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Side Effects of Loving You 2

Page 7

by Dominique Thomas

  "Negative attention? Nigga I've always dressed like this. It wasn’t a problem before." Kadar stood up with Bella and walked up on me. He kissed me on my cheek and looked me in the eyes.

  "Well, it’s a problem now. If you wanna make it to that class on time, I suggest you change into some better clothes before I have to fuck some sense into you," he whispered in my ear and walked out of the bedroom. I pondered over what I should do and decided to change. If Kadar slid up in me, I was going to be down for the count. I changed into a black chiffon top and slid my feet into my YSL flats. I gave Kadar and Bella quick kisses before leaving out of the house. It took me thirty minutes to make it the park by Erin's house. Erin's car along with Drew and Sophie's was already there. I slid my window down and saw that my sister was sitting in the car with Erin and they were already smoking on a blunt. Sophie sat on the hood of Drew's BMW with a red cup in her hand. I chuckled as I got out of the car. They were already getting fucked up.

  "I see y'all close to being lifted already," I said looking at them. Sophie looked at me and she giggled.

  "Hell, yeah we are. Ameer and them fucking kids been working my damn nerves and he's talking about trying for another boy like we don't already have a busload of fucking kids. Fuck that shit. I swear I'll go get my shit clipped or burned before I pop another baby out," she said and took another sip of her drink.

  Sophie was dressed casual like me in jeans with a crop top and wedges. Her curves were on display and her hair was pulled into a low ponytail to the back. She looked beautiful as always. Drew got out of the car wearing a half top with a form fitting maxi skirt and sandals. Her hair was curled in loose waves and she was sporting her normal frown. Since she had been back, her ass had not been happy. She held up the drink and a red cup looking at me.

  "You want some before we go?" I nodded and she poured me a cup. I thanked her and grabbed it.

  "So, how was Aamil acting around Mina?" Drew asked as I sipped on my drink. Sophie and I both looked at her.

  "He wasn't acting like shit. He was never there," Sophie responded before I could. Drew nodded.

  "But the bitch was still there though. Chilling with my fucking family while I fight to keep her kids and myself alive all because her fucking baby daddy decided to team up with Royce. I'm tired of this shit. While I was away, all I could think about was Aamil and getting home to him, but now when I look at him all I feel is anger. I'm starting to hate him," she said and looked down at the ground. Sophie pulled her into a hug and they hugged each other for a moment. Erin and Quinn got out of her car and walked over to us. They were both dressed in club attire wearing mini dresses with pumps.

  "How did y'all get out of the house in that?" I asked them. Quinn smiled.

  "I had extra clothes in my car. We planned ahead while y'all asses had to change clothes for y'all daddies," she said and she and Erin started laughing. Sophie laughed letting Drew go. I looked at Quinn and Erin and rolled my eyes.

  "Fuck y'all bitches." Quinn blew me a kiss while Erin laughed harder.

  "We love you too now what club can we go to that won’t get us caught up?" Quinn asked. We all shrugged and Angel popped into my head.

  "Well Angel said he got a lounge he recently took over on Woodward and Congress let’s roll through there," I suggested. The girls looked at me with smirks on their pretty faces.

  "Bitch hell no! And since when are you and Angel friends?" Sophie asked. I blushed and looked away from their stares.

  "We aren't I just heard him tell one of the guys that," I lied. Quinn walked up on me and threw her arm over my shoulder.

  "Thinking about fucking around on Kadar?" she asked smiling at me. I pushed her ass away and my eyes connected with Drew's. Drew frowned and walked off. I went after her and grabbed her arm. I was tired of playing this fucking game with her and Kadar.

  "Olivia, you better let my fucking arm go," she said spinning around. I let her go and put some of my hair behind my ear. I had recently gotten my hair cut into a bob that was long in the front and short in the back.

  "Is there something you need to say to me about Kadar?" I asked her.

  "Hey let’s not do this. We’re family," Sophie said walking up with Quinn and Erin. I ignored them and continued to look at Drew.

  "No, there isn't. I know he's a good man though and you fucking around with Angel will only cause us more fucking drama. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of the bullshit."

