Oath of Challenge: Conquering Kate

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Oath of Challenge: Conquering Kate Page 4

by Marly Chance

  Finally, he said equally coolly, “I will not accommodate you.”

  Kate watched in silence as his shoulders relaxed, but his face turned resolute. He appeared calm and in control, but there was a dangerous look in his eyes. His voice was hard. “I intend to merge with you as soon as possible.”

  “As for intercourse,” he lifted one brow in obvious amusement and continued matter-of-factly, “We will have sex, Kate, you may depend upon it. I will have you wet and wanting, and aching for my cock. Then, I will fuck you mindless. You will pledge with me, sheka. You have my oath.”

  Kate was rocked by what he said. His blunt words excited and angered her at the same time. Seething with frustration, arousal, and anger, she said with frigid precision, “You have my oath you’ll regret the day you ever met me. I have to change my clothes. I have two ceremonies to attend.” Giving him a look of dismissal, she turned and stalked out of the room.

  Tair leaned on the corner of the desk for another moment. As his arousal dimmed and his mind cleared, he threw back his head and laughed at the two of them. They were both tough players. They were both used to winning. And they were very well-matched indeed. Gradually, his laughter subsided into a smugly satisfied grin. She would choose Challenge. He was sure of it. Kate was ready to play.

  Chapter 3

  Kate stood in the small changing room gazing at herself in the mirror with disgust. She was dressed in a thin white blouse, and a floor length skirt of matching material. Tiny flat strappy sandals and skimpy panties that tied at the hips completed the outfit. She looked like some kind of virginal sacrifice. She felt utterly ridiculous. She could imagine the reactions of her co-workers if they glimpsed this getup.

  She remembered seeing the same type of outfit on Sharon weeks ago, but on Sharon it had looked beautiful and appropriate somehow. Very “innocence on the verge of blossoming” or something. Looking at her thrusting nipples outlined by the cloth, Kate felt like a hooker dressed as a nun.

  She was no innocent in body or in mind. Glancing at her red and black power suit hanging on the hook on the wall, she gave it an approving look. That suit was Kate Carson. This virginal bride thing was a bad joke.

  Coming to a decision, she reached up and loosened her hair. Brushing her hands through it, she watched it fall in loose waves past her shoulders. Spotting her purse in the corner, she gave a small grimace. Actually, she had left it in the Pactrep’s transport. No doubt one of the mountains had retrieved it for her and put it in here.

  Reaching for it, she drew out a tube of lipstick. The color was ‘Killer Red.” She used it on her lips and stood back to assess the effect. With her hair down and her kiss-swollen lips painted deep crimson, she looked rather wanton. The flush from her encounter with Tair earlier only added to the image. Her eyes were shining with heated emotion.

  She didn’t look like anybody’s innocent sacrifice now. She looked like a woman completely comfortable with her own sexuality. Powerful and challenging. Perfect. She hoped Tair would be in major agony. It served him right.

  Picking up her red purse, she smiled to herself. It was going to be a very pleasurable two weeks. If he thought she’d just roll over for him, he was badly mistaken. She’d take her fun where she found it, and walk away smiling – alone -- at the end.

  Somehow the thought didn’t please her as much as it should. It was that damn intergalactic jerk. He was unlike anyone she had ever encountered. A part of her knew she would miss the intensity of their effect on each other once the knowing period was done.

  Then again, maybe they would grow bored with each other. Anything that blazed this hot was bound to burn out fast. With a mental shrug at her mixed emotions, she took one last look in the mirror.

  She was Kate Carson, powerful and in control. Hell-on-wheels and a woman to be reckoned with. It was time to introduce Tair to the concept of humility.

  Walking out into the Pactroom, there was a sudden hush. Feeling everyone’s gaze on her, she met their eyes boldly and searched for Sharon. Tair was missing. Trust the damn man to miss her big entrance.

  Feeling somewhat deflated, she spotted Sharon gesturing to her. Kate smiled and went to her friend. For the first time, she really became aware of what Sharon was wearing. The halter top and short skirt looked wonderful on her.

  Studying Sharon, Kate realized her friend looked sexy and confident. There was a new contentment about her, a kind of inner satisfaction. If Liken had this effect, Kate could forgive him a lot.

