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The Rebels of Cordovia

Page 4

by Linda Weaver Clarke

  Daniel pulled the cart to a stop and gazed at her. This lovely dainty woman was such a mystery. She had such conviction. Her voice was full of determination as she spoke of freedom, as if it were engrained in her from birth. Perhaps it was. One thing for certain, no other woman had ever affected him like she had.

  He smiled as he took her hand in his, brought it to his lips, and kissed it tenderly. “Thank you, dear lady, for the lesson in humility.” Then he kissed it once again.

  Daniel’s eyes held hers for a long moment and Robin sensed the shift in his mood. She blushed as her heart picked up speed and warmth enveloped her from head to foot. Why had his sweet kiss had an effect on her? It sent a tingle up her arm and straight to her heart.

  After a moment, Daniel cleared his throat and then pointed to an old nag on the side of the road. “Do you see that old mare over there?”

  Robin nodded. “What about it?”

  “Well, I noticed you’ve got some rope in the cart. If you don’t mind, I would like to use it.”

  “Of course,” she answered with an uplifted brow. She was not sure what he was going to do.

  Daniel motioned to the back of the cart. “I’ve got a great idea what to do with this soldier back here. You’ll have to close your eyes for a while, sweet lady, so you don’t get embarrassed. But I think you’ll love my idea.”

  Chapter 5

  Andrew burst into laughter as he sat in front of Robin’s Rebels, telling the story of what happened to the soldier. “It was great. One of my customers was telling me all about it today. The soldier was tied across this old beat up nag. There was no way he could get loose cause he was tied down so good. And on top of the nag’s head was the soldier’s hat. When the people at a nearby village saw him riding toward them as naked as a mule, the women screamed and the men laughed. It was great. There couldn’t have been a better way to humiliate a soldier. I don’t think he’ll ever set foot in this town again.”

  Robin’s face reddened at the memory of it, and that made the men and women laugh even harder.

  “All right,” said Robin, feeling more embarrassed than she wanted to admit. “We’re here to decide who is going against the other contestant in sword fighting. What do you think?”

  “Well,” said Merek. “Your father has beaten each of us. I don’t think there’s a better choice.”

  “But,” said Robin. “I’m worried about his age. Those young men are only in their twenties with great agility. I’m not sure…”

  “But he has skill,” said Polly. “That makes a big difference. If it was my choice, I would choose skill over age.”

  Andrew laughed. “She’s got a point. But it’s up to you. We’ve got to decide soon, though. The competition begins in two hours.”

  She nodded. “All right. Let’s vote on it. Who is for my father competing in the sword fight?”

  It was unanimous. Everyone felt his skill outdid most any young person. With that, everyone got ready for the competition and headed for the lake where it would take place. It was a perfect area with a large open field spread out and the woods surrounded the area, giving it the privacy they needed.

  When Robin’s Rebels arrived, the place was packed. There were over two hundred men and women standing around to watch the competition. Most had already joined the Freemen. Others were waiting to see who won before they joined.

  Robin was nervous when she saw how many people would be watching. She bit her lip nervously as she said, “Why did I agree to this?”

  Her father laughed and gave her a nudge. “It’s all right. Just think about the naked soldier.”

  With that everyone broke into laughter when they saw her cheeks turn a bright red color.

  “Keep your mask on at all times,” said Andrew. “I don’t want anyone knowing you’re a woman. They may not respect a feminine leader. Besides some of us men are letches.”

  This made Robin’s Rebels burst into laughter.

  She shook her head, trying to ignore her father’s teasing. He was in a great mood.

  The tournament was about to begin and they needed to get into place. The wrestling competition was first. Merek was more than ready. Every chance he got, he lifted a few logs and even tried lifting Robin’s mule but she drew the line when it came to animals.

  They hadn’t met the leader of the Freemen yet, but they figured they would when the archery contest was ready.

