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The White Blood Trilogy - Complete Box Set Books 1-3

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by Tia Archer




  An Interracial BWWM Paranormal Romance By..



  Welcome to Facility 47. The government's best kept secret.

  A place where all vampires, whether good or evil are incarcerated for all of eternity once caught.

  Dr. Jennifer Hastings has worked there for several years. She is in charge of administering the one thing that keeps the Vampires weak and powerless..

  An injection of “White Blood”.

  However, when a handsome, charismatic vampire by the name of Ben Gold finds himself incarcerated, Jenny finds herself torn between her feelings for this mysterious prisoner and the important job at hand. Are the feelings she has for this vampire inmate real? Or has he manipulated her for his own motives?

  Either way, She is about to find out that at Facility 47, not everything is as it seems...

  Copyright Notice

  Tia Archer

  © 2014, Tia Archer


  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.


  #1 White Blood Seduction

  #2 White Blood Redemption

  #3 White Blood Revelation

  BOOK 1




  Facility 47, Undisclosed Location, Florida

  If there’s anything more challenging than being a doctor working in a prison, it’s being a female doctor working in Facility 47. I should know, that’s where I’d been working for two years before I met Ben. You see, Facility 47 isn’t an ordinary detainment center. Labeled Top Secret by the government, the place that gives me my paycheck is more than just a holding pen for hardened criminals or suspected terrorists, it’s a lockup for a something the rest of the world thought didn’t exist. Facility 47 is a prison for vampires.

  Getting hired to work at such a place isn’t like it is out in the real world. There are no job openings posted on the internet or in the local paper, no applications are accepted, and there’s no real interview to speak of. If they want you for the job, they come find you, offer you an attractive salary and benefits, and make it clear that the details of the work will only be revealed once the contract has been signed. That’s how I was recruited, and I knew it had to be how my new assistant Linda had been brought on board.

  “Welcome to Facility 47, I’m Jenny,” I said when she cleared security for the first time. She looked like she could have been a professional athlete in another life, the muscles under her dark-skinned biceps were lightly flexed as though she were tensing her entire body. With almost all of the guards being white, I couldn’t help but wonder if they hadn’t hired a black nurse to make me feel like less of an outsider.

  I could read her story just by looking at her. Top of her class. Probably ran track or played for her college soccer team by the look of her legs. Motivated and disciplined, but not someone pushing boundaries and trying to get noticed. She would have put her head down, done her work, and not challenged authority or gone out of her way to stand out during nursing school. In short, she was another version of me. Handpicked to be able to work in this environment without cracking or thinking she needed more recognition.

  “How much have you been told about what we do here?” I asked, knowing full well that she hadn’t been told much of anything at all.

  “To be honest, almost nothing. I know this is a prison, and I know it’s Level 3 Classified, but they said you’d explain the rest.”

  “Let’s get you started then. Grab a lab coat and follow me.”

  The hallways and rooms of Facility 47’s administrative areas look like those you’d find in any other maximum security penitentiary. Sterile and cold, they give off the impression of being in an old big city high school or in the basement of a hospital. There’s nothing to indicate the nature of the prisoners kept within. The cells themselves, well those were another matter. I took Linda down three flights of stairs to the general population holding area to show her what sort of patients she’d be dealing with on a day to day basis.

  “What… what is this place?” asked Linda.

  The room was thirty feet high and stretched far off into the darkness. Separated by a gap of four feet on each side were a series of glass cells, each containing a single prisoner. There were no beds and no toilets in the cells, only a small sink, a chair, and a single shelf with the very few personal items the inmates were allowed. I took Linda onto the catwalk that looked down on the cells from above.

  “Most of the guards call it the Glass Crypt, or just the Crypt. This level contains two hundred cells, and there are three more levels below us. The Crypt isn’t anywhere near full, but the population is growing every day as we get better at identifying and capturing them.”

  “Them?” asked Linda. “Who are these people? Why don’t they have any beds in their cells? How do they sleep in those glass boxes?”

  “They don’t sleep. They’re vampires.”

  A small giggle slipped out from Linda’s mouth before she clamped her hand over it. “I’m sorry, did you say vampires? As in turn into a bat and suck your blood vampires?”

  “The bat thing is just a myth. You’ll come to learn that most of what you think is true about vampires is a result of stories that came from no one understanding what they really are.”

  “Is it safe for us to even be working here? I mean, what happens if they decide to riot or something. Don’t they have superhuman strength?”

  “Normally yes, but we have a few ways of taking care of that. See these lights? They look normal enough, but they’re low level UV lights. Vampires can actually survive exposure to daylight, but it weakens them to the point where they’re almost human. The UV light is a backup to keep them docile. If things get really bad, there’s always the allium hexaflouride gas.”

