ANGEL'S KISS (A Dark Angel's Novel)
Page 26
“Sis, hey. You in there?” Lost in thought, I hadn’t realized Dennis had moved right in front of me and was waving his hands in my face. I slapped at him and he ducked and deflected my slaps.
“Hey, you okay? You look confused—are you getting sick or something? And why are you carrying around that garden tool?” He returned to his food, and Zeke, the traitor, followed him.
“I just woke up.” I’d forgotten I was still holding Annot. “This old thing, it’s nothing. I found it in the junk from the porch and thought I’d keep it as a memento, you know. It’s nothing.” I quickly tucked it away between the bowl of antique wooden cutting boards and the pantry, afraid Dennis would want to look at it closer, and changed the subject. “Hey, you got any extra food? I’m starving.” I nodded at the greasy bags.
“Sure, I always buy extra. The guys are like bottomless pits, and someone always forgets their lunch. How about a burger?” He held out a big, dripping sandwich wrapped in wax paper, and I almost lunged at him.
“Thanks. I feel like I haven’t eaten in days. I’ll eat as I get ready. I’ve got a...meeting to go to.”
“So what’s with the getup? Anything I need to warn Alan about?” I tried to think fast and eat at the same time.
“It’s a surprise, you idiot. Don’t ruin it,” I said, onion sticking out of my mouth. Then I headed for the stairs, before he could ask anything else.
I didn’t lie, exactly. I did plan on telling Alan about my real grandfather and my great-grandfather and B. What a mess. Talk about a surprise, maybe I should wear this gown, he couldn’t be mad at me in this. His note said he’d be back tonight. I’m not looking forward to the talk, but it’d be better just to get it over with. He needs to know what’s happening.
As I reached the second floor landing, I heard the crew’s arrival. I’d gotten out of sight just in time. This gown is not something that I wanted everyone to see.
Chapter 24
Two Birds With One Stick?
As I sautéed the bacon, onion, and garlic for Alan’s favorite Bolognese sauce, I had plenty of time to think about my afternoon at B’s and the last forty eight hours. On the counter next to me was an open bottle of wine, a 2004 Opus. Alan and I had been saving the bottle for a special occasion. The wine was supposed to be breathing, but I’d already had one glass. As I poured my second glass, I realized how tense I was. Telling Alan about all this immortal stuff would be next to impossible. He’d believe me, he had to. At least, that’s what I was telling myself as I took a long drink. Huh, yeah. Riiight.
I added the beef and pork to the hot pan, and the fat sizzled and popped as I worked the meat into the veggie mixture. Why was B so dead set against telling Alan anything? She was ridiculous. She didn’t trust anyone, but she really didn’t trust Alan.
What B thought didn’t matter, though; I love Alan and trust him. I just didn’t want to live my life with him while keeping all these secrets. B has to get over it. I’d told him a little about my first visit with her, but that’s when I thought she was crazy. How will he take the news that immortals and Dark Angels are real?
I hoped he could cope. I was desperate to keep some part of my life normal, and I wanted that part to be Alan. He’s my best friend and I need that to stay the same even if everything else goes to hell in a hand basket. Yeah, that was funny. I laughed out loud. Hell, angels; that was funny.
I set my wine glass aside for the moment. I’d had enough courage in liquid form.
I checked the recipe, transferred the meat and veggies to the crockpot, and then added the milk. Sooner or later the news of my adventures would hit the fan anyway, so why not be proactive? Just tell him and get it over with. It’s my only choice, really.
With that decided and the sauce almost done, I thought about Ellasar. Where had he taken me for more than twenty-four hours? And how much should I tell Alan about him? Ellasar’s such a wild card—you can never tell what he’ll do next. Then of course my mind went to the one thing I wanted the most to forget: that night in the shower. Ellasar had been in Alan somehow when we were making love, and I hadn’t stopped him. Why, why, why hadn’t I stopped?
"That’s just not fair," I stomped my foot in frustration, and Zeke looked up from where he lay against the island.
