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Secret Liaisons

Page 10

by Shelia M. Goss

  Kem hugged Mona and left them alone.

  “So is Kem right?” Terrance asked.

  “Yes. Garrett’s my past. I want you.” Mona grabbed his hand.

  “What were you doing here, talking to him? Things looked real intense from where I stood.”

  “Let’s get through dinner and I promise you I will tell you everything later,” Mona responded.

  Terrance wanted to know now but agreed to wait. “Let’s go back in. No need in keeping everyone waiting.”

  Charlotte said, “There they are. The two people who we are here to honor.”

  Terrance held Mona’s seat out for her and then she took a seat. “What is she talking about?” she turned to Terrance to ask.

  Terrance held the glass filled with champagne and turned to Mona. “Mona, the reason why Charlotte wanted you to meet them here for dinner is so we could celebrate our new TV show.”

  “What do you mean by we?” Mona asked.

  “The network wants me to produce your show about the sisters,” Terrance responded.

  “Oh my goodness,” Mona exclaimed. Her hand shook. She had to put her glass down. “I’ve been dreaming of this moment forever. Thank you, Terrance.”

  She wrapped her arm around his neck and kissed him, almost causing him to drop his glass.

  Everyone around the table congratulated them. They drank champagne, ate food and talked over the next two hours. Terrance smiled and was happy to see Mona happy but he wouldn’t be completely at ease until he knew the story behind Mona’s ex.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Mona pulled her car behind Terrance and she followed him home from the restaurant. Her cell phone rang. She used the button on the steering wheel to answer.

  “I’m staying at the Omni. Please stop by so we can finish our conversation,” Garrett said from the other end.

  “I’ve moved on. I suggest you do the same.” Mona felt bad for Garrett but she couldn’t go backwards.

  “Mona, I tried to move on, but none of those women were you. I’ve never stopped loving you,” he revealed.

  Mona felt conflicted. “If you’d come back into my life earlier, then maybe, but now, it’s too late.”

  “I’m not going to give up on you. On us,” Garrett stated.

  Another incoming call came in. She saw Charlotte’s number on the display. “I need to take this call. Have a good life.”

  Mona clicked over. “Hey Char.”

  “What were you doing there with Garrett? Are you trying to sabotage your relationship with Terrance?” Charlotte blurted out question after question.

  “Terrance and I are not in a relationship. We are just sleeping together,” Mona blurted out.

  “Mona, I know you. I know you wouldn’t be sleeping with Terrance unless you had feelings for him.”

  “It’s called lust.”

  “Lust and love, but back to Garrett. What’s going on with him?”

  Mona shared with Charlotte what Garrett had revealed to her. “So can you see my dilemma?”

  Charlotte remained quiet.

  “Charlotte are you there?” Mona asked.

  “Yes. Just gathering my thoughts. That’s a lot to lay on a person.”

  “How do you think I feel? Terrance walked over to the table just a few minutes after Garrett told me this.”

  “You did let Garrett know you were seeing someone didn’t you?” Charlotte asked.

  “Yes, but Terrance and I aren’t like in a committed relationship.”

  “Can’t tell from the way he acted when he saw you sitting at the table with another man. I could see the steam coming from his head when he marched to your table. I told Sean, he might need to intervene.”

  “Terrance actually had a lot of self control. I don’t know if I would have been that calm if I saw with another woman.”

  “I suggest that you make it clear to Terrance that Garrett isn’t a threat to what you two have.”

  “I will. But can you believe it? Garrett didn’t end things after all; his mom did.”

  “Terrance is your destiny. Garrett’s your past. Now don’t forget that,” Charlotte said, right before ending their call.

  Mona parked her car behind Terrance’s. Terrance walked over and opened her car for her. They walked in silence inside of his home.

  “Would you like anything to drink?” he asked, once inside.

  “No, I’m fine,” Mona responded.

  “Make yourself at home,” Terrance said. “I need to go check on something.”

  Mona slipped off her shoes and walked down the hallway to the living room. She placed her shoes by the sofa. She located the remote to the stereo and found a contemporary rhythm and blues station to listen to.

  Terrance walked around the coffee table and took a seat next to her on the sofa. He raised her leg and began massaging her feet.

  “So tell me about this dude.” Terrance got straight to the point.

  Mona leaned her head back while enjoying the foot massage. “I met Garrett in college. We were college sweethearts. By now we should have been married with two point five kids and a white picket fence.”

  Mona opened her eyes. Terrance wasn’t laughing. “So what happened?”

  Mona shared with him her version of what happened and then she said, “I found out tonight that some of what I knew was based on a lie.”

  She went on to share with him the new information she found out.

  Terrance looked shocked. “Wow. How vindictive. She must have really hated her son to do that to him and to you.”

  “I was never good enough for her son who was destined to be a doctor,” Mona conceded.

  “I’m sorry for what Garrett’s mother did to you all but that was then. This is now. I love you and I don’t want to lose you to some man from your past.”

  Mona opened her mouth to speak but stopped. Did she just hear what she thought she heard? “Terrance, tonight’s been filled with a lot of excitement. I want to make sure I heard you correctly.”

