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Punishing Their Virgin (A BDSM Reverse Harem Romance Book 1)

Page 34

by J. L. Beck

  Now? I didn't even get that break. It was an endless tsunami crashing into me, defying physics and just overwhelming me with sheer, raw power. I was shaking, screaming for them, and tears were in my eyes. I couldn't move, just endure this bliss and not one thing more when sandwiched between the two hunky twins.

  I could barely hear their own grunts, what all of this was doing to them, far beyond what a normal girl would be giving them. That I was able to take this without erupting into a bloody mess, well, I suddenly felt a whole lot more special, as if I was some sort of sexual super-heroine.

  In and out, pumping from both sides. I was losing it so damn fast. I fought it, wanting to be aware of everything that was happening and being overpowered with orgasms was not how that was done.

  They were pushing me closer and closer to the edge, essentially just dangling me off the cliff at this point.

  "Say it," Julian whispered into my ear. "Tell us you want it."

  "Want—want what?" I somehow managed to spit out.

  "You want us to fill you with cum. Fill you from both sides with our seed. You don't care about the risks. You want to have our child, Cassie. You want all of us."

  I was shaking in place, my mind a fog. I didn't want to think about the present, the problems, my anxieties, or anything like that.

  Julian and Jack had slowed to a point, though, where I wouldn't be coming unless I gave them an answer. Unless I told them what they wanted.

  Unless I accepted my fate as their slut, as the mother of their children.

  In the state I was in, I didn't have the brainpower to overanalyze things. All I could do was say what I wanted at the basest part of my being.

  "Yes, please, fuck me, please, fill me up, give me it all!" I screamed out, the torture of being right on the edge too much to cope with any longer.

  They had permission. They had my wishes.

  They took full advantage.

  Faster than ever before, they went back to pushing me to my absolute limits as a woman, pumping in and out of me, sending me screaming past what I would have once called a climax.

  I was lost, plunging into the sea of ecstatic orgasm.

  My entire body was pulsating with it, every little nerve there was writing with need and desire. I was screaming for them, but I couldn't hear my voice. I was just far too overloaded to properly comprehend it.

  Even in that over-stimulated haze, though, I could feel them quivering inside me. Their cocks pulsing, the cum rushing through them and exploding out and into me.

  Into my ass, where it felt so weird yet so wonderful. The warmth back there? It was wrong, but it was the right kind of wrong, if such a thing could be said.

  Then Julian unleashed himself as well. Blast after blast of his cum running into where nature intended it. This just felt the right kind of right. Warmth emanating from deep within my core. It was spreading through my entire body, so blissful, so great.

  "Fuck, she's just too good to be true, man," Jack said, his breath ragged and rough.

  "She is true. She's good. She's ours, brother."

  They both let me go, freeing my body from the blissful tyranny of their cocks and letting me rest in between them, feeling copious amounts of seed leak out of both of my holes.

  Disgusting yet wonderful.

  They held me close between them. God, this was perfect.

  I had finally made my decision, and I doubted I could have possibly made a better one.



  "Cassie," that youthful, curious voice asked me as she helped me mix things for dinner, "can I ask you a question?"

  "What's going on, Tiff?"

  "Are you pregant?" She pointed to my slightly swelling gut that was now poking through my T-shirt.

  I paused and looked down at her. I always thought that was a rude question to ask someone. At least a lot of my friends thought so. Given she was an eight-year-old girl, though, she didn't have a full grasp of proper etiquette around such a thing.

  "First, it's pregnant. There's an 'n' in there. Second, you should be careful who you ask that in the future, okay? Three, yes. Yes, I am."

  "You are? You're having a baby?" Her eyes lit up, like she was more excited about the prospect than I was.

  "That's what being pregnant means, Tiff."

  "Wow. So you're going to be a mommy?"

  I nodded. "And you're going to be an auntie."

  "I am? But I'm not old enough to be an auntie."