“Nothing, just thinking,” I said, and he stretched back out and closed his eyes again. I cleaned up the kitchen, fuming over the twisted turn of events that made me feel guilty and yet innocent at the same time. I’d had great sex with my husband, perfectly legal. If only I hadn’t looked into his eyes. But I had, and now I’d have to live with the guilt. No good would come of telling Alan, though. That knowledge would only hurt him. I have Zeke now, and he’d help me control the situation. And I’ll never have sex with Ellasar again. I hope.
Even though Ellasar tricked me, I’d always be grateful to him for helping me save Ottie. I wondered what price I’ll pay for the help. Too late to worry over it now.
Besides, after seeing Ottie today and knowing he’ll be all right, I’m confident I made the best decision I could have at the time. I could feel the connection between us today. When I said I had to go he’d acted strange. His expression immediately turned sad and I longed to stay and give him comfort. We both knew in that instant that our relationship had changed. It was odd, but I was just happy he was alive. Later we’d have a long talk with B and learn about our new relationship.
Damn, speaking of B, she never did tell me where she was Sunday night and why she couldn’t help me. I shook my head and found my wine.
After I put the lid on the pot and turned it to low, I realized Ben had been the only real irritation today. He was so mad and standoffish to me. I couldn’t tell if he was mad at himself for not being able to protect me from Ellasar, or if he was mad at me for what I’d done to save Ottie. Either way, he had a major stick up his butt, and I told him to get over it on the way back to the house. He, too, was dead set against me telling Alan, of course. Why did he care? Maybe his connection with B made him agree with her all the time. Jeez, I hoped not. I don’t want that for Ottie and me. Ottie is or was a great sounding board. I’ve learned to trust his opinion. I don’t want or need a “yes” man.
I glanced at the clock and realized Alan would be home soon. He’d called earlier from the road and let me know he was a few hours out. I had just enough time to run upstairs and change. I decided against the white silk number; it seemed wrong to wear something from Ellasar, no matter how good it felt. I chose a strappy black dress I’d bought when Alan and I had vacationed in Italy. Those Italians really know clothes. When I moved, the uneven cut of the hem and the side slits showed peek-a-boo glances of my thighs. And the silky fabric felt like water flowing over my body.
As I was fluffing my hair and pinching my cheeks for a little color, I heard a car pull in. I appraised my reflection in the mirror. My hands shook. Why was I so nervous? I took a deep breath and dashed down the stairs, just in time to see Alan open the door. Zeke took that opportunity and slipped out for an evening walk. Alan and I could really be alone. Perfect. Since Zeke and Alan didn’t like each other, the evening would go better without the added stress. I stood seductively and waited for him to see me.
“Hey, Lex,” he said before he took in my appearance. After stashing his bag by the door he turned back to me. “Whoa, is that for me?” He gave me an appreciative look and walked over and wrapped me in his arms.
“Of course,” I whispered, putting my arms around his neck. “I’m all yours.”
“I was talking about the sauce—it smells great in here,” he laughed, devouring my neck. “But since you’re offering, I guess I’ll take you, too.”
“Ha-ha.” I smacked him. “I get all dressed up like this, and you want to talk about the sauce?” I pretended to be mad, but he kept kissing my neck and chest until I couldn’t even think. Man, he can kiss. Each simple caress of his lips sent tiny warm pulses through my body. I could feel my temperature rising and tinting my skin pink. It seemed li
ke forever since we'd shared a kiss.
I molded myself to his body. I could feel his need in the tightness of his muscles and the suddenly hard bulge against my stomach. His kisses became harder, more demanding. I returned the favor with my own harsh nibbles along his neck and shoulder. A low growl escaped his lips, and he pulled me up and off my feet. I wrapped my legs around his waist and clung to him as he carried me up to our bedroom. Desperation fueled our actions like never before. His clothes came off as we kissed and before I knew it, he had the black dress over my head, my arms still tangled in the fabric.