  The big alien was looking at Sharon in absolute adoration. Obviously feeling Liken’s gaze on her, Sharon turned and returned the look for a moment. They both smiled.

  Kate, watching the two, felt a moment of envy. They were deeply in love. She might doubt her own capacity for the emotion, but there was no mistaking the feeling between Sharon and Liken. It was there in the tenderness between them. They seemed to have a special…knowledge of each other, a bond. Even someone who had never felt that kind of love could identify it easily.

  Dread surfaced at the thought of being so far from her friend. With a bittersweet smile, she realized things were changing. Sharon would be leaving to live so far away. She felt a huge sadness take hold.

  Intense loneliness swamped her at the thought. She shook herself inwardly. The bottom line was Sharon was happy, and she wanted that happiness for her friend. If it meant Liken and another planet, Kate would wish them well.

  Pasting a smile on her face, she said in her best disapproving tone, “Please, this lovey-dovey stuff is wreaking hell on my nerves. You two need to have a fight or something so I’ll feel more comfortable. Exchange a few insults or glares. I need something more suited to my personality. It is my Oath ceremony, too, you know.”

  Liken gave her a confident smile, surprising her, and said, “Kate, I have been inside Sharon’s head. As much as it will pain you, I know you through her eyes. You cannot hope to fool me with such talk.”

  Sharon laughed. Kate gave him a hard glare for a moment. With cool accents she said, “I see Sharon loves you in spite of your delusional thinking. It’s so sad when love makes fools out of intelligent men.”

  Liken reached out and enveloped her in a hug. She stiffened in shock for a moment and then relaxed. His arms around her felt comforting and for a minute, she leaned into the embrace. Then, regretting the temporary weakness, she moved back.

  He was looking at her warmly. He leaned down and placed a gentle buss on her mouth, as if she were a child. Eyes shining with amusement, he said, “Kate, love makes fools of us all.”

  Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, “You will never lose her. I swear it on my life. She will know happiness with me, but you will always be a part of her life as well.” He chucked her under the chin, and moved back to Sharon’s side.

  Kate stood in shock, marveling over the big alien’s words and actions. He had somehow guessed what she was feeling and had made the effort to comfort her. It meant more to her than she would ever let him know.

  She cleared her throat. “Sharon, you are allowed to keep this pathetic creature. Obviously he will do anything for you, even attempt to befriend me.”

  Flashing him a look, she said, “You’ll do. Just don’t expect that hugging thing to occur very often.” She gave a delicate shudder of mock revulsion.

  Liken and Sharon both burst into laughter. Kate smiled widely in response. She heard an excited murmur around the room and felt an intense stare directed her way. Tair was back.

  Turning, she saw Tair, Gage, and Jadik walking toward her. Arching an eyebrow, she waited until the three of them arrived. Then she said overly sweetly, “Hello, boys. All done discussing the womenfolk?”

  The three men grinned at her and nodded yes. She felt her blood start to boil. She opened her mouth to make a scathing response.

  The voice of the Pactmaker suddenly rang loudly in the room. “Will Liken da’Kamon and Sharon Glaston please step forward to pledge?”

  Liken caught Sharon by the hand and led her f
orward. Tair reached a hand toward Kate, but she merely stared at it like an unwelcome reptile. With a laugh, he moved his hand forward in a gesture for her to proceed first. Turning her back on him, she walked toward the Pactmaker. She missed the three amused male smiles that she left in her wake.

  Eventually, everyone gathered into the appropriate places for the ceremony. Sharon and Liken faced each other, with Kate and Tair standing on each side. Jadik and Gage stood further away, watching silently. Gage regarded Sharon with the wistful eyes of a brother sending off his little sister. The couple gave their Oaths in clear, solemn voices. Their happiness and joy were evident.

  Kate tried to concentrate on the pledge ceremony. The beauty of it didn’t escape her, but her mind was a jumble of thoughts. Her emotions were cascading from happiness for Sharon and Liken, to apprehension about Tair and the ceremony to follow.

