Punishing Their Virgin (A BDSM Reverse Harem Romance Book 1)

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Punishing Their Virgin (A BDSM Reverse Harem Romance Book 1) Page 51

by J. L. Beck

“Of course not. It’s just…” I cleared my throat smoothing my sweaty palms over the front of my jeans. “You invited yourself in and….” Gerald’s evil eyes narrowed at me. He didn’t care that he was breaking and entering, which was a crime.

  “I didn’t come here to make small talk Brooke. You’re a smart girl and you know that….” I suspected that this had more to do with Zane and me then I wanted to admit. Gerald never showed up or had anything to do with us, so when he did we both knew it was a big deal.

  “Well Zane isn’t here right now, so I can’t really help you with whatever it is you’re looking for…” Tension seeped into the room, taking all the oxygen with it.

  Gerald smiled. Standing from the couch, his large, feeble form overshadowed me. “I didn’t come here for my son. I came here for you Brooke. It seems things are taking a different route than what your mother or I ever expected.” I swallowed around the lump that had formed in my throat.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I lied through my teeth. I wouldn’t give this man the ammunition he needed to shoot me. I wasn’t as stupid as my mother. Gerald smiled, like he couldn’t be fooled.

  “Oh I’m positive you know sweetheart. I’ve watched the security cameras here at the house. I know you and Zane are sleeping with each other and honestly, I’m positive you’re the reason for his shitty attitude at work this past month.” I blinked slowly, trying to calm my erratic heartbeat. This was the exact thing I was trying to stop from happening. Zane had just given his father the one thing he needed to keep us apart.

  “You shouldn’t be watching this house. I’m an adult…” I snarled, not wanting to talk about the elephant in the room. Zane and my relationship was coming to an end so his father had no need to put his nose into our business.

  “Adult…” He mocked with laughter, covering the short distance that separated us faster than I expected, forcing my back to the wall. “Your mother and I provide everything for you and we will take it as fast as we give it if you do not end this with my son,” he warned.

  “Nothing is going on with us. It was only once or twice. It’s ended now….” Fear filled my belly. If my mother discovered that I was sleeping with Zane and that there was a possibility that her image could be tainted because of me, she would pull my school funds and ship me away.

  “You’re a liar…” Gerald grabbed my chin and dug his fingers into it, forcing me to look him straight in the eyes. “Zane wants you and I know how women like you are. He’s got a huge future in front of him and if you think you can take that from him, you have another thing coming. He’s my son,” he roared. Tears slipped from my eyes at his harsh words.

  “Please don’t tell her, please…” I pleaded. I had told Zane time and time again that we couldn’t be together; that if they discovered what we were doing everything would be taken away and now my nightmares were becoming a reality.

  Gerald smiled, his false, white teeth shining at me. “I won’t.” He released me with a push, my face twisting in agony as my jaw throbbed where he had gripped it. “Telling her would only make more problems for me but don’t think I won’t tell her if I don’t have to, because I will.”

  I wanted him to leave. I wanted Zane to come home and I wanted to be able to tell him what was going on. I wanted his strong arms around me, telling me that everything was going to be okay.

  “What do you want?” I questioned. Gerald stared down at me with an evil glint in his eyes.

  “Move. I want you gone. You and Zane cannot live together anymore. You will not give him any explanation, nor will you tell him where you’re moving. If I discover you’ve done either of those things, I will tell your mother everything.” His admission slammed into me, forcing the air from my lungs.

  Zane would never approve of me moving out, nor did I want to. Still looking at Gerald I knew I had no option. I would have to follow through with his orders or face my mother’s wrath. They would break me like they broke Zane, taking away my degree and life.

  “What will I tell Zane?” I gasped, feeling like I was losing a piece of my identity. Gerald merely stared at me, his face void of any emotion. He didn’t care if his son was unhappy; all he cared about was doing what he needed to do to stay ahead.

