Steele: A Step Brother Romance
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I reach down and lift her by her arms, and she releases my cock from her mouth with a pop.
“If you keep that hot mouth on my dick any longer, this show will end before I’m ready for it to be over,” I tell her as I turn her around. I reach out and place her arms on the dresser next to her bed. I think I’ll have her standing up for the first time.
I bend her forward a bit and trail kisses up her spine as I unclasp her bra. I continue kissing her perfect skin as I crouch down to grab my wallet for a condom.
I tear open the wrapper and roll the condom on. I grip my cock as I rub it up and down her dripping wet heat.
“Is this what you want?” I rasp out.
“Please, Jax,” she moans.
My name all needy like on her lips is my undoing. I thrust into her hard. As soon as I’m buried to the hilt I let out a sigh as she screams out.
“Yes yes yes. More, please,” she begs.
I start to thrust into her. She’s so fucking tight that she’s constantly gripping my cock. As I pump in and out of her I grab her perfect fucking tits and start to pinch her nipples. She throws her head back and moans out my name over and over like it’s a saving grace.
“Goddamn, you feel so good,” I groan.
I grip her hips and thrust in and out of her harder. I clamp my teeth onto the skin in the middle of her shoulders, and she screams out my name as her climax rips mine from me.
My hips freeze as I spill inside of her. I release my teeth, kiss the spot I just bit, and place my forehead onto her back as I hold her up, still connected by the hips.
“Oh my god. That was amazing,” she pants.
“Yeah, sweetheart, it was. And the best part? It ain’t even over yet.”
Chapter Four
I rush around the apartment looking for the last-minute things I need before I head home for the summer. I’ll be going, and Angel will be looking after my apartment for me. I may be back sooner than summer’s end this year; I fucking hate being at home with my father. His drunk ass is always trying to tell me how to live my life. I thank fucking heaven that between my mom’s help, and my job during the school year, I can pay for college. I would drop out faster than you could blink if I had to ask my dad for money. I wish I could just stay with my mom for the summer, but I can’t because she and her new husband travel in the summer months.
My phone rings with a text, and for a fleeting moment I hope it’s Jax, but then I remember how that asshole left last night without so much as a thank you or a here’s my number.
Angel: Working over – won’t be able to see you before you go.
Me: That fucking blows! Facetime later?
Angel: It’s a date, my love.
Angel: PS: don’t think about Mr. Hit it and Leave it, either. If I see him while you’re gone, I’ll kick him in the balls.
Me: This is why you’re my best friend. Love you.
Angel: Love you back.
I grab my duffle bag and suitcase, and wheel it out my door. I usually only take stuff that I really want or need, because I have anything I could ever wish for at my dad’s house. I swear he stocks my room with bullshit all year while I’m at college.
I walk out of the elevator and climb into my waiting cab. I rest my head back and enjoy the ride. I wanted to get the first flight out today, but that didn’t work. I’m excited to see my hometown, but I’m not too thrilled to be at my dad’s.
My phone dings again and I smile because I know Angel is feeling awful for not being able to see me before I leave. First time in three years she didn’t see me off.
Dad: Can’t wait to see you and share some wonderful news.
Me: I’ll text you when I land. Is Anthony picking me up?
Dad: Yes, he is.
I shut my phone off and roll my eyes. I can tell he’s sober right now, just by that little texting. Usually you have to stare at his texts and try to read them for half an hour before you figure out what he is trying to say.
Maybe I can catch some sleep on the flight – but without dreams full of the way Jax made me feel last night.
I walk to baggage claim with a pounding headache. I did not get any rest, and the guy behind me must have had eight-foot-long legs because his knees were in my back the whole flight. Maybe I should rethink my dad’s offer to pay for my tickets home. He’d put me in first class for sure. I laugh to myself knowing I wouldn’t ask a single thing of him.
As soon as I round the corner I see a warm face looking over the crowds for me.