  “Allium hexaflouride gas? That sounds like it’s basically weaponized garlic gas. Are you saying vampires are real, they can walk in daylight, but the garlic thing is true?”

  “I know, it sounds ridiculous, but they’re highly allergic to anything in the allium genus. It produces extreme skin irritation on contact, and if swallowed, it won’t kill them but it’ll take them to the floor choking and gasping for life. It’s hard to pinpoint how exactly it shuts down their systems since they don’t need to breathe, but it seems to have the effect of suffocating them.”

  “So what’s the other thing?” Linda leaned on the railing and peered down into the cell closest to them.

  The man inside looked up at them and opened his mouth in a grotesque smile, his tongue flicking out to lick at the fangs that lengthened and sharpened in front of their eyes. Linda bolted upright and stepped back from the railing, pressing herself flat against the wall so that she’d be out of sight of the prisoner.

  “Holy shit,” she said. “His fangs, they just… grew. I thought you were messing with me, but you’re not are you?”

  “Nope. There’s a reason this place is such a closely guarded secret. Can you imagine what would happen out there if the world knew that vampires really existed?”

  “So the UV lights and the allium gas keep them all in line?”

  “I’ve saved the most important for

  Deciding she’d had enough of general population, I showed her the way to the infirmary where she’d be doing the bulk of her work.

  “Most of what we deal with is treating the burns and rashes from the allium gas and stun guns used to bring them down if they misbehave, but we do occasionally have to treat more serious wounds that aren’t healing as fast as they normally would. Vampires have the ability to heal almost instantly under normal circumstances, but the whiteblood we give them suppresses their abilities almost completely.”


  We arrived at the infirmary and I walked to one of the ten glass doored refrigeration units that took up most of the room. Each of them was filled with vials of a thick dark red substance.

  “Looks like normal human blood,” I said, holding a vial out to Linda, “but it’s completely synthetic. It was developed in the late nineties and perfected here at this very facility by the man who trained me.”

  “Why is it called that? I mean, it’s clearly not white.”

  “Whiteblood is like empty calories for vampires. It makes them feel as if they’d just consumed regular blood, but it has none of the life essence that’s passed through to them from regular blood. It’s the only real way we can control them. The UV light and the gas are strong deterrents, but they’re stopgap measures at best. A determined vampire could fight his way out of here under the midday sun while coated in mashed garlic. The whiteblood takes away their power and is the only real way we have to control them.”

  “And they drink it willingly?”

  I laughed. “Oh god no. Load this into a syringe and come with me. We have a new intake to process, and you’ll get to see the process firsthand.”

  Linda prepared the syringe and I used the few seconds of quiet to prepare myself for what was to come. This was far and away the least pleasant part of my job, and I never knew what I’d have to deal with when I stepped into that room. Linda didn’t need to know about the time a new inmate had ripped free of his bonds and attacked me. Still strong from feeding shortly before being captured, he’d overpowered the several guards holding him in place and leapt on me before the needle could even pierce his skin.

  The blast of a shotgun fired from just inches away from his head had been the only thing to save me before his fangs sunk into my throat. Lying there splattered with the gore of his skull and brains, I’d had to face the reality of what this place was and how brutal so many of these vampires really were.

  That had happened just three months into my time here at Facility 47, and extra security measures had been put in place after that incident. There was no need for Linda to know the fear I felt every time I stepped into that room. With luck, she’d never have to experience anything like that, and I was too happy to have the help to risk her quitting on me.

  “I have to warn you,” I said, laying a hand on her arm before we walked through the doors that would bring us to the injection site. “The vampires brought to us for their first dose can be extremely aggravated and difficult to deal with. The regular weekly injections we give the prisoners is routine and calm, but this is most likely going to be something else entirely. Stay calm, stay at the back of the room, and just watch. It’s my job to handle the intakes, and if it’s too much for you, I can do them on my own.”

  “I appreciate the advice, doctor, but I’m here to help you in any way I can, and I’ll do my best to stay professional no matter what I see in there.”

  “Good,” I said, pushing the door open and stepping inside.

  The inmate had been secured to the table with metal clamps that covered his ankles, thighs, torso, wrists, and biceps. A leather strap across his forehead kept him from moving anything more than his eyes, and I wasn’t prepared for what I saw when they swung towards me. His eyes were a piercing shade of deep green, and he smiled when he saw me approaching him.

  He was handsome, more so than any man I’d seen inside the prison or out of it, and for a moment I caught myself wondering if maybe they hadn’t made a mistake by bringing in a non-vampire. Where most vampires favored the Gothic look with long hair or gelled out spikes, this new inmate wore his dark brown hair a little ragged, with rebellious little curls flicking out just behind his ears. A day’s worth of stubble gave him an edge of rugged seriousness, and the muscular body that strained his regulation t-shirt made him look like someone who should have been on the cover of Sports Illustrated instead of locked up in a place like the Facility.

