Divine Encounter

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Divine Encounter Page 10

by JoAnna Grace

  “Sir, we have one hell of a predicament. Every Thracian in this compound who senses a Grace will seek her out. It’s an obsession our blood cannot overcome.” Cain’s no-nonsense manner was consistent with all Thracians. They were trained to keep their heads even under dire circumstances. However, Cain was a full-blooded warrior with a Divine Grace under the same roof. The same blood that blessed him with size, strength, and fighting abilities also cursed him. His control would be tested, as would the other eight Thracians that worked in his home and clinic.

  Damn! And Ryse had sent more Thracians. This was going to be dicey.

  Evander rubbed his chin, rolled his neck, and then paced his dining room with hands on his hips. If he screwed this one up, there would be dire consequences. “Only you two can be around her, do you understand? You know what she is, and I know better than to attempt to keep you away. Until the Master is back in this plane those two women are under our supervision. They are the top priority, Cain. Do you understand? Not me. Them. And once the new Thracians get here, you keep them the hell away from that Grace. Keep them guarding the perimeter.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Nicholas, you will relieve Cain when he needs it. Otherwise, I want you using that damn Olympian radar of yours to make sure no one gets close to this compound, are we clear?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The men bowed and Cain met Tomar outside the door. The two men had a brief discussion before Tomar nodded and left.

  Evander melted at the sight of the twins huddled together on his sofa. Piper’s head rested on Keona’s lap. Her eyes were closed and she was covered with a blanket. Keona tucked the blanket around her sister’s shoulders and yawned. She didn’t try to sleep—she stayed alert, watching over Piper. Keona was her guardian, and he’d never seen anything so beautiful. Not only had she protected her sister from certain death, she’d taken on a Thracian soldier without pause.

  Maybe it made him crazy, but no woman had ever been more appealing. Her strength and dedication was admirable.

  Just then she looked up and met his eyes. There was no mistaking the message in her direct stare. She carefully placed a pillow under Piper’s head and moved off the couch.

  Evander guided her into the kitchen. Once again, she shocked the hell out of him when she grabbed his shirt and pulled his lips to hers. There was no prelude, no warm up, only the savage desire that bloomed between them. Her taste filled his mouth and he couldn’t get enough.

  As quickly as it began, she pressed against his chest and ended it. “You should know that I’m taking Piper and leaving in the morning. We can’t stay here. The Rogues know we’re in Chicago and I won’t lead them here.”

  “The hell you are. After what happened today, you’re not leaving my sight.” He cupped her soft cheeks and held her still. “I’m not letting you slip through my fingers again.”

  Her lips quirked. “And you’re going to stop me? You’re going to watch me twenty-four-seven and make sure that I don’t teleport?”

  There was a haughtiness in her tone that turned him on.

  “I have ways to keep you detained.” His mouth descended upon hers and he was overjoyed when she didn’t immediately back away. He wasn’t about to let her go now that he’d found her.

  “Evander, stop.” Her soft voice, husky with desire, contrasted with the way she stepped away again. “I killed that man. And I’ve killed others before him. Doesn’t that bother you?”

  “No. You’re not an evil person, Keona. You’ve killed to protect your sister. All the Thracians would do the same.”

  Her brows dipped low, her eyes narrowed. “Why do you say that?”

  “Surely you know what she is?” Evander couldn’t comprehend how she could miss it. But if she’d never been around an Olympian with royal blood or a Thracian… “Haven’t you ever noticed how unique she is? Cain could barely control himself.”

  Even when they were children Keona knew that Piper was different, special. She was radiantly beautiful in a way that attracted men of every age. Little boys called her an angel, adult men would fall at her feet, and those too old to marry her were content to simply be in her presence. Piper was the pretty sister. Where Keona’s face had blunt features, Piper’s was smooth perfection. Her eyes sparkled, her high cheekbones were always pink and her plump lips usually displayed a dazzling smile that no human woman could compete with. Neither could Keona for that matter.