  When they walked toward the field, she was impressed. It had been set up like an arena with wooden seats on two sides for spectators. As they settled down in their seats, Robin scanned the audience. When she saw Daniel sitting on the other side of the arena, a tingle of excitement spread through her. He had come to check out the competition. How she wished he would notice her group of men and women! Sure, she had a small group, but they were the most devoted and skillful fighters.

  “Hey,” said Andrew as he nudged her playfully. “There’s Daniel. Too bad you’re a man today, huh? Or you could sit with him.”

  Robin’s eyes widened at his statement. Seeing the twinkle in his eyes, she gave him a good-natured shove.

  He chuckled and winked at her. “I know you like him, dear. You can’t fool me.”

  She quickly looked around to see if her men had heard her father’s statement but they were too busy chatting and pointing at Merek, who was waiting to begin.

  “Shush. You’re really in a playful mood, Papa.”

  He just chuckled and didn’t say another word.

  All attention was drawn to the arena as Miles walked to the center and announced the two competitors.

  “We have Simon representing the Freemen and Merek representing Robin’s Rebels. Men, take your positions!”

  Miles took a seat in the arena and watched the men walk inside the twenty-foot circle.

  Merek remembered Simon from the last meeting and his example of the thread. He grinned as he faced his opponent. Merek was ready to go. He wanted Robin to be proud of him and knew he could win this match. There was no doubt about it. They shook hands and a bell rang as a signal to begin. They each crouched into a wrestling stance with outstretched arms, circling one another and waiting for just the right moment to take his opponent down and pin him.

  With arms raised, Simon tried to grab Merek but he was too fast and ducked away from him. Just at that moment, Merek quickly threw his arms around his opponent in an “arm-lock” and threw him to the ground. They struggled back and forth and then Merek finally released Simon, just so he could have the opportunity to take him down again.

  They walked to the center of the circle and Merek raised his arms to the level of his shoulders as he circled Simon. At just the right moment, he feinted to the right as if to grab Simon. As Simon lunged to the left, Merek grabbed him and threw him to the ground with all his weight. Simon struggled and was finally able to get loose but that didn’t bother Merek because he wanted to score more points by taking him down again. He had been playing with Simon like a cat playing with a mouse, but next time he would pin him down good. He stood and looked at Robin as he put his fist in the air to let her know he was going to win this one.

  Once again they stood in the center and began circling one another in the same manner as before. Merek smiled as he praised Simon’s abilities, telling him how fast he was and how he didn’t expect it from such a large man. Then he playfully slapped Simon’s head a couple times to distract him.

  Simon resented his condescension and tried to duck away each time Merek slapped him. Just at that moment, Merek dropped down on his knees and grabbed Simon’s ankle and lifted it up, forcing him down to the ground. The distraction had worked. Simon grunted and lay quiet as the audience cheered. Being distracted by the cheering, Merek didn’t see Simon pry his arm free. He quickly twisted his body sideways and pushed Merek down, forcing him on his back and pinning his shoulders to the ground.

  The audience went wild. Everyone cheered. The wrestling competition was over and Simon had won. The Freemen were cheering and slappi
ng one another on the back.

  Merek was exhausted. He slowly got to his feet, shook the hand of his opponent and congratulated him. Then he headed toward Robin.

  He shrugged his shoulders and smiled as he said, “I guess I let a little pride get in the way, huh?”

  Robin laughed. “I’d choose you to defend me any day, Merek.”

  He smiled. “Thanks.” Then with teasing eyes, he said, “But I think you’d prefer that Daniel guy over me. I heard how he came to your rescue the other day. Your father said you really like him.”

  “What?” Robin’s mouth fell open. She turned to her father and he just shrugged, acting innocent. “I guess the whole town knows by now.”

  “No, not the whole town,” said Andrew with a grin. He picked up his scabbard. “Well, I’ve got to prepare for the sword fight. See you later.”

  Then he marched toward the arena. As he was stretching his legs and arms, Daniel walked up and watched him with great interest, as if trying to figure him out.

  Andrew turned toward him and smiled. “Glad to see you here, young man.”

  “Glad to see you, too, Andrew. I was quite surprised when I found out you were one of the contestants. I didn’t realize you were one of Robin’s men.”