  Unused to such a mix of strong emotions, she worked hard to keep her composure. If her eyes became a little misty when Liken placed a gentle kiss on Sharon’s mouth as the beauty of it truly touched her, she made sure no one noticed by looking quickly away. At last it was done.

  Feeling Tair’s gaze, she turned and gave him a look of warning. He held her look for a moment, but she could have sworn there was tenderness in those eyes. Then, everyone was hugging everyone, and the moment was lost.

  Amidst the confusion of laughter and well wishes, the Pactmaker spoke again. “Will Tair da’Kamon and Katherine Carson step forward to take the Oath please?”

  Kate felt a moment of pure panic as her heart leapt into her throat. Tair stepped in front of her and leaned down to whisper, “You are not thinking of running, sheka? Scared so soon? I thought you wanted to play?”

  Kate felt her temper leap. Her composure returned. With a lazy hand she smoothed her blouse. With careful calculation, she watched as his eyes were drawn to her tight nipples. When his hungry gaze returned to her face, she said with a smug smile, “Excuse me, clueless. You’re in my way.”

  He smiled appreciatively. “My apologies once again. Let us proceed.”

  He turned and she followed until the two of them faced each other in front of the Pactmaker. She was surprised to see Jadik step forward behind Tair, as Liken moved back. Sharon came to stand behind her. Gage and Liken waited side by side. The Shimerian males in line along the wall watched with fascination. She gave Tair a puzzled glance. He merely shrugged and said, “It is customary.”

  Feeling more confused than enlightened by his statement, she wondered what the hell was going on. There was some significance to Jadik’s position, but she wasn’t going to get any answers from Tair. The Pactmaker began speaking then and she tried to focus on his words.

  With a feeling of total unreality, she realized she was in effect getting engaged to an alien. The whole idea was preposterous, but it was actually happening. As the Pactmaker droned on, she ignored him as she realized she had heard it just three weeks before, when Sharon took the Oath.

  She concentrated on keeping her expression closed and her panic hidden. Her heart was pounding in her chest but she was not going to let anyone see her fear. When the Pactmaker asked for her choice, she shot a defiant look at Tair and said clearly, “I choose Challenge.”

  Tair grinned broadly and promptly kneeled at her feet. She was utterly shocked at his action. He lifted his head and explained, “My kneeling is a symbol, Kate. When I stand again, it means I have accepted your challenge.”

  As the Pactmaker continued talking, Kate studied Tair. He didn’t look humbled by his position at all. If anything, he seemed amused.

  She leaned down a little and taunted in a low voice, “You look good on your knees.”

  He laughed and whispered back, “Best to remember the sight fondly when I have you on yours.”

  With a glare, she snorted and realized the Pactmaker was no longer talking. Suddenly, Tair stood with easy grace and gazed down at her from his superior height. His gaze swept her body boldly, with absolute possession. With satisfied eyes and a cocky grin, he spoke his own Oath.

  Kate didn’t even hear the words. Tair’s look had pretty much stunned her. Her breath caught when he stood, and she couldn’t seem to get it back. He was actually going to give her whatever she wanted sexually. She knew it down to her bones.

  The possibilities of the next few weeks flashed through her mind. Growing more aroused by the second, she couldn’t seem to focus on what he was saying. With a deep breath, she looked away, closing her eyes. Then, Tair caught her chin in his hands, and planted a brief hard kiss on her mouth. The ceremony was done.

  She opened her eyes slowly and peered into his face. His expression looked tender, but changed instantly to hungry desire. With a muttered oath, he leaned down and gave her a second, more thorough kiss. When they drew apart, they were breathing hard.

  Jadik’s voice penetrated their involvement with each other. “Tair, my apologies, but I must go. I have obligations that cannot wait. My congratulations to you both.”

  Tair reached out and placed one hand on Jadik’s shoulder as Jadik mirrored him with the opposite hand. Kate presumed it was the Shimerian form of a handshake. Jadik made a movement toward her next. She looked at him and said sternly, “No. There’s something about you that’s not right. You don’t fool me. And do not congratulate me for getting engaged to this smug idiot, please.”

  Jadik laughed loudly. “Beauty and spirit in one small body, along with the solid instincts of a good player. Tair has quite a challenge to enjoy. Sherree, it will be my pleasure to see more of you on Shimeria soon.”

