Punishing Their Virgin (A BDSM Reverse Harem Romance Book 1)

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Punishing Their Virgin (A BDSM Reverse Harem Romance Book 1) Page 52

by J. L. Beck

  Would he hate me for leaving? Tears stung my eyes but I blinked them away, not wanting them to ruin the perfect view I had of Zane. He was so at peace when we slept together, all the worry and anxiety that marred his features during the day faded away when he was sleeping.

  “I’m going to hate myself for doing this to us, but I have to Zane…” I whispered so softly I almost couldn’t tell if I had said the words out loud or not. Zane took that moment to roll over, his hand flopping onto my lap where he squeezed my thigh gently.

  We stayed that way for a long time, until the sky went from dark to warm wisps of orange and yellow, the sun peeking up over the horizon and directly into the large window in our bedroom. I didn’t want the moment to end because I knew what it would bring– sadness.

  Zane’s alarm rung out filling the room with the sound of ACDC’s Hells Bells. A groan and grunt left his lips as he slithered away from me and across the mattress to turn the damn thing off. When he rolled over and saw me sitting up clearly wide awake, his demeanor seemed to change from sleepy and slightly frustrated to worried, the creases on his forehead once again reappearing.

  “How long have you been awake?” His voice was still full of sleep and I wished like crazy that I could take it and bottle it up so that whenever I was longing to hear his voice in the days to come I could.

  “Not long…” I smiled sweetly, praying that my emotions would stay at bay for the time being. “I’ve just been watching you sleep… Did you know you snore really, really loud…”My smile grew as did his.

  “Oh really…” The seduction in his voice had me melting like butter on a hot muffin. I bit my button lip stifling a laugh that threatened to escape me.

  “And you drool…” I started but was stopped as Zane pounced on me, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me down onto the mattress. My hands reached up and landed against his strong, firm shoulders. The skin was taunt and warm as I gripped it trying to keep myself in the present.

  “The only reason I drool is because you’re sleeping next to me and I’m salivating over the fact that I can’t be eight inches deep inside of you all night…” I could feel my cheeks reddening at his comment. Dirty talk was new to me.

  “You are not…” I rolled my eyes but was stunned speechless as soon as Zane’s firm lips pressed against mine without warning. There was so much intensity, love, and unsaid words in that kiss that my heart wept from the inside out. I clung to his body never wanting the moment to end, our lips speaking a language that neither of us understood, one that only our bodies could decipher. I opened up more to him, letting his tongue flick against my own, the erotic dance of our tongues sending shock waves throughout my body.

  When Zane finally pulled away I was gasping for air but more than that, I was gasping for one more day with him. His eyes held mine, holding my body in a trance, and keeping me at his will.

  “I don’t have time for a full breakfast this morning so this will have to do…” The boyish grin that flashed across his face made my heart flutter out of my chest. Zane’s fingers moved gently down my sides, stopping at my hips where he gripped the edge of my lace panties, pulling them down my ass and off my legs.

  “Breakfast?” I looked down at him, rising up on my elbows as he descended down my body like a lion hunting its prey. He hovered over my pussy, his mouth a few millimeters away from it. I could feel his hands sinking into the flesh along my thighs, urging me to open up wider for him.

  “Yes Brooke baby. I’m going to take from you all the nutrients I will need to get through the day.” He was so smooth and corny but I loved the fuck out of him. Given no chance to respond, Zane was lifting my ass and bending me so my legs were resting against his shoulders, while he had me bent so that my pussy was on full display for him. The position didn’t hurt but I had never been so exposed before.

  “This is different…” Anxiety filled my voice. Zane stared down at me smirking before he flicked his tongue against my clit, the tight bundle of nerves skyrocketing with every little touch.

  “Your pussy is mine to feast on, how I want, when I want, and where I want. If I want you exposed for me then you will be…” The animalistic growl that erupted from deep within his chest had me gripping onto the sheet, excitement zinging through my veins.