  Of course Evander had noticed. Even amidst the turmoil and blood, he’d been attracted to Piper. Everyone noticed her. Yet Piper hated her own magnetism. Everything that the world loved, she despised. Men thought that her pretty face meant an empty head. They thought her perfectly proportioned body meant an easy bed partner. Every time she smiled at a stranger they took it as flirting. Talent scouts had approached her on the street; modeling agencies stalked her at the hospitals where she worked. Patients that had benefited from her mysterious healing hands had proposed with extravagant rings and gifts. Some even knelt at her feet in worship, thinking her an angel. When in reality, Piper would love nothing more than to hide in their apartment and keep her face stuck in a book—or be asleep dreaming of her mystery man. Piper was brilliant and no one except Keona appreciated her mind.

  Evander would though. It only made sense that their similar talents would draw them together. The fact was, Piper was right up his alley. Smart, beautiful, elegant.

  “I know exactly who my sister is, Evander. And I understand why any man would be attracted to her.” She hugged herself protectively, waiting for Evander to admit his own desire.

  “You know, over the last two weeks I’ve almost learned to decipher what you’re thinking based on your brain patterns. It’s not exact, but I’m guessing you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop?”

  Keona’s jaw clenched. “It doesn’t matter what I think. I need to find a safe place for her.”

  “Until what? How do you know the gods didn’t lead you here for a reason? I think they did. And I don’t think it was only for your sister’s benefit.”

  Her eyes flickered up to his and the adoring expression on his face nearly caused her to stumble. Evander held out his hand and beckoned her to come back into his arms. Resistance was not an option. Keona wanted his affection so deeply it scared her. And she didn’t enjoy feeling desperate. All her life her mother had trained her to be the strong one, to be the protector, the fighter. Flings with men were okay. Relationships were not. Attachments were not. Her focus had to be on keeping Piper safe. Up until now, she’d done just that.

  Tonight, with Evander, she wanted to be selfish. Just once, she wanted to think about what her life could be without looking over her shoulder and wondering who was going to attack next.

  “You realize I bring nothing to this relationship, right? As of two hours ago I’m homeless. I have no clothes, no money, and I’m a murderer.”

  Evander reached up and trailed a finger down her cheek. Heat pooled in her belly and her breath quickened. “You bring strength, loyalty, fierceness, beauty. That’s a hell of a nice package.”

  “You think I’m beautiful? Even after you’ve met my sister?”

  His delicious lips curved. “She’s a little delicate for my tastes. I prefer women who challenge me.” This time when he pulled her body against him, there was no finesse. “It was wrong of me, but when I saw you fighting Tomar…” He nuzzled her neck and whispered, “I was turned on. You’re amazing, Keona. Your fierce nature is what I like.”

  Keona took a shaky breath. She felt raw, torn open and left bare. As much as she wanted to get drunk and screw Evander until she felt nothing but him inside her, her hands shook, and she couldn’t get the image of Sean’s sliced neck out of her head.

  “I, um…” She took another deep breath. “I know tonight you wanted to, um…”

  “Shh.” Evander dipped his head and kissed her. “When you disappeared tonight, you took a decade off my life. I want to hold you, baby. I need to know you’re not going to

  He cupped her cheek and she pressed her face deeper into his hand. “I’m afraid to leave Piper. What if she wakes up and I’m not there?”

  Evander nodded and kissed her forehead. “How about we sleep on the other couch, together. If she wakes, you’re there for her. If you wake, I’m there for you.”

  He understood, and that meant more to Keona than a night between the sheets. This was a man who cared more about her needs than his, a man who would sleep on the couch of his own home just to be near her. This was a man she could fall in love with.

  Quietly, Evander and Keona set up pillows and blankets on the adjacent couch from where Piper slept. The housekeeper figured out what they were doing and brought Evander clothes to sleep in. They curled up on the couch facing each other, their legs intertwined.

