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Boss Love_Boss 3

Page 20

by Victoria Quinn

  “Might have to just give you one. Having you be one of the sponsors of my cars has spiked sales like crazy.”

  “I’m glad the commercial worked so well.”

  “I saw the stuff you did with Connor Suede.” He gave a thumbs-up. “Very classy. I loved it.”


  “I might have to start wearing his clothes now.”

  “He can throw something spectacular together at the snap of a finger.”

  “Yeah, I believe it,” he said. “I’m always hearing that guy is a genius.”

  “He is.” I always paid respect where it was due, and Connor had earned it.

  “So, you and Hunt talk regularly?”

  “Yeah…we run a business together.”

  He nodded his head slowly, his expression hardening. “You know, Hunt is a pretty great guy. I know he’s sarcastic and moody sometimes, but he’s got a heart of gold underneath all those suits…and I know he really cares about you.”

  “Yeah…thanks.” Now this conversation was getting awkward, like Brett was trying to tell me something without actually saying it.

  “Thorn may be richer than him and come from a better family, but Hunt has just as much to offer.”

  What? What was that supposed to mean? “Excuse me?”

  “I’m just saying…”

  “And why are you just saying this? Hunt and I are just business associates and friends.”

  His eyes narrowed, and he tried to hide his smile at the exact same time. It made his face change, looking contradictory and confusing. He straightened his jacket then broke eye contact. “Yeah…of course.” He glanced at his watch. “I should get going, Titan. I’ll see you around.” He walked out without even giving me the chance to say goodbye.

  I prided myself on my intuition, and I recognized that something was off. Brett was different from how he usually was, and the way he spoke about Hunt and me was simply suspicious. He wouldn’t have said any of those things unless he thought Hunt and I were sleeping together.

  Did that mean Hunt told him?

  When he promised me he wouldn’t?

  I had to give Hunt the benefit of the doubt and assume he didn’t. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to ask him about it.

  * * *

  I was on my way to Hunt’s apartment when I called Thorn.

  “Hey, what’s up?” He picked up on the second ring, always taking my calls no matter what he was doing. He could be in the middle of a huge meeting but would still answer to see if I needed something.

  “Nothing. You busy?” I sat in the back seat of the car while my driver took me to Hunt’s penthouse.

  “Never too busy for you. Have you thought more about your little love triangle problem?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Not a love triangle.”

  “Kinda is,” he said with a chuckle. “Have you made any decisions?”

  Thorn already told me he was okay with breaking off the arrangement, but I still felt terrible for my final decision. We’d made plans for a lifetime together. Now I was walking away from all of that, from a reality where he would have been my husband. I had never been in love with Thorn, but I loved him deeply. “I talked to Hunt…and I want to be with him.”

  There was a long pause over the phone. A held breath. But when Thorn spoke a second later, everything seemed normal. “Well, I’m happy for you. He’s a good guy, so I know you’re in good hands.”

  “He said he wants to offer me what you offered…so he wants to get married and have a partnership. We just also happen to be in love.”

  “Wow. That’s exactly what you wanted.”


  “Well, I’m a little disappointed he stole my genius idea, but I’m still happy for you.”

  “Really?” I asked, needing his approval more than anything else.

  “Of course, Titan. Don’t even think twice about it.”

  The car pulled up to the curb, and I walked into the lobby. “I’m glad you’re okay with this.”

  “We’re still a team. You’ll still be my number one girl.”

  I stepped into the elevator and watched the doors close. “That’s true.”

  “And maybe I’ll ask Hunt to go golfing or something.”

  “He said he was going to ask you to a strip club.”

  “Hell yeah,” he said with a laugh. “Now that’s more like it.”

  The elevator rose to the top then opened into his living room. I stepped inside, seeing Hunt sitting on the couch in just his sweatpants. “Well, I’ve gotta go. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Alright, Titan. See you around.” He hung up.

  Hunt set aside the book he was reading and walked over to me. His arms moved around my waist, and he smiled down at me. “Who was that?”

  “Judging by that smile, you know exactly who it was.”



  “And did you tell him?”

  I nodded.

  His grin widened. “So you’re officially mine, huh?”

  “Officially. Just not according to the media.”

  “Well, that’ll change eventually.” He rubbed his nose against mine, looking at me with affection in his eyes. “He took it well, then?”

  “Of course he did.”


  “He said you guys should go golfing together.”

  “He didn’t like my strip club idea?”

  “Actually, he liked it a little too much.”

  He chuckled. “Maybe he and I have more in common than I realized.” He kissed the corner of my mouth before he guided me to the couch. “How was your day?”

  I thought of my coffee encounter with Brett. “Something interesting happened today, actually.”

  “Yeah.” He sat down and rested his arm over my shoulders. Even when he was sitting, his abs were smooth and tight.

  “I ran into Brett.” I watched every little reaction he made, studying him like he was a competitor sitting across from me in a conference room.

  “Yeah? What did he say?”

  “Some stuff about work…and then he said some weird stuff about us.”