  "Bitch! I'm not fucking with Angel. All I did was suggest his fucking club, but what I do in my relationship is my fucking business. I don't need you judging shit I do," I said walking up on her. Drew opened her mouth then she took a step back. She balled her fist up and Quinn grabbed my arm.

  "I don't have time for this shit. I came out to get a break not fight over a nigga that I done been had and don't want again. If you feeling some kind of way because he can’t seem to keep his eyes off of me then you check him. Trust when I say I don't have any feelings for him...anymore," she said and walked off. It took everything in me to not go after her bitch ass. Here I was trying to be cordial to this bitch and she wanted to act like that.

  "Fuck you bitch and when I say I'm done with you, I mean it! You better hope Mina don't slide in on Aamil while you walking around like the fucking world is against you!" I yelled.

  "O, stop that! Damn!" Quinn yelled pulling me away. I went to my car and climbed in. This was why I didn't have female friends. Bitches were too hot and fucking cold for me. One day them bitches smiling in your face the next day they talking behind your fucking back. I couldn’t deal with that fake shit.

  "This shit really is fucking dumb. We should all be able to get along," Quinn said leaning against my car. I finished off my drink and sat my cup down.

  "Look this is your best friend and her family. I'm good I'll go party by my damn self." Quinn looked at me through the window.

  "You’re my sister. I love you and they do too. You and Drew gotta let this dumb shit go." I started my car, really just over it all.

  "And we will. You have fun and please be safe I'm gone," I said and drove away. I rode in silence as I thought about my argument with Drew. I knew I wasn't tripping that bitch started grilling me the minute I said something about Angel. I don't know what the fuck made her think she had any right to judge me when I wasn't even fucking with that nigga, but if I was, that wouldn't have been none of her fucking business.

  Somehow, my anger at Kadar and Drew landed me inside Angel's lounge that it took me forever to find because it was three lounges like his on the block. I was impressed with the size of it and the décor, which was black and plum color. There were two levels and a small dance floor near the back of the first level. Pool tables and even a karaoke corner. Everyone was chilling and I was on edge at the bar tossing back shots of Patron. When I met Kadar, I was on my shit. I was running my own company and I didn't have a care in the world. Now I hadn't done a job in I don't know how long and I was fighting with bitches over him. This was high school bullshit that I really didn't have time for.

  "Why you looking so mad beautiful?" I tossed back my fourth shot and my phone vibrated on the bar countertop. I glanced at it and saw it was a text message from Kadar.

  Kadar: How is the class going?

  I closed the screen and looked at Angel. Damn why the fuck was he so fine? I was expecting him in a suit but today he was rocking a black V-neck with black jeans and a burnt orange Hermes belt with black loafers. His Hublot had a diamond bezel and kind of reminded me of Kadar's watch. My eyes slid across his full brown lips and thin mustache. I looked at his slanted brown eyes and his bushy but tamed eyebrows he even had beautiful eyelashes. He could have been considered a pretty boy, but the way he carried himself showed you he had a rough side to him that wasn't to be fucked with.

  "I was in the area," I said with a shrug and he walked up behind me. Angel put his arm around my waist and I caught a whiff of his Creed cologne. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the smell of him.

  "Not only has Kadar talked to me about you, but his brothers have too. I came here to rebuild, but damn you making it hard as fuck for me to not fuck with you. What you want from me? A good fuck?" His hands slowly slid up my stomach and he cupped my breast. "You want my face between your legs or you just looking for a friend?" he asked and squeezed my breast. I moaned and my phone vibrated again. This time it was Kadar and he was calling me. I grabbed it and Angel let me go.

  I stood up and Angel pulled me through the crowd and into his office, which was on the second floor. He sparked up a blunt while I returned Kadar's phone call.

  "See when I asked you if you was going out to the painting bullshit you said yeah. Me and my fucking brothers done been to every fucking painting spot in the D and y'all ass ain’t there?" he said angrily the moment he answered the phone.

  "Tell her to tell Drew I'ma bust her ass when she get home!" Aamil yelled in the background. I paced back and forth in the middle of Angel's office with his eyes on me.