  Terrance moved her leg and got closer to Mona and planted kisses on different parts of her face after each, “I love you.” He said another, “I love you,” and then planted a kiss on her lips.

  “I love you too, Terrance.” Mona’s eyes watered.

  Terrance removed Mona’s blouse. He cupped her breasts with his hands. He slid one breast from underneath her bra and took her nipple into his mouth. He repeated the same thing with her other breast. Mona moaned out in pleasure.

  “Let’s take this to the bedroom so I can make love to you the way I want to,” Terrance said, in a low husky voice.

  Mona held on to his hand and followed him.

  Chapter Thirty

  Terrance and Mona were now naked on top of the covers. Terrance lay on his back as Mona climbed on top of him. She straddled him. She leaned forward and kissed him while rotating her hips. Terrance caught each one of her moans with his mouth.

  Mona fell back as Terrance tilted his head forward and brought her left nipple into his mouth. She increased the pace. Terrance could feel her muscles tightening around him.

  “Terranceee,” she moaned.

  Terrance felt her leg shaking. He stopped sucking on her breast and eased Mona off of him. He gently rolled her onto her back. He used one hand to open her legs. He felt the moisture in between her thighs. He looked into her eyes and without saying a word penetrated her.

  He cried out, “Mona, ooh baby.”

  Their eyes locked. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he thrust in and out. Terrance moaned. Mona moaned.

  Terrance bent down and their lips locked as he pumped in and out of Mona causing them both to climax at the same time.

  Terrance collapsed on top of Mona and then to the side of her, wrapping his arm around her waist.

was in total bliss. “Mona, did you mean what you said back at the restaurant?”

  Mona shifted her body closer to him. “What baby?”

  “You said you wanted a commitment.”

  “Yes, but only if you want one,” she sluggishly replied.

  “Mona, I wouldn’t have confessed my love for you, if I didn’t want a commitment.”

  Mona moved around and they were now facing each other. “Terrance, don’t play with me.”

  Terrance kissed Mona on her forehead. “I, Terrance Beckham agree that I will date Mona exclusively.”

  Mona responded, “Then it’s official. We are officially a couple.”

  “Yes, you’re mine and I’m all yours,” Terrance teased as he let the word yours roll off his tongue.

  They made love again and afterwards fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  The sound of Terrance’s alarm clock the next morning woke them.

  “Ugh, I really wish we could stay in bed all day,” Mona said.

  “Me too, baby, but we can’t. There’s so much to do. I have a meeting with my attorney about the contract and I need you to work on scheduling and suggestions for actors.” Terrance sat on the side of the bed.

  Mona leaned on her side. “I’m going to be a little late. I have to go home, shower and change clothes.”

  “Let me walk you out. I’m meeting with the attorneys and then I’ll see you at the office.”

  Terrance put on his boxers and walked Mona to the front door. He wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her. Neither seemed to want to let go.

  Mona left Terrance’s place feeling like she was walking on cloud nine. Feeling chipper, it didn’t take her long to shower, dress and be back in her car. She listened to music from one of her favorite radio stations and made it to work within less than two hours after leaving Terrance’s.

  She was singing along to a Chaka Khan song when she heard the chirp of the door.

  “What are you doing here?” Mona asked, as she came face-to-face with Garrett.

  “You didn’t return any of my calls. I thought I would try you at work.”

  “Look Garrett. You coming here wasn’t a good idea.”

  “But I thought after our conversation last night that you would see things a little differently.”

  “I’m sorry your mom tried to ruin our lives, but I’m over it. I’m happy now.”

  “But Mona, please. I can’t lose you a second time.” Garrett’s eyes were filled with tears.

  Mona couldn’t help but feel compassion for him. She walked over to him and gave him a hug. He held her tight. When she started to pull away, he bent down to kiss her but she turned her face and his kiss landed on her cheek.

  She pushed his arms away and walked to her desk. “Garrett, my boss will be here any time and I really don’t think you being here is a good idea.”

  “I never thought you would be the type to sleep with your boss to get ahead,” Garrett snapped.

  “Excuse me.” Mona placed her hand on her hip.

  “I googled your boss. He’s the same man you’re seeing. Mona, he may be able to offer you the glitz and the glamour, but he can’t give you the type of love you deserve. Remember, how we used to stay up all night talking, laughing and sharing our dreams.”

  “Do you remember how much your mom despised me? How she hated me so much she lied and tried to ruin our lives?”

  “But my mom’s no longer a problem. I’m older. I’m wiser. I’m my own man. My mom doesn’t make my decisions for me anymore,” Garrett said.

  Mona clapped. “Great for you.”

  Garrett stood at her desk. “This guy. Your boss. If you’re worried about losing your job. I have an opening for a receptionist; you can work for me.”

  Mona laughed. “Around here, I’m more than just a receptionist. In fact, you’re looking at a professional screenwriter. One of my stories will be a sitcom.”

  “Congratulations, Mona. See, we’re both living our dreams. I’m a doctor. You’re now a screenwriter. Baby, this is our time.”

  Mona held her hand in the air. “Our time has passed so bye-bye.”