He groaned and wound the dress tighter, trapping my arms. Then he pushed us back onto the bed, while holding my tangled arms above me. I hadn’t worn anything under the dress. He looked down at me with a ferociousness that seemed to turn his blue eyes from the color of the sky at noon to the dark navy of midnight. For just a moment I felt like prey. My mind raced. Run popped into my head. Then we were one and nothing else mattered. With each thrust I was more lost to the sensations. Just as I felt the pool of energy start to swirl in my core, he stopped.
“Alan.” I pushed my hips up to try and make him enter me again, but he held my arms and I couldn’t get enough of him inside. I was furious with need.
“You want me?” he whispered in my ear. “Beg.”
“Please,” I screamed. “I need you.” His arms shook and I knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer, so I pushed up with my hips one more time and screamed, “Please!” Before my cry died in the air, he pushed inside me. My body stretched and grasped him. He filled me completely, and between that thrust and the next, the warm pool of energy was ready to overflow. With one final push we both groaned and arched into our own release.
After a few moments he let go of my arms and we untangled our bodies. He fell to my side and we both lay there senseless, catching our breath. I felt strangely alone after we separated, so I pulled free of the dress and lay my head on his chest and held him.
“Ah, Lex, I do love you.” He scooped his arms around me and lifted my body so I was lying on top of him. His expression seemed sad; I needed to lighten the mood.
“You better. I think you just ripped my favorite dress,” I said with a smile.
“It was worth it, don’t you think?” His expression relaxed a bit and he slapped my ass and rolled us over so he was on top. “That was nice. I wasn’t expecting that big of a welcome.” I held his face and just looked into his deep blue eyes. Some of the lightness had returned.
“I love you, Alan. I’ve missed you.” I let my hands caress his bristly cheek. “Let’s have dinner and talk.” He turned his face away and rolled off me. Sitting on the side of the bed, he glanced at his watch.
“Yeah, we haven’t really talked since you were attacked, Lex,” he agreed. “You left that morning to visit B, the Janecks were murdered and then everything went to hell. Christ, Lexie, you were digging up the front yard in your sleep and that dog was beating the shit out of you. Now you’ve brought him into our home.” His voice had risen in anger, so I reached out and took his hand. At my touch his eyes softened and he stared at me. I watched as he got his anger under control, but his new expression was worse. Now he seemed blank or void of any emotion.
He pulled away and said, “Come on, Lex, let’s go have a good dinner before we talk.”
“Okay.” That was all I could say to his solemn expression. Now I was worried that he might have something to tell me, too.
We dressed quickly, although I had to put on a different outfit since one of the straps on my black dress had gotten ripped at the seam. I chose a simple cotton t-shirt dress. Might as well be comfortable and—just in case we ended up having sex again—this one wouldn’t rip as easily, I thought to my wishful-thinking self. Alan, of course, chose jeans and a t-shirt, his standard attire. He could make anything look sexy, but I particularly liked him in jeans with his bare feet sticking out of the worn denim. Yum.
I checked the sauce and set the water to boil for the pasta. Alan busied himself with setting the table and putting away his paperwork from his research trip. Neither of us spoke. An uncomfortable silence surrounded us.
After I put the pasta in, I remembered Zeke and went to the door and called him several times. He didn’t come, which worried me a little. As I turned back toward the kitchen, Alan saw my wrinkled brow.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know. Zeke usually stays close by the house, and he always comes running when I call him. I wonder where he could have gone.”
“Oh, I’m sure he’s fine. He’s probably just chasing a rabbit or something.” Alan grinned, wrapped me up in his arms, and whispered, “Or maybe a big bad bear got him.”
“That’s not funny, Alan.” I slapped at him. “I wish you two could get along. Why can’t you be friends? Dennis likes him. Why don’t you?”
Just then the timer went off.
“Saved by the bell!”
I hurried to get the pasta before it overcooked. I pulled a noodle from the water to check, and it was perfect—just firm enough to hold the sauce.
“So.” I added the pasta to the sauce. “Why don’t you like Zeke?”
Alan leaned against the counter and sighed.
“What’s to like? He’s huge and slobbery and dirty, just for starters. He’s always in the way. He follows you around, almost like he’s trying to block me.”
