him up... except a pair of warm teen-age lips, pressed gently around the head of his cock. His big warm furry body was trembling ever so slightly. He shifted his weight in bed, and rolled over on his side. Tricia let his big penis slip out of his side, she followed his penis with her mouth. She nestled herself into a fetal-like position beside her father. Her hands were bunched up near her ample chest, and her knees were drawn up around her stomach. Like a baby sucking on a nipple. Tricia was sucking on her father's cock, and nothing else seemed to matter.
For the next few minutes, none of the participants changed their stances. Daphne straddled her sleeping father, watching Tricia suck him out of the corner of her eye. Tricia kept the big cock in her mouth, while thin rivers of saliva dripped onto the sheets. Hamilton was sleeping like a log. His face had a beatific expression splashed across it.
Slowly, the sensations of Tricia's warm mouth began to penetrate through his veil of slumber. He began to dream that he was being sucked by a goldfish, or a mermaid, as he lay floating on a coral sea. As his awareness penetrated his lower levels of sleep, he reached down his hands and began to stroke the ardent head that was so raptly fastened on his tug penis. He was still unaware of the reality. He imagined that he was in a barn with some big furry animal, a cow maybe, that was slurping up his cock with long, wet strokes.
Unconsciously, he began his coital movements. He shifted his weight back and forth, pushing his big penis deeper and deeper into his daughter's mouth. Tricia sucked willingly, happy to be of service to her dear old pater. She wanted most of all to see the expression on his face when he woke up, even more, she wanted to feel the hot gush of his semen as it sloshed down her throat. She could barely wait!!!
Still, Hamilton was not awake. He lounged in his slumber, like some big beast of the jungle. His body radiated heat, and he stretched languidly, bathed in his slumber. Tricia decided to help him along a little bit. She gave him a tiny nip on his prick. Not enough to cause any pain, just enough to rouse him out of his slumber. Hamilton grunted in his sleep, and his dream popped like one of those thought balloons in the cartoons. He shifted in his sleep again, and grabbed Tricia's head.
He awoke suddenly, almost startled. He felt the violent mouth on his prick, and his eyes gogged out. It took almost half a minute to realize that he was being sucked, that it was his own daughter Tricia who was giving him this delicious sleepy blow-job. At the same instant, he felt the softer pressure of Daphne's furry pussy hovering above him. He reached up. He touched her heavy, golden breasts, and ran his finger along her nipples, feeling their swollen hardness. He could smell the fragrant muskiness of her tight young pussy. Ah, it was good to have a pair of daughters. Such good, sweet little girls who enjoyed attending to their father's needs. He eased back, and let his cock slip into her mouth even deeper. Now he began a series of deep, well timed coital thrusts. No longer was he sound asleep. Now he was an aware, directed man, using his daughter's mouth for his own pleasure.
He liked to think of it that way. He was using her, using her mouth for his own pleasure. And Tricia was happy to let herself be used. She wanted to be the receptacle for her father's sperm. She wanted to taste the delicious fluid, she wanted to feel it spurt down her gums, splash over her teeth, to run slowly and oozily down her eager throat. The very taste, the very feel of her father's prick was heaven to her.
On top, Daphne wriggled impatiently. "Daphne!" she bleated. "You said I was going to get a chance!" She shook her hips angrily, buffeting the flat of Hamilton's stomach.
Tricia didn't care. Besides, she hadn't actually said anything, she had merely implied that she was going to let Daphne fuck her father after she had sucked him awake. However, Tricia fully intended to let her father come in her mouth. She was going to force him to come in her mouth. She knew that she wouldn't be satisfied until her father's come was dripping down her throat, until she was flooded with mouthful after mouthful of the delicious fluid.
Daphne second guessed her sister. She grabbed Tricia by the hair, and practically ripped it out by the roots, knocking Tricia to the floor. Tricia screamed in loud protest.
"What the hell's the matter with you, you dirty bitch?" screamed Tricia, picking herself up from the carpeted floor. Her now nude body rippled defiantly, and the scent of her aroused feminity rose into the still air of the bedroom.
Daphne didn't answer. Her mouth covered her father's cock, she was sucking away for dear life, trying to finish the job that her sister had started. She wanted to make her father come first. She had to finish the job that Tricia had started, before the little bitch was able to knock her out of place.
"Girls!" said Hamilton loudly. He dreamily sat up in bed, with Daphne following his erect cock with her mouth like some sort of a snake. Her eyes looked up at her father's chest, while her active tongue rolled in slow circles around her father's swelling glans. As little droplets of the pre-come fluid appeared, Daphne lapped them up with her eager tongue.
