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Oath of Challenge: Conquering Kate

Page 8

by Marly Chance

  Tair knew what she was doing, but paused in the doorway at the sight of her. She surprised him constantly. There was no one on any planet exactly like Kate. His cock hardened and throbbed with the need to join her on the bed. Feeling his heart rate climb, he worked to appear outwardly composed.

  In all his probing of human minds while on vacations on Earth, he had learned an extensive variety and understanding of slang. The expression “hell-on-wheels” had been custom-made for Kate.

  Seeing his hardened cock press against the front of his pants, Kate gave him a triumphant smile. In a sultry voice, she challenged, “Well, lover, what exactly did you want to retrieve?”

  Tair felt his temperature climb at her husky voice and provocative words. Reminding himself that strategy was important in any challenge, he walked to the wall next to the bed. Pressing a button, he waited as the wall slid open to reveal shelves. Finally, reaching in toward the back, he located what he sought.

  Kate watched him in puzzled silence. What was he doing? She hadn’t pressed that particular button this morning because of the proximity to the bed.

  Seeing him take out an object wrapped in some kind of plastic-like material, she watched as he unwrapped it. Whatever the thing was, it was obviously brand new. He held the object in one hand and the wrapper in another. Then, he stared in concentration at the wrapper a moment. The wrapping material crumpled into smaller and smaller dust and then disappeared.

  Kate choked. “Well, that’s a new way to take out the trash.”

  Tair was puzzled for a moment, and then realized what she meant. Smiling, he explained, “The material is made to disintegrate. Anyone with the slightest ability can make it crumble.”

  Kate said, “Oookay. Good to know.”

  Tair climbed onto the bed and pushed her gently onto her back, still holding the mityb in his right hand. Then, he put the mityb on the far corner of the bed. Climbing over her, he pushed one leg between her thighs and pushed them apart. He brought his hard cock between into the cradle of her legs and gave a gentle nudge, keeping most of his weight on his arms.

  Kate felt him against her sex and bit her lip from the pleasure that burst through her. She was wet from no more than that one gentle push.

  Looking up into his face, she worked to hide the effect. There was something about having a man over you, his cock hard against your sex. It produced an almost primal sense of arousal. It was so unfair.

  Tair watched as she bit her lip. Leaning down, he licked the tiny hurt away. Pressing his lips against hers, he began nibbling gently. Against her mouth, between kisses, he said, “Put your arms over your head.”

  Kate had been on the verge of closing her eyes, but opened them. His lips against hers felt wonderful, although she ached for more. She wanted a deep, hot, wet kiss. Tair’s eyes darkened even further and she realized he was still reading her thoughts. Willing to play, she pulled up her arms until they rested over her head.

  Tair gave her a harder kiss in reward. Dipping his tongue just inside her lips, he traced and then drew back and planted more tiny kisses against her mouth. Raising back a little, he ordered, “Keep them there.”

  Kate asked defiantly, “And if I don’t?”

  Tair said between a new flurry of soft kisses, “You will pay…a penalty. It may not…be something…you would like…to pay at this time.”

  Kate arched an eyebrow. The feel of his gentle kisses in contrast to the firmness of his words was strangely arousing. Then Tair began kissing her in earnest. His mouth moved with mobile precision, gentle then demanding, until she felt like she would lose her mind.

  With a moan, she opened her mouth and began tracing his mouth with her tongue. Suddenly, he thrust his tongue against hers. The kiss turned into a battle to satisfy their hunger. The velvet feel of his tongue against her own excited her and had her craving the act they were imitating.

  Abruptly, he broke the kiss and began placing small kisses along her cheek, over to her ear, and then the side of her neck. Biting and sucking, he made the nerves in her neck come to life. He slid down a little and continued until he reached the neckline of her blouse.

  He licked a slow line along the edge. She hadn’t thought it was possible, but her nipples drew even tighter. She wanted his mouth there, soothing that ache. He lifted up suddenly and rocked back onto his knees. She asked in surprise, “What?”