  Without notice Zane dove in like he was diving into an ice cream cone, his tongue licking me from top to bottom and back again.

  “Dear Lord…” My fingers dug deeper into the sheets. “I want to wake up like this every morning…” I panted, the heat between my legs rising with every lick. Zane laughed against my pussy sending pleasurable waves through me.

  I sunk my heels into his shoulder blades urging him to take more and he complied, two fingers breaching my hole almost immediately.

  “Who owns this pussy Brooke?” he baited me. If I wanted my release I was going to have to work for it.

  “You do…” My voice was husky and filled with lust. My body trembled and my hands reached out for Zane’s body as he folded me in half, taking from me whatever he wanted.

  “Who fucks this pussy?” he asked next, his dirty questions teasing me while his fingers entered me ever so slowly, dragging out my response.

  “Yoooouuuuu…” I moaned the entire word, my head slamming back against the pillows. The distinct building in my belly was forming; the one that I wanted so badly I could almost taste it.

  I watched between hooded eyes as he licked his bottom lip, a cocky grin slating his features.

  “Good, now cum for me Brooke baby. I want your release all over my fingers. I want your tight cunt squeezing me tight…” Oh Jesus why did he have to talk so dirty?

  I wasn’t given a chance to respond because Zane was already on me, two fingers entering me deep while thrusting upwards rubbing against my sweet spot, while his tongue sucked eagerly on my clit.

  “Zane…” I screamed his name, my voice cracking with need as I arched my hips upward, waning more, so much more. Every lick, suck, and push inside my body wasn’t enough. I wanted it all. I wanted him to own me.

  Pleasure shot up my spine as light flashed behind my eyes, my release exploding through me sooner than I had expected. My pussy convulsed, tightening around his fingers, while my juices seeped into his mouth.

  The orgasm slammed into me and refused to let go, my body was shaking and a shiver ran down my spine as I came crashing down from my high. Zane was still inside of me, his fingers fluttering back and forth ever so gently.

  “That was for me…” he whispered. Confusion contoured on my face.

  “What do you mean that was for you?” I questioned, uncertain of what he meant. My brow furrowed, watching as his face lit up in amusement right before he released me and flipped me over to my belly, all while pulling my hips up into the air while leaving my face on the mattress.

  “That was for me Brooke, my breakfast, the most important meal of the day. Now I’ll give you the real thing. The thing that matters most.” I didn’t even care. Instead I stretched my body, my ass grinding against his steel hard cock.

  When I glanced at him over my shoulder, I saw the no patience look in his eyes. I was going to pay for what I had just done and pay dearly.

  In one swift movement he had pulled his sleep pants down. With one hand at my hip and the other against my lower back, he plunged deep inside my canal, my entire body melting into his touch as he sealed our final moments together.

  All I could feel was him. Every single rock hard inch of his body against mine, commanding my release, begging me to give into his touch and as he sunk deeper into me I knew he was aligning our hearts, making it so every moment without him in the weeks to come would be pure torture.

  “You feel my cock babe, slamming into you? You feel me pounding into you? Devouring your soul and body? Owning more than just your heart…” I squeezed my eyes shut trying to shut out what it was he was saying to me but he wouldn’t allow it. As if he knew what I was doing his hands tangled in my hair pulling my head back
and forcing my attention onto him.

  “You’re mine Brooke and nothing, and I mean nothing will ever take you away from me…” His grip on my hair tightened but I liked it, the slight tinge of pain tingled against my scalp. He slammed into me harder, the sound of our skin slapping against each others filling the room.

  I could feel my pussy tightening, my release threatening to break free. Angling myself down more I gave him better access to my pussy, his cock slamming into the back of my wall.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” I screamed into the sheets right as my release exploded around me. My body shook and my muscles ached as pleasure seeped into my bones. Zane’s semen spilled into me a moment later filling my cunt to the brim with his release.

  “I love being your first and last…” Zane released his hold on my hair but not before pressing a kiss against my bare shoulder, the simple gesture only adding to the raging fire that had filled my belly.