  Hunt’s expression didn’t change at all.

  “Saying you were a good guy…and you just as much to offer as Thorn.”

  Still, nothing.

  The lack of reaction was even more suspicious to me. “Diesel…did you tell him?”

  “Tell him what?”

  “About us.”

  Hunt held my gaze, his jaw slowly tightening. His eyes began to fill with frustration, a look of annoyance he couldn’t hide.

  I knew he wouldn’t lie to me, so I waited for the truth.

  He dropped his arms from my shoulders and released a sigh. “Yes…I did.”

  Betrayal immediately flooded through me once the truth was out. I’d asked him not to say anything, but he did it anyway. He even told him about Thorn. “Diesel—”

  “Let me explain before you get mad.”

  My mouth was still open, but the words stopped coming.

  “He accused me of it. He kept asking questions about us, kept saying I look at you in a different way. And then it just kept going and going…until there was no point in hiding it. He knew. Whether I admitted it or not, he knew. So I thought it was best if I came clean about it and asked him not to mention it.”

  “And then he mentions it to me?” I asked incredulously. “Imagine who else he’s told.”

  “I promise you he hasn’t told anyone.”

  “Sure didn’t have a problem spilling the beans to me.”

  “Because you’re involved. He’s just protective of me…looking out for me.”

  “Did you tell him about our arrangement?” Smoke was practically coming out of my ears because I was so pissed.

  “No. He thinks you and Thorn just have an open relationship.”

  I moved away from Hunt because I needed to pace in his living room, to have some space.

  Hunt leaned for
ward and watched me. “I’m sorry, baby. But he figured it out. This is why I wanted to tell my friends about it. That way I could just tell them to keep quiet about it.”

  “Looks like Brett has a big mouth to me.”

  “I promise he won’t say anything to anyone. You have my word, alright?”

  I dragged my hands down my face and groaned.

  “Look, he’s known about it for a while now. If he was going to tell someone, you would know by now. So obviously, he hasn’t.”

  “Why did he tell me you’re a good guy and just as good as Thorn?”

  “Because…I told him that I was falling for you, and I wanted to be with you. I didn’t know what to do. So he told me to fight for you, that women like you don’t grow on trees. That’s all.”

  It was so sweet that I couldn’t be mad.

  “He’s to me what Thorn is to you. You can trust him.”

  I’d always liked Brett. He treated me with respect and always made me feel welcome. He had a charming smile, a comforting presence. I knew he and Hunt were a lot alike, that they shared the same philosophy on life and loyalty. Hunt turned his back on his family to support Brett. Brett wouldn’t betray him after doing that.

  Hunt stood up and faced me, keeping a few feet in between us. “Baby?”

  I sighed.

  “Come on.”


  “Don’t be mad at me.”

  I ran my fingers through my hair, forcing myself to cool off.


  “Okay…I’m not mad. Just annoyed.”

  “Well, I’m sorry about that.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest, knowing I couldn’t stay angry with Hunt. If Brett figured it out on his own, what was Hunt supposed to do? Lie to his only family in the world?

  Hunt stepped closer to me, his hands moving to my hips. He pressed his forehead to mine and looked down at my lips. “Are we okay?”

  I nodded.

  “You know I would never betray you on purpose.”

  “I know, Diesel.”

  “And now that we’re moving forward with this, I’m gonna have to tell my friends. It’s been nearly impossible keeping it a secret this long.”

  “Okay. Just don’t tell anyone about Jeremy…”

  “I never would.” He grabbed my chin and lifted my gaze to meet his expression. “You know that. I would never betray any of your secrets. I just want the world to know we’re together. That’s all I care about. Whatever story you want to tell, it doesn’t matter to me. But at the end of the day…I want the world to know you’re mine.”



  Brett entered my office, smiling like he was on top of the world. “Miss me already?”

  I asked him to swing by while he was in town. He usually moved around a lot, going wherever the automobile business took him. “I never miss you.”

  “Doesn’t seem like it.” He took a seat and crossed his legs, looking smug for sitting in someone else’s office.

  “Thanks for blowing everything to Titan.” I knew my brother had the best intentions, but I didn’t appreciate him running his mouth like a goddamn idiot. Luckily, she wasn’t angry with me. If this had been a few weeks ago, things could have turned out quite differently. Fortunately, the woman already knew I loved her.


  “Don’t play stupid with me. She told me about your coffee visit.”

  “I didn’t say anything.”

  “No, but the woman is a genius. She can read between the lines pretty well. Titan is a mastermind. You better not forget that.”

  His smile faded away when he realized I was seriously upset. “I didn’t mean anything by it. I just don’t like how she’s dragging you along.”

  “She’s not dragging me along.”

  “Seems that way.”

  “Actually, she and I talked, and she said she wants to be with me.”

  Brett’s smile returned, but this time, it wasn’t smug. It was genuine, the kind that reached his eyes. “Really? So she’s leaving Thorn?”


  “Good. So you finally got off your ass and fought for her.”