  "We needed a break and y'all wouldn't give it to us, so we took it."

  "A break huh? So where you at, O, and don't fucking lie?" I cleared my throat and looked at Angel.

  "We out hanging, but I'll round the girls up now and we'll come in," I replied and ended the call. He called right back and I sent him to voicemail. I texted Quinn to let her know what would be waiting on them and I put my phone away. Angel watched me with a smirk on his handsome face.

  "Y'all got those niggas going crazy ma, but I can’t blame them. If I had a woman like you I would be doing the same shit." I rolled my eyes and walked over to him.

  "Come here," he said blowing smoke out of his mouth. I tapped my foot on the floor wondering just how deep I was going to take this shit.

  "Angel, I should probably go. I don't know why I even came."

  "I do. You got with Kadar and thought it would be perfect until it wasn't. What he do cheat on you? Have a kid? Hit you?"

  "He cheated on me with Drew." Angel's head snapped back like he had been slapped and he sat up in his seat.

  "Wait a minute! Drew who is also Aamil's wife?" he asked. I slowly nodded and he shook his head. "What the fuck kind of shit y'all got going on?" he asked. I laughed and ran my hands through my hair.

  "If you only fucking knew. The story is long, but the short version is that Drew met Kadar while Aamil was in jail. She dated him the same time Kadar was dating me. Kadar never once told me about her or anything and when shit came out I was already in love with him." Angel stood up and walked up on me. He put his blunt out and grabbed my face.

  "What do you want from me, Olivia? I'm not stupid, I know you only fucking with me now because you mad at Kadar. What am I supposed to do when that nigga get on your good side again? Just let you go? I got a lot of money invested in business shit with them Matins. I’m trying to fuck you to the point that you walk different, but I gotta think about myself in this situation. If we get caught then somebody might fucking die and I don't plan on it being me." Angel pulled me into his arms and gripped my ass. "You gotta go home sexy before I start thinking with my dick and bend your ass over this desk," he said.

  "Your right and I said it was a mistake for me coming here. Let’s just kiss and pretend this never happened," I said just having to have at least a kiss from him. Angel pulled back and looked down at me. He licked his lips and leaned in. I met him halfway and he grabbed the back of my head. His lips were soft as hell as they pushed against mine. He stuck his tongue into my mouth and damn it was long as hell. Angel and I never broke eye contact while we kissed. He slid one of his hands down into my pants and started playing with my pussy. Two of his fingers slid up inside of me and he fucked me with them until I came all over them. I moaned into his mouth and rode out my orgasm until my legs started shaking.

  "Damn...damn," Angel said pulling his hand out of my pants. He stuck his fingers into his mouth and sucked them clean while staring me in the eyes. I looked down at his pants and his dick was pressing against his jeans begging to be freed. I reached for his buckle and Angel shook his head.

  "We can't. You should go...please before I send you home pregnant," he said and turned around. I grabbed my phone and rushed out of his office. My whole ride home all I could think about was him fucking me on his desk, in his chair, shit even on the floor. The minute I pulled up into my circular driveway I started to feel bad.

  "Fuck! What did I just do?" I asked myself pulling behind Kadar's Jag. I checked myself out before exiting the car. I felt like a kid about to get put on punishment and shit as I unlocked the door and walked into my house. Kadar sat on the bottom step with a blunt in his hand and his iPad on his lap. I laughed because his ass was waiting up on me like I was his fucking child.

  "Oh, you think this shit funny?" he asked looking up at me. I shook my head and took my shoes off. Kadar sat his iPad on the side of him and stood up. He was wearing black and red Jordan shorts with a black beater. I knew he was mad, but shit I was horny and I was feeling so bad for letting Angel finger fuck me. That situation got way out of hand.

  "I'm sorry," I said quietly. Shit I had never apologized to anyone in my entire life. It felt weird for the words to even come out of my mouth, but I was wrong and unlike Kadar, I could own up to my shit. Kadar walked down the one step he was on and approached me.

  "You lied to me, O. It’s too much shit going on for you to be doing bullshit like that. Got me calling motherfuckas looking for you and shit. I had half a mind to put out a fucking Amber Alert for your..." Kadar stopped talking and looked down at me. His thick, long, deeply veined dick slowly slid in and out of my mouth. He grabbed my head and smirked.

