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Wanted Witch (Daughter of Darkness Book 1)

Page 9

by Val O. Morris

  I turned around and Spratlin was gone. I slid the other ring into my pocket and headed back into the library where he was reading through different books. I plopped down on one of the chairs. "Tell me about Gaylin. Is she a witch, too?"

  He turned to look at me, then slowly replaced a book on the shelf in front of him. I got the sense that the question made him uneasy.

  "She wasn't at the party, so I was just curious. Is she in a different coven?"

  He knelt down in front of me and placed his hand on my knee. His strong features made me feel so comfortable around him. Like he would protect me regardless of the situation.

  He sighed. "I honestly don't know the answer to that."

  "About what coven she's in or her being a witch?"

  "Which coven. I know she's a mage."

  Okay. I could accept that, but I wondered why she didn't tell me. I mean, I understand why she didn't tell me before I knew I was one, but I saved her life for Chrissakes! We've been best friends since we were kids. Why wouldn't she open up to me? Not having memories of my mother was understandable, but Gaylin was alive. I didn't understand why we couldn't bond even more now.

  I gave a little smile as he patted my leg once again. Then he sat down in the chair across from me. I chose not to tell Spratlin about the initials. Figured it best not to arouse suspicion when that was all I had to go on. I didn't even know what it meant. Things were pointing to not only my mother but also my best friend being necromancers. Whatever was going on, my instincts told me something wasn't right.

  Oh, shit. Our conversation at the store. The night I was researching the people I saved, Gaylin stopped by. It was the first time I had really talked to her since Jeremy's party. She was nervous. I thought it was because of what happened. It wasn't every day your best friend died and was reborn again after saving you.

  I told her about Thomas. She was at my computer when I went to lock the store door. Had she seen the info on Emma? Shit. I had to do something.

  Glancing up, our eyes locked. I gathered my courage, then said, "Spratlin, I know you don't like discussing this, but you've gotta trust me. The little girl, Emma from the arcade... I think she's in danger."


  Relieved that Spratlin didn't fight me on the Emma issue, we bolted out of the underground caverns as fast as we could while still dodging the mages who wanted to kill us.

  It was dark when we climbed out of the sewers, which told me we had been down there for over a day. My phone beeped as we climbed on Spratlin's bike. "It's a voicemail from Jeremy." The clock on my phone read ten o'clock, and the voicemail came in only thirty minutes earlier. I stuck a finger in my ear so I could still hear over the loud pipes.

  He was frantic, and I could barely make out what he said other than, "Gaylin... come quick".

  Shit. This was bad. I leaned in close to Spratlin's ear. "Take me to the store."

  The sewers were outside of town, but Spratlin sped through the back roads to get to the store as fast as possible.

  We walked in and the whole gang was there, including Gaylin. I glanced around the room taking notice of everyone, then I glared at Jeremy. "What's going on?"

  Jeremy gave me a hug. "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. What's this all about? I just got your message. No service down below."

  "Gaylin has some interesting news."

  Gaylin came forward. I didn't know if I should ready my magic or not, so I stayed cool. I figured if this was some sort of ambush we were all fucked anyway.

  Gaylin said, "I've been living a lie. I've been spying on Alexa to get information. I figured I was owed one since she tried to kill me."

  I breathed a huge sigh of relief. "Oh, thank God." I could kick myself for ever doubting her, but I was so happy to hear that she wasn't working with Alexa.

  She looked at me funny, like she didn't understand my confusion. She continued, "I was hoping to catch her bullying someone so I could swoop in and exact my revenge. I never expected to stumble upon her evil plan."

  My eyebrows raised in curiosity.

  She continued, "It was right after Jeremy's party. I overheard her discussing the plan to her friends. Right before she killed Alise."

  "I knew it."

  "What?" Spratlin asked.

  "Yeah, she killed Alise."

  Spratlin stepped closer and put his hand on my back. "Why?" he asked.

  "To frame you." She nodded at me.

  "That fucking bitch!"

  Spratlin asked, "What did that gain her?"