A strange grin spread across his face. “Ha!” he laughed. “He’s being territorial! I’m surprised he hasn’t pissed on you yet.” He lifted his eye brows in that funny, questioning way. “Or has he?”
It was my turn to laugh, although my laughter was caused by nerves. I’d forgotten how observant Alan was.
“Alan, you’re being paranoid. He just likes me since I saved him from the rose bush. And no, he hasn’t peed on me.” I handed Alan the bowl of pasta, picked up the basket of bread, and we headed over to the dining room. I paused to look at the front door. I was still worried. Something was off.
“You don’t suppose he got stuck in the roses again, do you?”
“Lex, he’s just a dog. Relax.” He gently moved me along to the table with his elbow. “Stop worrying. You’ve made my favorite pasta, and I want to enjoy it.”
“I know he’s a big boy. But you’ll have to make peace with him soon; he’s a part of our family now.”
“Yeah, well, maybe the next time we see each other I’ll get the respect I deserve.” Alan’s voice rumbled deep in his chest like he’d swallowed a drum, and his smile was too much teeth and not enough warmth. For just a moment his grin took over his entire face. Then it was gone.
“Alan, be nice.” I scolded. But I was too hungry to ask what he was thinking to make such a wicked grin.
The pasta tasted wonderful and Alan was right—it really was nice to be alone with him. I’d put off talking to him about the important stuff, but as we started to clean up, I knew I had to bring it up.
“Alan, I need to talk to you, and I need for you to hear me out before you say anything.”
“Um, okay, Lex,” he said, glancing at his watch. “But first, let me get your surprise.” He smiled big with his mouth, but it didn’t seem to get to his eyes, which held a wild look, like he was posing for a picture. While his mouth said “smile,” his eyes said, “I have someplace better to be.” I reached out and touched his arm to stop him from leaving.
“You can get my surprise later. Please come sit with me. I want to talk.”
“Nah, it’ll just take a minute, Lex, I promise.” He pulled away from me and was already halfway to the door before I stopped him with my plea.
“Alan, I need to talk to you about my family; it’s important.”
“We have all night to talk.” He stole a look at his watch again. He was acting like a racehorse, itching to get out of the gate. “I’ll be right back, it’ the car.”
But he didn’t wait. He opened the door and stepped out, and I plopped do
wn on the couch to wait. If he keeps putting off this conversation, I might lose my nerve, damn it. I’m not opening any surprise until he hears me out!
The door swung open with such force that it hit the wall with a loud bang. I jumped at the noise. God, I was on edge. I needed to get this over with.
“Alan. Look. I’m not opening—” My voice gave out as I turned to see a woman dragging Alan into the house. She had to be over six feet tall, and she had a body any supermodel would kill for. She was dressed from head to toe in white leather, from her bustier to her tight, pencil-slim pants. Her clothes matched her blond ponytail perfectly. Her dark red lipstick was the only color she wore.
She was definitely an immortal. Just looking at her made my Angel’s Kiss itch. My hands trembled with energy, and I thought of my dagger. I’d feel better if I could feel the pulse of Annot in my hand. I stood.
“Let him go. It’s me you want.” My fists were clenched so tightly that my nails dug into my palms and I could feel my pulse in my arms. I was used to the boiling blood feeling now. It didn’t hurt anymore—it felt invigorating. I was ready to leap on her if she gave me an opportunity. I just needed Alan out of the way.
“I do apologize for intruding on your evening.” She gave Alan a disgusted look and me a little nod of apology. “However, it is at his request that I am here.”
She pulled Alan further into the house like he was a child she’d caught running away. He’s 6’4” and 190 pounds, she had to be sixty pounds lighter and she was wearing stilettos, but shook him like a rag doll. If only I could get to Annot! I’d left it on the counter behind the cutting...Wait. What did she say? His request?
“Alan, what does she mean? Do you know her?”
He wouldn’t look at me. He just squirmed in her grasp.
I’d had a puppy as a child that had been impossible to train. Every time my father caught him peeing on the floor, that puppy would back himself into a corner and stare at the floor. Alan had the same expression as that puppy. Guilt.