“Anthony!” I yell out.
When his head swings my way and his eyes hit mine a warm happy smile graces his face.
“Jessie!” he calls out in that sweet old voice. I wrap my arms around him and soak up his love. He has been more of a father figure than my dad ever has. It’s really a fucking shame.
“You know you’re the only one who gets to call me that right?” I say. Giving him hell. But also, being serious. No one else can call me Jessie. It drives me nuts coming from anyone else’s mouth.
“Shall we go?” I ask as we grab my bags off the carousel.
“After you, my dear,” he says while lifting his hand to lead the way.
We walk outside and he pops the trunk on his Lincoln Town Car. He throws the bags in and I take a deep breath before getting inside of the car.
“Is he still sober?” I ask as we pull away from the airport.
“He is. For now. How did you know that’s the way the day started?” he asks.
“He texted me before my flight, saying he can’t wait to see me. And I could actually read it,” I say while rolling my eyes.
He lets a chuckle loose and shakes his head.
“Well my dear, there are a few surprises when we get home. I’m actually not sure if you’ll like it or not.”
“What is it? Why can’t anyone say anything about it,” I ask, annoyed.
“Because it’s not my place to say my dear,” he says with a tone that leaves no room for discussion.
“Well, how have you been since I’ve been away?” I ask. I have not seen him in almost a year since I went to my mom’s this past Christmas.
“Good, good. I can’t complain, I have everything I need in this life,” he says. “What about you? Meet anyone to talk about yet?” he asks.
“No, not anyone to talk about anyway,” I grumble as my mind flashes back to that perfect face between my thighs. I have to quit thinking back about him and his sexy, dirty, erotic actions.
Anthony has worked for my dad for years. He’s honestly the only reason I continue to come back summer after summer. He and his wife are kind of like bonus parents for me. When my mother left my father unexpectedly, I hated her. She fucking left me here with his mentally abusive ass, alone. But Anthony – he made it worth it for me. He taught me so much about life. His wife Annie held my hand when my mom left us. She told me one night that sometimes the clearest of pictures have a story we don’t know about. She explained to me, that my mom might have had a reason to leave. There also might have been a reason she couldn’t have taken me with her. Without her and Anthony I wouldn’t have survived that first few months without my mom. So, for all they sacrificed for me, I keep coming back to them. Every summer I stay with my alcoholic father, I ignore his comments, and I steer clear of him other than his weekly dinners, for them – my bonus mom and dad. However, I’ll never tell them that.
We pull up to the big iron gate of my family estate. I’m an only child so by paper, this will all be mine one day. But I will most likely sell it, and move on somewhere else. I’d sell it cheap, too. Just to get it off my hands.
I open my car door once he’s parked and hop out.
“Wanna open the trunk Anthony?” I ask
“Oh no, dearest. That won’t be necessary. You know I’ll get it for you,” he says while waving his hands in a shoo manner.
“Okay, okay,” I say with a smile. I lean over and kiss his cheek and head on i
I walk in the door and take a deep breath. I really hate it here. I start to walk down the foyer when I hear a woman giggle. What the fuck? I round the corner and see my dad’s face in some woman’s neck. They are standing in the middle of the first living room, in each other’s arms.
“Uhh?” I say loud enough to get through the fog they are in.
“Oh! Jessica. I didn’t hear you get in!” Dad says as he comes over to give me the one and only hug he gives me a year.
“Yup. Here I am,” I say casually.
“Well, since we are here, I’d like you to meet someone,” he says.
“I assume that would be your girlfriend, Dad?” I say with an awkward laugh.
“Well, no. I’d like you to meet my new wife, your new stepmom. She has a son, so you’ll have a new brother. You won’t be an only child anymore!” he says excitedly.
“Are you serious right now?” I yell out. “Your wife!?”
“Keep your voice down. You do not need to shout. You should be happy for us!” my dad booms.