  "Alexa hoped that you would run. It would give her the opportunity to get to you."

  I was still confused how making me run mattered. "And do what?"

  "I'm sure you know by now, she's been studying up on necromancy. She's gotten good at it, too. There's this ritual. Something about if she sacrifices you, Alexa can use a spell to gain your Healer ability."

  I just stood there. I didn't know what to say. That bad feeling I've had? I never expected that. Rage grew inside me the longer I stood there. I wanted nothing more than to wring Alexa's neck. Punch her right in the face for being such an arrogant bitch. But this. This was heavy shit. She had been messing around with dark magic and necromancy. She willingly killed one of her best friends just to get to me. She'd murder us all if that's what it would take.

  Before I could stop myself, I punched the shelf in front of me and magic exploded from my hand. Game boxes scattered into the air. Burnt paper floating all around. I was about to do it again, when Spratlin grabbed me.

  "This isn't the way. Don't do this to yourself. Save it for her."

  I stared at him not knowing if I wanted to punch him or hug him for stopping me. I chose neither. I walked back over to Gaylin.

  "Did you know she killed Alise when you came to the store?"

  "Yes. I wanted so bad to tell you, but I hoped if I kept up my ruse a little longer, I'd learn more what we were dealing with."

  "And Thomas Johnson?"

  "That was her, too."


  "Just to toy with you."

  I figured as such. If she was cold-hearted enough to kill her own friend, a stranger didn't mean shit. "I hate to even bring this up, but... the little girl?"

  "She's safe." Gaylin nodded to my silent question. "I saw the article on your computer. No one else knows about her. In fact, Jason has had surveillance set up at the Miller house twenty-four-seven."

  Jason nodded. "Yep, she's all good."

  "Thank you." The silver lining was still in tact. I pulled out the ring with her initials. "What about this?"

  "I was hoping you'd find it." She slid it on her finger. "I followed you into the caves."

  "So those were your footprints." I knew we were being followed.

  "I was protecting you."

  "Why didn't you just tell us about this then?"

  "I was going to, but I lost track of you guys. Then I ran into her. I couldn't risk it. When I finally got away, I called Jeremy. And, here we are."

  I walked to the back of the store to grab my stash of tequila. As I unlocked the drawer and reached down to get it, I got the odd feeling I was being watched. Looking around, no one was there and nothing looked out of place, so I went back up front.

  I offered my friends a shot. Some of them took it, some didn't. Good. More for me. I threw back my head to force the liquid down. Then I poured another. I let that one go down nice and slow.

  "So, this plan of hers. Let me get this straight. If she kills me, she gains my ability."

  Gaylin said, "Yeah."

  "That's some top notch Mega Man shit right there." I rubbed my forehead to try and ease the pain. "And I'm guessing she knows she'll get me either way. Whether she catches me herself or she uses someone else to lure me in."

  Gaylin shrugged. "Pretty much. She knows your conscious won't let you ignore it."

  I poured another and held up my glass before downing it. "I've been cursed with a blessing." I slammed the shot glass down o
n the counter and rubbed my hands together. "So, where's this little shindig taking place?"

  "We need to devise a foolproof plan before going off half cocked," Spratlin interjected.

  "Trust me, I don't ever do anything halfway." I winked at him as I walked past.

  I walked over to Gaylin and held up my ring. "It was my mother's. I wonder..." I paused, unable to get the words out. "Ya know what? Never mind." I didn't really want to know.

  I spun around to face my friends. Creep was sitting on the counter. "Make room," I said and I hopped up next to him. "So, do we know yet who the victim will be for the evil spell party?"

  A door slammed in the back office. "When I was back there, I got the feeling someone was in there with me!"

  Spratlin went rushing past. "I'm on it!" he said.

  It took a second to realize someone had been listening in. "Emma!" I hopped off the counter to follow.

  He and Jeremy took off through the back. "Come on!" I waved for everyone else to follow me out the front door.

  Jason jumped in his black van, and I hopped on Spratlin's bike and revved the engine. I called out to Jason, "Take me to Emma's!"

