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Secret Liaisons

Page 15

by Shelia M. Goss

  “Awe,” she sighed.

  Mona hadn’t eaten anything and after her morning love-making session with Terrance, she was starving. She removed the plastic off the box of candy and took a bite. She chewed on it like it was the best piece of chocolate she’d ever tasted. She ate two more pieces before closing the box and placing it on the opposite side of her desk.

  She finished approving the payroll and made the deadline with ten minutes to spare. Terrance’s text indicated he would be gone all day due to a photo shoot with the magazine.

  His presence wasn’t forgotten because each hour for the next few hours, Mona received more flowers, a teddy bear and an assortment of fruit from Terrance. Mona’s smile brightened the room. Terrance’s outward display of affection worked on erasing some of the doubts she had about him being ready for a commitment.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Terrance’s day hadn’t gone as planned but he found himself enjoying the photo shoot. He’d only expected to be gone for two hours for the interview. But the Ebony reporter had ideas of doing a photo shoot in Santa Barbara.

  He wished he could have been there to see Mona’s expression after she received the deliveries. He smiled when he got her text messages expressing her gratitude.

  Terrance was now hitting the highway. He dialed Mona’s number. “Dress in something sexy. I’m taking you out tonight.”

  “What time do you want me to meet you?”

  “Seven will be fine and I’m picking you up at your place. Well, unless there’s a reason why you don’t want me to?” Terrance asked.

  “Of course I don’t mind. Call me when you get downstairs and I’ll come out,” she said.

  They ended the call. Terrance felt a twinge of jealousy. Garrett got to go inside. Why didn’t he have the same privilege? Terrance needed to snap himself out of it. He’d never been an insecure man and he wasn’t about to start now. He knew he was what Mona needed and would continue to woo her so she would know it for herself.

  Terrance took Mona to his favorite Japanese restaurant. The dim lights gave it a romantic ambiance. They were led to their own private room. The waiter held Mona’s chair for her.

  “I’ve heard about this place but it’s my first time coming here,” Mona said.

  “The food is good. You’ll love it.” Terrance took a seat across from Mona.

  The waiter took their drink orders. He handed them each a menu.

  Mona glanced around the menu. “Since you’ve been here before I’ll let you order for me.”

  “Oh, you trust me to do that?”

  “It’s a test to see if you know me as well as you think you do.” Mona winked.

  She placed the menu down in front of her.

  Terrance placed their orders when the waiter returned.

  Mona’s smile outshined the candles flickering. “Terrance, you surprised me today with all of the deliveries. Very creative too with the notes.”

  “I can be romantic when I try to be.” Terrance winked.

  “And to think you did it all by yourself; without me having to do it for you. That’s what made it more special.”

  “I am helpless without you,” Terrance responded.

  “Terrance, your flattery will get you everywhere.”

  They both laughed.

  Mona’s cell phone rang. She glanced at it and placed it back in her purse.

  “You could have answered,” Terrance said. He wanted to see what she was going to say.

  “It was my sister and I’m not talking to her right now.”

  “Do tell.”

  “She and I always get into it, so it’s nothing. Tomorrow, we’ll be telling each other we love one another.”

  “Are you sure?” Terrance asked.

  “Positive. If it was about my parents she would have texted me nine one one and she hasn’t so whatever else she has to say can wait.”

  “I just had an idea. Before things start getting hectic around here with our schedules, why don’t you take a trip home? And of course, I’ll tag along.”

  “It’s not in my budget,” Mona admitted.

  “With the money you’ll be making from the sitcom, money will no longer be an issue for you. Besides, I suggested the trip because it’s my treat.”

  Mona looked puzzled. “I don’t know. You and I are still trying to figure us out. If I take a guy home to my parents they will think it’s more serious than what it is.”

  “At least think about it.” Terrance hid his disappointment.

  “I’ll think about it and let you know.” Mona took the last bite of her food.

  “Would you like to go dancing?” Terrance asked.

  “After eating all of this, I do need some exercise.” Mona looked at the empty dishes in front of them on the table.

  “I have the perfect spot in mind.”

  After leaving the restaurant, Terrance drove them to a popular club. The line to gain access was wrapped around the corner. Terrance, with Mona beside him, bypassed the long line and went directly to the front. Terrance whispered something into the bouncer’s ear and slipped him a couple of twenty-dollar bills.

  “Right this way,” the bouncer said, as he moved out of the way so they could enter.

  Terrance could hear several curse words from some of the people who had been waiting in line.

  “Ooh, that’s my song,” Mona said, grabbing his hand and leading him to the dance floor the moment they stepped through the club doors.

  They danced off three songs. The deejay came on the loud speaker. “We’re going to slow it down a little. This is a new joint by Sean Maxwell. So fellows grab your ladies and let them know you love them.”

  Terrance wrapped his arms around Mona’s waist and pulled her close to him and they swayed along to the slow jam. He stared into Mona’s eyes. Her luscious red lips were inviting. He forgot they were out in public and kissed her. She laid her head on his chest. He wandered if she could hear his heart beat just like the song said.