  “I’ll leave for now. But I will be back.”

  “Bye Garrett.”

  Garrett walked out the door and almost ran into Sara.

  Ugh, just what I need. Mona thought.

  Sara walked in with a smug look on her face. “Oh my, did I interrupt something.”

  “No, you didn’t,” Mona responded. “If you’re looking for your son, he’s out of the office until later. I’ll be sure to tell him, you stopped by.”

  Sara walked and stood near Mona’s desk. “You might have my son fooled, but I see right through you. You’re an opportunist.”

  “Mrs. Beckham, you don’t know anything about me.”

  “Whatever Missy. Tell my son to call me.” She stormed out of the door leaving Mona alone.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “Mom, calm down,” Terrance said, while weaving in and out of traffic as he drove towards his office.

  “Your office is a place of business, not a place for her to entertain her men,” Sara proclaimed from the other end of the phone.

  Terrance had just left his lawyer’s office. Prior to his mom’s phone call, all was well in his world. His career was taking off in a new direction. Mona, the woman he’d fallen in love with, had agreed to date him exclusively. He was happy.

  Terrance rushed into the parking space and walked briskly into the office. Mona looked at him when he entered the door.

  “Hey. How did things go?” she asked with a bubbly voice.

  “The lawyers made a few changes. Once they agree, we can sign and everything will be official. But what’s this I hear about a man being in my office?”

  Terrance stood right in front of Mona’s desk.

  “No hug. No kiss. No nothing.” Mona pouted.

  Terrance gave Mona a quick peck on the lips. “Now back to my original question.”

  Mona looked at her computer screen and started typing. “Your mother needs to mind her own business. It was nothing. Just an irritating salesman trying to sell something and I wasn’t buying it.”

  “Are you sure? Because the way she made it sound, it seemed like it was personal.”

  Mona stopped typing and looked at him. “We need to get something straight. In order for things to work out between us, I need for you to not allow your mother to interfere in our relationship. Do I need to remind you of what happened with Garrett and how that turned out?”

  “I’m not your ex, so don’t ever compare me to him or any other man for that matter.”

  Terrance stormed away, went to his office and slammed his door. He paced back and forth in front of his desk until he calmed down.

  He removed his jacket and swung it on the chair.

  “Your mom’s on the phone,” Mona’s voice said over the intercom.

  “Tell her, I’ll call her back,” Terrance responded.

  A few seconds later, he heard a knock on the door. Mona entered without waiting for him to respond. By now, he was seated behind his desk sitting back in his leather chair.

  Mona stood in the doorway. “I know you’re upset, but you will not talk to me any kind of way.”

  Terrance’s emotions were getting the best of him. He was usually secure, but after last night, some of his insecurities were coming to the surface and he had to admit that his mom played a role in his attitude.

  “I’m sorry, okay. Things just got tense. I didn’t know what was going on. I blew things out of proportion and, for that, I’m sorry.”

  “Look, Terrance. I can understand your frustrations. But we just confessed our love for one another last night. There’s no way I would jeopardize our relationship.”

  Terrance’s frowned turned into a smile. “I�
�m relieved. Come here.”

  Mona walked over and stood in front of Terrance. Terrance pulled her down onto his lap. “You’re making me go crazy. I see now why it’s taken me so long to commit to someone. All of these new emotions I’m feeling. Seeing you with your ex last night almost drove me crazy and then my mom saying some man was here.”

  Mona laughed. “I’m not like those other women you’re used to dating. When I’m committed, I’m committed. I’m yours, so you have nothing to worry about.”

  Mona kissed Terrance to reassure him of her dedication to him. Terrance’s cell phone vibrated. “Ugh. Let me see who this is and get rid of them.”

  Mona stood. She straightened out her skirt. “I need to finish some items on my to-do list so I can get the list of potential actors to you. So you take care of your call and I’ll get back to work.”

  Terrance answered the phone and watched Mona switch her hips while walking out of the room.

  “Sean, I’m surprised to hear from you,” Terrance said.

  “Charlotte gave me your number. I was a little concerned after seeing you so upset last night. We’re going to be in the same circle, so I thought I would reach out and check on a brother.”

  “I appreciate it. I’m fine. Mona and I worked out our differences. I got a little jealous but found out I really didn’t have anything to be jealous about.”

  “Let me give you my cell so if you want to hang out or just talk, give me a call,” Sean said.

  “Sure man. Let me give you mine as well,” Terrance said.

  Terrance and Sean exchanged cell numbers. After the call, Terrance went through his messages. He read the press release Charlotte’s secretary sent over. He responded with his approval. He looked at the photo of his dad sitting on his desk. “Dad, I wish you were here. Your little boy is about to get his own TV show. Can you believe it?” Terrance stared at the photo.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Mona left the office with plans to meet Terrance later at his place. She felt guilty about not coming clean about Garrett’s appearance in the office earlier. She probably would have told him if his mother hadn’t made it sound like she walked in on them in a compromising position. Mona wondered how long Sara had been standing there. Did she see the hug? Did she Mona’s tears as she officially closed the door to her past?


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