  Jason peeled out of the parking lot, and we all fell in line behind him. Whether that person was going to Emma's or not, I knew Spratlin would follow them. As we turned left on the adjacent neighborhood street, I saw Spratlin and Jeremy running and pointing toward a black Camaro.

  Jason and I both pulled up beside Spratlin and Jeremy who both looked out of breath. Jeremy hopped in Jason's van.

  I ordered, "Follow that car!"

  Spratlin climbed on the back of his bike, and I gunned it to catch Jason's van. I got next to his window. "How far?"

  "Ten minutes," Jason said.

  "Make it less!" I demanded.

  We took the main highway north through town. Even in the darkness, the mountains in the north loomed over Blackwood. There weren't many cars due to the late hour. We were going well over the limit when we passed a cop. If he decided to chase us, he'd just have to keep up.

  Spratlin yelled in my ear, "It's kinda sexy you riding my bike."

  "You just sit back there and look pretty. And hang on!" I gunned it as we turned down Park Street. A few more turns and we came to a stop in front of a big white house shaded by two enormous oak trees.

  A frantic lady yelled, "My baby!"

  Down the street was the black Camaro. It turned left as I called out to the lady. "Emma your daughter?" She didn't look like she knew what to make of my question, but nodded anyway. "Don't worry. We'll save her."

  I slammed the bike into first and took off down the street shifting through the gears as fast as physics would allow. As we rounded a big sweeping curve to chase after the car, I saw someone stand up through the sunroof. All of a sudden a huge ball of orange was flying towards us!

  The angle at which it was zooming toward us, it was gonna hit Spratlin in the side. "Grab the handlebars!"

  "What?" I could hear the panic in his voice and I prayed he followed directions well. And that he didn't crash too hard.

  I leaned into the Fire Ball to take the shot for him. And then, as usual, all went black.


  My eyes fluttered open. My bed never felt so good.

  "Guess I owe ya one," I heard Spratlin say. Waking up next to him wasn't bad either.

  "Damn right you do. This hurts like hell." I sat up slowly. Careful not to pull anything else. Every muscle and tendon felt like they were being ripped to shreds.

  After I was fully alert again, I asked, "How's your bike?"

  "Eh... guess it's time for a new paint job. Other than that, it'll be fine. Oh, and I'm okay, too."

  I laughed and doubled over in pain. "Owe! Don't make me laugh. I was saving the best question for last."



  He shook his head.

  "Damnit!" I slapped the bed. "We've got to get to her."

  I tried to stand up, but he stopped me. "You're not gonna do anyone any good like this. Besides, Alexa isn't gonna do anything to her until you show up."

  "How'd they find her so easily?" Fortunately, After-Death didn't cause amnesia. I remembered the conversation from last night and the only hint at Emma was her last name.

  "There aren't that many Miller's in Blackwood. Whoever was eavesdropping got enough. Lock's busted on the back entrance. Jason is fixing it now."

  "Thanks." My gaze dropped. I didn't deserve the help my friends were giving me, but I was grateful.

  "How'd you know someone was back there?"

  I shrugged. "Just a feeling." I wondered if it was just normal intuition or my psychic ability growing stronger. I rubbed my wrist as I examined my newest scar. "Guess this makes you my fifth."

  "Damn. I was hoping to be your first." I chuckled. I liked a man who could make me laugh.

  "That was some stunt you did last night."

  "Me? I'm just glad you follow orders well and didn't smash up that pretty face."

  He laughed. "Thankfully, I didn't think about what you said. I just reacted. Thank you for saving my life."

  I gave him a sexy look. "My pleasure."

  We sat in silence for a few minutes. It was nice to know we were comfortable enough with each other to not feel the need to fill every moment with small talk. I got the sense that something was on his mind. "Wanna talk about it?"


  "Whatever's bugging you. Come on, don't shut me out."

  "How many times do you think you can do it?"

  I was guessing he meant sacrifice myself and not how many times I thought I could jump off a speeding motorcycle. "I've wondered that myself."

