Divine Encounter

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Divine Encounter Page 11

by JoAnna Grace

  At least Cain looked human, he was normal. Nicholas should’ve been in a Haven, away from human eyes. He was frightening. Still, he was a Thracian and he was here to protect her.

  Piper swallowed hard and forced herself to be cordial. “Of course. That would be lovely.”

  The mansion was absolutely fabulous, Piper had to admit. She wandered the halls later, lost in her own thoughts. Evander spared no expense when it came to his home and his clinic. The Mediterranean-style house was filled with antiques that she imagined were original to the owner. Evander was three centuries in age, no doubt he’d collected a few priceless artifacts over the years.

  At least her sister could live here in this paradise with Evander and be happy. That’s all that Piper wanted for her—happiness, stability, someone who kept her out of trouble. Keona was far too reckless and she wasn’t afraid of much. Hopefully Evander could help her settle down some.

  Keona left Piper talking about nerdy shit with the other medics in the clinic. She had unfinished business with Evander. They slipped back to his house and hid when Cain went looking for Piper.

  Keona giggled like a little girl, feeling giddy for the first time in her life. Evander pressed her up against a wall, one hand massaging her bottom, one leaning against the wall. They kissed and caressed each other.

  “We have an appointment, doc.” Keona slid her hand into his pants and gripped him hard.

  His breath hissed as he inhaled and closed his eyes. “Hell yes, we do.” Evander hardened with each stroke of her hand. He blew out a string of curses and yanked her hand away. “Get your fine ass in my bed, now.”

  She laughed out loud as he pulled her into his suite and locked the door behind her.

  “Do you think it’s funny to tease me like that?” His voice was low and husky, full of lust and thick with his desire.

  Blood raced through her veins when he spun her around and held her back to his chest. His arm went across her, one hand covering her breast.

  “Maybe I like having an effect on you.” Keona’s voice was breathy and light. It was hard to breathe with his hands massaging her.

  “Well let me return the favor. You forget my gift, little minx.” Evander pinched her breast and sent a current of his power through her.

  “Ah!” Keona’s knees buckled and moisture gathered between her legs. “Cheater.”

  He nibbled her ear and down her neck. His other hand slipped under the elastic of her panties and his fingers dipped into the evidence of her arousal. Keona bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning like a porn star.

  “I can make you come like this.”

  “Prove it.” Keona grinned.

  Evander skimmed his teeth down her neck and growled like a feral beast. Seeing him wild like this turned her on like nothing else. The way he took control of her body like he owned it made her wish he did.

  “You asked for it, baby.” Evander’s fingers plunged deep into her wetness, coaxing even more honey from her. A current of power ran over her sensitive bundle of nerves and this time her knees shook. Evander held her up, his hand sliding under her shirt to clamp onto her breast.

  Fire and electricity from his hands stoked her into a blazing inferno. “Oh fuck!” Keona tried to control herself, but Evander’s gift mixed with his talented hands had her winding up, a spring under pressure, coiled and ready to break free.

  “We will,” Evander said. His breath tickled her ear and fell warm on her neck. He nibbled upon the lobe, the sting intensifying her pleasure. “I have to get you good and wet first.”

  “Holy Zeus, man,” she rasped. “How much wetter do you want me?”

  She spun out of control, climbing higher and higher to the peak of sensation, until her rational mind couldn’t process it all. He shot another zing to her clit and Keona’s knees gave way as she exploded. Evander picked her up and took her to the bed. He slid off her clothes while she lay on the covers, breathing hard and recovering, her legs writhing against the blankets.

  Keona shook from the aftereffects. It had been a long time since she’d had an orgasm that hard—if ever. She welcomed him into her body and sighed at how good he stretched her. Not that he really needed them, but his talents came in handy, and before long she couldn’t see straight. Evander plundered her, taking all she had and giving everything he could. By the time he finally collapsed on top of her, she was spent. She would be sore tomorrow if she didn’t soak in a hot bath soon.