  As soon as he pulled out of me our eyes went to the clock on the nightstand. He was going to be late for work and I was going to be late for classes, but I could sacrifice missing a lecture for a few extra minutes with the man I loved but could never truly have.

  “You are going to be late,” I muttered under my breath, the coldness seeping into the spots that were just filled with warmth moments ago.

  “That’s alright. I’ll just tell him I had a very long breakfast…” He winked at me and I couldn’t help but smile at him. He was up and getting ready for work within seconds and here I was still sitting on our bed relishing in the feelings we had just created here.

  Minutes seemed to pass and before I realized it Zane was standing before me in a suit, his hair was slicked back and he smelled delicious enough to eat. God, why did I have to have the hottest stepbrother ever?

  “I love you Brooke. Nothing will ever change that. Nothing. Think about that before you tell me that this can’t work between us, because as long as I’m still breathing I will fight for us.” Emotions swarmed me but I held them in, nodding my head up and down.

  “I’ll see you tonight when I get off of work…” He kissed me, really kissed me, leaving me breathless and mushy all over again, if that were even possible after all we had just done, before grabbing his briefcase and heading for the door. Being the person I was I didn’t have the heart to tell him I wouldn’t be here when he got home, or that this was the last time we could do this.

  I didn’t have the heart to do much of anything except sit on the bed we had just made love in and cry… because I was letting our parents win by leaving Zane, and I knew it. I also knew there was no way we could win, not without risking everything we had worked so hard for.

  Tears slipped from my eyes. Life was a real bitch sometimes and I was meeting her first hand. Still, I found the strength somewhere deep inside of me to wipe away the tears and let it go.

  We couldn’t always have everything we wanted, and maybe Zane was never meant to be mine, even if my heart said he was.

  Chapter Six


  One week later

  My entire body ached as I rolled over in the bed Brooke and I had been sharing for months. Brooke’s floral scent still lingered against the sheets as I sucked in a breath of air, my face against the mattress. One day she was here and the next she wasn’t. Every text and phone call I placed to her went unanswered. My patience was growing severely thin and I knew it was only a matter of days before my father was ordering me to come back into work.

  I dialed her number once more, clicking over to speaker so that I could set the phone down. It rang and rang and rang before clicking over to voicemail. Fiery hot rage filled my veins. Was this what she meant when she said we couldn’t be together and that we needed to talk? I wasn’t sure. I was so caught up in her touch and kisses that I forgot all about talking and assumed that she was letting the entire thing go, except she wasn’t.

  “Fuck!” The acid in my voice rained down on me as I hung up, refusing to leave yet another pleading voicemail for her to come back. If she hadn’t come back yet, she wasn’t going to.

  She loves you. I tried to hone in on the voice that repeated the same three words throughout the day. This had to be some ploy that she was planning. She was going to come back or I was going to bring her back kicking and screaming. There was no fucking way I was letting her go.

  Pulling on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt I got ready for the day refusing to mope around in bed all day. I was going to go out and find Brooke, be it between classes, at the dorms or in the mess hall. I would fucking find her and bring her back here.

  I slipped into a pair of Nikes and shoved my wallet and keys into my pocket. I let the fact that I wouldn’t take no for an answer from Brooke cool my heated blood. I didn’t want to be a hothead when I came face to face with her again. A day was hard enough, a week without seeing her was literally killing me.

  The walk to campus was short and a bit warm as the sun peeked out from beneath the clouds. I watched a group of college kids outside one of the dorms on the south side of the courtyard playing a game of football.

  I could go to the admission’s office and ask for Brooke’s dorm room number, or I could sneak around for a bit until I saw her. She would have to appear at some point in time.

  There was a bench about a hundred feet away and a small café off to the right side of the courtyard. I knew Brooke had the majority of her classes on this side of the campus because she was adamant on living on this side of the campus once she discovered that the Business and Arts Halls were on the same side. That was before my father made me quit and join his company.