  He let out a short breath and said, "I don't deserve your sacrifice."

  "That's not for you to decide."

  He shook his head like he was fighting away bad thoughts. "You should have turned to avoid that Fire Ball."

  "And risk wrecking and killing us both? We wouldn't be here having this conversation."

  "So, you actually have to choose to do it? Like, you're totally aware of what's about to happen?"

  "That I'm choosing to die to save someone? Yes."

  "What if the next one is the last one? I don't know if I could live with myself." He touched my face. "I don't know if I could live without you."

  I took his hand in mine and kissed it. "We don't know when our time is up. There's no way to ever know that, regardless of any gift I may have. And hey, I'm more of a dog person anyway, so I'm not buying into the whole nine lives thing."

  "That's not funny."

  He obviously didn't like my sarcasm. "I'm prepared to carry this burden alone. But I hope I don't have to." I leaned in and kissed him, this time on the mouth.

  His lips were as gentle and soft as I imagined. Neither of us wanted to stop, but my aching body couldn't withstand the excitement. We slowly parted as he looked deep into my eyes, all the way to my soul. "I love you, Mackenzie Adams."

  I smiled and said, "Me, too."

  Pounding on the door woke me with a jolt. I had fallen asleep on the couch after Spratlin left and was practically in a coma thanks to After-Death. I stumbled to the door. "I'm coming! Just stop banging!"

  I swung open the door, "What the hell do you want?"

  Mrs. James turned around to face me.

  While our first meeting wasn't all hugs and kisses, I didn't mean to yell at her personally. "Mrs. James. What are you doing here?" She wasn't alone. There were two other Enforcers with her.

  She wasn't at all pleased with my greeting. "Do you treat the mother of all your boyfriends like this?"

  "Sorry. Rough night."

  "So I heard." She appeared to be struggling with her next comment. "Thank you for saving my son's life. I wish I could say I am here under better circumstances, but," she held up a document. "I'm here on official business."

  "What's this all about?" A large, muscular Enforcer pushed his way past me. "What the hell are you doing?"

n in a more official-sounding voice, Mrs. James said, "Mackenzie Adams, I'm here under the direction of the Council of Mages and Magical Affairs. This is a court order to seize any personal computers you may have in the house."

  "You can't just take my personal shit."

  "Legally, I can."

  "Detective Bartlett set this up." It was more a statement than an inquiry.

  My phone rang. Caller ID showed me it was the store, probably Jeremy. "What?"

  His voice was frantic. "Zee, they took the computer. They had a warrant. I couldn't stop them. They're probably coming to your house now."

  "Yeah," I glared at Mrs. James. "Thanks for the warning." I ended the call and shoved the phone into my pocket.

  Mrs. James said, "I thought me being here would ease the blow."

  "Probably made it worse," I spat back at her.


  Not too long after Mrs. James and the other two Enforcers left, Mrs. G showed up. Her smiling face was a blessing. We sat down at the kitchen table for a chat.

  "Spratlin told me what happened. How are you, dear?"

  The glass of tea shook as I set it down in front of her. "The After-Death is hell, but I'll be fine. It's Emma I'm worried about."

  "Poor thing has no idea what she's mixed up in."

  "I'll save her, don't worry."

  The doorbell rang. My place was popular that morning. I answered the door to two men in robes standing there staring at me. The first one spoke, "There's a war coming."

  "Isn't playing the end-of-the-world card a little out of date?"

  "We're from Ravencrest Coven."

  Great, now they're making house calls. "What do you want?"

  "We want to make sure that when the time comes, we know which side you're fighting for."

  "I'm fighting for truth, justice, and the American way. Just like the Frogg Brothers."

  They looked at each other like I was crazy. They obviously hadn't seen The Lost Boys. Poor souls.

  "Word around town is that you may be leaving us."

  Word sure traveled fast in this town. Turning my attention back to them, I said, "I'm not part of any coven yet, and this," I waved my finger at them, "isn't a good way to convince me."


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