  He had emphasized the word “pleasure.” She eyed him suspiciously. He gave her a dazzling smile of pure innocence that nearly melted her in her shoes. She glared in response. He winked at her, nodded at Tair, and then walked away.

  Gage moved forward and swept Kate into his arms for a long hug. His arms tightened about her as if he wanted to keep her there forever, and then he pulled back. Kate was shocked at the strained emotion on his face. He looked so sad, almost resigned. It hurt her to see it.

  With great tenderness, he brushed the hair off of her face and said solemnly, “Kate, I love you, you know that don’t you? And I wouldn’t let you go with him if I didn’t know he was a good man. No matter what happens on Shimeria, I want you to remember how proud I am to have you as my sister. And there’s no one I love more than you in this world or any other. Be happy.”

  Kate started to tremble. With blurry eyes and a trembling lip, she said, “Oh, that is so unfair. You know I love you, too, Gage. Promise me you’ll take care until I’m back to hound you about it myself.”

  Gage grinned, though his eyes were a little misty. “Of course.”

  Tair placed a comforting hand on Kate’s shoulder. She looked up at him in surprise. With clear reluctance he said gently, “Kate, I am sorry. It is time for us to go.”

  Sharon and Liken were being led away by the Pactmaker to get their new pledge records done. Sharon broke away from Liken and ran to Kate. Hugging her hard, she said, “I love you, Kate. Have fun. I’ll be there for you when we return.”

  Kate was surprised. “You aren’t coming back now?”

  Sharon looked briefly guilty. “I need to get the details taken care of here for the move to Shimeria. I may still be here when you get back. There’s so much to do.” With sudden indecision, she asked, “Do you need me to go with you?”

  Kate felt a touch of panic. It really was going to be her and Tair on a completely unknown planet. Shrugging the feeling off, she said firmly, “Of course not. I’ll be fine. You did it, didn’t you? And you survived perfectly fine.”

  Throwing a look Liken’s way, she said, “Better than fine. Don’t worry about me. I’ll see you soon.”

  She hugged Sharon one last time and then stepped back briskly. In a more composed voice, she said, “All this sentimentality is getting maudlin. I could have sworn I had new worlds to conquer. If everyone will quit dawdling I should be able to manage it and be back befo
re dinner.”

  Sharon laughed and blew her a kiss as she walked back to Liken. Turning, Kate saw Gage and Tair sporting identical grins. Gage laughed and said, “That’s my Kate, hell-on-wheels.” Planting a kiss on her cheek and with one last lingering look, he turned and walked out of the room.

  Kate and Tair were left standing, staring at each other. It was time to go to Shimeria. It was time to begin the Challenge.

  Chapter 4

  Kate said in a brisk voice, “Let’s go.” She was feeling the strain of too many emotional moments and shocks. She wasn’t exactly in the best state to travel to another planet. She was feeling raw and far more vulnerable than she liked. It was out of character and uncomfortable.

  Tair nodded and walked toward the door of the Pactroom. Kate started after him with determined steps, refusing to give in to her mounting apprehension. She was made of sterner stuff. A trip to another planet and a few sexual bouts with an alien weren’t going to shake her composure and make her look like a fool.

  The two of them were strangely silent as they went down stairs and finally reached a doorway. Following Tair inside, she nearly gasped upon seeing the gigantic portals but managed to keep walking.

  They got in line behind others, all waiting to go through customs and enter the portal. Neither broke the other’s silent thoughts, as if reluctant to begin. Kate wondered if maybe both of them were struggling with nerves, not just her.

  Suddenly, Tair turned and handed Kate a small card. Seeing her name and then words in other languages, she asked, “What’s this? Some kind of ID card?”

  “Yes, it is your card,” he said in friendly tones. “I have made all of the arrangements for your arrival on Shimeria. It has a multitude of purposes.”

  She arched an eyebrow in silent question.

  He continued, “In addition to your identification, it is used to purchase goods. You give your card to a merchant and he uses it to deduct money from our account. We have a computer at home tied into central computers. I will show you how it works.”


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