  Tair smiled that infuriating half-smile in response. Then he reached down and ripped her blouse open in one quick motion. Kate was stunned. Leaning back down, he began licking her nipple and then sucking it. Kate shut her eyes at the feel of his mouth on her breast, wet heat against aching tightness.

  He moved to the other one, laving and sucking until she arched her back in helpless response. At her movement, he continued with renewed fervor, and then moved downward and placed kisses along her stomach until he reached the waistband of the skirt. It was knee-length, but loose.

  Kate wondered if he would pull it up or rip it off. In answer, he moved back and then ripped it off. She was left in soaked panties and nothing else. She waited with trembling anticipation for his next move.

  Without any warning, Tair leaned down and put his mouth over her mound through the panties. He licked against her clit and then gently sucked. She moaned and tried to lift to get more pressure. She wanted his mouth without anything in the way. He was making her crazy with need.

  He moved one big hand and untied her panties on one side. Then, watching silently, he untied the other string. He used one finger to pull the panties down and away. They landed between her legs on the bed. She arched upward again, silently asking for what she wanted.

  The heated look he gave her froze her in place. He said in a controlled voice, “You will not move or I will not touch you.”

  Kate frowned in response. She was wet and she was aching. He’d better touch her soon. She wanted to fight him, but at the same time she was too aroused to think of a plan at the moment. She could make him pay later.

  When she remained silent, he seemed to take it as assent. Still looking into her eyes, he asked roughly, “Do you want my cock? Should I strip off these garments and plunge into you now? I want to feel your wet walls gripping me, Kate. I want to be inside you.”

  She shut her eyes at the image his words brought to mind. She opened them again. Gathering her strength, she said shakily, “No.”

  He stared hard at her and then asked shortly, “Do you want my mouth?”

  Kate shuddered at his words. She wanted to feel him licking her. He knew exactly how to lick and to suck. Her sex clenched in anticipation. She nodded in response.

  He took one finger and circled her clit in a teasing motion. In a cool voice, he said, “I am not sure that is really what you need.”

  She closed her eyes in frustration and then opened them again. She was beginning to get angry. “Would you just get on with it?”

  Tair rocked back onto his knees and turned his head. Kate watched as the strange object he had gotten from the wall earlier floated through the air and came to rest in his hand. With a sense of unreality, she waited to see what would happen next.

  Tair leaned forward and thrust two fingers into her tight sheath. Her head went back and she let out a long, low moan. He said, “You are so wet. Feel how my fingers slide in easily and fill you.”

  Kate could feel his long fingers thrusting in and out of her swollen sex. She was on fire and heading closer to the edge. She wanted more. Instead of giving it to her, Tair removed his fingers. She bit back an instinctive protest, feeling cheated. Raising her head, she could see him watching her.

  He stared into her eyes. Circling one finger around her opening, he murmured huskily, “Imagine how hard my cock would be inside you. How it would feel thrusting into you.” He used both fingers and stabbed deep within her suddenly.

  Kate’s head fell back and she moaned loudly. He was tormenting her with sensual skill. She shook her head negatively from side to side, denying his seductive invitati
on. She was hanging on by a thread, but she refused to give in to intercourse. He pulled out his fingers and she nearly screamed at the frustration of it.

  Suddenly, she felt a hard object probing deep within her. Opening her eyes, she raised her head and exclaimed, “What the hell?”

  The object was cool and hard and growing inside her. It expanded until she was stretched and full. She bit her lip and took a few gasping breaths. It felt incredible. She looked at Tair and silently asked the question.

  Tair smiled, although it looked strained. “It is a mityb, a Shimerian sex toy. It is perfectly safe. I will remove it later.”

  He sat up and began climbing off the bed. Kate watched in total disbelief. They weren’t finished.

  Tair turned back to her and said calmly, “Yes, Kate, for the moment we are finished.”