Hamilton found himself hard pressed to control himself. He marveled at how expert his little daughters had become in so short a space of time. They were eating his prick with the skill of much older women. He had to admit that Tricia was just a tiny bit better at it than her sister, but he would never tell her that. Anyway, practice makes perfect. He intended to keep her lapping at his cock for a long time to come. He could hear the slurping noises as she gobbled his penis, eating and sucking away with youthful abandon. He knew that he was on the verge of a tremendous orgasm. Only which daughter did he want to receive it? Daphne was talented and eager, but Tricia might have just that extra-special touch. Quickly, he decided to let Daphne eat his come... for this time, anyway. He looked at her bobbing head, with that rapt expression frozen on her delicate face. She looked so nice, so virginal. Best of all, she was his own daughter. He remembered the many times that his late wife had sucked his cock for him. Daphne and his wife looked almost the same, as if she were a slightly off carbon copy.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tricia approaching, with hatred on her
face. She was about to push Daphne off the bed, and regain her original place in front of her father, sucking his cock. Hamilton had to act fast, if he was going to stop Tricia from spoiling his orgasm. He was already on the brink of coming, and he knew if he switched mouths, the pleasure would be considerably diminished. "TRICIA!!!" he bellowed, in a voice loud enough to wake the dead, "DONT YOU DARE COME AN INCH CLOSER!!!"
Tricia stopped dead in her tracks, as she watched, her father's body shudder with the first of his orgasmic spasms. His entire body lurched and shuddered with the force of his violent orgasm. The sperm jetted into Daphne's mouth with remarkable force. It hit the back of her throat, and it splashed down her gullet. She had been unprepared for this assault on her oral orifice, and it took her a little while to compose herself and start swallowing. She grinned happily, as best she could with her mouth so packed full of the sperm, and then she began swallowing everything that poured down her throat.
Tricia was red with rage and jealousy. Her eyes were dancing fire, and she stomped the ground with her feet in frustration. "Damn you, Daphne! You're always getting my share of fun!" Daphne didn't answer her. She was too busy eating her father's sperm. She milked the cock up from the base, and the remaining dollops of the sticky sperm oozed into her hungry mouth. The come tasted delicious to her. She was becoming quite fond of the musky tasting frothy liquid. It felt good and thick and warm when it slid down her throat, and it felt so good when it sat like a warm lump of oatmeal in the bottom of her growling stomach. She was muchly content with herself. She didn't even care if she had made Tricia jealous. Tricia could just go to hell.
Now that they were all together in the room, the element of surprise had worn off. The sight of the two nude little girls, both eager to service him in any way he pleased, was having a volcanic effect on his already inflated ego. The only problem left was figuring out who got to fuck him. In the morning, Hamilton could sustain, two, maybe three erections within a short space of time. He languished on the bed, his cock dripping slowly, watching carefully all the movements of his two sexy girls.
"Well, now. This is really a surprise for a horny old man. What made you come into my room at such an early hour? I was almost going to leave you alone. I thought that you both had had enough of all this fucking and sucking," he said.
"It was my idea, Daddy," piped up Tricia, thrusting her heavy breasts closer to him with pride, "I decided to suck you off as soon as I got up. I was going to fuck you too, but Daphne spoiled my plan. She wasn't supposed to suck you off all the way. She was supposed to wait, while we fucked you afterwards."
"That's alright, baby," said Hamilton. He pointed to his already recovering cock. "You'll get your chance to suck on it too." Tricia smiled at him, and licked her lips. An innocent gesture, but one full of sexual promise!
At that very second, Uncle Paul stuck his head into the room, "What's all the commotion?" he said, with a bizarre hit to his voice. He was wearing a thin bathrobe, and his prick dangled out through the open slit on the front. Daphne smiled at him, but she remained close to her father, squeezing his prick in her hands. Tricia shot her father an enraged look. She was angry at him for having deserted her, or so it seemed to her. She had engineered his whole morning, and now she couldn't even enjoy the fruits of her labor. She crept up to her father's brother, and knelt before him, wrapping her hands around his waist.
"Would you like to be sucked?" she asked in a loud voice, loud enough for her father to hear her.
"Of course," said Paul. Now that Paul was in Hamilton's good graces, he figured that he could get away with a little incestuous behavior. After all, if Hamilton was fucking and sucking his own daughters, he could do the same. After all, they were his nieces. He sat down on the chair behind him, and gathered her fluffy head into his arms. He felt a shock of pleasure as her warm mouth made contact with his rapidly hardening penis. She started to suck him, even more expertly then she had sucked her father. Her head bobbed up and down with obvious enthusiasm.
Hamilton watched this scene with growing discomfort. His brother was really acting completely out of character. Up until this time, he had always known Paul to be a soft spoken, practical joker, who would never show his sexual feelings in public. It was a mystery to Hamilton. The sight of his little girl mouthing his brother's penis was getting Hamilton inordinately excited. His flaccid cock was getting harder and harder, and he felt Daphne starting to suck harder and harder. The little bitch still wasn't satisfied, he thought. She still wanted another mouthful of sperm! He lazily pumped his cock in and out of her mouth a few times, but his desire mounted faster than she was able to suck. He pulled his cock out of her mouth and nudged Daphne over onto her belly. She lay spraddled on the bed, with her softly rounded ass pointed at him invitingly. With a grunt of pleasure, Hamilton spread the cheeks of her ass, inhaling the fragrant cunt-smell that filled the air. He spit on his fingers and rubbed the glistening saliva up and down her cunt-slit, then he gave her clitoris a few preliminary rubs. Daphne was twitching and shuddering. "Please, Daddy, Daddy!" was all she could say.