  “Tell him whatever you want but do not mention my name…” He exhaled, his strong cologne filling my nostrils as I sucked fresh oxygen into my lungs. I could feel the onset of a panic attack coming right as Gerald’s old grubby fingers wrapped around the doorknob.

  “We don’t have to do this Mr. Masters…” I pleaded, begging him to understand where I was coming from. This wasn’t how I wanted to live my life, hiding in the shadows waiting for the ball to drop. Even if I did hold up my end of the bargain, he would use the matter as leverage against me for the rest of my life.

  “Yes we do Brooke…” Gerald swiveled around, his eyes burning into mine. “Because whenever my son decides to get married and have children I want it to be with a respectful woman, a woman that sees his hard work and understands the business I’ve strived so hard to create.” I shook my head, forcing the tears to stay at bay as Gerald opened the door and slipped outside. Every step he took away from the house made me feel safer but also reminded me of what I had to do to keep things okay.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, slamming the door as soon as he was out of sight. Tears slipped through though no matter how hard I tried to stop them. This was what I was trying to stop. I knew it was only a matter of time before someone discovered what we were doing and used it to blackmail us.

  We were dumb, so fucking dumb to think that we could get away with this and come out unscathed on the other side. I backed up my back slamming into the wall behind me, the tears blurring my vision.

  “How are you going to do this Brooke?” The question came out in a whisper to no one but me. How was I supposed to let go of Zane? All I wanted was to hide what we were doing better, not lose him. My vision seemed to blur more as I slid down the wall, my ass slamming into the wood floor as I tried to breath through my anxiety attack. My chest constricted, every breath becoming harder and harder to take.

  I can’t lose him…

  Black spots formed beneath the tears and before I could stop myself or the silent monster in the room, my body slipped deeper succumbing to the pain I knew I would endure.

  I couldn’t tell Zane why I was leaving but I knew for a fact he would blame himself and that I couldn’t handle.

  Chapter Four


  As soon as I opened the door I knew something was wrong. Not only wasn’t it closed all the way, but it wasn’t locked either. I shoved it open a bit, the shots I had consumed not long ago finally hitting me causing my movements to be jerky and less smooth than usual.

  “Brooke baby…” I called out but got no response. My eyes scanned over her shoes and backpack, which were in their usual spots. When I fully entered the house and closed and locked the front door behind me, I saw her. She was curled up in a ball on the couch, her head buried deep into the pillows.

  My chest ached, cracking wide open as I walked over to her, resting my hand gently on her shoulder. Electricity shot up my arm and made its way down my spine. I was connected to Brooke and on a much deeper level than just sex. Feeling her now I could tell something was up.

  “Brooke…” I shook her gently but she didn’t startle, causing panic to mount within me. “Wake up sleepyhead…” As if on cue of hearing my voice, her head shot up, her face a blotched red mess. It was more than evident that she had been crying and even more obvious that she had an anxiety attack.

  And you weren’t here dickhead.

  “I’m sorry…” Her voice was weak and missing the spark it always had. I could see fresh tears swimming in her eyes and knew she was on the verge of crying again, but why?

  “Don’t be sorry baby… You know I love you regardless of anything that happens between us…” I soothed her, smoothing a hand across her head. She stared up at me with wonder and amazement
as if she wasn’t sure how she had gotten a guy like me, when the answer was plain as day… She was just that fucking good.

  “I’m sorry you had to find me this way. It’s just been a really long day…” She tried to wipe away the lingering mascara and tears from her eyes but it was pointless. She was only making it worse, sending black streaks across her face.

  “What happened? Are you okay? I know you’ve been crying, so please don’t hide that from me. You know I would never leave Brooke…” Maybe she thought I wasn’t going to come back? Whatever she was thinking I wanted to tell her she was wrong because she meant the world to me, and no matter what she said to me or how hard she pushed me away, I would always remain here with her.

  “I can’t lose you Zane. I can’t.” She sat up, wrapping her arms around my chest. I felt the same way but where had this come from? What sparked such sadness from her?

  “You’ll never lose me. Never,” I assured her, smoothing a hand over her head and pushing the stray strands that clung to the side of her cheeks.