  “Something like that,” I said quietly.

  “So Tatum Titan is officially your girlfriend.”

  “Well, not officially. You still can’t tell anyone until Titan is ready.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Why is everything a secret with you guys?”

  “Because that’s how she wants it. So, can I trust you to shut up?”

  He rolled his eyes again. “I would never throw you under the bus. You know that.”

  I did.

  “So, can I act like I know now? When I see Titan?”

  “Yes. But make sure she understands you aren’t going to blab to everyone.”

  “Alright, I will.” Brett rested his chin on his fingertips as he stared at me.


  “You’re happy. It’s a nice change.”

  I was happy. Instead of being dark and brooding all the time, I had something to smile about. Not only had I finally fallen in love with someone, but I’d found the perfect woman. I found someone I adored, someone I respected, someone I truly enjoyed. I’d always thought if I ever settled down, my wife would be a housewife, spending my money and lavishing herself with gifts. She would have a nanny watch the kids so she could go to yoga. Basically, a trophy wife. But instead, I was getting the most badass woman on the planet.

  Tatum Titan.

  She was the kind of woman who would truly make me into a man.

  “Yeah…I am happy.”

  Brett winked. “That’s all I wanted.”

  * * *

  “Sir, Thorn Cutler is here to see you.”

  This should be good. “Send him in. Thank you, Natalie.” I left my seat and moved around my desk so I could greet him properly. Any other time we interacted with each other, we always intimidated each other with our desks and offices.

  But that was behind us now.

  Thorn stepped inside, looking like a real executive in his black suit. His blue eyes and dirty-blond hair made him look more like a model than a business owner. I wasn’t threatened by anyone, but I was grateful Titan had never been interested in him. He had just as much to offer—and he’d risked his life to save hers.

  He wore a slight smile and extended his hand.

  I took it and shook it firmly. “Nice to see you, Thorn.” I spoke genuinely, truly making an effort to put everything in the past.

  “You too.” He moved his hands into his pockets, wearing a slight smile. “I came by to congratulate you…and hit you up on that strip club.”

  I chuckled. “My lady wouldn’t go for that. But I’m always up for a round of golf.”

  “Are you any good?”

  I shrugged. “Pretty good, actually.”

  “Then we’ll have to hit the links together. That’s where I have most of my meetings anyway.”


  “For now, you wanna get a drink?”

  It was noon, but Thorn and Titan obviously started drinking as early as nine. I’d have to fit in. “Always.”

  * * *

  We went to a sports bar a few blocks away. We sat in a booth together, and if anyone recognized us, they would probably assume we were just doing business.

  Thorn had a beer, and I ordered the same thing. Titan would be drinking an Old Fashioned by now, but I wasn’t quite there. A beer was good for now.

  “So,” Thorn said. “I guess we’re friends now?”

  “I’d like to be friends. I know it would mean a lot to Titan.”

  “You’re right, it would. I know I’ve always given you a hard time, but I’ve always respected you, Hunt.”

  “I know. And the feeling is mutual.”

  He clanked his beer against mine. “I’ll drink to that.”

  I took a long drink before returning the glass to the coaster.

  “Just take care of her, alright? She�
�s a tough cookie, but she has needs. She hides them from everyone, but they’re there if you look hard enough.”

  “I’ve picked up on that.”

  “And don’t drag her name through the mud. If you ever do anything to cross her, I’ll have to declare you as my mortal enemy. I want the two of us to get along, and I’m sure we will, but I have to put that out there.”

  “I understand, Thorn.”

  He drank his beer and looked at the TV in the corner. “I knew you were different. The second you came around, I thought I might lose her. All the other guys…they just came and went. But every time I saw the way she looked at you, I knew you were going to be a problem.”

  “Thanks for letting her go. I imagine that was hard.”

  He shrugged. “She was the perfect partner. I’d love to grow old with her. But you know what? We still will grow old together. No matter who she loves, we’ll still be close friends. And if she has a chance to fall in love again and be happy, good for her. I’d never stand in the way of that.”


  “And I can tell you love her too. She really set you straight.”

  “Yeah, she did.” Now that Thorn and I were no longer competitors, it was easy to talk to him. He was easygoing, transparent, friendly. I could see him being a part of my crew eventually. “Now, when you meet the right person, you’ll be unencumbered.”

  “Unencumbered?” he asked with a grin. “I’m not really a one-woman kind of guy. I’m sure Titan told you that.”

  “I thought the same thing about myself…until she walked into my life.”

  “Well, I’ve known Titan for a long time. She’s wicked smart, beautiful, funny…the perfect woman. But you know what I felt for her?” He shook his head. “Nothing. And if I can’t fall in love with my favorite person in the world, then it’s not in the cards for me. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. That’s just how I am.”

  I still believed all of that would change if the right woman crossed his path. Maybe Titan was the perfect woman for me, but she wasn’t the right partner for him. “Never say never…”

  He chuckled like the subject was funny. “I’m sure Titan told you I’m the controller just the way she is.”


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