  A guard handed me the prisoner’s papers when I entered the room. His name was listed as Benjamin Gold.

  “Hi Benjamin, I’m doctor Hastings. I’m sure you’re hungry and feeling withdrawal after not feeding since being taken into custody, so I’m going to get right to it and inject you with a concentrated blood substitute we’ve developed specifically for your kind. You can hopefully understand why we can’t let you feed in the traditional manner, and it would be wise for you to remain calm and adapt to your new situation as quickly as possible.”

  “You can call me Ben,” he said.

  His voice was quiet and measured with no sign of the usual rage that accompanied new intakes. Still, one could never be too careful around vampires. Ben Gold looked no more than thirty years old, but there was no telling when he’d been turned. He could be several hundred years old for all I knew, and I’d learned the hard way that the old ones were the most cunning and dangerous for their ability to control their temper and raw blood lust.

  “Okay Ben, I’m just going to give you a quick jab here.”

  I swabbed the pale white skin of his forearm just below the inside of his elbow with an alcohol wipe and held my hand out for Linda to pass me the syringe. His arm was cool to the touch like it was with all vampires, but the skin was still resilient and full of life, not papery and dry like those who looked young but were really hundreds of years old.

  The needle slipped cleanly into his vein, and he made no motion or noise of protest as I pressed the plunger and injected him with whiteblood. Vampires lived on one thing, and one thing alone, and they knew bad blood the second it hit their bloodstream. Even the most docile of vampires usually resisted at least a little bit at this stage, but Ben stayed calm and relaxed, his eyes fixed on me the entire time.

  “You may feel a little weak for a while, but that’s normal,” I explained. “What I’ve just given you is—”

  “Whiteblood. I know,” he said. “My abilities will be weakened, and I’ll be expected to continue on a diet of nothing but this substitute so long as I’m incarcerated here.”

  “Yes, exactly.” I removed the syringe from his arm and watched the pinprick wound heal immediately. The whiteblood hadn’t had a chance to take hold yet, and his body still retained it’s amazing abilities. “You’ll have to come back for another dose every other day for the first week, after which we’ll put you on weekly rations like everyone else.”


  I capped the needle and stepped back from the inmate. Normally I couldn’t wait to get out of the room after a first injection, but there was something about Ben that confused me right from the beginning. He acted in a way I’d never seen in two years of taking on new prisoners. There was a look of peace and acceptance in his eyes that made me want to sit down and talk to him. It made me want to understand who he was and how he came to be this way.

  But that’s not the sort of thing someone in my position has the liberty of doing, and so I collected my gear and took Linda back into the privacy of the infirmary.

  “Wow,” said Linda as she dropped the needle into our sharps container. “That guy was seriously hot. Are all vampires like him? Because if they are, then I’d have signed up to work here for free.”

  “No, definitely not.” I shook my head. “Most of the people in here are monsters. Sure, some of them have nice facial features and charming smiles, but once you’ve seen them with their fangs out and the blood lust coursing through their bodies, it’s almost impossible to ever see
any of them as attractive. Most of them would just as soon kill you and drink you dry as they would look at you.”

  “Well I’d be tempted to let mister Benjamin Gold in there do just about whatever he wants to me. That boy was fine. I went in there all prepared for some crazy experience, but now I kind of want a drink and a cigarette, if you know what I mean.”

  Linda pretend to fan herself with her hand. As much as wanted to make it clear how rare it was to have such a smooth first experience, I knew she’d learn what vampires were really like sooner or later, and I couldn’t bring myself to spoil the good energy she brought to my previously solitary life.

  “I can see I’m going to have to keep you on a tight leash,” I teased.

  “Tell me you’ve never thought about it.”

  “About what?”

  “You know, sexing up one of those vampires. If a man like that showed up in my old clinic, I’d have traded my job in a heartbeat for a round between the sheets with him. Ever since I read Twilight I’ve always had a bit of a secret fantasy. Well, I thought it was a crazy impossible fantasy, but now I see that it could come true if I really wanted it to.” Linda seemed to realize where she was and rushed to add “not in here of course. I’d never do something like that on the job in a place like this.”

  “I can honestly say that I’ve never thought about any of the inmates in that way,” I told her. It was the truth, although I could already feel myself wondering how firm I was in that belief. Ben’s eyes flashed through my mind when I thought about having sex with a vampire, and for the first time since learning of their existence, I couldn’t say I found the idea repulsive.

  “You’ve seen some pretty freaky stuff in here, haven’t you?”


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