Oath of Challenge: Conquering Kate

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Oath of Challenge: Conquering Kate Page 3

by Marly Chance

  Rolling her eyes and laughing at her brother, Kate said, “How very typically male. Too fragile to deal with the harsh realities of life.”

  Sharon piped up at that moment, “Actually, Liken is fantastic.” When Gage winced and Kate arched an eyebrow she added hurriedly, “I didn’t mean sex. Well, yes, the sex is unbelievable...”

  She broke off at the pained look on Gage’s face and gave a choked laugh. “I meant Liken is a wonderful man.”

  Eying her friend skeptically, Kate said, “Honey, that’s sex talking. The stud of the universe must have come through for you in a big way.”

  Sharon grew more solemn and said quietly, “Actually, Kate, that’s love talking. I’m in love with him and I’m going to pledge with him today.”

  Kate felt like she’d been hit with a large object with no warning. She felt Gage put a reassuring arm across her shoulders even as they both tensed. This was an unexpected development. There was a pregnant pause, as Kate searched for a response.

  “Sharon,” she began carefully, “I respect your feelings, but I’m wondering about his. Does he love you, too?” She couldn’t completely keep the doubt from her voice.

  Sharon smiled and her voice was firm. There was confidence and something close to pride in her face. “Yes, he does. We’ve found something together, Kate--something very rare. I have so much to tell you, so much to explain.” Sharon frowned. “Actually, I think I need to tell you some of those things right now.”

  Suddenly, Kate became aware of Tair standing across the room. She had no idea how she knew it, but she knew it. She turned toward him instinctively, and then realized what she was doing and turned back. She could feel him staring at her, but refused to look his way.

  She was too aware of him, she thought with alarm. It was not a good sign. Finally, giving in to the impulse, she turned and looked at him. Their gazes locked and she felt her breath catch.

  He was looking at her with focused intensity, as if the entire world had narrowed to the two of them. Holding his gaze, she refused to look away. They stared at each for a long moment. Then, she heard Sharon’s voice. Breaking the impasse, she turned and looked at her friend, trying to get back into the conversation.

  Still, a thrill went through her as she realized they would start battling soon. It was almost time. She tried to suppress her rising excitement. Refocusing on Sharon, she asked, “I need to know what?” On the edge of her vision, she could still see Tair. He was crossing the room with powerful strides.

  He reached their small group just as Sharon said, “You need to know about…”

  “The ceremony will be beginning soon, Sharon,” Tair drawled in a deceptively lazy voice, but there was a note of warning, too. “Perhaps I should tell Kate the necessary details. I imagine Liken would like his presence remembered as well.”

  Sharon shot him a guilty look, laced with defiance. “Liken is perfectly fine. I think Kate and I need to have a little talk before either ceremony begins.”

  Kate knew she looked surprised. “You know I’ve been summoned?” How long had Sharon known? For that matter, how long had Tair known?

  Watching as Tair laid an arm across Sharon’s shoulders, she wondered at the look exchanged between the two. He hugged her, as if to indicate he was not truly angry. There was a casual intimacy, as well as affection between Sharon and Tair that was surprising. They acted like old friends.

  Gage stepped forward and pulled Sharon away from Tair with gentle firmness. Staring hard at the Shimerian, he challenged coldly, “I’m Gage Carson. Who are you?”

  Tair realized why Gage looked so familiar. Kate and Gage had the same blond good looks. Seeing the two of them so close together, it was unmistakable. The resemblance between the siblings was obvious now. He mentally rolled his eyes at his own foolishness.

  His hostility toward the other man lessened considerably. Sensing the anger emanating from Gage, he reminded himself that Gage was Kate’s brother. Tair held his hard gaze but said in a neutral tone, “I am Tair da’Kamon.”

  Liken joined the group at that moment. Sharon shot a worried glance at the two men staring so hard at each other, and then raised her eyes to Liken in an unconscious plea. Liken gave her a reassuring smile and reached out for her.

  Drawing her close to his side, he said to Gage in a jovial voice, “I am Liken da’Kamon, Sharon’s pactmate. Sharon has great affection for you. I am most pleased you could come to our pledging.” Liken extended his hand toward Gage.