  “Kiss me.” The words were barely audible but I heard them, my heart bursting at the seams. She had no idea what she was asking me. I couldn’t stop at just a kiss. I wouldn’t.

  “You said you didn’t want to do this anymore Brooke….” I repeated the words she had said to me the other day back to her.

  “I was lying Zane.” I stared down into her brown eyes becoming mesmerized with her. I had never loved a woman or made love to a woman like I did Brooke. She was fragile, perfect, and the one thing that I didn’t want tainted by my father.

  “I believe it baby but if I kiss you there isn’t going any back. I won’t be able to stop myself from fucking you.” I couldn’t resist not telling her. I had no know if she wanted me like that again.

  She swallowed, her eyes were swollen from all the tears she had cried and I wanted to make it better. I wanted take the pain she was feeling away.

  “Then don’t stop. Touch me. Make me yours but never stop Zane. Never.” Her hand cradled the side of my cheek, her touch gentle. I melted into it, wanting this moment between us to last forever.

  Releasing myself and letting the restraints go, I pulled her in closer to my face, our lips barely touching as I breathed in her floral scent. There was once a time when I could never see myself touching Brooke as more than a friend and then I started noticing her hips and breasts and her reaction to my touch, and now we were both too far gone to care.

  “I won’t stop trying Brooke…” I slammed my lips against her with far more intensity than needed. A deep gasp fell from Brooke’s lips as she adjusted to the pressure of my lips against hers, her fingers going straight into my hair pulling tightly at the strands, making my cock ache harder than it ever had before.

  Without warning I was pulling at her flimsy nightshirt, my hands making quick work of the material. Next would be her panties, and I wouldn’t be nearly as nice to them as I was the rest of her clothing.

  Brooke gripped at my dress pants, unbuttoning them and ripping at the buttons on my dress shirt. Her need to have me undressed was as bad as my need to have her under me.

  Buttons flew in every direction as my dress pants fell to the floor where I kicked them off. My hard as steel cock was at attention and more than ready for her touch. I caught a glimpse of pleasure in her eyes as I did away with the rest of my shirt leaving both of us naked, minus her panties.

  “Do you like what you see Brooke?” It had only been two days since I last sunk into Brooke but the need to be inside her every day was all consuming. When I was inside her I felt like nothing could take her away from me.

  “I love what I see…” Her voice was quiet and wobbled with fear as she got up and pushed me onto the couch. “I also feel the need to take control of what I see…” She smirked and I leaned back casually, both hands resting behind my head more than willing to see what spell she could put me under.

  Her hips swayed back and forth, her perfect perky tits calling to me. Her nipples puckered as I reached out plucking at the rosy buds. I watched curiously as she dropped to her knees in front of me.

  Was she going to suck my cock? My Adam’s apple bobbed as I swallowed down the anticipation. Fuck me, she was so beautiful between my legs and at the mercy of my cock. She gripped my length in her small hand, sucking the swollen head of my cock into her mouth.

  “Jesus fucking Christ Brooke…” My stomach twisted as one of my hands slipped into her hair, the warmth of her mouth nearly sending me over the edge.

  “Mmmm…” She moaned around my cock, her hands massaging my balls as she sucked more of me into her mouth. My head fell back against the couch. I felt nothing but her mouth devouring me, owning me.

  “Yes Brooke baby…” I thrust my hips upward, my cock slamming into the back of her throat. A gagging sound filled the air as I pumped in and out of her mouth losing control. Brooke’s tongue swirled over the head, flicking against the opening of my penis…

  “Fuck me… Fuck me…” I hissed out, slamming into her warm mouth one last time before my hot release sprayed against the back of her throat. My eyes remained open and on hers as I watched her swallow every single drop down. When she finally released my cock I was on her like a man that had been starved of love. Pulling her down on the couch next to me, I pushed her back forcing her to lie down.

  “Returning the favor?” She smiled, leaning up on her elbows to watch me. The other times we had done this she had never been so interested, not like she was right now.