  Sean’s voice sang, “With every beat of my heart, know this love’s for you. With every beat of my heart, I’ll die without you.”

  Terrance felt like the lyrics. Without Mona, he felt incomplete. Now that he’d given in to his feelings for her, he didn’t want to lose her. He would do everything it took to hold on to her.

  The song ended. “I’m thirsty,” Mona said.

  Terrance looked around. “There’s a table right there.” He pointed. “I’ll grab us some drinks and meet you there.”

  Terrance stuck out his chest with pride as he watched the men admire Mona. He smiled because he knew she was with him so the other men could look, but they were not going to be able to touch.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Mona had never felt loved the way she did now. In a matter of twenty-four hours, her life with Terrance was back on track. His out pour of love amazed her. She was glad she listened to Charlotte.

  She’d almost stuttered when Terrance asked about her sister. She didn’t want to tell him why she was mad at her sister. He didn’t need to know that her sister gave Garrett her contact information without checking with her nor without warning her that he’d reached out to her. She would deal with her sister when she was in the mood to.

  Mona thought about Terrance’s offer. The idea of visiting Texas seemed enticing.

  “Mona, what are you doing here?” Garrett’s voice asked as he stood in front of her.

  “Garrett?” Mona was surprised to see him.

  He took a seat next to her without bothering to ask for her permission.

  “Good to see you. I always wondered if I would ever see you again.”

  “Garrett, I thought you’d given up hopes of you and I being together.”

  “I agreed to let you go, but there’s always hope.”

  “No, there isn’t.�
�� Mona shook her head.

  “Can I at least have this dance?” Garrett asked, ignoring all of the signs that Mona didn’t want him sitting at the table with her.

  “No, you may not,” Terrance said from behind. “She’s here with me.”

  Garrett stood. “She doesn’t belong to you.”

  “Mona’s not a piece of property meant to be owned,” Terrance stated.

  He and Garrett were now face-to-face.

  Mona liked seeing Terrance stand up for her.

  Garrett looked at Mona. “Are you here with this dude?”

  Mona got out the chair and stood by Terrance. She looped her arm through his. “Yes. Terrance and I are here on a date.”

  “Mona, he could never love you like I do.”

  Terrance intervened. “Didn’t she tell you we’re on a date and you’re interrupting it, so can you please leave us alone?”

  Mona could tell that things were about to get heated. In order to diffuse the situation, she jumped in and said, “Garrett. I’ll talk to you later. Now can you please honor our wishes and let us be.”

  Garrett popped his collar. “Fine.” He walked away with a scowl on his face.

  “Can you believe that dude? I came this close,” Terrance used his hand to illustrate what he meant, “from punching him out.”

  Mona grabbed Terrance’s hand. “I’m glad you didn’t. Where’s my drink?”

  Terrance removed the drink from the table and handed it to her. She took a sip and savored each drop. It was a Cosmopolitan and it was fixed just right. The situation could have exploded into something more she thought as she exhaled.

  After they finished their drinks, Mona was ready to get back on the dance floor. She and Terrance moved through the crowd. The deejay played back-to-back songs by the Black-Eyed Peas. By the time the music marathon was over, Mona and Terrance were drenched in sweat. This time they headed straight to the bar.

  Terrance handed Mona a napkin. “Let me go to the ladies room. I’ll meet you back here.”

  Terrance wiped the sweat from his face. “Okay, babes.”

  Mona went to the bathroom and used a wet paper towel to wipe her face. She reapplied some of her make-up before exiting.

  She bumped straight into Garrett when leaving out.

  “Whoa,” he said, catching her before she could trip.

  “Thanks.” She said and began to walk.

  Garrett grabbed her by the arm stopping her.

  “I know the glitz and glamour can be enticing but men in that world don’t know how to be faithful. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  Mona jerked her arm away from Garrett. She got close to him because she didn’t want to cause a scene. “Don’t ever grab me like that again. Who I see is my business. I loved you at one time, yes. Could it have worked out? Maybe, but I’ve moved on. For the last time, you need to move on too.”

  “I have. I just want you to know that when he hurts you, I’m here.”

  Garrett walked away without saying anything else.

  Mona smoothed her dress. She walked back to the bar and located Terrance.

  He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek when she returned. He handed her a drink. It didn’t take her long to down the apple martini.

  “Do you want another one?” Terrance asked.

  She saw Garrett staring from across the room. She turned her back towards him. “Yes. One for the road.”

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  The next few days flew by. The couple got reacquainted with one another and got back into their normal routine. Mona handed Terrance his morning coffee. He placed it on the desk in front of him.

  “Our new assistant will be here shortly.”

  Mona sat on Terrance’s lap. “Oh, she’s ours now?” he asked.

  “Yes. She will be working for you and me. That way I can keep an eye on her. I know how easy it is to get a crush on a boss. Especially one that’s as handsome as you.”

  “You must be working on a raise.”