  Andrew shrugged. “It’s a cause I believe in.”

  Daniel nodded toward Andrew’s leg as he said, “I noticed your limp is gone. Some overnight miracle cure?”

  Andrew chuckled. “It’s best to not allow the king’s men any suspicions. In other words, I’m a harmless old man.”

  Daniel noticed what great shape Andrew was in as he stretched both legs. “I understand.”

  “So, how about you? Have you joined the Freemen or are you still deciding which group to join?”

  “Well, it depends on the competition today. If Robin wins, I guess I’m at your disposal. If the Freemen win, then we become one group. Right?”

  “That’s right.”

  Daniel leaned toward him and asked softly, “How is Marie doing?”

  Andrew grinned. “She’s fine. You know she likes you, don’t you?”

  Daniel smiled. “I sure hope so. She’s a mighty fine looking woman, sir. And with strong convictions, too.” When he saw Miles walk toward the center of the arena, he said, “Well, the tournament is ready to begin. I’d better go. I wish you the best of luck, sir. But I’m afraid you’re going to have some real competition. Jonas is the best swordsman in the country. No one has ever beaten him. Not only that, he’s only twenty-five. That makes a difference.”

  Andrew laughed. “Is that so? Hmm, that makes me twice his age. I might have to whop him with my cane.”

  Daniel chuckled. “You just might have to, sir.”

  Chapter 6

  The crowd cheered while others stood in disbelief. The applause was nonstop. Had they just seen an old man beat Jonas, the best swordsman in Cordovia? The competition lasted twenty minutes, and Andrew had done some moves that no one had seen for years. He was able to keep up with Jonas and defend himself with ease. At first it looked like Jonas was going to win. Without any warning, Andrew quickly changed everything around by pushing Jonas back, again and again. Then with one long swoop, he hit Jonas’ sword out of his hand and it went flying. When it landed at Andrew’s feet, he quickly picked it up. Then he pointed one sword at Jonas’ chest while he held the other high in the air, brandishing it with victory and grinning from ear to ear.

  Not only had no one expected him to win, but they also wanted to know where he had learned such moves. Who had taught him? Andrew just laughed with delight.

  Robin knew that her father was good, but she had been sitting on the edge of her seat nonetheless. When he had won, she was the first to jump out of her seat and cheer.

  Everyone was now waiting for the targets to be set up so they could begin the archery contest. There would be four of them, one for each match. Robin knew that it was up to her to break the tie. If she won, then the Freemen would be at her disposal. She just had to win. She picked up her bow and her quiver full of arrows and marched toward the arena to wait.

  When she saw Daniel, she thought her heart would never slow down. She couldn’t figure out why he had such an effect on her. He looked just like a rogue with his sleeves rolled up, a few buttons undone at the top of his white shirt, and his leather waistcoat was left open. His wavy hair was mussed from the breeze and he looked great.

  As he approached, she wondered how he would act if she told him who she really was? Would he respect her or think she wasn’t feminine for being the leader of a rebel group?

  When Daniel stopped in front of her, he held out his hand and said, “It’s nice to finally meet you, Robin.”

  She shook his hand with a firm grip, as a man would do and just nodded.

  “I’m glad we were able to set this up,” said Daniel. “I’ve been wanting our two groups to merge. Afterward, no matter who wins, I would like to talk to you about our future goals. I want you to know how I feel about this cause. I know you have some concerns. A mutual friend of ours told me your concerns and I would like to address them.”

  Robin listened to every word he said with disbelief as her eyes moved to the bow and quiver in his other hand. Her eyes widened and she could not move. Was Daniel the leader of the Freemen? She took in a deep breath, trying to get her senses about her.

  Then, curious, Daniel asked, “Why the mask?”

  In a lowered voice, she said, “My anonymity is important. It will save me some day when rewards are put out for my capture.”

  Daniel laughed. “It’s too late. I’ve seen a few reward posters hung up on trees here and there and in the villages today. You’ve made the king real mad. I guess Charlottesville is real important to him.”