  “More than returning baby. I’m going to have you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day.” I smirked, pressing a kiss to the inside of her creamy white thigh. I could hear her exhale and knew her heart had to be racing. Truthfully I could sit between Brooke’s thighs all day every day, sucking, licking and devouring her and it would never get old.

  Her taste was something you couldn’t replace or copy… I looked down staring at her bare folds. Her pussy was glistening in the light saturated with need–need that belonged to me.

  “Please…” Her plead for the pleasure she knew only I could give her made me grin. There was the girl that was weak in the knees for me.

  “Patience baby, patience…” I teased her, my fingers slipping between her folds and circling around her clit. She shuttered against the couch, her legs quivering with built up need.

  “I want you…” Her fingers clung to my biceps as her desperation sunk into my skin, her legs falling further apart giving me greater access to her. With the pad of my thumb I rubbed gentle circles against her clit while inserting two fingers deep inside her warm pussy.

  “Fuck you’re so tight Brooke…” I rasped, her muscles clenching tightly around me. I pumped in and out of her at a snail’s pace, building the anticipation in need that much further so that when she finally did cum it would feel like three orgasms in one.

  “Harder…” Brooke whispered, breathless, her face flushed with need. I continued at my slow pace, watching her wither and when I was sure she had had enough, I moved my thumb and replaced it with my tongue flicking the tight bud furiously.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh fuck yes!” Brooke became vocal in a second flat, her thighs trying to come together, while her pussy clenched around my two fingers. I continued my assault on her tight cunt, licking up every single drop of release that dripped from her. I sucked and flicked the tight bundle of nerves until her back was lifting off the couch and her nails were scraping against my scalp. Her release was fast and hard, knocking the wind out of both of us. Every time I was with Brooke I became breathless. She had that impact on me.

  “I’m going to fuck you now. I can’t hold off any longer.” The words rumbled from my chest as I placed my cock at her entrance. Brooke’s fingers slid across my chest and down over my abs. She looked like she was taking a picture with her eyes, as if she wouldn’t see me again.

  “Take me Zane…” she ordered, and I did, slipping deep inside her warm passage, my body begging me to take her hard and slam
balls deep inside her but I didn’t. Instead I forced myself to slow, slipping inside her inch by inch, my body shaking with need.

  “Every time with you feels like the first time.” My voice wobbled as I pulled out all the way and slammed back in. Pleasure shot up my spine as I thrust deeper and deeper never feeling that I was seated all the way in her.

  Brooke clung to me, her nails raking against my skin, digging at just the right time. We clung to each other, mending the broken things that were trying to come between us.

  “It’s always going to be you,” she whispered, her eyes filling with tears. I wasn’t sure why she was crying but I understood she was emotional right now so I let her do what she needed to do, my hips hitting her g-spot as I peppered her face with kisses.

  “I love you,” I said the words like they were secret, between kisses. She sniffled, a sob releasing from her throat as I held her closer than I ever had before. We clung together as we both fell apart, our bodies slick with sweat and warmed all over. My release shot to the back of her pussy while she squeezed me tight like a vise.

  “I love you too Zane and I never want you to forget it…” She cupped my cheek, her brown eyes swirling with secrets.

  “I’ll never forget you Brooke baby, never…” I promised, plucking her off the couch and carrying her to my bedroom. This is where we should’ve been all along, in my bed. I would fix that now, by taking her over and over again right here on my mattress and when I finally got through with her she wouldn’t remember why she wanted to end things between us.

  Chapter Five


  I knew leaving would be hard but I never expected it to be this bad. I had to follow through with Gerald’s orders even if I wanted to tell him to shove them up his ass. He knew just how to destroy my perfectly held together life. One call to my mother and any dream I had of a college education would fly out the window.

  Staring down at Zane’s sleeping form I let the self-loathing fester deep inside my chest. This wasn’t going to go over easily with him, so it was probably best if I just waited until he was gone in the next couple hours.


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