  “I knew you were incredible the moment you walked into that restaurant, Keona. But I had no idea how crazy I would be over you.” He laid on his back staring at the ceiling and holding her to his chest.

  “I’m pretty infatuated with you, too.”

  “Good.” He kissed the top of her head. “Because I plan on spending the rest of my life with you.”

  Keona popped up and looked down at him. “What did you say?”

  One corner of his mouth turned up and he closed his eyes as if he hadn’t made that declaration. “I just meant that I’m never letting you go. We can worry about the details later. I’m claiming you, though.” A mischievous smile played at this lips and Keona’s heart picked up the pace.

  He might not have said he loved her, but wanting to spend the rest of his life with her? That was pretty close.

  IF IT WEREN’T for working at the clinic, Piper might have gone mad over the next few weeks. Her ability to see inside the body and heal on a cellular level made her a valuable addition to the clinic staff. She still had much to learn about Olympian anatomy. It was different than treating humans. When dealing with magic, she had to be careful. Many of her patients couldn’t take or didn’t react well to anesthesia.

  One Helioan accidently burned her when she healed a broken ankle. She popped the man’s bone back in place and he’d gripped her arm. Luckily his powers were weak and it was only a mild burn.

  It was the nights that killed her. Evander wouldn’t allow her to work straight through the night. He insisted she take time off and rest. But Piper couldn’t sleep. Each night she went to bed hoping and praying her dream lover would come back to her. After three weeks of no dreams and restless sleep, she hated to enter her bedroom at the end of the day.

  It was worse when she started having dreams that he came to Evander’s to get her. They weren’t dreams from the gods, just her subconscious mind torturing her each night until the sunrise brought tears and heartbreak.

  Piper missed him until it was hard to sleep, or eat, and some days it was hard to even breathe. There was nothing she could do but wait. With each passing day she wondered if he would ever come back at all. Had she made him up? Was he an imaginary symbol of her deepest desires, like Keona had thought at first? She simply didn’t know.

  Keona. Piper sighed. At least things were going well for one of them.

  Her sister had never been so happy in all their lives. Evander swept her off her feet and the two of them were inseparable. He treated Keona—no, he treated them both like queens. Keona was the center of his universe. Piper was his honored guest. They wanted for nothing. For the first time since their father died, the twins had new clothes, they didn’t have to share a bedroom, and money was an afterthought. After years of watching every penny and buying only the necessities, Evander provided them relief.

  Keona never seemed to question it, but Piper did. Such generosity had to have a price, right? Eventually he would want repayment or something in return. It was a romantic notion that he did it all for the love of Keona, and maybe he truly did. Piper didn’t want to insult him by asking, and if she were honest with herself, not worrying every day and night was worth a certain level of ignorance.

  Evander loved her sister. She could see it clear as day. The way he looked at her, the way he had to touch her if they were in the same room, the way he consistently cared for her needs—it was all so wonderful for Keona.

  It left Piper alone a lot. Keona slept in Evander’s bed now. Except for their evening meal, Piper didn’t see them much. She
stayed busy in the clinic and Keona was training with Cain.

  Cain was determined to get both sisters comfortable using a firearm. The enemy didn’t fight fair. They used weapons, and if the girls had to defend themselves, they needed to be proficient with them. Keona was more than proficient, and Piper could fire a handgun, if necessary. But Cain didn’t want her to think of it only if necessary, he wanted Piper to instinctually protect herself in any way possible. His insistence and overbearing training cultivated a low level of fear in the back of her heart. What if the Rogues found her again?

  She might not have to worry about material possessions or food, but she did worry over the security of everyone in the compound.

  “Milady,” called Cain from behind her.

  She turned to address the soldier. Yes, he was massive in size. He was also very patient and kind and respectful to her. “I was just thinking about you.”

  “I am honored.” His answering smile lit up the room. Evander had confided that Cain and Nicholas were delighted to have a woman in the house to fuss over. At least she had a purpose in making them happier.