  The crowd cheered as Miles walked out to the center of the arena. He raised his arms in the air and said, “We have Daniel representing the Freemen and Robin representing Robin’s Rebels. Men, take your positions!”

  Robin was still dazed. She could not believe what she heard. Daniel was the leader of the Freemen. Why hadn’t he told her? Then it dawned on her. For the same reason she hadn’t told him. Anonymity.

  With courage, she stepped up to the mark in front of her and stood still, waiting for Miles to tell them who would be first. Could she beat Daniel? Then a smile played at the corners of her lips as she remembered what Daniel had said: “I hear this Robin character isn’t much to look at. Kind of scrawny!” She laughed inwardly. Well, she would show him what kind of leader she really was.

  Miles finally announced, “We will draw to see who goes first. The longest straw will begin.”

  He held out two straws in front of them. Daniel nodded for her to pick first and she did. After Daniel picked his, they measured them and his was the longest.

  His smile vanished as he soberly stood behind the line and took an arrow from his quiver. He raised his bow and pulled the string back, taking careful aim at a large round piece of wood placed on a stump. There were three black rings with a solid black circle in the center. In the center of the circle was a small red dot. Daniel carefully aimed at the spot. When he let go, the arrow sped through the air and landed on the edge of the black circle.

  It was now Robin’s turn. She stepped up to the line and slowly pulled the bow back and let go. The arrow flew rapidly through the air toward the target and landed next to Daniel’s.

  Daniel pulled an arrow from his quiver and aimed at the second target. After a moment, he let the arrow go and it struck the inner edge of the round black circle.

  Robin was next. She felt confident as she stretched the string back and let the arrow fly with ease toward the target. It, too, landed on the inside edge of the black mark, just as Daniel’s had. So far they were both tied.

  Daniel turned toward her and smiled, as if he knew this one had to count. He pulled an arrow from his quiver and placed it against his bow as he eyed the third target. He narrowed his eyes, trying to concentrate on the center mark. Then he held his br
eath and let the arrow go.

  It flew faster than Robin had ever seen. Her eyes widened as it struck the red dot. Everyone cheered. With an expression of satisfaction, Daniel turned to her and grinned.

  Robin was amazed. This was the man who championed her when the soldier was forcing his intentions on her… this was the man who made her heart pick up speed just at the sight of him… and he was about to beat her. No, she needed to win. It was important to prove her skills as a leader of her group. She bit her lip nervously and rubbed her hand against her thigh several times. Taking several deep breaths to relax herself. After this one, there was one more target left.

  As Daniel watched his opponent, his brow slightly creased. When he saw Robin biting her lip and rubbing her hand nervously against her thigh, he narrowed his eyes, looking at her more closely. Daniel studied her dark eyes, watched her delicate hands as they held the bow, and looked at the curves of her lips. Recognition finally set in. He was stunned. Could it be? Was this Marie? No! She was too feminine, a real lady. As she nervously bit her lip once again and pulled an arrow from her quiver, Daniel knew.

  He watched her step up to the line, knowing she had to put her arrow in the center mark if she were to win.

  Robin glanced at Daniel and then took careful aim. As she bit her lower lip, she stretched her bow back, eyeing the target carefully. Holding her breath for a couple seconds, she finally let it fly. When the arrow struck the very center, splitting Daniel’s in half, everyone cheered.

  Daniel was stunned. He blinked a couple times and could not believe his eyes. The audience was alive with excitement as they applauded. They had one more target to go. That would determine the winner. So far it was a tie.

  As the audience settled down, Daniel set his arrow against his bow and took careful aim. He pulled it back and studied the mark carefully. Taking a deep breath, he finally let go. It whizzed through the air and landed on the edge of the red mark.

  He watched Robin lick her lips and rub her hand against her thigh. Then she set her arrow against her bow, took careful aim, waited a couple seconds, and finally let it go. It sped through the air with perfect precision and slid into the center of the red mark, touching Daniel’s arrow with the sound of a kiss.


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