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Diablo Blanco Club, Unfair Advantage

Page 27

by Qwillia Rain

  The kit containing his camera equipment rested on one of the seat cushions of the battered sofa shoved up against the wall opposite the monitors. He’d checked both the film and digital cameras when he’d first arrived and hadn’t touched it since.

  “I wish I had your confidence, Mike,” Jacob announced as he entered the room. Despite the gray threading through his hair and the lines radiating from the corners of his eyes and bracketing his mouth, Jacob could have easily been mistaken for a man twenty years his junior.

  Bryce smiled at his father’s nervousness. It was nice to know he wasn’t the only one worried about his wife’s attendance.

  “Hey, her sister showed up ten minutes ago, so Mattie must not be far behind,” Mike assured them.

  Ah. Bryce fought the grin as he realized why Mike’s attention had been glued to the screens. Maybe I should warn Mattie her sister is on the endangered species list, he thought, then dismissed voicing his warning. Let her find out on her own. He watched Mike’s body tense as Ben approached Lyssa and began chatting with her. In fact, maybe I should make sure he has plenty of opportunity to run into Lyssa…

  The discreet buzz of an intercom interrupted the silence just as Bryce noticed the front doors of the Club opened, and Richard entered with a cloaked figure. Rising from his desk, Bryce exited the office behind his father while Mike gathered his cameras and followed.

  In the hall, they separated. Bryce moved to the stairway leading to the rooms on the second floor, while his father and brother turned to the door that opened to the left of one of the staircases. Based on the plans he’d made with his family and Richard, Bryce knew his father would enter the lounge and stand before the bar, the polished teak covered with a length of crimson silk, the intertwined blue, green, and red of the letters D, B, and C edging the ends of the cloth.

  From upstairs, the single peal of a bell had Bryce moving. Descending the steps, he noted the presence of his friends and fellow Doms and Dommes, each clothed in black, some in formal wear, while others dressed as he, Richard, his father, and Michael had chosen, in black leather and silk. Lined up along a length of golden cloth stretched across the floor from the doors to just in front of Jacob, they waited. Submissives were behind their masters or mistresses, some kneeling, others standing, legs shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind their backs, and heads bowed.

  On the landing above the bar, Bryce watched as Michael entered from another side door; in his hands was the black leather case carrying the gift for his wife. As his brother moved past Lyssa, Bryce was surprised at the way she paled and turned her gaze away from Michael. Even Ben, who stood beside her, was taken aback at her attempt to slip away, but stilled Lyssa by settling an arm around her waist and whispering something in her ear. Once his brother took his place to their father’s left, the case held in his hands, Bryce moved to the stairway closest to the entrance.

  He paused at the foot of the stairs, his gaze on the doors leading to the foyer. As he waited, they swung open, revealing Richard standing beside Mattie, the crimson cloak shrouding her from head to toe held closed with a single frog at her throat. From just beneath the hem of her covering, her bare toes peaked out. Taking four steps forward so he stood on the golden fabric just as Richard led Mattie to him. He waited.

  When Richard moved aside, Bryce watched her lift her gaze to his and smile. The hood shadowed her features, but in her eyes wicked humor glinted up at him. He didn’t doubt she’d done something to draw a punishment—his Lawrence loved her spankings—but Bryce fought the urge to grin. Instead he stepped closer and lifted the hood, careful not to tangle his fingers in the coiled curls secured on top of her head. As his fingers eased around to the front of her covering to slip the fastening at her throat free, Mattie’s lips twitched in a grin, but she made no move to stay his hand.

  Once the cape was released, Richard lifted it from Mattie’s shoulders and handed it to an attendant before stepping away, his amusement evident in the grin he gave Bryce before moving to join Jacob and Michael at the center of the room. Bryce couldn’t stifle his grin as the guests got their first clear view of Mattie. The muttered compliments, sighs, and groans from the men and women watching merely increased his admiration and pride in his wife.

  Not many women would put themselves on display as she was, in order to please their husbands. Cupping her face, he leaned down to press a kiss to her lips. In a voice only she could hear, he whispered, “That’s one, Lawrence.”

  When he turned to lead her toward Jacob, the quiet sighs and stifled groans only made him more amused. Clothed in the waist and nipple chains he’d sent her, the triple strands of platinum chains emphasized the sexy shape of her body, her rounded hips, and full breasts. The white length of silk he’d sent along with the body jewelry swathed her lower body, tucked beneath the chains on each hip and leaving her naked from the waist up. Beneath the delicate fabric, her bare pussy was shadowed, but visible to everyone.

  Threading the fingers of his left hand through her right, Bryce walked her to stand before Jacob, making sure she never fell behind him, but remained at his side.