“There you go telling me what I should do already. When I haven’t even walked through the fucking door five minutes ago. I can’t believe you got married when I was at school! What the fuck, Dad!”
I hear the door open in the foyer. Anthony is probably going to drop my bags and run away from this crazy fucking show.
“I knew you’d be pissed, because now you won’t get my money when I die if she’s still alive,” he spits at me.
I jerk my head back like I was just slapped. I felt like someone just punched me in the gut.
“You have to be fucking kidding me, right?” I say in a dead calm voice. “Your fucked up, arrogant, alcoholic ass would think that, wouldn’t you? I shake my head as I take a breath.
“I’m so sorry you have to deal with this, Arlene. She has always been defiant,” my dad says to his new wife.
I let a laugh loose. “I’m not pissed that you got married. I’m actually hoping that she can replace the fucking bottle in your life. What I’m pissed about is that you fucking got married when I was at school! Don’t you think I would have wanted to fucking be here for that!? You think so fucking highly of me, that you think I am mad because I won’t get your money!?” I scream. “Please tell me the last fucking time I took a single god damn dime from you, Dad? I pay for my college. I pay for my apartment. I pay for any fucking thing I need. So fuck you and your view of me,” I say as I turn on my heel and walk away.
I look up from where I’m walking and I stop dead in my tracks at who is leaning against the door frame with an odd look to his eyes. I feel my heart start to beat faster and faster. I’m pretty sure I’m not far from a heart attack right now. My eyes travel up his hard body and land on his. His eyes flicker with realization and my own brow draws up.
“Well, meet your new stepbrother,” his mom says awkwardly. “You might remember him. I believe you went to the same school together.”
I suck in a breath. Jaxson fucking Steele. He knew who I was the whole fucking time. He’s the fucking reason I moved from this shit town. Him and my asshole father. He kissed me stupid my junior year of high school and I felt the chemistry even then. But then the fucker never spoke another word to me, and ignored me for the rest of our high school lives. Then the fucker leaves me again, and planned to never speak to me again, years later. Fuck this shit. I’m so done.
“Hi. Nice to meet you again, Jaxson. Have a good day,” I say as I walk past him and up to my room. I grab a few things out of the duffle bag Anthony put up here and head down to the garage.
I jump into my Dodge pick-up and slam the door shut. I bought this truck my senior year of high school with my own money, just to piss off my dad. He hated to think I was driving something that wasn’t an eighty thousand dollar vehicle. I rest my head on the steering wheel and take a deep breath. Is the universe trying to fuck with me? What did I do to deserve this?
I sigh and pull out my phone. I scroll through my contacts and hit the call button for my mom.
“Hey honey!” she answers and my heart sighs to hear someone answer me with that much love.
“Hi, Mom. How’s the vacation?” I ask.
“Good. What’s wrong?” she says. I don’t know how she can always tell when I am upset.
“Dad got married while I was at school.” I say.
“Oh honey. And he didn’t even involve you?” she asks.
“Nope. But it gets worse,” I say trying to hold in my mixed feelings.
“How can it?” she says.
“He married Arlene Steele,” I say, knowing she will put it together.
She sucks in a breath. “Jaxson,” she says. I never told a single one of my friends about my high school crush with Jaxson, but I did tell my mother about him.
“Yeah,” I sigh out. “It also gets much worse than that, but some things you shouldn’t tell your mother” I laugh bitterly.
“Oh no,” she sighs out.
“Yeah.” I think this is officially the worst summer yet. “I wish you were home so I could stay with you this summer,” I say.
“Oh baby, I know. Is he still drinking?” she asks.
“I don’t know. I’ve only talked to him for a few seconds. In those four seconds, I learned about his new wife, his new son, and I was accused of being mad that I won’t get his money when he dies,” I say bitterly.
“He did not.”
“Yup. He doesn’t understand that I was pissed about the fucking wedding. That I wasn’t a part of it. That I didn’t get to fucking witness it,” I grumble.