  "What do you think aunts are, Tiff?"

  "Um...these old women who hang around Mommy?"

  I shook my head. I supposed I could teach her something. "No, no. Those can be aunts, but an aunt is your parents’ sibling. You can be an aunt just fine."

  She scratched her head. "How am I going to be an auntie then?"

  "Your brothers are going to be daddies. That means you are the sibling of this child's parents. You're going to be an aunt, Tiff."

  "Oh, I see. Can I do aunt things with the baby when it's born?"

  "Depends on what you think aunt things are."

  She shrugged. Which was fine, because I didn’t know what she thought she was going to do.

  The penthouse was a warm place now. I did my part in taking care of Tiff, but the whole professional babysitter thing at this point was just excess, something that I could put on my resume in the future.

  I'd still pursue that, yes. I'd take it as it came. I had ensnared two fine men and was already building a family. Why not embrace it while it was sitting right there? There was no way I was ever going to find anything better.

  Even as I cooked, though, I had to deal with the predatory glares of Jack and Julian.

  They knew they couldn't take me right now. Not with Tiff watching.

  As soon as she wasn't, though?

  God, my nights were never boring, even less so since they found out I was pregnant. I always heard that pregnancy hormones would make you horny, yet the only thing I'd noticed so far was that it made the two of them even hornier.

  Which really was surprising because I didn't think that should be possible.

  Our lust was quickly morphing into love, too. Sure, we went about the whole relationship thing in terribly the wrong order. You got to know someone a lot through pillow talk, and we'd even arranged for Isabella to watch Tiff every so often—for a nice bonus—so we could go out and on a proper date.

  A tour of the city, more sights and sounds than I had ever dreamed of seeing, and even some dirty time in places that were hardly appropriate for us to be dirty in.

  I carried the dish over to the oven and slid it in, turning back around to catch Julian licking his lips my way. There was no doubt in my mind that it wasn't for food, just letting me know what was I in for.

  I set the timer for the oven, and it also reminded me that I had time where I didn't need to show full attention to the dish.

  "Tiff, why don't you go play with your Xbox for a bit?"

  "Okay, Cassie." She happily ran off, pleased to have permission to go sit in front of the TV like a potato for a change.

  I walked over to Julian, who proceeded to pull me into the room and closed the door.

  He immediately embraced me, a deep kiss and a hand on the small of my back. "You can't wait until tonight, can you?" I shot him a playful glare.

  "Tiff isn't in bed for almost four hours. What do you think I am, some sort of machine who can resist you for that long?"

  "I thought we agreed that we would hold back, as long as she's awake."

  "Yeah, but, um... I sort of want you now."

  "You're lucky that what I'm cooking takes an hour in the oven, you know."

  "The only oven I care about is this one." He placed a hand on my abdomen, massaging it gently.

  "You got your wish. Fuck me enough times like you two do, and it's bound to happen."

  "Whelp, you were worried about getting pregnant. The way I see it is you don't have to worry about it for another half year now."
  "Ah yes, the birth control of pregnancy. Brilliant."

  "I know, isn't it?"

  His hands had wormed under my pants and into my panties.

  The door to the room opened.

  "Am I hearing adult activities happening early in here?"

  It was Jack.

  "I'm trying to convince her to have some fun with us."

  "You two are insatiable man-sluts, you know that?" I murmured.

  "Ah, but we're you're insatiable man sluts."

  They led me to the bed. I wasn’t getting out of this one.

  Not that I would want to.

  "Just a quickie. I am technically cooking right now," I pointed out.

  "Sure, sure. Everyone gets to have a grand ol' orgasm," Julian said, rubbing me through my jeans and wasting little time digging deeper to get to the fruit he truly wanted.

  "What, we both can't fuck her?" Jack added.

  "Maybe later. For now, we have to be practical guys. Jesus."