  Jacob’s eyes twinkled with amusement, but he didn’t allow the humor to show on his face as the room fell silent, and he began to speak. “Brothers and sisters, it has been nearly a century since one of us has conducted a ceremony as sacred as this. In all that relates to our lifestyle, the giving of a collar can signify more than a coming together of needs.

  “In the case of this pair, it is the sealing of a bond already made legitimate in the eyes of the law.

  “The giving of a collar symbolizes the strength of commitment a master has for his submissive. It is not a responsibility taken lightly, nor without careful and deep consideration. In the same manner, the accepting of a collar reveals the trust a submissive places in her master. It reflects the power she cedes over to him to guide her in her journey to enlightenment and opens the door to exploring the self in a more profound way than ever before.

  “As you have determined to join your lives in a method recognized by the leaders of this country and within this state, do you now both confirm that you stand before this assemblage to enact a ritual that will identify you to your family as forever bound to one another?”

  This was the moment of truth, Bryce decided as he held his wife’s gaze and replied in a firm, clear tone. “Yes.”

  Though she nodded, Mattie had to clear her throat twice, tears streaking her cheeks and clogging her voice, making it hard to hear her. “Yes.”

  “Take your places before your family.” Jacob directed, motioning to the people in attendance.

  Turning so he faced Mattie and they stood in profile to both Jacob and the guests, Bryce was disturbed when Mattie pulled her hand from his. Though his expression never betrayed him, surprise slid into stunned disbelief as he watched her adjust the folds of silk and gracefully lower herself to kneel before him. In the time they’d been together, he’d never asked her to assume the position of a slave. The only times she’d ever knelt were when she’d pleasured him with her mouth. His heart hammered against his ribs and pride swelled his chest. He felt as if he stood taller than before, strong in the knowledge of what his woman was offering with this simple act of faith.

  “You have selected your Formal Collar?” Jacob prompted.

  Bryce nodded. “I have.” Looking to Mike, he watched as his brother moved forward.

  Mattie knew she’d surprised Bryce with her gesture. He may not have shown his dismay outwardly, but his eyes had given him away. Kneeling before him had seemed the right thing to do. Only her inner voice had prompted her to do such a thing, and she was glad she’d listened. Her thoughts scattered as the aged leather box in Mike’s hands was opened.

  Tears filled Mattie’s eyes as she gazed at the necklace Bryce had selected. She’d wondered about it for a while after seeing it adorning the neck of his great-great-grandmother in the portrait on the study wall.

  The fine detailing in the piece was breat
htaking. In the same style as her engagement ring, the platinum collar was designed similar to a choker with the rose-and-dragon’s-claw-style of her ring repeated in the front-facing clasp. The half-inch-wide chain was made of such finely woven links, it resembled the scales of a dragon. Even the black fire opal clutched in the center of the claw was a near-perfect match for the stone in her ring.

  “In honor of her strength and fortitude, I offer this collar as a symbol of my commitment to this partnership.”

  The very stillness of the observers and the manner in which Bryce removed the collar from its velvet bed confused Mattie. Until he passed it to Jacob and her father-in-law began to speak.

  “Since the fourteenth century, the Dragon Rose has only been offered to two other women. Crafted by a knight and gifted to his chosen submissive, the very metal it was wrought from symbolizes true love and eternal loyalty.

  “The stone has survived when others similar to it crumbled to dust, identifying the longevity and fortunate nature of giver and recipient in its very presence after nearly seven hundred years.

  “Last, and most important, the design itself denotes the synergistic nature of master and submissive. For within the delicate body of a sub is the strength and fire of an elemental creature. It is the duty of the master to harness this strength, to focus the energies of the submissive into passion and then test the boundaries again.

  “Understanding the duties entrusted to you and the responsibility you are acquiring, do you offer this collar to your submissive?”

  “Yes.” Bryce showed no hesitation in his response even as Mattie’s mind went numb, realizing that in all the weeks they’d been together, Bryce had never hesitated or wavered in his treatment when mastering her.

  Her mind still spinning with the knowledge that her doubts were the reason for this ceremony, not his, Mattie turned to face Jacob as he held the collar out for her to see clearly.

  In the same solemn tone, he asked, “Understanding the duties and responsibilities you acquire upon taking his collar, do you accept?”

  Mattie nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  Passing the collar to Bryce, Jacob directed. “Speak your vows as you set this upon your submissive’s neck, but do not fasten it until she has spoken her vows to you.”

  Signaling his understanding, Bryce accepted the collar, pressed the two petals directly over the links to release the catch, and eased one end of the chain free.

  The cool metal caressed her throat as he put it in place. Lifting her gaze to his, Mattie listened to every word, committing them to memory while trying to stem the tears filling her eyes and slipping down her cheeks.

  “With your acceptance of my collar, I vow to be worthy of your trust. I will hold you safe and most prized of all my possessions.

  “You will never have cause to doubt the respect, honor, and love I hold for you. Your submission is a gift that I will never give you cause to regret. In all aspects of your training, I swear to keep your needs in mind while striving to test your limits.