  Gage turned his attention from Tair and focused on Liken. He gave him a lethal glare, until he glanced at Sharon. Seeing the plea in her eyes, he sighed uncomfortably.

  Finally, thrusting his hand out, he took Liken’s hand in a brief shake. It wasn’t particularly friendly, but it was a gesture of temporary truce. Sharon gave him a grateful smile.

  Kate stood silently watching the drama unfold. It looked like any physical altercation had been averted, at least for the moment. Deciding the timing was good, she took a step forward and said in a chilly voice, “Hello, Tair.”

  Tair grinned widely at the tone and said in an amused drawl, “Hello, Kate.”

  They stared at each other silently. The others in the group said nothing as the air became even more charged. The connection between Kate and Tair was nearly tangible. Even the Shimerian males waiting in line along the side of the room shifted restlessly, watching with interested eyes.

  They were Shimerian males of various ages and backgrounds, but they had one thing in common. They were all in line to make Pact arrangements. Some had seen a Pact ceremony at one time or another, but most had not. They were curious about the two couples and the ceremony. Liken and his pactmate were pledging, but Tair was about to take Oath.

  Tair was a highly respected Guardian with quite a reputation for power. They were curious about the woman who would become his mate. Then everyone froze as another Shimerian male entered the room. They turned toward each other and several murmured, “Jadik” in surprise to the others.

  Kate watched as the most gorgeous man she’d ever laid eyes on walked toward them. He was big, with black hair falling down to his wide shoulders. His face was… the only word to describe it was beautiful. Like a painting of a dark angel, she’d seen once in a museum. As his gaze landed on her, she suppressed a shiver of alarm.

  He might be gorgeous, but this man was deadly. Those brown eyes were calculating and hard as stone. He silently assessed her as he drew near. She felt like he was seeing all the way to her soul. Then, his look changed to one of appreciation. As his eyes drifted over her body, she felt unaccountably warm.

  This reaction was not good. Was she turning into some kind of sex-crazed maniac all of the sudden? First Tair and now this man. She did not like what was happening one bit.

  Tair made a welcoming gesture toward him and said, “Jadik, your sense of timing is impeccable as always.”

  Kate watched in surprise as Jadik’s face relaxed and he smiled. It transformed his whole face, making him look deceptively harmless. “Hello, Tair. You know I would not miss the ceremony. Ahh… Liken it is good to see you again.”

  His gaze turned gently mocking as it landed on Sharon. He said, “I see you have decided to keep the idiot after all.”

  Sharon’s face turned bright red in response. Jadik threw back his head and laughed at her reaction. “Don’t look so embarrassed, sherree. I remember that night rather fondly.” His gaze fell to her mouth and then drifted upward as he gave her a lazy wink.

  Sharon cleared her throat and sought desperately for a response. “Hi, Jadik. Umm… This is my best friend, Kate, and her brother Gage.”

  Gage nodded shortly at Jadik and turned his attention back to Tair. In a light voice, completely at odds with his grim expression, he said suddenly, “Tair, I don’t believe we’ve shaken hands.” He thrust his hand out toward the other man.

  The entire group regarded Gage in surprised confusion for a moment. Then Kate’s brow cleared as she realized what was happe
ning and she said, “Yes, that’s right. Tair, you should shake hands with Gage.”

  Tair studied the other man for a moment in silence and then took the offered hand. As their hands touched, Tair was shocked by the sudden flood of energy that erupted. Instinctively, he shielded his mind and sent an answering probe toward Gage’s mind to discover what he intended. To his astonishment, he met with a shield. It was not a Shimerian mind shield, but it was somewhat similar.

  Gage gasped and held on as the world around him went gray. He rarely tried to force a vision because the drain was so great. He risked passing out whenever he tried. In this case, he needed to know and he needed to know right now. A great deal depended on his abilities at the moment. As a series of images passed through his mind, he felt a surge of relief. Then, suddenly, he burst into laughter.

  Tair broke Gage’s grip and studied the man in stunned silence. No one spoke as Gage continued to laugh so hard that his shoulders shook.