  “What if I was thinking that I hated all this firearm training, and by extension, you?”

  Cain shook his head and kept that charming smile on his face. “No way. I don’t believe you could hate someone who didn’t deserve it.”

  Happy for the lighthearted distraction, she rubbed her shoulder. “You might deserve it, Cain. That rifle recoil left a bruise. I’m still sore.”

  His dark eyes gleamed with mischief. “Last I checked, milady, you were a healer.”

  “Ah, you caught me.” Piper giggled.

  “Would you like to accompany me on a walk this evening? I have to do a grounds check and would be most honored with your company.”

  Piper nodded and took his offered arm, amazed at how solid he was, even after all these weeks of being in his presence.

  Why couldn’t she fall for a guy like Cain? He was smart, strong, real. Any woman would be attracted to his version of tall, dark, and handsome. Kissing him wouldn’t involve taking sleeping pills. She could feel his warmth as they walked, his big frame steady beside her. No doubt he would make an excellent lover. His bright smile alone would charm the clothes off a lucky woman. She flushed at the thought.

  As quickly as the idea entered her mind, it was erased.

  Piper’s loyalties, no matter how irrational, belonged to her dream visitor. Her faith in the gods and desperate need of him had to keep her focused until he returned.

  “What is on your mind, Lady Piper? You became very still.” Cain covered her hand with his.

  “I have a lot on my mind, actually. I can’t make sense of any of it, though.”

  “I would be happy to listen.”

  Of course you would, you’re the type of guy any normal girl would crave.

  “Have you ever believed in something, truly had faith, but couldn’t justify that belief with any tangible evidence?”

  Cain let out a heavy sigh and pursed his lips. He nodded. “When I was a child my family lived in a human city. Neither of my parents were of strong Olympian blood, so we lived more like the humans than Olympians. One day, I remember telling my mother that I was supposed to be a warrior, not help out in the family store.” He laughed at the memory.

  Piper smiled, urging him on. She could just picture the brown-headed child Cain would have been.

  “Mother asked what proof I had. So I held up my little hand and pointed at her iron. Her eyes were as large as dinner plates as I moved the iron from her board to the sink. No one knew of my gifts. I hadn’t shared them with my family because I was scared of being different. But Father read to me of the Thracians one night before bed. I remember thinking—knowing—that I was one of those warriors.”

  “And you were right,” Piper finished for him.

  “The gods speak to us, Lady Piper. Sometimes it is in our souls, sometimes it is through oracles, sometimes it is in the words of another person. But the gods are always there, guiding those who believe.”

  Piper stared at the ground as they walked. Yes, the gods spoke to her; she knew that. Now if they would only speak clearer so she could find her dream man.

  “What do you believe in, milady?”

  Her eyes flickered up to his. Could she trust this man with her secrets? Only Keona knew of her dreams. Jealousy pricked in her heart. Keona had Evander. Their relationship was a beautiful thing, but it forced Piper to be the third wheel. Only when Cain or Nicholas was around did she feel equal. Maybe it was her own loneliness, maybe it was her jealousy over her sister’s new companion, maybe it was the hope that Cain could fill the void left by her dream man, but she wanted to confide in someone, to share an intimacy with someone besides Keona.

  “I believe in the gods and their guidance. Months ago, I started dreaming things. I don’t know what they mean, but there is always a man in my dreams. Up until a few weeks ago, I would’ve sworn he was real. Now, I don’t know.”

  Cain’s lips thinned and his nostrils flared. “Do you know anything about this man?”

  “I would know his face if I ever saw him. Not too much more.” If only she knew more, she would find him, or at least try to.

  “Have you toured much of the mansion during your stay with us?”

  “No, why?” Such a drastic change of subject.

  “You should visit the library. I think you would find it soothing.”

  “I’ll try that.” Piper mentally dismissed the suggestion.

  Cain was alert, she could sense the readiness in him even though he walked as if on a casual Sunday stroll. “May I speak openly?”