  I cupped both of them in the crotch. My duty as their lover was a daunting one, but I was committed to seeing it through. They were going to come for me. Again and again. I was going to keep both sets of their balls drained and dry, whether it be through mouth, pussy, or...other methods.

  Jack's words from a while ago echoed through my head. This was a hardly typical life, but it was mine, and it was wonderful. I was going to enjoy it to its absolute fullest.

  Bad For You

  Bad Series #1

  J.L. Beck

  Bad For You

  All I wanted was one kiss, one taste. My only problem was thinking once would be enough…

  What happens when you’ve got it bad for your Dad’s best friend, and business partner? He’s everything I want, and nothing I can have, and I’ll do whatever I can to have just one taste.

  Chapter One


  “Have you ever had a secret, Bridget?” I whispered to Bridget, my childhood best friend. I knew her answer, because I knew all of her secrets, but that wasn’t the point, the point was what I was about to confess to her.

  She looked at me like I was an idiot and rolled her eyes before taking a long drink of her martini. “Are you playing dumb with me? You don’t remember that one time when I told you I went down on…” My eyes grew to size of saucers when I realized just what secret she was about to retell.

  “Alright, alright! I wasn’t trying to be a dick about it. I was just asking because I’m about to tell you something I’ve never told anyone, I’ve never even spoken it out loud.” I could feel my cheeks reddening at the thought of Jameson Briggs, my father’s business partner and best friend. He was nearly twenty years older than me, and one of Seattle’s biggest business tycoons, and did I mention he was my Father’s best friend?

  Bridget’s big blue eyes seemed to glow as she waited for me to start in on the secret I was holding in.

  “You remember Jameson Briggs, right?” I questioned innocently. She took another gulp of her martini, and nodded her head yes.

  “Mr. Six feet two inches of sexy, with a body made for fuc…” I cut her off that second because she was about to go into, what I called, a swearing fit.

  “Yes, that guy! Well I… Uh… I’ve been crushing on him for a few years now.” I exhaled as I continued. “And I think maybe he also has a thing for me, there’s just two, maybe three pesky problems…”

  Bridget’s lips pulled back into a big, bright smile. “OMG girl, you have the hot’s for your Dad’s best friend….” she all but squealed, drawing attention from a group of guys at the table across from us.

  “Shhh… I don’t want everyone knowing about my secret crush.” My face was growing redder with every passing second.

  “Oh shut up, and drink some liquid courage.” Bridget laughed, shoving my glass of wine directly into my face. “Plus, you think he might have a crush too.” Doubt filled my belly, because even if I did want to go a round or five with Jameson, I knew my father would never approve.

  “Still, if any of these guys know who I am or who my Father is, they’ll report back to him about our conversation or whatever part of it they hear.” I knew I was probably overreacting, but there was no way I was letting a chance with Jameson go down like all my other dates had.

  “How about this…” Bridget leaned into me. I could smell the alcohol on her breath. “You feel him out tomorrow, literally and figuratively, and find out if he gets the hint that you want to be more than just friends with him.”

  “That would be easy, if he wasn’t my Father’s business partner and best friend,” I grunted, taking another swig of my drink. I didn’t know what appealed to me more, the fact that Jameson was gorgeous, or the fact that he was completely off limits to me.

  “Come on, babe, like you’ve never thought of taking him into the bathroom and screwing the hell out of him? Your Father doesn’t have to know if it doesn’t take place in front of him…” Bridget giggled, and it hit me then. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?

  “You’re a genius, Bridge!” I gripped her by the cheeks, wondering why the hell I hadn’t thought of that. “If he doesn’t know, then it doesn’t matter… Besides, I just want one taste…” I licked my lips at the thought. Jameson Briggs might be off limits but what my father didn’t know couldn’t hurt him right?

  “At least someone realizes that…” Bridget frowned for a millisecond before covering it up with a smile. ”Anyway, I want to know all the dirty details…” I stood from the bar stool, knowing that our evening together was coming to an end.