“Well, try to have fun this summer. I’m sad I won’t be seeing you this time. I’ll have to come to your apartment when I get back,” she says.
“Yeah, I’d really like that,” I tell her, thankful I’m feeling better now.
The passenger door to my truck opens and I nearly jump out of my skin. Jaxson pops his face in my cab and his eyes darken as he takes me in. Nope, not today, sir.
“Hey Mom, I gotta go. Angel is trying to call,” I tell her.
“Okay, baby. I love you.”
“Love you, too,” I say as I hang up.
I turn my head and look at him. “You fucking knew who I was and yet didn’t say anything,” I state flatly.
“Oh come on, sis. Don’t be like this,” he says with a smirk.
“Don’t call me that,” I bite out.
“But why not when it’s fun to rile you up? Where are you going?” he asks.
“Nowhere now that you’re in my truck,” I say as I open my door and head back to the door that leads into the kitchen.
I walk up the steps and before I can open the door, there is a hand blocking my way, and a hard body pressed up against mine. I drop my chin to my chest and blow out a breath.
“Don’t run away from me now, Jessica,” his raspy voice says behind my ear. My body shivers at his close contact and I curse it all to hell. He’s my stepbrother now. My stepbrother.
His hand grips my jaw and lifts my head to look me in the eyes. Before I can tell him to fuck off, his mouth crashes to mine. His kiss is punishing and demanding. My lips open on a moan, and his tongue sweeps inside. Before I know what’s happening, my hand’s a fist in his hair.
My body is on fire and I want him so bad. With that clearing thought, the fog clears from my mind, and I break the kiss and step back shaking my head.
“I’m not running away, I’m just leaving you high and dry like you have done to me. Fucking twice,” I say as I walk around him, leaving him standing there with a blank look on his face. I’m proud of myself for walking away, but my vagina is not. The poor girl needs action now that she’s all revved up.
I walk upstairs and go straight to my room and shut the door. I double check to see if I locked it, walk over to my duffle bag and grab trusty my ol’ B.O.B. out. I walk over to my bed and flop down while letting out a heavy breath.
I close my eyes and imagine the man who is now my stepbrother standing over me
with his cock in his hand. I pull off my yoga pants, taking my underwear with them. I turn the vibration on my B.O.B. on, and circle my clit with it. I imagine his wicked smile as he pulls a stroke from himself. His free hand runs down my chest, below my navel. His thumb rubs circles on my clit, and the head of his cock teases my entrance.
I move the vibrator to my entrance and slip the tip inside, knowing I’m already soaking from his kiss alone. I let a moan slip free and push the vibrator inside. Deeper. I arch my hips up, enjoying the vibrating piece on the end that rubs my clit at the same time. I begin to thrust in and out with it as I image Jax’s thick cock inside of me. I reach down my shirt with my other hand and pinch my nipple. My climax explodes through me as I still and my hips ride the waves of pleasure.
I lay there panting for a minute after my moans stop. I jump up, walk to the bathroom, wash my B.O.B. off, and then put him away. I walk to my door and swing it open to head to the kitchen for a snack. However, I stop in my tracks as Jax stands there with eyes as hungry as a man who has been starved.
My heart speeds up as our eyes stay locked.
“Did you think of me?” he asks.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I whisper.
“But you do, Jess. Did. You. Think. Of. Me?” He commands as his body moves closer to me with each word.
“Yes,” I say with complete honesty.
“Mmm,” he sighs.
He tilts my face up again. His eyes search mine as he lowers his face to me, letting me know what his intentions are.
“My dad. . .” I whisper.
“. . . is gone.” He says back.
“Your mom.”
“Are you sure?” I ask breathlessly, trying to hang on to my sanity.
“Trust me that I am?” he replies.
“You’re my brother,” I say at the last minute hoping it puts out the flames erupting between us.