  Kate felt fury battle sharply with her arousal. He had gotten her into this state and then deliberately walked away. It made her want to hit something. She sat up abruptly and took several deep breaths. He was making a fool out of her.

  Tair shook his head and said gently, “Kate, you must trust me. You will understand why I stopped later. I promise you. Right now, we have an agreement to explore my world. Remember?”

  Kate knew she couldn’t take the damn thing out. It was wedged inside her. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but there was no way she could get it out on her own. And no way was she going to ask the intergalactic asshole either.

  Feeling angry and frustrated, she vowed he would pay. He would feel ten times what she was feeling now. She’d make sure of it. She concentrated on regaining her control. Sexual games were not nearly as appealing at the moment as they’d seemed at the Oath ceremony. Climbing off the bed, she said coldly, “If we’re going out, I need to put on another outfit.”

  Tair said, “I will be waiting outside.” He turned and left the room. She heard him put on his boots in the living room. The front door opened and then slid shut.

  Muttering, “You are going to be so sorry for this,” she walked over to the wall and pressed the button for the closet. As it opened, she asked aloud, “What’s the skimpiest thing in here?”

  * * * * *

  Tair stood outside and took deep gulps of fresh air. He was dying. His cock felt like it would burst out of his pants. It ached intensely, painfully. It had taken every ounce of control he possessed to walk away from her. He wiped the sweat from his brow and tried to relax.

  Kate deserved her fantasy. He would not let anything get in the way, including his own desire. Reminding himself that she had only been on Shimeria a short time did not help.

  He grimaced. When he finally fucked her, he was not going to stop for two days. With a self-mocking smile, he knew he would be lucky to last two seconds. He wanted her so much he was in complete agony. Kate would be pleased.

  Chapter 8

  Kate was not pleased. The intergalactic idiot had made a fool out of her. She was left frustrated and panting while he walked away coolly. There was no way he could be so unaffected. She had seen that slow “I-have-an-erection-so-hard-and-painful-I-can-barely-move” walk and the lines of strain on his face.

  The dark blue halter top and skirt were skimpy enough to make him suffer. If not, he was inhuman. With a grimace at her word choice, she pondered her outfit. The strappy sandals only emphasized the length of her legs. She had even left off her panties.

  The hologram had surprised her that morning, but she was beginning to see the benefits as opposed to a mirror. The three-dimensional image in front of her showed a woman who looked highly seductive and extremely dangerous. She took down her hair and watched it fall into soft, tempting waves. Perfect. She turned and left the room.

  Her stomach gave a loud rumble just as she walked through the door and outside. Shooting Tair a scathing look, she said, “I suppose your next idea of fun is taking me to a banquet and starving me to death.”

  Seeing her step through the doorway in the skimpy outfit hit Tair like a physical punch. She literally took his breath away. Quickly, he worked to hide his reaction. She was determined to make him suffer. Tair smiled wryly. She was going to be difficult to appease. He would have to charm her in a hurry or at least distract her.

  Reaching out, he grabbed her hand and began walking. Looking down at her he asked, “What do you think of our home from the outside?”

  Kate stopped as she realized she was really standing on another planet. Outside. Looking around, she saw houses in rows like on earth. They were intersected by black walkways. Each house was made of some kind of pink material and had etchings on the front.

  The etchings were beautiful. Most were strange landscapes, although she spotted one of an animal in flight further down the street. There was no grass, just a heavy blanketing foliage of thick, white leaves with small pink flowers. It was incredibly beautiful.

  The temperature was comfortably warm. She had been to Hawaii once, and it felt lush and beautiful like this place. The colors here seemed even more vibrant, though. It was strange and alien but the beauty of it moved her in some indefinable way.

  Tair saw Kate’s eyes widen in wonder and felt something inside melt. She touched him so unexpectedly with her emotional responses. She tried so hard to be cold and unfeeling, but then her eyes would light up or go soft with hurt.