  “Our children”—Bryce paused to use the fingers of one hand to smooth away her tears—“our children will be cherished as symbols of our love and evidence of our unity, as well as for themselves. They are the best of both of us and should know their full potential as individuals as well as being our sons and daughters.

  “All this I pledge to you for the rest of our lives and beyond.”

  Eyes swimming, Mattie could barely make out Bryce’s features as she stared up at him. She could hear the sincerity in his voice but needed to see his face as well. Reaching up, she tried scrubbing the tears away, but they fell too quickly. The creak of leather and the warm clasp of Bryce’s arms registered before she realized he’d squatted down and pulled her close.

  “It’s okay, love; take your time,” he soothed, his fingers wiping away her tears and his lips warm against her brow. The slide of his hands along her back and shoulders had the sobs easing and her breathing slowing to a more manageable level.

  Mattie hadn’t even realized she clutched his shirt until she tried easing away from him. Meeting his gaze, she sniffed and offered a shaky smile. He cupped her cheeks and took her mouth with a slow, breath-stealing kiss, his tongue sliding inside to caress and seduce before slipping away. Holding her gaze, he rose to stand over her again.

  Her already-clamped nipples throbbed in time with the heat filling her belly. The damned man loved turning her on—almost as much as she did. Steadying herself, she rose up on her knees, her spine straight, eyes on his, and began to speak. The words had circled her mind from the first time she’d read about bondage and submission. Once she’d recognized the attraction she felt for Bryce also involved the fantasy of submitting to his control, the ways to tell him had hovered in the back of her mind. After reading the vows etched into the jar holding Margaretta and Cole Halsey’s rose petals, it made sense to repeat them as well. At first the words were shaky, but as she continued, her voice grew stronger.

  “I accept your collar as a symbol of our union. I entrust to you my body, heart, and soul, knowing that what you expect of me is not beyond my means to give.

  “I promise you that no safe word need ever be between us, for your every action is made with my utmost care and protection in mind. Never will I deny your request. Your pleasure is my pleasure; your need is my need; your want is my want.

  “As you are gifting me with your collar, you have already given to me, in trust and love, your children to bear, nurture, and love.” Even as she spoke, her hands smoothed over the soft curve of her belly, including them in this pivotal event, just as Bryce’s words had earlier. “With your guidance, I will learn the strengths within me, as well as the passion, so that should challenges arise, I can draw on your teachings and know I will prevail.

  “Just as your collar signifies eternal love and loyalty, so does my acceptance of it solidify my commitment to you and our union. My complete trust in you. Only your commands will I follow, and only you can remove the collar that binds me to you.”

  Reaching up, Mattie placed her hands over Bryce’s. Holding his gaze, she worked with him to slide the clasp together until first one and then the second petal on the rose snapped back into place.

  The sound of sobs whispered through the room, but the double click of the collar fastening around her throat stilled her tears. Heat filled Mattie’s belly and spread outward, causing her eyes to widen in amazement. Only with Bryce’s touch had she ever felt such arousal, but even as she worked to comprehend the feelings, her husband was directing her hands away from her throat so they rested at her sides. The caress of warm metal along her skin had her glancing down to see him lift the chain dangling from the clamp on her right nipple. Although she couldn’t see what he did, Mattie was sure the tiny hook at the end of the chain was being slipped through a loop on one of the rose petals. A tug on the clamp along with a simultaneous pull on the collar only reinforced her suspicions.

  “Loyalty,” Bryce declared as the chain was put in place. His lips pressed against hers before he moved back to gather the other chain dangling from the clamp on her left peak.

  Again the tugs just as her husband spoke. “Honor.” Another kiss.

  Then he held her gaze as his hand smoothed down her body and settled on her abdomen, his fingers stroking her flesh as if touching the fragile infants within. Moving farther down, he gathered up the only length of bejeweled chain. Interspersed between the platinum links, a yellow topaz, an emerald, a ruby, a sapphire, a black fire opal, a milk opal, and a black diamond winked in the Club’s subdued lighting. Lifting the last link, Bryce set it in place and announced, “Fealty. These three things I swear to you and claim you as my own, my love, for all eternity.”

  “For all eternity and beyond,” Mattie whispered.


  Qwillia Rain

  Qwillia Rain grew up loving books. From an early age she was creating stories to go with the pictures. By high school she was penning romances for her friends and sh
ocking them with the graphic nature of the love scenes. After leaving her home in Las Vegas, Nevada for Anchorage, Alaska, Qwillia discovered there were other authors who enjoyed throwing open the bedroom doors and exploring the darker side of human nature. She left Alaska for Billings, Montana, but the travel bug struck again. Currently, Qwillia resides in Raleigh, North Carolina, drawing inspiration from the history, scenery, and rich diversity of the South.




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