  “Yeah, if there’s anything to share…” I sighed, trying not to sound as desperate as I probably looked.

  “Oh, there will be, believe me. If the man has a set of eyes on his face there should be plenty for you to tell me.” She laughed, standing and wrapping me in a hug that couldn’t have possibly come from her small form.

  “I’ll take your advice and test the waters, but don’t be surprised when I have nothing to report back to you about.” I gave her a half smile, right as she released me. There were no more words about Jameson as we said our goodbyes, and paid our tabs. I walked out of the bar feeling all kinds of depressed. If Jameson was, as faithful to my father and the business as I thought he was, any type of flirtation would backfire on me.

  The Uber I had called for five minutes earlier pulled up against the curb, and my eyes darted from my phone and then back to the cab. I knew where Jameson lived, and I knew I could show up without an explanation…

  Thoughts coursed through me about professing my feelings to him. The wine I had been drinking sloshed around inside my stomach, overruling the logical side of my brain that was telling me not to do it.

  “Do you want a ride, or what?” the driver of the Tesla called out the front passenger side window. His voice pulled me from my thoughts, and I made the choice then. It was now or never. I could wait. I could lurk. Or I could do what I wanted and act on my feelings.

  “Yes, I still need a ride. Can you take me to Hanover Acres?” I questioned through the window, noticing then the man’s bright blue mohawk.

  “Sure can, but you’ll need to get in the car before we can go anywhere.” He smirked and I realized then that I was still standing outside the vehicle like a chicken. I was doing this. I was so doing this. Jameson Briggs was going to be mine, once and for all.

  “Of course, duh…” I spoke under my breath, climbing into the back seat of the Tesla, knowing that everything was about to change.

  * * *

  The drive to Jameson’s private home in Hanover Acres was just long enough for me to start sobering up and realize that this might be a fucking mistake.

  “Holy shit, these houses are huge. Do you live here?” Uber driver spoke for the first time since I climbed into the back seat.

  “God, no….” I bit the inside my cheek, shaking my head.

  “Okay, for a second I thought I had a trillionaire in the back seat of my car. I don’t get very many requests
for drop offs in this area…” His comment wasn’t all that surprising to me. Not many people that lived in Hanover Acres needed a ride anywhere, not when they had a BMW or Audi parked in their driveway.

  “Yeah, I get what you mean,” I all but whispered, nibbling at my bottom lip nervously, watching as Jameson’s mansion came into view. The place was a fortress, made for a king, and even though it was dark, you could still see the beauty of the place.

  “This is it?” Uber driver questioned, pulling up against the curb near the mailbox. I swallowed past the lump in my throat.

  You’re really doing this, Audrey…

  “Yeah, this is the house…” A shudder ran down my spine, as my belly filled with butterflies. This was it, my only chance to turn back… I gripped the door handle in my sweaty hand and opened the door.

  “That’s going to be twenty-five dollars even…” Uber driver shot over his shoulder, watching me with a curious look in his eyes. I scrabbled with my purse, pulling out a twenty and a ten and handing them to him before I got out of the car.

  My heart was in my throat, and I wasn’t sure if I would ever come back from what I was about to do. All I knew was that I had to try… I had to.

  I watched as the Uber driver drove away, leaving me standing at the end of Jameson’s driveway. I twisted around on my heels, noticing that hardly any of the lights were on inside.

  “Fuck!” I groaned as I headed up the driveway, the sound of my heels echoing throughout the neighborhood. If he wasn’t here, then I wasn’t sure what the hell it was that I was going to do.

  I eyed the large as hell wooden door, before pressing a finger to the doorbell. Moment of truth…

  The sound of the bell ringing echoed throughout the house, making the seconds that I stood there seem like hours.

  Everything’s going to be okay, everything’s…

  “Audrey?” Jameson’s smoky voice filtered into my ears, and I lifted my eyes from the concrete walkway and up to his green ones. As soon as our eyes connected, I knew I had made the right choice.


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