  I tapped my fingers idly against my jeans, wondering where the hell I had gone wrong with Brooke. Had I pushed her so far that she felt leaving was the only way things could end right between us? Didn’t she know that if I were forced to go without her I would lose my ever-loving mind?

  “You need to understand something Brooke. Boys will be boys but men, men are so much better…” I swung around in the direction of the voice I heard, my eyes lighting up and my entire body moving without thought in the direction of Brooke and a woman who I recognized as Allie, the girl who wasn’t supposed to be her dormmate.

  They were walking in the direction of the Sapphire Dorms. I had pieced the entire thing together in a short amount of time realizing that Brooke had taken all her stuff and moved in with Allie here at the dorms, keeping herself close but completely out of arm’s reach.

  “Brooke…” My voice cracked as I said her name. I jogged up to her and Allie, my eyes drifting over Brooke’s ramrod straight form. Allie twisted around first giving me a dirty look before Brooke turned, her eyes revealing a reflection of my own emotions.

  “Zane?” She seemed shocked that I was here. Did she think that I would just let her walk away? That I wouldn’t give chase when she ran? I loved her and cared for her and I wasn’t stupid. I knew any smart man would snag her up given the chance and I wasn’t going to let that happen.

  “We need to talk…” I huffed out a breath, pleading with her to let me take her somewhere so we could discuss things. I couldn’t live another day without her. Brooke stared at me like a fish out of water.

  “Zane…” Brooke looked between Allie and me. “I have classes and plans. I can’t…” I didn’t let her finish. I couldn’t. Gripping her hand in mine, I let the warmth of her touch warm me all over.

  “I just need to talk to you. I need answers Brooke.” The pain that laced my words was something I knew she could feel. I knew the moment Brooke caved because her walls seemed to crumble the longer I held her hand in mine.

  “Ten minutes Zane…” Brooke tried to sound strong and Allie rolled her eyes walking away before Brooke could say anything to her. I knew I had this in the bag and tried my hardest to hide the smile that wanted to grace my lips.

  “I’m not asking for anything other than your time and words,” I announced, letting her drag me to the nearest bench. She shoved down onto the hard bench, releasing my han
d and placing hers in her lap.

  I twisted to face her, my eyes drifting over her tight features. She was trying to mask her fears and pain but I had known her long enough to know she was suffering as much as I was and there was no hiding it.

  “I wasn’t lying to you Zane. We cannot do this anymore.” Her coffee brown eyes refused to meet mine.

  “I can’t go[O1] without you Brooke. I’m a fucking mess.” I cut straight to the chase, letting her know exactly how life was for me without her.

  She shook her head, pieces of hair falling from behind her ear and onto her face. The urge to push those locks away from her face was strong but I withheld myself, questioning if it would only make her run.

  “It kills me too Zane. You aren’t the only one suffering but this…” her voice cracked and her eyes watered with unshed tears as she stared at me. I didn’t understand why she was doing this. If it was hurting her just as badly, why was she doing it at all?

  “You can’t lie to me Brooke. I know your body better than you do. I know how you look when you fall apart, what makes you happy and sad. I know you inside and out and if this is hurting you as much as it is me, then why?” I was on the verge of yelling, my voice rising more with every word I spoke.

  Tears slipped from her eyes and down her smooth cheeks. I flicked them away with my thumb, cupping her cheek against my palm as I leaned into her face. Her lips were right there, full and rosy red, begging for me to kiss them.

  “We can’t do this anymore Zane. You have to stop trying. I’m sorry.” She swallowed down the pain like a tight pill refusing to give me the emotions I knew she was feeling.

  “Sorry…?” Pain ached from my throat. “I love you Brooke. I fucking love you. You can’t just leave me like this…” I growled, my touch gentle as I forced her eyes to meet mine. Every emotion she had slipped from her face.

  “We’re done. Don’t come back here again and stop calling and texting me. I told you we couldn’t do this anymore. I warned you and all you did was try and convince me otherwise.” There was no changing her mind.


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