  "You know you gon’ put that work in tonight right?"

  I smiled sucking on his fat mushroom shaped head. He caressed my cheek and groaned.

  "Shiiitttt, suck it just like that," he coached and I went deeper. Kadar held my head on the sides and I sped up my pace. I relaxed my throat and tried to give him the best head he had ever had. I used my hands to jack him off at the same time and he moved my head faster on him.

  "Fuck bae I'm about to cum," he said through gritted teeth and minutes later, he came inside of my mouth. I sucked him dry and he picked me up. Kadar tossed me over his shoulder and carried me into the living-room. He dropped me down onto the couch and I held onto the back of it while he pulled my jeans down. I looked back at Kadar and even though I didn't want to, I swear I didn't, I envisioned Angel. I got even wetter and started playing with myself.

  "That's right get my shit wet," Kadar said and slipped inside of me. His thrusts were deep and hard. I knew he was punishing me, but shit I liked rough sex, so I was good. I tossed it back at him and he fucked me so hard my eyes watered. He moved to the left and started hitting my spot like a motherfucka. Damn.

  "Oh, shit! Oh, shit! I'ma about to cum!" I yelled and my whole body started tingling.

  "Cum on this dick then," Kadar said with a grunt and I gave away to the pleasure. My body shook and my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

  "Oh, Angel! Yes daddy fuck me just like that!" I yelled and Kadar stopped moving. He slowly slid out of me and my heartbeat was all that could be heard throughout the room. Time stood still for a moment as both of us processed what I had said. Kadar reacted instantly yanking me back by my hair and tossing me onto the floor. He climbed on top of me and grabbed my neck.

  "What the fuck you just say?" I stared up at him scared to even respond. For once, I was at a loss of words. I couldn't believe I even said that bullshit.

  "I…I said oh, Kadar," I replied and Kadar slapped me so hard I saw stars and my fucking ears started ringing.

  "Nah, bitch try again! You said, oh Angel! You fucking that nigga!" he yelled and started choking me. I started hitting his ass in the face and eventually he let up. He stood up and pulled up his shorts. I slowly sat up and looked at him. I fucked up, but in no way, shape, or form was it okay for him to hit me. I would never be the bitch that got hit on.

r, don't you ever fucking put your hands on me." Kadar looked down at me and he chuckled. He dropped down to his knees and he slapped me again.


  I hit his ass back and we started tussling. He ended up on top of me and he slapped me again before choking me. My mouth was now filled with blood and I couldn’t breathe. It was only by the grace of God that Bella started to cry. We could hear her on the baby monitor that must have been on the staircase. Kadar looked down at me with nothing but hurt and anger in his eyes. I could see that he didn’t wanna let up on me.

  "Bitch I'm through with you and if you have my daughter around that nigga I promise I'ma kill both of y'all," he said and got up off of me. I laid on the ground trying to catch my breath. I slowly stood up after a few minutes and went upstairs. I went into my bedroom and saw Kadar throwing shit into his Louie luggage. He was breathing hard and even had a few scratches on his face.

  “Kadar, I’m not fucking Angel and you know that,” I said looking at him. Kadar stopped packing and looked at me. I had never seen him this angry before.

  “I don’t know shit! What I do know is that you calling out that nigga’s name like he your fucking man. That’s what the fuck I know, O,” he replied. He went back to packing and I walked over to the mirror to look at myself. My lip was busted my front tooth was loose and my face was bruised. I couldn’t believe he would do me like this.

  “Kadar, you hit me,” I said touching my lip.

  “You better be lucky I didn’t kill your fucking ass!” he snapped and walked out of the room. I pulled my gun out of the top drawer of my vanity and I looked down at it. I wanted so badly to shoot his fucking ass. My hand shook and I sat it back down. I sunk down to the floor and started to cry. Where the fuck do we go from here?

  Chapter Ten


  I awoke to somebody banging on my door. I sat up in the bed and my eyes connected with Aamilah’s. She had her blanket in her arms and a frown on her chunky face.


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