  “If what I feel poking at me is any indication, I think I already did.” Mona kissed him.

  The door opened.

  Terrance moaned. “Dang. We got company. I knew I should have told you to lock the door.”

  Mona stood and straightened her skirt. “I’ll take care of this. You take care of that.” She pointed at his erection poking through his pants.

  He shifted in his seat and tried to think of something to get his erection to go down.

  The sound of his cell phone with his mom’s special ring tone playing did the trick. He’d been avoiding her calls for the last two days. He answered because he didn’t need his mom dropping by.

  “Yes, mom.”

  “That is not the proper way to answer your phone. I know I raised you better,” Sara snapped.

  “Mom, what is it? I don’t have time to argue with you.”

  “I just wanted to see how you were doing. I miss our daily talks.”

  “I told you if you were going to be saying anything negative about Mona that we would have to keep our distance until you’re able to.”

  “You’re going to allow some woman to come between us?” Sara asked.

  “Mom. You’ll always be my mother. But Mona is my woman.”

  “Are you sure about that? What about the good doctor?” Sara asked.

  “I have to go.” Terrance ended the call in the middle of their conversation.

  Terrance didn’t want to think about Garrett and Mona together but his mom had a point. Mona needed to make a decision and Terrance hoped for his sake, she chose him.

  Terrance and Mona left the club. They stopped by Mona’s house first so she could pack some clothes and then later they drove to his.

  Once they were inside, Terrance convinced Mona to take a shower with him. They took turns washing each other’s backs. The hot, soapy water flowed down Mona’s back. Terrance planted kisses following the trail. He kissed the softness of her buttocks. He turned her around to face him. While on his knees, he took her into his mouth and pleasured her until she climaxed.

  Terrance needed to be inside of Mona. Mona leaned against the shower wall. Terrance stood behind her and entered her from the back. Their bodies rocked in unison as they held on to the wall for support. Terrance kissed the back of Mona’s neck. The intensity of his desire increased as he called out Mona’s name feeling pure ecstasy.

  Once out of the shower, they got in his bed and watched classic movies until they both drifted off to sleep. Terrance prepared breakfast in bed. He frowned when he heard Mona in a heated discussion. She wasn’t curled under the covers like he left her. Instead, her legs were dangling to the side as she spoke on her cell phone.

  She looked at him. Terrance carried the tray and sat it next to her on the bed. She ended her conversation. “Baby you didn’t have to make breakfast. You should have waked me.”

  Terrance ignored her comment and said, “Who was that on the phone?”

  “My sister. Her call is what woke me. I decided to stop avoiding her.”

  “Sounds like you two were arguing.”

  “We were. But we got things straight now. Everything is ok.”

  “Are you sure?” Terrance asked. “Because I can tell you’re tense by the sound of your voice.”

  “Feed me and I’ll be all better.”

  Terrance and Mona took turns feeding each other fruit. Terrance dipped the last strawberry in whipped cream. He put one end of the strawberry in his mouth and the other end with the whipped cream in Mona’s. They ate the strawberry until their lips touched. Terrance dipped his tongue in and out of Mona’s mouth.

  It was a Saturday morning and neither had plans. They spent the majority of the day cuddled in bed watching and critiquing movies on TV. It was around four in the afternoon and neither had put on any clothes.r />
  Terrance’s doorbell rang. He went and looked out the window. He didn’t recognize the silver SUV Range Rover parked near Mona’s car.

  “Let me go see who this is. I’ll be right back.”

  Terrance put on some boxers and a pair of jogging pants. He grabbed a white t-shirt and put it on as he was walking down the stairs.

  The doorbell rang again. Terrance looked out the peephole. His mom and Reverend Hamilton stood on the other side. He unlocked the door and opened it. .

  “Mama. Reverend Hamilton,” Terrance said, greeting them each with a hug or handshake.

  “I’ve been calling you all day. William and I were out so we decided to stop by. This thing between us has gone on too long so I’m here in peace,” Sara blurted out.

  Terrance didn’t like beefing with his mom and wanted to make amends but now was not the time.

  “You shouldn’t have dropped by without speaking with me first. I could have been out of town or something,” Terrance said.

  They were still standing near the front door.

  “Have you eaten? If not, get dressed. William and I can treat you to dinner.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Sara started walking towards the living room with Reverend Hamilton right behind her. Terrance had no choice but to follow behind her as well.

  “Your house always looks clean when I come by. I’m glad of that,” Sara noted on the way to the living room.

  “Mom, I have a cleaning service come in once a week, so it should.”

  “Nice house you have here son,” Reverend Hamilton stated.

  “Thanks. Mom helped me with the decorations.” Terrance hoped him giving her props would ease the tension between the two of them.

  Sara and Reverend Hamilton sat on the sofa.

  Terrance needed to figure out his next move. Should he appease his mom on the sofa or go check on Mona who was in his bed?

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  It was taking Terrance too long to come back up the stairs. Curiosity got the best of Mona so she sent him a text message. She heard his phone beep. She looked and saw his phone on the nightstand.


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