  In the quiet moments of the night, he whispered, “I lost a good soldier tonight.” Keona saw the glitter of unshed tears in his eyes.

  “I’m so sorry. If only I had—”

  “No, Keona. Don’t go there. None of us could’ve known. None of us could’ve saved him.” He bent and placed a kiss on her lips. “The sonofabitch who tried to kill Piper killed him.”

  “If Sean hadn’t bought me time, I don’t know if I would’ve been able to save my sister. He’s a hero as far as I’m concerned.”

  “Will you help me plan a memorial for him?” Evander swiped at a tear escaping down his cheek.

  “Of course, baby.” She couldn’t help but run her fingers through his hair and kiss him until her toes curled and her body ached for his. He had a heart of gold and lips of sin. How did a woman resist such a man?

  PIPER WOKE UP in the middle of the night and grabbed her neck. “No!”

  It took her a moment to get her bearings, but her breath came in fast pants. Keona and Evander were cuddled up on another couch and she tried desperately not to wake them with her panic attack. She grasped at her head and willed herself to calm down, but her mind was deep in the nightmare and the fear wouldn’t loosen its grip.

  “Come.” Cain appeared and picked her up like she weighed nothing more than a feather. He ushered her outside into the cold air and sat down in one of the chairs on the patio. He moved her hair off her neck and forced her to put her head to her knees. “Breathe, milady. Do your meditations to keep your aura under control.”

  Piper’s vision blurred and she recited the steps her mother taught her. Picture the steel box. Imagine shoving your aura into it. Close it up tight. Seal the lid and breathe. After three times, her breathing slowed.

  “Good. Good, sweet lady.”

  Only then did she realize Cain was rubbing her back and holding her hair. He was so huge, so intimidating with his bald head, intense brown eyes, and that hard stare. Piper quickly scrambled off his lap and backed away.

  “Sorry. I’m okay. Thank you.” She kept backing up.

  “If you continue to go that direction, you will be taking a swim, milady.” He stood and clasped his hands behind his back.

  Piper glanced behind her. Her foot was an inch away from the edge of the pool. “Oh.”

  “Please, milady.” He motioned to another patio chair. “Sit, you’re still shaking.” The command was delivered with kindness, yet the low raspy bass of his voice was as intimidating as his physical presence.

  Piper hugged herself close and avoided looking at him. “During a panic attack, blood is diverted from the extremities of the body to the vital organs. It causes numbness in the hands and legs. It can make a person shiver.” The facts grounded her. Biology was consistent and the body’s reactions were fairly predictable, at least for her.

  Cain removed his long leather jacket and cautiously held it open for her. Piper had to step away from the pool and closer to him to accept the offered warmth. The air was cold and her chills were more than a residual reaction from her panic attack. She stepped into his jacket and it swallowed her.

  “Thank you.” Piper held it closed and enjoyed the fresh spice of his cologne, heated by his body.

  “Would you like to talk about it, milady? You’ve experienced a tragedy.”

  Piper huffed and resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Actually, it’s pretty par for the course. Keona and I have a long history with tragedy.”

  “I understand.”

  “Sean was your friend?”

  Cain’s chin lifted and he nodded once. “He was an honorable Thracian and a dedicated soldier.” His huge chest moved up and down with his deep breaths. “And yes, he was my friend.”

  Piper pressed her lips together so they wouldn’t tremble. “I’m sorry. He tried to protect me. We never saw the guy coming. It was so fast, Sean moved in front of me and then…” Piper broke. Tears fell down her face and she turned away from him.

  “Milady, Sean spent the last night of his life with you, living life to the fullest and enjoying your company. He gave his life for you because he cared. His death was not in vain. He died honorably, protecting an Olympian lady.”

  Her tears left behind a trail that chilled instantly in the night air. “He’s my hero. I’ll always owe him my life.”

  “Then you should never forget that you are a woman worthy of his life. Live like that forever, for as long as the gods keep you on this earth.”