  When the storm of laughter subsided, Tair said, “You are psychic. Yet you are human. I do not understand.”

  Sharon and Kate looked alarmed. Sharon said immediately, “Keep your voice down, Tair. It’s not a common natural ability here.”

  Tair said in a low tone, “My apologies, Gage. I am usually discrete. I was merely surprised.”

  Gage grinned widely, amusement still evident in his face. “Oh, that’s okay, pal. You’ll be really sorry soon enough.”

  Tair knew when he was being taunted, but there was a genuine lessening of hostility from Gage. Even a note of camaraderie. It was mocking, but it was there.

  With a puzzled frown, he decided humans were too confusing to understand fully. Turning to Kate, he said, “Kate, I must speak with you now. It is…” He stopped abruptly at Sharon’s exclamation.

  Sharon voice rang loudly with disbelief. “Jadik! You have got to be kidding. Kate, I just thought of something. No, I know it can’t be right. Tair, tell me Jadik is not Kate’s...”

  Before she could say the word, Liken placed his mouth over hers in an enthusiastic kiss. When he raised his head, he said firmly, “Sharon, I believe Tair and Kate have things to discuss.”

  “But Jadik?!” she exclaimed. “Tell me I’m wrong.”

  Liken said to the group, “Please excuse us, we have pledge details to discuss.” He shot a hard look at Sharon, who returned it with an even harder one of her own.

  Finally, nodding her head in agreement, she said, “Excuse us, we’ll just be a moment.” The couple strode over to the other side of the room and began speaking in low tones.

  Kate gave Jadik a questioning glance, but he merely shrugged and looked angelically innocent. She wasn’t fooled for a second.

  Turning to Tair, she said firmly, “I believe we’ll have that discussion now.” Walking out of the room and into the outside corridor, she was surprised when Tair turned into one of the doorways instead of following her further down the hall.

  Rolling her eyes that he couldn’t even follow her to the lobby, she turned and followed him into an office of some kind. Except for the two of them, it was empty. The owner of the office must be gone for the day because everything looked too neat and tidy for ongoing work. There was a desk with a built-in computer monitor and a chair. Tair was sitting on the edge of the desk looking as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  Against her will, her gaze drifted downward toward his lap. As her eyes reached their destination, she saw a thick bulge against his crotch. She jerked her eyes upward and met his amused regard. With a defiant toss of her head, she demanded, “You wanted to talk. Fine. Talk. Explain this ridiculous summoning.”

  Tair smiled. “Kate, there is no need for this battle. If you wish it, I am willing to take the Oath of Seduction. Seducing you would be pure pleasure.”

  Kate felt her insides grow warm at his words. Moisture gathered between her thighs. His gaze drifted downward to fall on her breasts. Even though she was completely covered by her suit, she felt naked. Her nipples tightened in response.

  His eyes drifted back to her face and he said in a husky voice, “Of course, you may seduce me if that is your desire.”

  Kate struggled for control. It was infuriating that he could affect her so quickly and so strongly. With renewed resolve, she asked pointedly, “And if I choose one of the other options?”

  He straightened from the desk and stalked toward her. Her excitement rose with each step. When he was inches away from touching her, he spoke softly, his voice a combination of temptation and subtle dare. “If you choose Challenge, you have my oath that I will not harm you, but I will challenge you sexually.”

  Reaching out, he ran his hand gently along the curve of her neck. It was a causally intimate gesture. His voice held the same tone, as his hand stroked. “Think of it, Kate. What games we can play! You can explore your every desire with me. There is nothing that I would not do to you, nothing that you could not have from me.”

  Reaching the neckline of her blouse, he dipped a finger lazily between the curves of her breasts. “I will fulfill you in ways you have experienced only in your deepest fantasies. Imagine what we could do to each other.”

  Kate tried to keep from trembling at his words, but she felt a tremor run through her. Her body was heating, the blood singing in her veins. The man was a master. Clenching her hands, she said coolly, “You presume a lot. I hope you have the equipment and skill to match that huge ego.”