Keeping his eye on Tricia who was sucking Paul lustily, Hamilton fit the knob of his violently erect penis into Daphne's wet twitching cunt. She clenched her muscles for a split-second, then she relaxed. At the very instant she let loose, her father's huge cock plunged deep into her cunt. She squirmed frantically, moving first one way and then the other. Her father had thoroughly impaled her on his ramrod-like cock. She was filled up to the hilt with the big, pulsing rod. It was practically driving her crazy with lust. She felt like she would go insane if he kept his cock inside of her any longer.
He held it in deeply for about a minute, then he pulled out slowly. He found a speed, then he settled into it. Slowly and steadily, he rammed his big cock in and out of her pussy. Her hands were bunched up in fists, and she pounded on the bed. Little moans of pleasure escaped from her throat as she wriggled and jounced. She was pinioned under the weight of her father. Hamilton fucked like a horse, with his eyes gogging out of his sockets.
Daphne really liked the way it felt, being fucked from this rear entry position. Her father could hold onto her round warm buttocks as he fucked her, like some sort of smooth handle. She stifled a loud squeal, then she nestled her head into the soft sheets, as the big cock moved in and out of her fragile body. She clenched her teeth, and began to rotate her rear in small circles, rubbing her clit against the hard ridge of her father's shaft.
While he was fucking her with all his might, Hamilton kept a close watch on the activities of his other daughter Tricia. The little bitch was vigorously sucking off his brother Paul. Paul had his head thrown back, his mouth open, and he was muttering and cursing in some of the most vile language that Hamilton had ever heard. That was saying a lot, because Hamilton had heard some of the worst, back in his younger days.
When Tricia lifted her head back slightly, Hamilton knew she was about to consume Paul's orgasmic fluids. She held just the knob of his cock in her mouth, like she was sucking on a nipple, ready to receive his offering. Hamilton pumped harder. Daphne's cunt was sopping wet. He felt her hot cunt juices bubbling inside of her, making a tight, sloshy berth for his blood-gorged penis. When Paul's expression turned to one of rapture, Hamilton also allowed himself to lose control. The two brothers were coming at the same time, one into the cunt of one daughter, and one into the mouth of his brother's daughter. The sound of low gurglings and moaning filled the quiet air of Hamilton's bedroom. Hamilton flopped down on the bed, feeling more dead than alive. He had been utterly drained. He felt like his marrow had been drawn down through his penis.
Paul grinned at his brother, with a peculiar expression on his face. He looked at Daphne, then at Tricia, then back at Daphne. Daphne was laying across her father's bed, with her mouth wide open and her eyes gleaming. Tricia was kneeling between his thighs. Her lips were coated with his milky sperm. Paul smiled, then he simply got up and walked back to his bedroom, leaving Tricia to stare at him with a puzzl
ed expression on her face.
"Uncle Paul!" she screamed. There was no answer.
"You'd better get into bed with me," said Hamilton. Tricia looked at him, trying to determine his mood, but then she decided that she had better be subservient to her father's wishes. She hopped into bed with him, nudging her sister Daphne out of the way, so that she could take her rightful place next to her father. In a small amount of time, Hamilton was fast asleep, with a nude daughter on either side of him. She rolled first one way, then the other, squashing each daughter in turn.
Even though it was morning, Hamilton needed a few extra hours of sleep. All of this unaccustomed sexual activity had worn him out. Besides, he had to take his brother Paul back to the airport at noon. Paul had certainly been acting peculiar; all these years Paul had been acting like the prude of the century, but now Hamilton had finally found out his true nature. Paul had turned out to be just as lecherous and horny as the rest of them.
Daphne and Tricia snarled and bickered with one another all through the night. They were still growing up, and they had a lot of role playing and pecking order problems to work out. They were young, voluptuous women, with all of the needs that a full grown woman demands. Their young, ripening pussies were craving the feel of cock, and Hamilton knew in the back of his mind that even he would not be able to satisfy them in the years to come. He resolved that he would make the best of their youth, by fucking and sucking and training his daughters as long as they were willing to submit to him. What more could any man want. Two sexy daughters, a good job, and, as Jerry had told him, a color TV in every room.
Hamilton rested easy. He reached out and rested an arm on the breast of his daughter Tricia. He put his other hand directly on Daphne's cunt, then he broke into a broad smile.
dp-60142b daddy's darling (shirley james) Page 14