  “Of course, I’m not your boss.” Piper chuckled.

  “Each day I see Keona and Evander growing stronger, happier, healthier together.” He stopped and faced her. Lines appeared on his forehead. “But you decline. I see it in your face, in your eyes. I fear for you, Lady Piper. Are you unhappy here?”

  Piper took a deep, shaking breath and tried desperately to keep the tears at bay. “No, this place has nothing to do with it. Evander is a generous host and my work at the clinic has been inspiring and has motivated me to learn more about my field. Please don’t think that I’m not happy here. That’s not it at all.”

  “Then why do you not sleep or eat?”

  Wetness formed on her lashes and she blinked rapidly to clear it away. She tried so hard to control her quivering lip that her teeth hurt. “You’re very observant, aren’t you?” She turned from him and began walking.

  “When you and Keona first came here, Evander told me to watch out for you. That is what I’m doing, milady.” For every two steps she took, he only took one. Cain was right beside her, shielding her from the chilly wind that had suddenly picked up. “You don’t have to confide in me, Piper. However, you should know that your health and well-being is important to me. If I can help, even by listening to what troubles you, I wish to do so.”

  “It’s a long story, Cain.”

  He bent slightly and humor lit in his eyes. “It’s a long walk.” He grinned and Piper nodded.

  Cain was only the second person she’d confided in about her mystery man. She told him everything—how they met, how they both thought they were in control of the dreams. She described him in detail, every little thing she could think of. Cain listened intently, asked questions. By the time they reached the entrance to the house again, he knew everything, including how heartbroken she was that her dream man was gone. And Piper found healing in voicing her distress to someone who wasn’t preoccupied by being sickeningly happy and in love.

  “I’m beginning to think I’m crazy.” She gave an exasperated laugh and swiped at a tear. “What if I never see him again? What if he’s a figment of my imagination? Or worse, what if he’s real and I never find him?” She bowed her head, embarrassed to unload so much emotion on a soldier known not to show any at all.

  Cain’s face pinched and hardened a bit, making her wonder if she’d said too much.r />
  His broad shoulders rose and fell with a heavy breath. “If I promised you, my word as a Thracian, that I could help you find this man, would you believe me? Would you eat and rest as you need to?”

  Piper’s cheeks heated and she pushed her hair behind her ears. “Cain, I think if you promised to fly me to the moon on a pink unicorn, I’d believe you could do it.”

  The man threw his head back in a cough of laughter then wrapped her in his arms. “Oh, my little one, you are full of something I cannot name, but am happy to feel after all these years.”

  Piper took advantage of his closeness and rested her head on his chest. “I’m sure Keona could find you an adjective or two.”

  “No doubt. She is full of colorful words.”

  Piper stepped back and cocked her head to the side. “Hey, aren’t you the boss around here? Why would you have to do a perimeter check?”

  Cain winked. “You caught me.” He bowed his head as Piper giggled and slapped at his arm. “Good evening, milady. Rest well.”

  After dinner, Piper sat at her window brushing out her long black hair. Her mind was far away, thinking about her patients and something she wanted to try on a woman with chronic headaches, when a red-hot branding iron of pain shot into her temple.

  Piper yelped, dropped her brush and clasped her hands over her eyes. She was struck with pain so acute and intense, she retched, heaving nothing but air. She fell to the floor and curled up, willing the pain to go away.

  What was wrong with her? What was happening? She was a Paean, they didn’t get illnesses or have migraines like this. Tears rolled down her face and she cried out.

  “Keona! Cain! Someone, please.” Again, she cramped and dry heaved. When that didn’t lessen the pain, she began to convulse, her muscles twitching beyond her control. Piper screamed again.

  “Piper!” Keona was by her side, Evander and Cain with her. The men picked her up and laid her on the bed.

  “What is it? What’s wrong with her, Evander?” Keona held Piper’s head in her lap. “Look at her eyes, they’re bloodshot.”


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