  He chuckled and began placing kisses along the side of her throat. His fingers began tracing circles over her breast. Her body tensed in anticipation, but he avoided her aching nipple. He said huskily, “You are welcome to verify it at any time.”

  He bit gently at the spot where her neck met her shoulder, then sucked. His hand covered her breast and squeezed. Through the fabric of her blouse, the contact of his warm palm with her hard nipple was exquisite.

  It was too much temptation. Kate groaned and grabbed for his head with both hands. Pulling his face up, she placed a hungry kiss on his mouth. His lips hardened instantly and began moving in response. She felt him his big arms wrap around her, and then he pulled her fully against the hard length of his body.

  They both groaned as the contact sent fire arching through them. Their tongues met eagerly in a passionate duel as the kiss grew hotter. Kate felt Tair’s cock thrusting aggressively against her stomach and arched upward, trying to align her sex with that hard pressure.

  Immediately, Tair’s hands slid to her butt and lifted her. As he thrust against her sex for the first time, she moaned loudly and felt her whole body shudder. She wrapped her legs around him and heard him moan. She was burning. They were both on fire.

  Then, suddenly, she felt a pressure inside her head. It was a pressing sensation, like something was pushing against her mind. She was jolted out of the moment, and immediately pulled back from Tair.

  Tair’s eyes were black with desire. His mouth was swollen and he looked ready to eat her alive. Kate knew she looked the same way. Pushing against his shoulders, she unwrapped her legs from around his body.

  He looked dazed at her sudden withdrawal, but he allowed her body to slide down until she stood on her own. He murmured, “I want you, Kate.”

  In desperation, she turned her back on him and walked on shaky legs a few steps away. Breathing harshly, she tried to engage her brain. She needed to think, and she needed to do it fast. He had barely touched her and she’d gone off like a rocket. It was scary and incredible and the most fantastic sexual thrill of her life.

  He spoke roughly from behind her, sounding impatient. “What happened?”

  She spun and flashed him an angry look, “Why don’t you tell me? You’re the one with the superhero powers, remember?”

  A look of resignation passed over his face. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, he shrugged. “My apologies for losing control. It is quite common the first time one kisses his pactmate.”

  Kate felt a surge of irritation at the thought of what had almost ha
ppened. She decided it was time to go on the offensive. She needed to settle down and take control. Immediately. She reached for icy composure.

  Keeping her face bland and her voice cool, she walked until they were nearly touching again. Reaching out and touching his big chest, she could literally feel his heart pounding, even through his shirt. Trailing a finger down his chest, she watched the hunger in his face grow. She lingered at the top of his pants and then moved her palm further down over his crotch.

  “Well,” she drawled softly, “you can make it up to me.” She stroked a gentle hand over his cock and then cupped him in her hand. Inwardly, she groaned at the feel of him, so huge and so ready. A cock like that was enough to make any woman beg.

  Outwardly, she flashed him a teasing smile. “We’ll enjoy each other for two lovely weeks.” She stroked him slowly, trying to distance herself from the pleasure of that hard length in her hand. “Then I’ll come back home. Imagine how incredible it could be, Tair.”

  She licked her lips, and watched with satisfaction as his eyes tracked her movements. She trailed her hand down all the way to his inner thigh and then went upward until she cupped his testicles gently. In a firmer voice, she said, “But no intercourse and no mind stuff, darling.”

  Tair was in agony. Kate was fighting back with a vengeance. His entire body was aching with the desire to take her. His cock throbbed in her hand and he grasped for control. He shook his head in the negative.

  The hand cupping him tightened slowly in response. She stopped squeezing just short of pain. Tair sucked in a breath and went absolutely still.

  Kate smiled in satisfaction. She remembered to keep her voice cool and mocking. “Well, that really is too bad. I’m warning you, Romeo, no more mind tricks or you’ll pay. Challenge me and you’ll lose.” Abruptly, she released him and stepped quickly out of his reach.

  Tair regarded her silently for a moment. He let out a deep breath as he struggled with his temper. Then, with a casual shrug, he turned and leaned against the desk. He wanted her more fiercely than his next breath, and he was determined not to give her the satisfaction of knowing it.


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