  Piper nodded, unable to find her voice among all the emotions welling up within her. She took a long look at Cain. Even in the patio lights, his skin held a bronzed glow. His body was massive, like a wrestler on steroids. That was the Thracian blood running through him. Brown eyes met hers, and she would bet that if he had hair, it would be black. “You’re very handsome, Cain.” Piper dropped her gaze, uncomfortable that the thought came out of her mouth.

  Cain didn’t respond. He didn’t move or even breathe. Piper finally met his rapidly blinking eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I was thinking it, and it slipped out.”

  Cain’s spine straightened and he rubbed his forehead. “I am humbled by your words, milady. You startled me, that is all. Verily, I am unprepared to accept such praise.”

  Piper crinkled her nose. “If you keep using words like verily, I might take it back.”

  It was a relief to see the big man’s shoulders shake with laughter. A broad smile stretched over his face. “I have dated myself for certain.”

  Piper smiled in return and nodded. “How long have you been with Evander?”

  He took a deep breath and surveyed the pool. “I was eighty-three when I earned my position with the royal family’s guard. And I was ninety…” He squinted. “Eight. Yes, ninety-eight when the mistress of the house placed a male infant in my arms and told me this squealing child was my charge. We’ve celebrated over three-hundred birthdays together.” Cain smiled again and met her stare. “Evander is not only my charge. He’s my friend. I’ve seen him do amazing things for our people. He’s an honorable man, and it’s a pleasure to protect him.”

  Warmth seeped from her insides out, the respect in his voice chasing away the cold. All her fears about Evander’s motives and character seemed minute now. This Thracian, who could easily seize power if he wanted it, was happy to serve Evander Castille. If he held such high esteem for him, Piper was glad to be in his home as his guest, and to work for him as well.

  Piper stood. “Cain, I think I’d like to go inside now. I think maybe I can sleep again, knowing you’re watching over us.”

  Cain rose to his feet, only to bow deep to her. “Milady, you can sleep soundly. Nicholas and I will both be on watch all night. The gods have given Thracians little need for sleep in such occasions.” He held out his tree trunk of an arm and Piper cautiously looped her hand around his forearm. It was like holding on to a steel tube, it didn’t budge under her fingers.

  Piper smiled to herself at the sight of Evander and Keona spooning on his couch. Cain was right, he was a good man. Keona was blessed to have found him, and Piper prayed they had many years of love between them.

  As she expected, it was easy to sleep wit
h Cain on watch. Even with all the nightmares of the day, she felt safe and woke up the next morning hopeful about her new path.

  The next day Evander’s entire staff, and those in the clinic who were able, gathered at a pyre built for Sean. His body couldn’t actually be burned, not here. He would be buried. Evander walked the fine line of upholding the traditions of the gods and adhering to human regulations.

  Burning bodies outside of a crematorium was frowned upon.

  Piper didn’t bother to hide her tears. What she knew of Sean was worth her mourning. The man died to save her and she prayed that he would be exalted in the halls of Zeus for his sacrifice.

  Afterward, Evander took the girls on a tour of the clinic and his home. Piper met the rest of the staff, many were Paeans like her, but their auras were not nearly as potent. Most of them could heal obvious wounds, broken bones, and such. Only two others could see into the body and Piper spent hours talking to them about the variances of their gifts.

  “You can see on a cellular level?” asked a man with pale skin and brown hair. He shook his head, his hazel eyes wide. “That’s incredible. So are you of royal blood like Evander? You must be, to have that ability.”

  “Nope.” Piper felt the blush touch her cheeks. “I’m just a simple Olympian girl.”

  After a couple more hours of visiting with them, she excused herself and went to look for Keona. She turned a corner in the massive house to see her sister and Evander slip into a room. The click of the door lock told her all she needed to know. There would be no telepathic communications this evening.

  A funny tingle had the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. Piper turned to see Nicholas, the white-haired Thracian, watching her. “The housekeeper has prepared a room for you to stay in, milady. May I have the pleasure of guiding you to your new home?”


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