  She was complex and surprising. Having been in her mind, he knew the beauty of her spirit and some of the causes of those defenses. He wanted to see her laughing with joy without any concern for restraint or appearances. He wanted to banish the hurt lurking inside her.

  With a mental groan, he wondered if he was losing his mind. When she turned suddenly and gave him a blinding smile of pure joy, he could have sworn he heard his heart hit the ground at her feet with a thud.

  Throwing up a quick block, he worked at keeping his composure. He was getting overly emotional, he chided inwardly. He was acting like a female or a mooning lovesick boy. It was ridiculous.

  He was a Guardian and a warrior, and he did not spend time thinking about feelings. In an abrupt movement, he started walking again, tugging her along.

  Kate was busy looking around her and trying to keep up with his long strides. She said with exasperation, “Excuse me, are we in a hurry or something all of a sudden?”

  Tair nodded briskly, “Yes, we need to go. You are hungry. We will go to the eatery and get you something to eat. Now. While you are hungry.”

  Kate gave him a puzzled frown. He was very withdrawn and distant, even flustered. It was unlike him to repeat himself and he sounded…weird. Realizing she no longer felt him in her head, she said with some surprise, “You’re blocking me.”

  Studying her surroundings moments before, she had been wrapped in a feeling of protection and warmth, his feelings soothing her. Then, Tair had some kind of moody moment, but she wasn’t sure what had happened.

  It had felt like a storm of emotion, with no one emotion that she could pick clearly. With a shrug, she said, “I don’t know why you jumped back out of my head, but I appreciate it.”

  Tair said simply, “You are welcome.” The two of them continued walking. Kate asked questions occasionally, but was met with short, absent-minded replies. Tair was plotting, she felt sure of it. He was acting strangely. With a mental shrug, she fell silent until they reached what was obviously a commercial area.

  The buildings were much larger than the private houses. On the outside, there were carvings depicting the activities inside. As they walked toward one of them showing people eating, she asked, “What’s the name of this place?”

  Tair focused fully on Kate again. His thoughts had been running in circles. He needed to put them aside. With renewed determination he smiled. “Yginfa’s. The food is excellent. It is an entertaining place. I do not think you will be disappointed.”

  Kate was ready for lunch. Breakfast had been a kind of hit-and-miss adventure, but the fruit hadn’t lasted long. She was hungry and a little tired from their walk. She realized with some amazement she had
nearly forgotten the mityb inside her. It was comfortable. It didn’t really impede her in any way. It didn’t slide around or press too hard either. Wondering how the Shimerians had figured that one out was something she filed away for another day.

  Tair walked through the archway of the building. Kate stepped through behind him and paused as her eyes adjusted. The place was huge. There were around 75 tables, maybe even more.

  The tables were occupied by Shimerian males mostly, although she could see many couples among the crowd. It was rather overwhelming as so many eyes turned to stare at her. She silently cursed the halter and short skirt, although the females were wearing similar outfits.

  A waiter came forward. “Ishaala da’Kamon, welcome. If you will follow me, please?”

  Tair nodded and followed the waiter to a table off to the left. There was a bench along the wall, with the table standing in front of it. Tair motioned for her to sit there and she slid into place. He slid in beside her. There were two chairs in front of the table on the opposite side as well.

  The tables were covered with a thick cloth that looked heavier than cotton. They were light blue and went all the way to the floor. The entire inner walls of the building had carvings that looked like a tropical rainforest in full bloom, although a lot of the leaves were a very light blue color. It was gorgeous. Kate studied the walls in silent appreciation.

  The waiter smiled and asked politely, “Your order, Ishaala?”

  As the waiter and Tair began speaking in Shimerian, Kate considered the arrogance of him not consulting her about her preferences. Of course, he knew what she liked. The damnable man had been in her head.

  Besides, it wasn’t as if she could read the language if the waiter handed her a menu. Nor did there seem to be a menu. And what food would she pick? She had no idea. It gave her a weird feeling to hear the conversations going on around her in Shimerian. With a strange disorientation, she realized she was the real alien here.


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